Exhibitionism: Like it or Not?

(It must be that 20 year old me glowing from within.)

Dita, darling, I think it's more likely the 56 year old. A woman who knows who she is, knows what she wants and is old enough to try new things without worrying about who's going to nay-say her is vastly more sexually alluring than a neophyte no matter how nubile.

I'm as much a beauty-junkie as the next person, but many a pretty face or perfect body has become distasteful when it turns out to contain a shallow or unengaging personality.

I think the spectacularly young are often like the mass-produced produce in the grocery store. They look gorgeous but they lack the flavor and nutrients of heirloom and organic varieties.

All that said, however, as a less than perfect physical specimen, in recent years I've found myself somewhat suspicious when the physically beautiful hit on me. Ah, if only I'd known when I was young and gorgeous what I know now!

AND women are generally encouraged to be exhibitionistic..were as men are encourage NOT to be.

I don't know that men are encouraged not to show off their physical attributes, but with the current trend in fashion I've despaired of ever seeing another male bottom in well-fitted blue-jeans. What IS it with guys today? I feel like I haven't seen a decent ass in ages! Screw this whole baggin', gangsta, rap thing. Show me the butt!!

Asspants uber alles!!!

The Law is biased

If I was to walk inside my house past a lighted window with no clothes on and a passing woman saw me - I could be prosecuted for indecent exposure.

If I was to walk past someone else's house and I saw a naked woman through her window - I could be prosecuted for being a Peeping Tom.

What is exhibitionism and what is indecent exposure is also a matter of aesthetics. Showing my naked body at my age is an offence against art - unless someone like Rodin makes a sculpture of it and shows "life" from a different viewpoint.

Yeah, Og, but you could garden shirtless if you liked whereas I would be written a ticket for indecent exposure.

go figure.

Last week I saw a young lady with a tattoo showing above the back of her low cut jeans.

The tattoo read "Made in Scotland 1978."

Is that exhibitionism? What will she do when she's 40? Change the tattoo?

bridgeburner said:
Yeah, Og, but you could garden shirtless if you liked whereas I would be written a ticket for indecent exposure.

go figure.


Not in my garden. I have a house by the sea. Different rules apply at the beach so if you want to go topless and bottomless you can. I wouldn't advise it during a NE gale in winter.

Robert Heinlein wrote about it in one of his SF books. He called it "The Hand on Thigh Law". If a man and a woman are on the beach in swimming costumes and he puts a hand on her naked thigh it is socially acceptable. If the same man and woman are at a formal affair with him in a Tux and her in a long dress it is not socially acceptable for him to touch her thigh even if she hauls her skirt up to let him do it.

I have to be pretty conserative at work, and in publlic at times, but when the opportunity presents itself I very much enjoy being an exhibitionist. Revealing clothes, and actions can be a big ego builder, and also gives me an opportunity to express myself.
My dear beauties, Since we only allow glimpses here of our minds and a few mind-bogleing Wicked pictures (don't forget MG and her twins, and Tatelou, and...) well, anyway, since we only allow glimpses here of our minds, you must be aware that you are amongst a bunch of guys who think that physical beauty exists in the 'mind' of the beholder. Without a mind in the beheld, we would just see a momentary sample of unresponsive flesh. Your wit and innuendo makes us guys feel like life is pretty good after all.

Oh, about age. Considering that the life expectancy keeps going up, I expect that when I'm 100, I'll be expected to make it to 150. In which case, sexy Perdita, you're just into your prime. I have to agree with Rhino - pheremones. Amazing how they can travel the electronic byways to reach us guys (can't say horny, Rhino has too much of an advantage).

ps. pics of librarian looks are sexy by definition.
Hey Mysty - like the spelling. Do you sing (couldn't help it - please don't take me seriously).

Welcome aboard.
oggbashan said:
The tattoo read "Made in Scotland 1978."

Maybe it was just a statement of encounter and further below reads " and England 78 and 79, Wales 80, Ireland 89 (twice)" etc.

gauchecritic said:
Maybe it was just a statement of encounter and further below reads " and England 78 and 79, Wales 80, Ireland 89 (twice)" etc.


Given the apparent age of the young lady I assumed it was either referring to her birth or her conception.

perdita said:
RhinoMan, I don't get it. You, Eff, Fool, even Gauche in his odd way (asking about me on your shoulders). And yesterday I received (and declined graciously) come-ons from a guy in a bookstore, a man on the bus, and a waiter in a cafe. (It must be that 20 year old me glowing from within.)

Feels great, not complaining, but what's a girl to do when she only has so much time and only one full set of working parts? Yes, it's a rhetorical question.

Purrs, Perdita :)

Darling Perdita,

Beauty transcends age. Desirability transcends beauty. Exhibition transcends vision. You are an incredibly erotic exhibitionist in the way your words express your sexuality. The tone you set is provocative, inviting, sensual and at times wanton. Your word play paints a picture that leaves us wanting what you offer, and even wanting more. How could we not respond in kind? Here I speak for many of both sexes, that find you incredibly desirable.

I’ve picked on you, because you’ve mentioned me. But I think we all are voyeurs and we all exhibitionists when it comes to the threads. Some of us prefer to watch more than to post. Was it not just yesterday that we idled away the time discussing flirting? We flirt with our words. We create imagery that exudes sexuality . Even when the topic is not sexual in nature, we offer peeks of our inner thoughts. Is that not also a form of exhibition?

Back to your question regarding having only one set of working parts? I don’t think you will ever run out of words that tantalize.

oggbashan said:
Given the apparent age of the young lady I assumed it was either referring to her birth or her conception.


Then I'd best delete my previous post before certain persons accuse me of certain things, and then argue with circuitous logic, sophistry and barbara syllogisms that I am in fact a hypocrite.

I'd probably never consider myself an exhibitionist, but definitely a voyeur. I find it interesting to watch people. Doesn't have to be sexual (though that is always a plus!), but I love to just sit by a cafe and see what people are up to. '
Lovepotion69 said:
I find it interesting to watch people. Doesn't have to be sexual (though that is always a plus!), but I love to just sit by a cafe and see what people are up to. '

Seems that most of us as writers have that in common. Watching people.
Do we store them away for later use? Her quirky smile. His wicked flick of the hair. That wrinkled nose. To surface later in characterisation.*

My brother and I even create conversation for them (real time) usually comedic and we larf and larf.


* Or is that a different thread altogether?
Wow, Fool, you've put us all to shame with your eloquence.

Perdita - what he said.
Originally posted by gauchecritic Then I'd best delete my previous post before certain persons accuse me of certain things, and then argue with circuitous logic, sophistry and barbara syllogisms that I am in fact a hypocrite.
Dear Gauchie,
Are you expecting a visitation from Pure?
gauchecritic said:
Seems that most of us as writers have that in common. Watching people. ...
* Or is that a different thread altogether?
That is a thread topic in itself, Gauche; start it.

My opera partner and I used to make up stories about the other patrons who had regular seats like us. Our mistake was always to speak to them and be disillusioned.

My ten days time alone in Venice two years ago was spent watching people enough so that I remember them as if I knew them.
