Father Of Trump Rally Shooter - Closing the Circle.

I think of "Ammosexual" libertarians in somewhat the same way I think of the poster "Wat Tyler"- in that I don't agree with them a lot of the time, but I do respect their distain for an authoritarian, freedom-crushing political figure- and agree that second-amemdment rights are important. The problem with a lot of these ammosexual libertarian types- including (to some extent) Mr. Tyler- is that the fail to see the authoritarian freedom-crushing political figures like mr. Trump for what they are- until it's either too late- or until they are driven to commit a violent act.

Not libertarianism per say, nimrod…er…ShandyLeer, just the libertarian penchant for guns and anarchy, with a homicidal dislike for authority - and “Dad” WAS / IS a libertarian AND he bought the gun.

The libertarian influence angle would also help explain the conflicting political actions (ONE donation to ActBlue, and registering as a "republican") of the shooter.

As for the anti-chaos pitch at the end, well, tell me I’m wrong that another Trump presidency would be NOTHING BUT CHAOS. - LIKE THE RALLY SHOOTING, and the George Floyd protests, the women’s rights protests, the LGBTQ right protests, the unite the right rally, NATO policy, climate policy, immigration and border policy, abortion policy, etc, etc, etc.)

And that ^ is not even including the CHAOS that would ensue when “Project 2025” begins to get implemented.


Wake the fuck up, nimrod…er…ShandyLeer.


None of this explains why your priority, once you’ve decided this is all about Dads penchant for what you’ve diagnosed as libertarianism, is to appeal to their fellow travellers vote.

Ghoulish really. Creepy. Showing a bit of ankle to get Lee Harvey Oswald vote ? Yeeeeuuuuk 🤮
So did he buy the gun because he was a libertarian? And did his son use the gun because his dad was a libertarian?
None of this explains why your priority, once you’ve decided this is all about Dads penchant for what you’ve diagnosed as libertarianism, is to appeal to their fellow travellers vote.

Ghoulish really. Creepy. Showing a bit of ankle to get Lee Harvey Oswald vote ? Yeeeeuuuuk 🤮


Try to keep up, nimrod…er…Shandyleer.


1) As I previously stated: It appears Libertarians can TOLERATE (not celebrate) Democratic policies that EXPAND FREEDOMS for all, but Libertarians draw the line at “Project 2025” and the authoritarian takeover it advocates.

2) I was NOT pitching an “appeal” to libertarians, but rather to people of all stripes who want the generally drama-free productive governance of centrist Democrats like President Biden.


If some libertarians do cross over simply to block Trump and the authoritarian “Project 2025”, but maintain their ammosexual incel and anarchistic bent, while also maintaining their anti-authoritarian bent, then the arc of freedom and democracy in America can continue to SLOWLY but inexorably bend towards justice the way it has been for going on 250 years. It isn’t optimal, but I can live with that.


If Trump gets re-elected and “Project 2025” gets implemented, the great American experiment in representative democracy is OVER.


That ^ would be BAD, and even Libertarians know it.


Hope ALL of that ^ helps, nimrod…er…ShandyLeer.



Side note:

I do NOT advocate violence, and I am NOT advocating violence when I point out that the attempted assassination of a wannabe authoritarian dictator and known traitor who wants to implement the fascist policies of “Project 2025” is wholly reasonable / understandable in the context of “patriotism” and protecting American democracy.

Can anyone think of a more reasonable / understandable motive???

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Not a damn thing said here is relevant to what or why the kid climbed on that roof dressed in some militaristic logos and fired those rounds with his father's rife.

Not one damn, jackshit-valid word was posted providing any clues, just speculations up the ass with some homemade psycho-bable crap.

Didn't someone ask for the rhetoric to be toned down? Not in evidence here, is it? :(
Not a damn thing said here is relevant to what or why the kid climbed on that roof dressed in some militaristic logos and fired those rounds with his father's rife.

Not one damn, jackshit-valid word was posted providing any clues, just speculations up the ass with some homemade psycho-bable crap.

Didn't someone ask for the rhetoric to be toned down? Not in evidence here, is it? :(


Understand this:

The MAGAts didn’t / haven’t toned down “jackshit” simce the shooting.


Trump stopped the Secret Service while they were attempting to get him to safety so he could whip up hate and violence by raising his fist and exhorting his cultists to “Fight”, ffs.


I started this thread as a rebuttal to the right wing narrative coming out IMMEDIATELY after the shooting that blamed the Democrats for EVERYTHING, while they simultaneously placed more emphasis on ONE fifteen dollar donation to ActBlue than on ALL the other evidence that pointed to the shooter being anything but a “liberal”.


The MAGAts also seized on President Biden’s tepid comment in a meeting with panicking donors where he said our side needed to stop focusing on him and put Trump in the bullseye. (Focus on Trump), and turned it into a crime against humanity.


I stand by EVERY FUCKING WORD I have posted in this thread - and I’m going to post as much as necessary to counter the bullshit narratives of the MAGAts. (The Libertarian angle IS “valid”, by the way.)



