Fantasy or real life?

Are your stories purely fictional, or based on real life events?

  • All of my stories are pure fiction.

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • All of my stories have happened in real life.

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Some of my stories are honest tellings of what have happened in real life, the rest is fiction.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Some of my stories are based on real life events, but most of them are fiction.

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • Mandatory "Other" choice, details, please!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
im rather new here, this will be my first post...
ive written only about 5 stories dealing with erotic subjects (sadly, the two i have submitted are not up as of yet) and most of what i write is based on my own fantasy and what i think the characters would like. my ex was very clumsy and unromantic so i think i try to imagine what things would be like with a much better lover. it is fiction...but i wish it wasnt. make sense?


Stheno said:
im rather new here, this will be my first post...

Welcome, Stheno

Newcomers always receive a warm welcome here. This is where the milk of human kindness flows. Open arms and clenched fists.

Welcome Stheno. Hopefully the first of many posts.

All fiction unfortunately, although there have been a worrying percentage of feedbacks from people asking whether my incest story is true.

The Earl
there have been a worrying percentage of feedbacks from people asking whether my incest story is true.

"Sheesh--Ray Bradbury and Robert Heinlein used to write stories about Mars, and nobody assumed they'd actually been there!" is what I would come back with.

I guess it proves that your story has "worked." However, I remember from a series of posts that took place in this board sometime back that most people who have really experienced incest write about it quite differently.
Most of mine...........

Are purely fictional. However, in a lot of them, there is a sprinkling of truth regarding some of the descriptions I've used regarding people I know.

I have written a few stories that are certainly based on true experiences. Other's I have written into the story specific "sex-scenes" or situations that did occur, though the remainder of the story itself is purely fictional.

And of course, there are a lot of stories where you could only say: "No way did that happen!"

Or did it?

I remain,
Re: Welcome

MathGirl said:
Welcome, Stheno

Newcomers always receive a warm welcome here. This is where the milk of human kindness flows. Open arms and clenched fists.


Yeah, what she said... now bend over and wait for the welcoming paddle!:p
TheEarl said:
All fiction unfortunately, although there have been a worrying percentage of feedbacks from people asking whether my incest story is true.

The Earl

That happened to me, with my incest story that i wrote for the Survivor contest. A guy wrote to me and asked me if I really HAD told my brother the truth when he woke up. I didn't bother pointing out to him that I don't have a brother, and that it was all fiction.

Somehow, I think he's happier thinking that it WAS a true story...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reality

MathGirl said:
Oh, I did. I had the first (and maybe only) the the 'some' category.

I think I wish I'd never mentioned it.

If it's only ONE fictional, I'll accept that as an "all my stories are based on true life experiences"-choice. Go and re-click, MG!!!:devil:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Reality

Svenskaflicka said:
If it's only ONE fictional, I'll accept that as an "all my stories are based on true life experiences"-choice. Go and re-click, MG!!!:devil:

It won't let me. $#%^&%^&*((*)_

And don't ANYONE go read my stories.
Be thankful. It won't even let me vote once.

"Please insert your username and password." But I did that 2 second ago! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The Earl

TheEarl said:
"Please insert your username and password." But I did that 2 second ago! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The Earl

Good grief, are you still going through that?
Oh yes. I'm starting to believe the bloke who claimed that Lit was just periodically checking up on outspoken foreigners. It's all a big conspiracy against me!

The Earl
When "The Ice Cream Cone" came out, I heard from someone who'd actually done an Internet search trying to find the short film called The Ice Cream Cone which had been a key element in the story. I was flattered out the wazoo, like H.P. Lovecraft must have been when people went around trying to find a copy of The Necronomicon, which was competely a figment of his imagination.
SlickTony said:
H.P. Lovecraft must have been when people went around trying to find a copy of The Necronomicon, which was competely a figment of his imagination.

That same Necronomicon is still alive and well today in the writings of Terry Pratchett. I was wondering where he got that title.
I'll have to give him a read, then. Several years back, I got hold of a book that some outfit had written, purporting to the The Necronomicon, but if there were any spells in it, I could only deduce that they were spells against insomnia.
So far I only have one story published and it's true. My pending story becomes fiction about halfway through, but all the half finished stories I'm working on right now are true.
...Of course none of the situations are especially unusual or shocking, so the trueness isn't as exciting.
SlickTony said:
I'll have to give him a read, then.

Oh, if you don't know about Terry Pratchett, you'll definitely need to try him. Start with the "Witches Trilogy."
MathGirl said:
Oh, if you don't know about Terry Pratchett, you'll definitely need to try him. Start with the "Witches Trilogy."

Don't start with anything other than "Strata" the original sci-fi volume where he invented the 'discworld'. It's a slightly different discworld with very different 'real' characters in it but a really good foundation for the series.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were lots of discworld fans who've never read this.

After that you're allowed to dip in and out anywhere in the series, although with some stories you will be chronologically disturbed.


gauchecritic said:
Don't start with anything other than "Strata" the original sci-fi volume where he invented the 'discworld'. It's a slightly different discworld with very different 'real' characters in it but a really good foundation for the series.

Dear Gauchie,

I prefer to ignore "Strata." Of course it gives the historical basis for Discworld, but it gives a sense of reality so something that should have none.

Just my opinion, of course, but we both know I'm right. Don't we? Hmmm?

Sorry ....... It's that time of the month. I can't agree with anything.

M Girl
Last edited:
Re: Strata

MathGirl said:
Dear Gauchie,

I prefer to ignore "Strata." Of course it gives the historical basis for Discworld, but it gives a sense of reality so something that should have none.

Just my opinion, of course, but we both know I'm right. Don't we? Hmmm?

Sorry ....... It's that time of the month. I can't agree with anything.

M Girl

Dear MG,

If it's that time of the month then "yes dear"
