Favorite Lines

Svenskaflicka said:
"When I'm good, I'm good. When I'm bad, I'm even better."

I prefer the Aerosmith version, from "Falling in Love (is hard on the knees)":

You ain't that good is what you said down to the letter,
but you like the way I hold a microphone.
Sometimes I'm good but when I'm bad I'm even better,
Don't give me no lip, I've got enogh of my own."

originally posted by Svenskaflicka
Does farting or burping count?
I'll swallow my macho pride and admit it. i can't make your body burp of fart...;)
Svenskaflicka said:
Does farting or burping count?

As far as I'm concerned, it all counts. Even retching, which is my own specialty.

New Favorite Line: From Jack Kerouac, describing walking through a crowd of prostitutes in Mexico City. One of them comes up to him and says, "Hey, you want to oodle your coo with me, mon?"

Oodling one's coo has become an important concept in my life.

"That's the most ridiculus plan I've ever heard, since XXXXXXXXXX stood in front of the door with his privates out, pretending to be a doorknob."

The one and only BlackAdder:heart:
"I've just had a plan so cunning you oculd stick a tail on it and call it a weasel"

Probbaly a little off on the quote but freaks were swetting off fireworks through the hwhole Black Adder Marathon on BBCA

perdita said:
I'm going to give this line to a tee-shirt shop on Castro Street. So far I'd give this the prize of all posted so far.

Welcom, V V.

cordially, Perdita

Thank you; I've always enjoyed it! The rest of the movie is crap, BTW. I keep the tape just to watch people's jaws drop at that line.

Vicky, I think of S&G and all those classic biblical epics as good bad movies. They're like historical/cultural documents, can say loads about the times in which they were made.

Once my brother and I went to see The Robe for fun on the Berkeley campus, circa 1970's. We soon realized that everyone around us had bibles. Yep, Jesus freaks. We became very quiet and afraid to leave. :eek:

Ogg mentioned "Plan 9 From Outer Space", which also has this classic line gem, delivered by the lead alien character:

"It's all because of your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!"

My personal favorite quotes of my yet brief lifespan consisted of a leaflet handed out by our resident "DARE" officers when I was a angst-ridden adolescent. The heading was "Some snappy answers to help you SAY NO"

Through browsing this pamphlet we came to the singular conclusion that the police department wanted to get kids beat up. Surely, no one could expect any other response from a drug dealer being proffered a selection from the following:

"I'd rather go walk my pet python!"

"If I wanted to ruin my body, I'd do it with a hot-fudge sundae!"

"If I wanted bad breath, I'd eat a garlic and anchovy pizza!"

and, my personal fave

"No thanks, I'm all-American. I'll stick to milk."

Any self-respecting pusher would bitch slap a kid for that crap- what were they thinking?

I have successfully used these to rebuff unwanted sexual advances, however, with a startling degree of efficacy...

perdita said:
Vicky, I think of S&G and all those classic biblical epics as good bad movies. They're like historical/cultural documents, can say loads about the times in which they were made.

Once my brother and I went to see The Robe for fun on the Berkeley campus, circa 1970's. We soon realized that everyone around us had bibles. Yep, Jesus freaks. We became very quiet and afraid to leave. :eek:


If I ever find myself in such a situation, I hope and pray that I'll have th guts to await a moment of tension in the movie, and then shout: "SNOG ALLREADY!!!"

and then run like hell...:D
All bullshit aside: "Jesus freaks?"

Makes me wonder...do anyone here believe in God, or do they believe that God was invented by man because of the fear of dying.
BlackSnake said:
All bullshit aside: "Jesus freaks?"

Makes me wonder...do anyone here believe in God, or do they believe that God was invented by man because of the fear of dying.

This probably isn't the best place to witness to it ;-) but I'm a Christian. I don't watch old Bible epics for pleasure, though! I will admit to a preference for the original.

Please accuse me of hypocrisy, insanity, superstition, etc., by PM rather than on the thread, if anyone feels so moved. ;-)

"Sodomite patrols"? ROTFL!

A few favourite lines, from the greatest musicals of all time - South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

From the opening title song, the four boys sing together:

"Off to the movies we shall go,
Where we learn everything that we know
'Cos they teach us things that our parents don't have time to saaaaay...."

And from the closing song:

"Through the eyes of a child,
The world seems magical
There's a sparkle in their eyes,
They've yet to realise,
The darkness in their souls"

and later...

"Life is kinda gay
But it doesn't seem that way
Through the eyes of a child"

and the same film, a line from Saddam Hussein:
"Don't be such a twit, Mother Theresa won't have shit on me"

and a whole load of other funny lines if you listen very closely...

And of course Cartman's token phrase:
"Screw you guys, I'm going home" which can be used anywhere...

And another Parker-Stone film - Orgasmo (a really good bad film), after the main character has just shot his friend with the Orgasmatron:
"I've just gotta go to the bathroom to clean up"

And to finish on a slightly more aggressive line from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome -
Mel Gibson: "I'm not Captain Walker, I'm the man who keeps Mr. Dead in his pocket!... ...Now we're gonna stay here, we're gonna live a long time, and we're gonna be GRATEFUL"

Chicklet said:

have you seen cannibal the musical?
I have, but found it a bit boring. The funny bits are good (and the songs, as you expect from Trey Parker, are absolutely superb) but the film itself was far too long, far too much wandering about before anything actually happened.

