Everything you always wanted to know about submissives..but were afraid to ask..

Some things Never Change

quote:This community has never been about one person. It's still not about one person. It's about all of us. And all of us have to contribute to it's success of failure.

We do that by treating others as we want to be treated. We do that by continuing to be open and honest. We do that by thinking, long and hard, before we post. We do that by respecting another's truth even if it isn't our own.

**Sound familiar Morninggirl? it should .. it's from YOUR post!! so when IS this Forum gonna start acting like a "community" and not a damn lynch mob"?hmmm? you tell me ,and we both shall know.
Quote:Everyone who posts her has value and worth. Their worth may not be what we expect, but it's there.** Gee I assume that also includes ME now doesnt it?

Quote:Dream, i can't imagine why you would dig this up.
**simple answer here is.. because I CHOOSE to.. it's my right and I exercise it,ok? thanks..
quote:I'm one of those people who truly doesn't understand you. To me, you appear much like a teenager regaling your friends with your adventures and ignoring the words of caution from the adults around you.
**well I mean golly,geez ,well let's see i'm NOT that hard to understand once you get past all the glowing of LOVE in my eyes and all I mean thanks forthe "compliment of saying I'm a teen ,you just "knocked off" about 30 years off my 45 thank you..why DO you feel the "need' to caution me at all? I can withstand alot more than I have been hiven credit for I am a very strong woman and until YOU have walked in MY shoes Morninggirl,I'd advise you NOT to judge soo harshly... tsk tsk..
Quote:Seemingly, it's either to gush over Artful or to vent about a problem with him. Not suprisingly, since deeper issues are glossed over, i avoid them.
**yes and how I LOVE to "GUSH"!! MY Master deserves every kind,loving word I say and if THAT offends you? oh well I am sorry but I wont be stopping any time soon..,I assure you
Quote:What does that collar mean to you, dream? What exactly is it a symbol of? What responsibilities does wearing it signal you have accepted and what responsibilities does offering it signal Artful has accepted?

My collar is to me the same as a wedding band and I wear it with pride.it symbolizes my deep faith and abiding love,trust and respect of my Master ,it shows me that I am "owned' by Him,hope that answers your question ,it's a symbol of my submission to Him.my responsibilties are to learn,to listen.to obey and to help others,what are yours?Artful has accepted the HUGE responsibility of being not only my Master but my partner -for-life and I feel because we DO love each other you all just cant "handle it" but thats ok..we will STILL survive!!
Quote:I think it's completely unrealistic to EVER think you can give 100% to anyone. Most Dominants i've spoken with want a submissive who is secure in themselves, a strong person who freely gives up their control, not one who expects them to be their world.
**never think for 1 minute that I am NOT strong,for I am ,I am a single mother which recquires strength of its own,I have a disabling disability which weakens my muscles terribly but still I manage to smile and go on,I am seperated by many miles from the one I love and it hurts like hell sometimes(but I certainly DONT expect any of you to care)pleeese!!! I FREELY gave my control to Artful and my children and HIM ARE mY world and quite FRANKLY I dont give a rat's ass who likes or doesnt like it!! JMHO

Quote:How will you react to those views, Dream? Are you willing to accept that they may differ widely from your own? Are you willing to accept that they may differ from Artful's? Are you ready to accept that life isn't all roses and hugs? There will be, there has to be times of trouble, of doubt, of mistrust, of misconceptions. For any relationship to exist, there has to be conflict. Otherwise, it's one long fantasy and i'm sorry, but fantasies arent real.
**I think I've reacted quite nicely tyvm ,i havent even Flamed the people who have CHOSEN to flame me all day long lmfao ,how very sad ,for them...are you willing to accept,any of you ,that MY opinions may widely differ from yours? hmmm? yes I can accept it ,can you? really?Artful& I work out our disagreements,do you? try communicating,works wonders for me..and I believe I have already proven by my posts that we have "conflicts ,or havent you been reading?"life isnt all roses and huggs tis true but right now I think YOU could use one,(hugggg) my fantasy CAME TRUE the day I met my Master ,hope yours do too. peace
Re: Some things Never Change

Artful's dream said:
quote:This community has never been about one person. It's still not about one person. It's about all of us. And all of us have to contribute to it's success of failure.

