Exclusive: The story you haven’t yet heard about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

IDK, the way I see it, as determined by the trade and assuming the negative press about Bergdahl is true, is that five very bad-guy islamo-terrorists are worth one non-hacking deserter from the US Army.

In other words, one of our weaselly little shits is equivalent to five of their big piles of crap.
Bonus points that the bad guys aren't being fed and housed on the US taxpayer's dime anymore. Even better is once the piles of crap do return to the field, they're fair game for a .223 round...

The attempt by some to turn Bergdahl into something he's not for purely political reasons is disturbing to me. If he gets away with desertion, which is a possibility, it will be a sad day for me.
That flies in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

He's been convicted in the court of public opinion (John Bolton's PR firm was lead persecutor....err, prosecutor). Not any military court.
That flies in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

So you've obtained and read the Pentagon's report on the matter? Because everything outside of that is third-party and hearsay at best.

Or, is your standard for 'evidence' so low?
The attempt by some to turn Bergdahl into something he's not for purely political reasons is disturbing to me. If he gets away with desertion, which is a possibility, it will be a sad day for me.
You mean the way this entire incident has been turned into something it's not for purely political reasons?
That's kinda like saying you don't mind bathing in a cow pond but won't wash your clothes in the same water.
Only in the media and in court of opinion. Has the Pentagon said he deserted? Has he been in front of the court martial yet?

Do I believe he deserted? *shrugs shoulders*
Do I believe he's at least an idiot? *soft nod*

People need to have a "Wait and see" on this before passing judgement on him.

At best he's an idiot, at worst who knows. Twice before he left his post for a few hours before returning. And there's a difference in being AWOL and deserting.
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So you've obtained and read the Pentagon's report on the matter? Because everything outside of that is third-party and hearsay at best.

Or, is your standard for 'evidence' so low?

I no longer have confidence in the Pentagon.
I no longer have confidence in the Pentagon.

But you have every confidence in someone else's interpretation of the evidence.

Once again, the court of public opinion carries the day.
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You mean the way this entire incident has been turned into something it's not for purely political reasons?
That's kinda like saying you don't mind bathing in a cow pond but won't wash your clothes in the same water.

The whole thing is disgusting and depressing in many ways.
Thankfully our justice system isn't as simplistic in its processes as your thinking.

I'll tell you how simplistic I am. When my son graduated from high school he was being heavily recruited, and was on the verge of joining the USMC. I talked him out of it. I don't want him risking his life for this country. It's not worth it, and I'm sad that I now feel that way.
I'll tell you how simplistic I am. When my son graduated from high school he was being heavily recruited, and was on the verge of joining the USMC. I talked him out of it. I don't want him risking his life for this country. It's not worth it, and I'm sad that I now feel that way.

I don't think you can try someone in the court of public opinion and then complain how this country isn't up to the moral or ethical standards to which you were previously accustomed.
I don't think you can try someone in the court of public opinion and then complain how this country isn't up to the moral or ethical standards to which you were previously accustomed.

The court of public opinion may have to do, as I don't trust the military to do what is right in the matter. And I trust Obama even less. And again, I'm sad I feel this way.
I don't think you can try someone in the court of public opinion and then complain how this country isn't up to the moral or ethical standards to which you were previously accustomed.

Parts of this country were infamous for lynch mobs and vigilante justice.
Maybe these are the morals/ethics to which he was previously accustomed.
The court of public opinion may have to do, as I don't trust the military to do what is right in the matter. And I trust Obama even less. And again, I'm sad I feel this way.

So you'd rather court of public opinion to determine whether your son remained in captivity, tortured and possibly executed? Would seeing his head sawn off in a video make you feel like proper justice was served?
George Zimmerman called...

...he said you bozos and your innocent until proven guilty crap are crackin' him the fvck up.