Favorite Lines

Makes me wonder...do anyone here believe in God, or do they believe that God was invented by man because of the fear of dying.

Because of the fear of dying, to have someone to blame for their own shortcomings, to explain the inexplicable...

Cowards! I'm more for the Hindu reincarnation philosofy:
"Life sucks, and then you die, and then life sucks again..."
Por dio

Personally, I like Terry Pratchett's take on how people on Diskworld view the gods: "They don't worship the gods. They blame them."
MG, Black Adder

is a UK comedy series which covers several centuries of British non-history and stars Rowan Atkinson, best known here as Mr. Bean. It's riotously hilarious and features other fine cast members.

In the first episode Black Adder kills Richard III by mistake (played by the late and great Peter Cook).
Huh, when I was a theatre student, it was considered bad luck to say Macbeth backstage . . . I guess that wasn't so odd after all.

The Princess Bride is loaded with good lines. There's:

"Inconceivable!" -- good for so many things

"Have fun stormin' the castle boys!" -- so many double entendres so little time!

"I'm searching for the six fingered man who killed my father." --There's gotta be an occasion for this. I just know it!

"He's only mostly dead." --always good news

And what the hell was the matter with Buttercup? If you had a yummy farm boy at your disposal who simply said "as you wish" to every request, would you really only ask him to fetch you a pail of water? Just a thought . . .

--SexySoBeChick :cool:
In a really weird Swedish movie about theatre plays, politics, and tango, two men accidentally shoot a man who's been spying on them. The best quote from this movie is also the title of it:

"In any case, he's awfully dead."
"But I'm not fool enough to believe that love stays. That love remains forever limited to one individual. To one. Love can stray. Love can stretch. Love can split itself in two---divide and conquer. Love can mutate. Love can be a Trojan Horse."

Gorman Bechard -- "The Hazmat Diaries"

Sorry to break our string of comedy quotes, but this one struck me right as I was typing a reply (one which I couldn't remember well enough to quote anyway, as it turns out). Also, check out my signature quote, so I don't have to type it again.

Commence the Black Adder quotes...
From the best of the best, The Third Man and Orson Welles (as Harry Lime):

In Itay, for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock.
Quiet_Cool said:
Commence the Black Adder quotes...

"Percy, what is that you're wearing?"
"It is a broach that I produced through the secret of alchemy. With this I shall restore your fortune."
"So you think there's a big market for jewelry that looks like snot?"
"Edmund, what do you mean?"
"Look Percy the thing about gold, is that it's gold. What you have made is some green."

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am the new minister in charge of religious genocide."

"My uncle Baldrick was in a play once."
"Oh really? What did he play."
"Second codpiece to MacBeth."
"Was it a large part?"
"Depended on who was playing MacBeth."
"That reminds me Baldrick, never say the word MacBeth around actors."
"Because it is bad luck and it makes them very unhappy."
"Oh. So you won't be saying MacBeth either."
"No. Well...not much."

"When a man soils a Wellington he's put his foot in it."

"Lord Blackadder, there is a priest at the door."
"Baldrick, did you tell him about the baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wales?"
"And what did he say?"
"He said I am the baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wales."
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Important clarification:

dr_mabeuse said:
This must be where Earl gets his sig lines?---dr.M.
Earl uses Red Dwarf, way big diff if one is a fan of either RD or Black Adder.

fyi, The Earl is on vacation, I'm his social secretary.

"I'm from a small town called fresh off a suckers ass, and you're making me home sick."
House Party
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Oh i love the quote from Flash Gordon

"Flash,Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth!"

I love that film..sad but true :)
perdita said:
Earl uses Red Dwarf, way big diff if one is a fan of either RD or Black Adder.

fyi, The Earl is on vacation, I'm his social secretary.


"A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mudwrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn."

"Tell me, do you ever stop bullying and shouting at the lower orders?"
"Never. There's only one way to win a campaign: shout, shout, and shout again."
"You don't think then that inspired leadership and tactical ability have anything to do with it?"
"No. It's all down to shouting. Baaaa!"
"I hear that conditions in your army are appalling."
"Well I'm sorry, those are my conditions and you'll just have to accept them."
The Swedish Sphinx

"Don't make an issue of my womanhood."

"I should hate to see our country endangered by my underwear."