The sky is blue,
And all the leaves are green
My heart's as full as a baked potato!
I think I know
Exactly what I mean
When I say it's a spladoigal day

my 8000th post

yeah but i still love it = ) i passed the dvd around to all the people i work with so we all sing the songs together and drive the new people nuts. fun fun fun.

Re: my 8000th post

Chicklet said:
yeah but i still love it = ) i passed the dvd around to all the people i work with so we all sing the songs together and drive the new people nuts. fun fun fun.


Does your company have a 5-day waiting period before the new people can drive their own nuts :confused:
favourite lines

Anyway, back at the quotes.....

My fave Mae West is when she's talking to a basketball player -

"So, you're six feet ten inches huh?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Let's forget about the six feet and talk about the ten inches"

My other faves would be

Jerry Maguire (Renee Zellweger)

"You had me on hello"

Sweet Smell of Success (Tony Curtis and an actress I can't recall)

"So he 'interviewed' you? Where?"

"In his apartment"

"Where was his wife?"

"I don't know. It's a big apartment"

Sweet Smell of Success contains more sensational lines than any film ever made, IMHO

steve w
"Sweet Smell of Success" was a great movie.

And while we're talking about Tony Curtis: he was born Bernard Schwartz in Brooklyn and he never fully lost his Brooklyn accent. He had a famous line in "The Black Shield of Farnsworth", a medieval costume drama where he played a Knight, when, paused on a hill he said: "Yonda lies da castle of my Fahdah."

Samuel Goldwyn was known for his malaprops and unique turns of phrase. All I remember offhand is: "Include me out"

dr_mabeuse said:
[BSamuel Goldwyn was known for his malaprops and unique turns of phrase. All I remember offhand is: "Include me out"
"A verbal agreement ain't worth the paper it's written on."
More Goldwyn

dr_mabeuse said:

Samuel Goldwyn was known for his malaprops and unique turns of phrase.

"Too caustic? To hell with the costs, we'll make the picture anyway."

"What we need now is some new, fresh cliches."

"When you're a star, you have to take the bitter with the sour."

"Anyone who would go to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined!"

And my personal favourite: :rolleyes:

"In two words: im-possible."
Alex756 said:
"I've just had a plan so cunning you oculd stick a tail on it and call it a weasel"

Probbaly a little off on the quote but freaks were swetting off fireworks through the hwhole Black Adder Marathon on BBCA


"I'd love to be a pilot Captain Blackadder. Flying up there where the air is clear."
"The chances of the air being clear anywhere near you, Baldrick, are zero."

"Baldrick, do you even know what irony is?"
"Yes sir, it's like goldy and silvery, only its made of iron."

"My father was a nun."
"No he wasn't."
"Yes he was Mr. Blackadder. When my father had to appear before the judge he asked him what his job was, and he said none."

And of course the all time classic:

"Lest you continue, and speak the name of the Scottish play."
"Do you mean MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends (or whatever the hell they said.)"
"What was that?"
"It is bad luck to speak the name of the Scottish play. Being a mere butler you wouldn't know that."
"Do you mean you have to do that every time I say MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends. Please sir, stop saying that."
"So you want me to say the Scottich play...instead of MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"Good lord, are you going to do that every time I say MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"Good grief, what is going on in here? It reminds me of that play we saw the other night. What was it Blackadder?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"No, no. It was Julius Ceasar."
"Ah yes, Julius Ceasar. And not MacBeth."
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."

Of course by the end of the skit, Kendricks and Mott are in agony from having pinched each other's noses about a dozen times.
VincentE: even though I've seen this way too many times I had to take the time to read it and now I feel so good I wish I were home. I suppose for this thread one could simply cut and paste all the Adder scripts. And fyi, I think Rowan is one of the sexiest men out there, way out there.

cheers, Perdita

Ummm....... who is BlackBladder? Probably before my time. Most things were.
Vincent E said:
[B"Lest you continue, and speak the name of the Scottish play."
"Do you mean MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends (or whatever the hell they said.)"
"What was that?"
"It is bad luck to speak the name of the Scottish play. Being a mere butler you wouldn't know that."
"Do you mean you have to do that every time I say MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends. Please sir, stop saying that."
"So you want me to say the Scottich play...instead of MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"Good lord, are you going to do that every time I say MacBeth?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"Good grief, what is going on in here? It reminds me of that play we saw the other night. What was it Blackadder?"
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."
"No, no. It was Julius Ceasar."
"Ah yes, Julius Ceasar. And not MacBeth."
"Oh, hot potato off-ashore off to make amends."


This must be where Earl gets his sig lines?


Oops, forgot to give a quote. Everyone who posts here should at least give one quote:

Walt Kelly: "We have met the enemy and they is us."
dr_mabeuse said:
Everyone who posts here should at least give one quote:

Oh, okay. "You gotta bring some to get some."

Ps. You didn't say the quotes had to make any sense.

"You know what they say about South Africans."