We do that by treating others as we want to be treated. We do that by continuing to be open and honest. We do that by thinking, long and hard, before we post. We do that by respecting another's truth even if it isn't our own.

**Sound familiar Morninggirl? it should .. it's from YOUR post!! so when IS this Forum gonna start acting like a "community" and not a damn lynch mob"?hmmm? you tell me ,and we both shall know.

Lynch mob? I'm guessing you consider me part of a lynch mob. I simply asked the questions that have been in my mind for a long time.
Artful's dream said:

Quote:Everyone who posts her has value and worth. Their worth may not be what we expect, but it's there.** Gee I assume that also includes ME now doesnt it?

Quote:Dream, i can't imagine why you would dig this up.
**simple answer here is.. because I CHOOSE to.. it's my right and I exercise it,ok? thanks..

It's certainly your right to drag this all up again. And it's my right to tell you that doing so reeks of being a drama queen.

Artful's dream said:

quote:I'm one of those people who truly doesn't understand you. To me, you appear much like a teenager regaling your friends with your adventures and ignoring the words of caution from the adults around you.
**well I mean golly,geez ,well let's see i'm NOT that hard to understand once you get past all the glowing of LOVE in my eyes and all I mean thanks forthe "compliment of saying I'm a teen ,you just "knocked off" about 30 years off my 45 thank you..why DO you feel the "need' to caution me at all? I can withstand alot more than I have been hiven credit for I am a very strong woman and until YOU have walked in MY shoes Morninggirl,I'd advise you NOT to judge soo harshly... tsk tsk..

I didn't judge you, Dream, i communicated to you how your posts are perceived. You've posted several times that you feel judged, bashed, flamed here. If that is so, perhaps by listening to how your posts reflect on you, you could understand where the reaction is coming from and change it. Obviously, you prefer to ignore it and return with childish taunts. So be it.

Artful's dream said:

Quote:Seemingly, it's either to gush over Artful or to vent about a problem with him. Not suprisingly, since deeper issues are glossed over, i avoid them.
**yes and how I LOVE to "GUSH"!! MY Master deserves every kind,loving word I say and if THAT offends you? oh well I am sorry but I wont be stopping any time soon..,I assure you
Thanks for the warning. Since you've admitted you're going to gloss over anything of importance, there's really no reason to read your posts, is there? Reading your "gushing" is a waste of my time.
Artful's dream said:

Quote:What does that collar mean to you, dream? What exactly is it a symbol of? What responsibilities does wearing it signal you have accepted and what responsibilities does offering it signal Artful has accepted?

My collar is to me the same as a wedding band and I wear it with pride.it symbolizes my deep faith and abiding love,trust and respect of my Master ,it shows me that I am "owned' by Him,hope that answers your question ,it's a symbol of my submission to Him.my responsibilties are to learn,to listen.to obey and to help others,what are yours?Artful has accepted the HUGE responsibility of being not only my Master but my partner -for-life and I feel because we DO love each other you all just cant "handle it" but thats ok..we will STILL survive!!

Once again, you gave a lot of words, but you didn't explain what a collar symbolized in YOUR mind. You seem to think everyone "can't handle it" because we ask questions. What does being "owned" by Artful mean? How has it changed you, as a person? Where do you go from here? What areas will you continue to grow in?
Artful's dream said:

Quote:I think it's completely unrealistic to EVER think you can give 100% to anyone. Most Dominants i've spoken with want a submissive who is secure in themselves, a strong person who freely gives up their control, not one who expects them to be their world.
**never think for 1 minute that I am NOT strong,for I am ,I am a single mother which recquires strength of its own,I have a disabling disability which weakens my muscles terribly but still I manage to smile and go on,I am seperated by many miles from the one I love and it hurts like hell sometimes(but I certainly DONT expect any of you to care)pleeese!!! I FREELY gave my control to Artful and my children and HIM ARE mY world and quite FRANKLY I dont give a rat's ass who likes or doesnt like it!! JMHO

Obviously, you DO care how everyone else feels about it. Otherwise we wouldn't be reading posts from you every day about how wonderful your relationship is.

