Exhibitionism: Like it or Not?

Speaking of sitting and watching people. hehehe

My husband is a professional tattooist and , on occasion, I get the pleasure of going and sitting with him to keep him company. Which is fun.

What really gets me is that he also does piercings. Yes, even down there.

What is fun to watch is when some of these gals get their clit or clit hood done and start to walk around afterwards. :D They start walking, the knees buckle and when asked if they're okay they grin and say, "Oh yeah." with eyes glassed over with that post-orgasmic feel.

One of them got a little carried away and walked out the door and pulled up her skirt to show the world her new piercing. Amazingly enough, she had an orgasm while she was doing it. In broad daylight on a public sidewalk.

How's that for exhibitionism,

Closet Exhibitionist

Lit has been my opportunity to be an exhibitionist in a "safe" way.

I have shared my sexual fantasies with tens of thousands of readers. I have shown parts of my anatomy that I would never be bold enough to show irl.

I have lost 40 pounds in the last 5 months and am enjoying my body more now than I ever have. I feel great and have fun wearing sassier clothing. It is the hinting at that is sexy to me.

I am still a chicken at heart, though. I could never flash someone in public.

:rose: b
It's pretty easy to file myself into a nice little niche here.

In public - on the street, at work, whatever - I'm totally the opposit. I'm even hesistant to wear shorts.

But then there is The Stage...

I love the stage. I play in a band, I'm a semi-professional hobby actor, I was a dancer, before I went too pear-shaped. On a stage I can do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. I've been standing in front of a 400 headed audience in nothing but a top hat and rubber boots. Didn't embarras me a bit. Now, I'm not that much to look at, so I don't insist on showing my questionable assets in everybody's face. But if it's asked of me, or the occation is right, no problemo.

Does that make me an exhibitonst, or just a weirdo?
Re: Closet Exhibitionist

bridgetkeeney said:
I have lost 40 pounds in the last 5 months
Dear Bridget,
Way to go! I'm proud of you. Do we get 'before and after' pictures?

Ps. Your decrease in mass seems to have started at about the time you had your TAH-BSO. I've heard lots of women sort of give up and let themselves go to seed after that. Seems to have been a great motivator for you, though. Good on yer.

Pps. I saw a woman yesterday at the mall. At least 100Kg. Wearing PURPLE lycra bike shorts. There really should be some sort of law about things like that.
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Re: Re: Closet Exhibitionist

MathGirl said:
Pps. I saw a woman yesterday at the mall. At least 100Kg. Wearing PURPLE lycra bike shorts. There really should be some sort of law about things like that.

There is. They follow it to the letter. We love it.

bridgeburner said:
I'm as much a beauty-junkie as the next person, but many a pretty face or perfect body has become distasteful when it turns out to contain a shallow or unengaging personality.

I think the spectacularly young are often like the mass-produced produce in the grocery store. They look gorgeous but they lack the flavor and nutrients of heirloom and organic varieties.

There is something to be said about aestethics here. Physical perfection might be pleasant to the eye, but as far as I'm concerned, what the eye see and what the groin feels are often totally opposite things. Even before getting close enough to get to know the personality behind the mask, other little things determines attraction to me.

Now as life has turned out, the woman I love happens to be something close to a Tea Leoni look-alike, pretty much the ideal image of physical perfection in my book. But the fact is, I had no idea about this when I fell for her.

This lady got me wrapped around her finger in two seconds, over the phone. It has always been like that for me. Attraction never comes with a by-the-book pretty face or a current-ideals body. It is ignited by a piercing look, a smile when noone else dares to, a pattern of movement, a certain posture, a choice of clothing... Or, as in my fiance's case, a certain voice.

Those little spots of magic seem to actually be bestowed on spectaculay young as well as on the not quite so spectacular, and even what others might consider plain or ugly. I never really saw the difference.
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"Attraction never comes with a by-the-book pretty face or a current-ideals body. It is ignited by a piercing look, a smile when noone else dares to, a pattern of movement, a certain posture, a choice of clothing..."

Whey, did I write that? Sounds cool, I'll have to remember that for some future story. :)
Sven and Gauche:

many thanks. I doubt even Maths would frown on my leggings worn with only a sweater though I must be twice her size in varied geometry (which is a good thing IMO, no humility here.)

Icing Sven, you hit the nail dead center for me. Even voices, which I love and for which I have key preferences, are not the thing itself but how they are used. Voices, eyes, gestures, stance, etc., can add up to an ideal arousal. Then conversation takes place and can lead to bliss or a quick adios. ;)

best, Perdita/Purr
Re: Re: Closet Exhibitionist

MathGirl said:
Dear Bridget,
Way to go! I'm proud of you. Do we get 'before and after' pictures?

Ps. Your decrease in mass seems to have started at about the time you had your TAH-BSO. I've heard lots of women sort of give up and let themselves go to seed after that. Seems to have been a great motivator for you, though. Good on yer.