-- Greta Garbo as a Russian Communist in Ninotchka, 1939

One must hear her voice; see this movie. Peridta
Ernst Lubitsch Movies


Melvyn Douglas: A Russian! I love Russians! Comrade, I've been fascinated by your five-year plan for the last fifteen years.

To Be or Not to Be:

Felix Bressart: What you are I wouldn't eat.
Lionel Atwill: How dare you call me a ham?

Or course the best lines were bits of 'business' he put into the action that got around what the censors wouldn't let anyone mention. The Lubitsch Touch!
"Death to Van Gogh's Ear!"

It's good to yell that out every so often just to confuse the issue.

It 's the title of a Gregory Corso Poem.

Now I don't remember the exact whole quote but i love the bit in the new matrix film where Morpheus is getting told off for not coming back on time. the guy says something like

"not everyone believes what you do"

Morpheus replies

"my beliefs don't require them too"

I love that line :D
SexySoBeChick said:
Huh, when I was a theatre student, it was considered bad luck to say Macbeth backstage . . . I guess that wasn't so odd after all.

The Princess Bride is loaded with good lines. There's:

"Inconceivable!" -- good for so many things

"Have fun stormin' the castle boys!" -- so many double entendres so little time!

"I'm searching for the six fingered man who killed my father." --There's gotta be an occasion for this. I just know it!

"He's only mostly dead." --always good news

And what the hell was the matter with Buttercup? If you had a yummy farm boy at your disposal who simply said "as you wish" to every request, would you really only ask him to fetch you a pail of water? Just a thought . . .

--SexySoBeChick :cool:

I'm a sucker for swordfight lines as long as they're not too terribly corny ("Lay on MacDuff, and damned be he who first says 'Hold, Enough!" still works for me)('sfrom Macbeth). So I love the scene where Mandy Patemkin (sp?), who's spent his entire life trying to find Christopher Guest so he can avenge his father's death, and terribly wounded and seemingly foiled by Guest's treachery, fiinally raises himself up on the strength of his own desire for revenge and advances ineluctably, effortlessly parrying Guest's every blow, coming on like the Angel Of Doom. He finally disarms Guest with one twist of his sword and backs him over a table.
Guest, weasel that he is, immediately starts snivelling and scraping, and promises Patemkin anything if he'll spare his life.
"Anything?" Patemkin asks, his sword at Guest's throat.
"Yes, anything! Anything at all! Just name it!"
And Patemkin whispers, "I want my father back, you son of a bitch!" and stabs him dead.

I know, it's embarrassing to admit, but it always gives me a chill. To be able to utter one line like that could give a whole life meaning.

Now: I've always been a Margaret Dumont fan. Who? Margaret Dumont was the rich society matron who played the straight man for Groucho in almost all of the Marx Brothers films. She's always the wealthy dowager Groucho woos and teases, the one who's always trying to maintain her dignity during the chaos but who can make neither heads nor tails of what's going on around her.

Turns out that she was really like that in real life, that she had no idea of what was so funny in the scenes she played in and was not herself especiially aware of her comic role in them. The brothers treated her offscreen the same way they treated her onscreen, but she was a good sport about it.

Anyhow, there's a scene in (I think) "The Big Store" where Harpo is all over her like a cheap suit, putting his leg in her hand, leaning against her with that goony smile on his face, making her Honk his Horn, while Groucho and Chico look blandly on, and Margaret says to no one in particular, "My goodness! Whatever is WRONG with that man?"

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Originally posted by dr_mabeuse Now: I've always been a Margaret Dumont fan.
Hiya, Dr M. Nice to have you back.

I have all the Marx Bros movies on tape, and they wouldn't be nearly as good without Margaret Dumont. She was the perfect foil for them, and her singing voice was perfect for the role. Good grief, we agree on something!

Leander Broadleaf

Ps. Bridget did an excellent Margaret Dumont impression during the day of our "advice to the erotically downtrodden" column.
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So glad to hear you're a Margaret D. fan. I knew there had to be something besides IQ to explain your smarts.

A movie line you can use in real life?

When you're trying to pick up a girl. use this little gem from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (And remember, in the movie, Jay screams the line at the top of his lungs.)

just a thing said:
I don't think that's very original. I hear that almost every time I ride the bus.
Ps. Margaret Dumont died a year or so ago. She outlived all the guys who made fun of her by about 40 years.
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I'd say that the ONLY useful thing those morons have ever said was:

"You're chasing Amy,"

Then again, you have to have endured the movie in order to get it.