Artful's dream said:


Quote:How will you react to those views, Dream? Are you willing to accept that they may differ widely from your own? Are you willing to accept that they may differ from Artful's? Are you ready to accept that life isn't all roses and hugs? There will be, there has to be times of trouble, of doubt, of mistrust, of misconceptions. For any relationship to exist, there has to be conflict. Otherwise, it's one long fantasy and i'm sorry, but fantasies arent real.
**I think I've reacted quite nicely tyvm ,i havent even Flamed the people who have CHOSEN to flame me all day long lmfao ,how very sad ,for them...are you willing to accept,any of you ,that MY opinions may widely differ from yours? hmmm? yes I can accept it ,can you? really?Artful& I work out our disagreements,do you? try communicating,works wonders for me..and I believe I have already proven by my posts that we have "conflicts ,or havent you been reading?"life isnt all roses and huggs tis true but right now I think YOU could use one,(hugggg) my fantasy CAME TRUE the day I met my Master ,hope yours do too. peace

I don't need hugs. Nor do i want fantasies to come true. I want reality.

Good luck, Dream. Learning to take criticism is hard for all of us to do. If you could do so, i think you would see that everyone here is trying to help you.
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My Grandmother always used to say..

"If you dont have something " nice' to say about somebody ,then dont say anything at all" ...wise lady she is...
If that were the case here at THIS Forum,man would there ever be silence, when it came to discussing me!! lmao
*Once again, you gave a lot of words, but you didn't explain what a collar symbolized in YOUR mind. You seem to think everyone "can't handle it" because we ask questions. What does being "owned" by Artful mean? How has it changed you, as a person? Where do you go from here? What areas will you continue to grow in?

Being 'owned' by Artful ,to me, means I am His prized possession,for Him there is NO other,for I alone wear the collar,I am His Dream,His Love,His slave,I do His bidding..He owns me as He would say: LOCK,stock and barrell,lol I really dont expect you to grasp the seriousness OR the BEAUTY involved in our relationship, Nor do i mind that You WONT be reading my posts as I do know that ,OTHERS will..How has Being owned by Him changed me?
oH my God ,do you got time to hear all the ways? no,I doubt it. He has helped to bring out my hidden sexuality, He accepts me AS I AM ,ALL OF ME every inch from the top of my head down to my disabled feet!! Do you get it yet? I only wish for You that kind of love also. Artful 'completes" Dream as 'sappy' as it may sound it's the truth. You dont have to like it but I truly hope you understand that we are really good-hearted people,honest,
I do tend to get emotionally "carried away and thats ok,I'm human .. I DO wanna learn,I just really hate it when I feel 'criticized".. constructive criticism is good, but destructive,is not .. JMHO..
I DONT like acting childish at all really,it was all in fun ,I DO take your posts seriously or I would not CHOOSE to respond to them,and I have..
Where do I go from here/ well in approx 9 more months I pack up and move to Arkansas to begin my new life with My Master or should I say 'to continue it"?
I will grow in love, trust and committment, i will grow in all the areas I CHOOSE to grow in,I can only look up and ahead to the future for HE is MY Dream...(come true)

sorry that you dont enjoy hugs ,I find them very therapeutic, but whatever thats just me.. I thank you for your insightful post morninggirl,have a pleasant evening... my "REALITY awaits me..lol 4 kids and a grandbaby spendin the nite:rose:
Re: My Grandmother always used to say..