Thanks, hon! My nurse practitioner is putting before and after pictures of me up in the office to encourage other women that a TAH does not equal getting fat.

For me, it was more a matter of finally being healthy after 12 years of illness. Waking up feeling well, rather than ill was empowering.

I did the traumatic bathing suit shopping tonight... (my breasts floated out of the top of my old suit the last time I went to the lake :eek: ) It wasn't nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be, although I have learned that it is harder to get a suit now... my waist size isn't paired with my bust size much.

:rose: b
OK, I'm still looking in my Acronymns for Dummies and can't find TAH (or DAH for that matter). Pardon my ignorance, he keeps butting in.

Congrats on the weight loss.
Up until recently I never considered myself an exhibitionist, but lately I have thought more about it and am turned on by the idea of posting some naughty pictures of myself somewhere. Probably with my face not real visible - I still want to remain anonymous! I also have fantasized about masturbating in my car at lunch while a certain "friend" watches me - and if he would like to show off for me I wouldn't mind either. :)

And on the subject of body image - it's a wonderful thing to feel comfortable in your body... this year I have become much more comfortable and feel sexier, and the amazing thing is that my body hasn't changed much, just my mind. So please - all you beautiful women out there - love yourself. We are sexy for so many more reasons than just what we weigh.

ffreak said:
OK, I'm still looking in my Acronymns for Dummies and can't find TAH (or DAH for that matter). Pardon my ignorance, he keeps butting in.

Congrats on the weight loss.

Warning: you really didn't want to know. ;)

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy- contrary to popular thought, this just means they take the cervix along with the uterus and leave a:) on the belly.

Bilateral Salpingectomy Oophectomy- this means they take the tubes and ovaries too.

Thanks for your congratulations.... What I am most proud of, though, is running at least 35 miles a week. I have never felt so good... that probably makes me look good too. :D

:rose: b
I guess I never paid that close of attention to what they called it when my wife had a hysterectomy. Hers evidently was simple, they took uterus and one set of tubes/ovary. She hated it, but her gynecologist (a woman who worked her way through school programming for IBM) did an excellent job - no scar that I can see. (Now, the asshole that did a 'biopsy' on her breast left a 2" mark 1/4" wide - still bright red over 10 years later - all over a reaction to her ulcer medicine.)

Wow, 35 miles a week. So, which marathon are you going to enter?

Congrats again. (hey, is that rose a little brighter today? Or is it just my monitor?)

hotforhim said:
I also have fantasized about masturbating in my car at lunch while a certain "friend" watches me...

And on the subject of body image - it's a wonderful thing to feel comfortable in your body...
Hot, welcome, haven't seen you before. You're right on too. But I must admit it's always others, men and women, who make me feel good being in my body. All that media (and more personal) crap is so fucking hard to erase.

I was in a carpool once with two Persian women, sisters. I'd come out of my flat each morning and they'd start whistling and calling, "Woo, woo!" and I'd get to work feeling like a million bucks.

I think it's like presenting a special 'gift' to let someone watch you climax, and then when the present is returned, doubly nice. You need to make that fantasy a reality, trust me, it will be wonderful.

regards, Perdita :rose:
Originally posted by ffreak OK, I'm still looking in my Acronymns for Dummies
Dear f,
I doubt if your book would include medical lingo. It's a whole different world.
Ps. i hs prn, woo woo woo
I suppose I should be classed as an exhibitionist.

I get remunerated with free beer to walk around with a cake on my head pretending to be Henry VIII and I get invitations to appear again.

My diary includes appearances until Spring 2006. I don't understand why. Perhaps it is because I don't object too much to wearing tights and looking stupid.

so cruel

MathGirl said:
Dear f,
I doubt if your book would include medical lingo. It's a whole different world.
Ps. i hs prn, woo woo woo


You really aren't very nice sometimes... LOL.

Those latin acronyms are cruel.


:rose: b
Welcome and Congradulations

Hi to all the new posters here. And Congrads to loosing the pounds and actually getting out there and jogging. Very Cool!

Well, I'm finally back after Murphy and his Despicable Imp got the better of me for the two days!

A: Had to remove an alternator from a van and go get a rebuilt one. Thankfully we had a friend go ahead and put it in for me, else I'd still be throwing tools around.

B: The leak that we had out front turned into a full fledged water pipe failure. The pipe that runs from the pressure valve to the street was totally rusted out and the pressure valve pipe just basically fell over from rust erosion.
I just NOW got water back to my house from last night. Ah well, the guys were nice and really cute.

On the Brighter side of life:

You know you're getting good at writing stories when even your Editor e-mails you and tells you that he can hardly wait for the next installment. heheheh

I submitted my Sixth story to Literotica.com today.

Congrats, BardsLady.

MG, you can cuss at me in Latin or any other language you want. Just keep talking, I love the sound of your voice.

(I don't care what you say, I'm still going to write you in on the ballot - even if I do have to fly in to do it. Once a Californian, always a Californian, except on April 15th.)

frantically hacking away at story #2