And, yes, Trump is STILL a threat to democracy, a fascist authoritarian, a wannabe dictator, and America’s Hitler - his own V.P. pick actually worried about the same thing.


And yes, “Project 2025” is STILL a fascist playbook that would facilitate a racist, fascist, authoritarian dictatorship replacing representative democracy.

That ^ is “the great replacement” Americans should be worried about.


NOTHING HAS CHANGED since the shooting as far as the choices and the consequences involving this election are concerned. And the choices and consequences wouldn’t have changed if the shooter had been successful - or if, fates forbid, something else were to happen - to either candidate. The MAGAts are trying to convince people that "something" HAS changed about the nature of the race and the participants, but it hasn’t . If people buy into the MAGAts bullshit narrative, then the MAGAts have already won.


I stand by EVERY FUCKING WORD in this post as well.


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Father Of Trump Rally Shooter - Closing the Circle.​

The title of this thread is nebulous as hell, and your post #32 has nothing to do with the kid's father nor anything in your rant other than saying libertarianism is at the root cause of these sordid killings. Your hyperbolic content is no better than the rhetoric you accuse Trump and Vance of using. It only serves to vent your anger and has no persuasion power. Consequently, it only serves to inflame, not influence anyone.

If you want to call out Trump's ilk for their bullshit narratives, then address those concerns with a better title and be semi-objective using some factual ammunition as counterpoints. Your points in #32 are places to start speaking with some objectivity. Use those to make your case, not some wild conspiracy theory about libertarians being at the root of the carnage. That's playing Trump's level of game. It's not a winning hand in any game.

You mention the 2025 Project but said nothing about its contents or why it is bad for our nation. You mention Vance and the fact that he compared Trump to the Nazi party leader of WWII and presently flopped to kiss Trump's ass, as Trump said in one of his speeches. Citing such things with counterpoints would add contrast and legitimacy; speak to the facts first, and you might have a chance at persuading others.

It takes some effort to document Republican spewings and more effort to be better than those bombastic bastards. Give it a try. Put forth a scholarly effort. Tone down the obvious disparagement. Leave that for the turkeys on the other side. The voice of reason and calm helps quell the fires of anger not more inflammatory language on top of what is already swirling around in Trump land. As someone once said, you cannot overcome stupidity by joining in the fray at that same level–stupid wins every time.

Father Of Trump Rally Shooter - Closing the Circle.​

The title of this thread is nebulous as hell, and your post #32 has nothing to do with the kid's father nor anything in your rant other than saying libertarianism is at the root cause of these sordid killings. Your hyperbolic content is no better than the rhetoric you accuse Trump and Vance of using. It only serves to vent your anger and has no persuasion power. Consequently, it only serves to inflame, not influence anyone.

If you want to call out Trump's ilk for their bullshit narratives, then address those concerns with a better title and be semi-objective using some factual ammunition as counterpoints. Your points in #32 are places to start speaking with some objectivity. Use those to make your case, not some wild conspiracy theory about libertarians being at the root of the carnage. That's playing Trump's level of game. It's not a winning hand in any game.

You mention the 2025 Project but said nothing about its contents or why it is bad for our nation. You mention Vance and the fact that he compared Trump to the Nazi party leader of WWII and presently flopped to kiss Trump's ass, as Trump said in one of his speeches. Citing such things with counterpoints would add contrast and legitimacy; speak to the facts first, and you might have a chance at persuading others.

It takes some effort to document Republican spewings and more effort to be better than those bombastic bastards. Give it a try. Put forth a scholarly effort. Tone down the obvious disparagement. Leave that for the turkeys on the other side. The voice of reason and calm helps quell the fires of anger not more inflammatory language on top of what is already swirling around in Trump land. As someone once said, you cannot overcome stupidity by joining in the fray at that same level–stupid wins every time.

I’m not going to spoon feed information about things people should already know from other dedicated informational sites / sources.

This thread was / is a hot take rebuttal / counter-narrative to inflammatory post-shooting-right -wing bullshit. The postulations about the shooter, his political actions, and his motives, are predicated on FACTS IN EVIDENCE that we’re provided in the OP. (And the postulations ARE “valid”.)

Full stop.


Side note: I’m starting another thread that is intended to serve as a rebuttal/ counter-narrative to the inflammatory post-shooting-right-wing bullshit suggesting that the Secret Service purposefully dropped the ball.

And here’s a heads up: I am NOT going to tone down “jackshit” in that thread either - and I am NOT going to spoon feed the uninformed.


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I’m not going to spoon feed information about things people should already know from other dedicated informational sites / sources.

This thread was / is a hot take rebuttal / counter-narrative to inflammatory post-shooting-right -wing bullshit. The postulations about the shooter, his political actions, and his motives, are predicated on FACTS IN EVIDENCE that we’re provided in the OP. (And the postulations ARE “valid”.)

Full stop.