Artful's dream said:
"If you dont have something " nice' to say about somebody ,then dont say anything at all" ...wise lady she is...
If that were the case here at THIS Forum,man would there ever be silence, when it came to discussing me!! lmao
*Once again, you gave a lot of words, but you didn't explain what a collar symbolized in YOUR mind. You seem to think everyone "can't handle it" because we ask questions. What does being "owned" by Artful mean? How has it changed you, as a person? Where do you go from here? What areas will you continue to grow in?

Being 'owned' by Artful ,to me, means I am His prized possession,for Him there is NO other,for I alone wear the collar,I am His Dream,His Love,His slave,I do His bidding..He owns me as He would say: LOCK,stock and barrell,lol I really dont expect you to grasp the seriousness OR the BEAUTY involved in our relationship, Nor do i mind that You WONT be reading my posts as I do know that ,OTHERS will..How has Being owned by Him changed me?
oH my God ,do you got time to hear all the ways? no,I doubt it. He has helped to bring out my hidden sexuality, He accepts me AS I AM ,ALL OF ME every inch from the top of my head down to my disabled feet!! Do you get it yet? I only wish for You that kind of love also. Artful 'completes" Dream as 'sappy' as it may sound it's the truth. You dont have to like it but I truly hope you understand that we are really good-hearted people,honest,
I do tend to get emotionally "carried away and thats ok,I'm human .. I DO wanna learn,I just really hate it when I feel 'criticized".. constructive criticism is good, but destructive,is not .. JMHO..
I DONT like acting childish at all really,it was all in fun ,I DO take your posts seriously or I would not CHOOSE to respond to them,and I have..
Where do I go from here/ well in approx 9 more months I pack up and move to Arkansas to begin my new life with My Master or should I say 'to continue it"?
I will grow in love, trust and committment, i will grow in all the areas I CHOOSE to grow in,I can only look up and ahead to the future for HE is MY Dream...(come true)

sorry that you dont enjoy hugs ,I find them very therapeutic, but whatever thats just me.. I thank you for your insightful post morninggirl,have a pleasant evening... my "REALITY awaits me..lol 4 kids and a grandbaby spendin the nite:rose:

Dream, i hope you don't feel i've been mean to you. I've simply been honest.

Your answer here is a clear demonstration of what i'm talking about. Even when i asked you directly about YOU, how something has changed YOU, you answered by talking about Artful. When i read someone's posts, i look for answers about them and i don't find that when i read your posts.

Cyber-hugs are pretty meaningless to me. I need skin-to-skin hugs for them to be effective.
ok ok ok already

I will try to put this as simply as possible .. I feel happier now .. I smile more often , my life itself has new meaning.. I have a reason to get up every morning, I have a sense that I am 'truly loved for perhaps the very 1st time in my life.. how can I put it any plainer to you? i mean really ,surely You yourself have been 'in love' before and have felt the 'giddiness' the special full feeling of mattering to someone else,feeling treasured as I KNOW I am ...:heart: ~:heart: my heart it feels sooo good , I just really cant find the words to accurately express it if you want an honest reply ... my God .. I feel loved
a shameless "bump"

cause it's my thread and i can!!

'remember that noone can make you feel inferior without your consent"!:D
Let me rattle around my brain a bit to find a question.

What does a sub desire in a dom/me? I don’t mean the obvious or the general.
What, specifically, do you desire? What makes you click with one dom/me and not another?

Never said:
Let me rattle around my brain a bit to find a question.

