February Poem Contest

impressive said:
Five more (maddening) days. *sigh*

Just go read a story instead, Art. (One of mine would do nicely.)

damn I know, whose idea was it to wait this long?

I didn't see it in the rules??? tess~

I assume the three winners 1st 2nd and 3rd
are the mods for the march contest?

I'm con... cool!
Tristesse said:
Is there a limit to poems submitted?

i don't think a limit to the total number of poems was set, tristesse.

only one per person, though. naturally.

hustle up poets. contest entries due by FEB. 20.
How's the voting going to be handled this time? Same as before?

If so, it might be interesting to have open polls -- where you can see how each voter voted.
What will be the voting procedure? Polls or PMs? Or both, like last time?

In the new version of the boards, polls can be made public, so that it's visible who votes for what poem. It could be interesting to use that option; would make cheating less likely. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
What will be the voting procedure? Polls or PMs? Or both, like last time?

In the new version of the boards, polls can be made public, so that it's visible who votes for what poem. It could be interesting to use that option; would make cheating less likely. :)

Yes but it might make someone vote according to whose feelings they do not want to hurt?

I like the anon option. Anyone else have an opinion on this? Liar, Patrick and I will take them into consideration.

We will be including a thread for those poets who do not wish to compete, but do wish to share their poems (also a chance for those of you who wrote multiple poems to share their extras)

We plan to do the same thing that the mods did last time.

And what the fuck, if someone is so desperate to win a BOOK or have a friend win, then that is so sad, lets all have pity.
annaswirls said:
Yes but it might make someone vote according to whose feelings they do not want to hurt?
Oh, the poems would be anonymous, of course. That option only lets us see who votes for what poem. And seeing as no one is supposed to know who wrote what, there are no feelings to be hurt. ;)
all you ladies work this out.

this is beyond me.

i'm a guy. we miss all the nuances. :) that's why the world's a mess.

time to take over, girls. shackle us to bedposts where we belong, away from all the planning.

we think with the wrong head anyway. give that one a workout, and let the one above our shoulders die the slow death it deserves. ;)
PatCarrington said:
all you ladies work this out.

this is beyond me.

i'm a guy. we miss all the nuances. :) that's why the world's a mess.

time to take over, girls. shackle us to bedposts where we belong, away from all the planning.

we think with the wrong head anyway. give that one a workout, and let the one above our shoulders die the slow death it deserves. ;)

Oh that's right
it's friday

evening brother
I see you're in good hands
so to speak
Tathagata said:
Oh that's right
it's friday

evening brother
I see you're in good hands
so to speak

you have to start a weekend off right.

a tumbler of 17 year old from the land of plaid, and a soft palm. :D
PatCarrington said:
you have to start a weekend off right.

a tumbler of 17 year old from the land of plaid, and a soft palm. :D

Guinness draft for me
I keep saying " Brilliant" to the annoyance of all within ear shot
That was such an interesting picture, I tried to think of something to write about it. Geez, my head isn't in the right place for it, though. I realize that I'm gonna start up writing crap again and y'all will have to tell me, in a polite way, "Gina, that is crap!" and I'll say to myself that it is crap and I agree with you. Funny how the pain that I'd been going through eked out the best stuff I have. :eek: I will, reluctantly, skip this gig and force myself to try the next one.

Oh yeah. Hi.
I was at work when I first looked at this thread. I showed my friend J., who claims to have no writing skills at all, the photo and asked her thoughts. She said, "oh, its cool." So I explained the concept of the contest to her. Then I asked her, "When you look at the painting what do you see first? Why do you think you see that first? What do you see next? What do you see most?" With each answer, she wove prose. So differently than that I had already begun in my own head too.

We both seen the flower first. Then she saw the dress, where I saw the imperfections. etc. After some well guided questions she had an outstanding first poem inspired completely by the painting. She said I did it, but I didn't. I just showed her how to use the gift she already had.

Gina, don't give up honey. If someone wants to tell you whats wrong with your writings have them demonstrate how you cam make them better. In the beginning it hurt my feelings when people told me my stuff was 'crap' in a real sweet polite way. But after awhile I realised they weren't being sweet and polite, they were trying to help me grow and learn as a writer.

Don't give up. You know you've got what it takes or else you wouldn't be here.


i count 18 poems entered so far.

my scrambled brain finds it impossible to determine the exact closing time for entries in my time zone, but anna posted a "time zone converter" link a few posts above this to help out.

it's tomorrow night. that much i know ( i think :confused: )

get your poems in. :)
PatCarrington said:

i count 18 poems entered so far.

my scrambled brain finds it impossible to determine the exact closing time for entries in my time zone, but anna posted a "time zone converter" link a few posts above this to help out.

it's tomorrow night. that much i know ( i think :confused: )

get your poems in. :)
If you look at the bottom of this page you will see something like:

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:54 AM.​
Reltne said:
If you look at the bottom of this page you will see something like:

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:54 AM.​
All times are GMT. The time now is 05:32 PM :devil:
Lauren Hynde said:
All times are GMT. The time now is 05:32 PM :devil:
If the member is logged in and has set the correct local time zone in his/her user CP, then the correct local time and the offset from GMT should appear at the bottom of this page.

If you live in the zulu zone then there is no offset! :p
PatCarrington said:

i count 18 poems entered so far.

my scrambled brain finds it impossible to determine the exact closing time for entries in my time zone, but anna posted a "time zone converter" link a few posts above this to help out.

it's tomorrow night. that much i know ( i think :confused: )

get your poems in. :)

That would be seven-o-clock EST, Mister Carrington