Side note: I’m starting another thread that is intended to serve as a rebuttal/ counter-narrative to the inflammatory post-shooting-right-wing bullshit suggesting that the Secret Service purposefully dropped the ball.

And here’s a heads up: I am NOT going to tone down “jackshit” in that thread either - and I am NOT going to spoon feed the uninformed.


Go ahead, be like that Trumper group here, jacked up on testosterone and apeshit mentality. You will lose your level-headed audience in a heartbeat.

'Spoon feed the uninformed' smacks of Trumpish and cultist behaviorisms. I thought you were better than that.
Go ahead, be like that Trumper group here, jacked up on testosterone and apeshit mentality. You will lose your level-headed audience in a heartbeat.

'Spoon feed the uninformed' smacks of Trumpish and cultist behaviorisms. I thought you were better than that.

I’m actually being the exact opposite of “the Trumper group here”.My pushback / counter-narrative has a solid basis in truth and fact.

That ^ is NOT AT ALL like “the Trumper group here.” You are a decent, intelligent individual, so I would hope you recognize the difference- especially when you were provided with insight into the specific intent / purpose of the thread. (And the only reason the “spoon-feed “ comment was made, was because the solidly sourced logic, truth and facts provided in the OP were originally referred to as being “jackshit-valid” by someone - so the favor was returned.)

I also see you pushing back against “the Trumper group here” in various threads. Your style is a bit different, but you can be quite acerbic at times - bitingly snarky at a bare minimum.


Side note:

I can tone it down easily, but right now isn’t the time for it; because “the Trumper group here” and in the MSM is seizing the opportunity provided by the narrative vacuum created when the Democrats ACTUALLY lowered the tone.



One of the biggest gripes against President Biden is that he can’t ARTICULATELY AND FORCEFULLY PUSH BACK against “the Trumper group”, which I don’t really fault him for, - for various and obvious reasons. It’s up to the Democratic Party surrogates to take the good fight to “the Trumper group here” and in the MSM, etc. I actually appreciate you and everyone else who is doing their part in their own way - and I’m going to keep doing it in my own way. I hope you can appreciate what I’m doing / saying.


The father and son were members of a gun club and did practice, hence the close first shot. The family had twenty firearms and now eighteen because the shooter also had a pistol.
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The father and son were members of a gun club and did practice, hence the close first shot. The family had twenty firearms and now eighteen because the shooter also had a pistol.

The guns are important, but the Libertarian factor is more pertinent when talking about the motives and political ideology behind the shooting.

The Libertarian angle explains the conflicting political actions of the shooter: Donating to ActBlue, but registering as a "republican". Libertarians are a mix of MOSTLY "right" and SOME "left" ideologies with a splash of anarchism .

The Libertarian angle also explain a possible motive, as Libertarians do NOT like authority, and the shooting occurred not long after the “Project 2025” authoritarian playbook started to make headlines.

The fact that Libertarians are a bunch of “Shooty McShootersons” is the cherry on top.

The guns are important, but the Libertarian factor is more pertinent when talking about the motives and political ideology behind the shooting.

The Libertarian angle explains the conflicting political actions of the shooter: Donating to ActBlue, but registering as a "republican". Libertarians are a mix of MOSTLY "right" and SOME "left" ideologies with a splash of anarchism .

The Libertarian angle also explain a possible motive, as Libertarians do NOT like authority, and the shooting occurred not long after the “Project 2025” authoritarian playbook started to make headlines.

The fact that Libertarians are a bunch of “Shooty McShootersons” is the cherry on top.


Yes, labeling is the most important thing. 🤪
Yes, labeling is the most important thing. 🤪


Getting the facts straight about the possible political motives of the shooter, when the MAGAts are trying to pin the shooting on Democrats, IS quite important.


Hope that ^ helps.



Getting the facts straight about the possible political motives of the shooter, when the MAGAts are trying to pin the shooting on Democrats, IS quite important.
Repukes ALWAYS try and pin everything on democraps. Democraps were the first to pin the shooter on the repukes because registered repubican't. Then the repukes blamed the shooter on the democraps because donation. Now apparently it's time to pin it on Libertarians because guns. When does a twenty year old kid with a twenty year old mind bombarded with both right and left bulslhit take the blame. Everyone is themselves in the end. I need no help from you.
The guns are important, but the Libertarian factor is more pertinent when talking about the motives and political ideology behind the shooting.

The Libertarian angle explains the conflicting political actions of the shooter: Donating to ActBlue, but registering as a "republican". Libertarians are a mix of MOSTLY "right" and SOME "left" ideologies with a splash of anarchism .

The Libertarian angle also explain a possible motive, as Libertarians do NOT like authority, and the shooting occurred not long after the “Project 2025” authoritarian playbook started to make headlines.

The fact that Libertarians are a bunch of “Shooty McShootersons” is the cherry on top.


Yes, labeling is the most important thing. 🤪


Getting the facts straight about the possible political motives of the shooter, when the MAGAts are trying to pin the shooting on Democrats, IS quite important.


Hope that ^ helps.





Hope that ^ helps.