What does a sub desire in a dom/me? I don’t mean the obvious or the general.
What, specifically, do you desire? What makes you click with one dom/me and not another?
Never, it's so awesome of you to post here, thank-you..
Well,what specifically do I desire? let's see, I would have to say I personally Desire a Dom who is Honest with me always,respects my feelings, is very strong-minded but not to the point of being "closed-minded',charming,sexy ,intelligent,a good communicator,caring ,loving ,trustworthy.

what makes me "click" with one Dom and not another? when I first met Artful online ,I actually had my sights set on someone else (who is now a very close personal friend of mine) being my Master.. however as fate stepped in that particular night, the person I was after" was not online and Artful was ,so I ended up approaching Artful,so availabilitywas VERY important to me.. I only choose to be my Dom's only one and that WAS a real problem for me at 1st ,however Master later explained that Artful's pet was just being "trained online" and she was married.. I breathed a sigh of relief!!

why? because I fell' for Him rather quickly because of the "charisma He possessed...I "Click" with Artful so well and Not other Dom/mes because He is kind & loving as well as Dominant .. He doesnt let the "power" get to his head like I see most Dom /mes do,that just totally turns me "off" way off and pisses me off when they get all high & mighty and think their sh*8 dont stink just cause they are a DOM.. WHATEVER.. Thanks for the post Never..
Re: Never...

Artful's dream said:

He doesnt let the "power" get to his head like I see most Dom /mes do,that just totally turns me "off" way off and pisses me off when they get all high & mighty and think their sh*8 dont stink just cause they are a DOM.. WHATEVER.. Thanks for the post Never..

Dream, may I address this part of your post?

I am not sure just how many Dom/mes you have come in contact with. I seem to remember that you were totally virgin in regard to BDSM when you first came to Lit. (Apologies if I have this wrong).

I explored a fair bit before discovering this little haven. I went into BDSM chat rooms, I joined other BDSM on-line groups. There I found 'wannabe' Dom/me by the yard. The 'instant collar' brigade, as it were.

As I read more extensively into BDSM - sites like castlerealm - I saw very quickly these people for what they were.

Then I found this forum. I read a bit and then I made my very first post to the original 'new faces' thread.

I have found that those here who proclaim themselves as Dom/me are just what they say ... they are Dom/mes. People such as Shadowsdream and Ebonyfire, like Zipman7 and Soron (hope I've spelt that correctly) have no need to pretend. They are true and shining examples of Dom/mes.
Re: Re: Never...

WillowPuss said:

Dream, may I address this part of your post?

I am not sure just how many Dom/mes you have come in contact with. I seem to remember that you were totally virgin in regard to BDSM when you first came to Lit. (Apologies if I have this wrong).

I explored a fair bit before discovering this little haven. I went into BDSM chat rooms, I joined other BDSM on-line groups. There I found 'wannabe' Dom/me by the yard. The 'instant collar' brigade, as it were.

As I read more extensively into BDSM - sites like castlerealm - I saw very quickly these people for what they were.

Then I found this forum. I read a bit and then I made my very first post to the original 'new faces' thread.

I have found that those here who proclaim themselves as Dom/me are just what they say ... they are Dom/mes. People such as Shadowsdream and Ebonyfire, like Zipman7 and Soron (hope I've spelt that correctly) have no need to pretend. They are true and shining examples of Dom/mes.

Willow ,
Of course you may post as you wish, I have no problems however you are incorrect in assuming i was pretty much Virgin to BDSM ,that's not entirely true.. in living it skin-to skin at all yet,yes but rest assured beefore Master Artful ,I had not only 1 but 2 self-professed Dom's,
I say self-professed because in actuality they WERE only sexually explotive "creeps' that preyed on Naive females and I was their "online' plaything..

However ,after meeting Artful ,I have gotten to experience BDSM in all it's very REAL full glory at the hands of a "REAL Dom"!!

I dont recall "mentioning any names" as far as who I think is FAKE or just a 'control freak" ,I believe that will remain MY business to know:D
However,with the people that you did mention ,I do have some respect for them all in general,However Soron is a GOOD friend of mine from the Midwest thread and so I have a bit of "favoritism" towards Him , lol

All in all no personal problems from my standpoint, you hold your opinions and i shall hold mine,plain,pure, and simple.. thanks for posting..