First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

IT'S A PRELIMINARY DRAFT. The issue is the leak, someone did horrific damage to the sacrosanct of the Supreme court. People like you don't care about principle. The last bastion of our constitutional values and legal principles is now wounded. The highest court in the land has been violated, damaged perhaps beyond repair, trust within the court may never rise to the level needed to rule on some of the most controversial issues of our time because of a cancer that found its way into our judiciary. On to court packing and filibuster rules, might as well go for the jugular, make it a free for all, completely ruin our nation. This preemptive hit against the courts is a dangerous precedent and will affect the effectiveness of the how the courts operate in the future.

The result of this leak is that we'll talk about the leak for a week or so. Nothing else will occur.
Effectively, that IS banning abortion in many parts of the country.
Mind you, I don't think it'll stay that way for long. It's just a question of how many women die before the backlash against this comes to fruition.
Yah, as soon as the ruling is official, more than 20 states will have harsh restrictions become law.

Voting has consequences. And constituents have believed the supreme court ruling was enough to hold the line

Awwww leftist rule by judicial fiat are going to have to let democracy rule.

How sad for you guys that democracy is a thing. :D
Are you incapable of processing data?

This isn't a leftist thing.

Yes it is.

All women of child-bearing age are under threat of losing their independence--and their lives.

That is an outright lie you can't support with anything.
Only a really, really dumb male wouldn't understand this.

There certainly are some women who won't process this, but there are more women voters than men; nearly all women voters on the left and in the center see the very personal threat of this--and even many child-bearing age Republican women are bright enough to see it as a very personal danger to them, their daughters and their granddaughters. Add most liberal and centrist male voters to this, and you've got the over 60 percent of voters who constant polls say back individual woman's choice on this.

Then the overturning should mean NOTHING,

But you know you're full of shit and the PRO-abortion absolutist of the left (who funny enough think abortion is the ONLY right that is absolute and beyond regulation) aren't in the majority.

Suck it.

Of course these folks have to get out and vote, blocking Republicans from elected office.

Not happening, Republicans are going to sweep the already mostly red nation this fall.

Are you really that dimwitted, DimBurger, or know so little about what is at stake for women individually here?
The name calling doesn't help your sad arguments.
But wait, didn't Susan Collins say she got Kavanaugh's word that he would honor precedent and not legislate away women's rights from the bench? Was that just the beer bong talking?

Since when did justices get to legislate away anything???

Legislation is the exclusive domain of congress....... you need a BASIC civics class, like most democrats.
Awwww leftist rule by judicial fiat are going to have to let democracy rule.

How sad for you guys that democracy is a thing. :D
I enjoy that the guy who argues against certain people voting on the regular is doing a victory dance about certain people voting. Obviously "his people"

Sorry bud, I'm not crying this morning....this ruling singularly will bring out votes in the fall that were sleeping on it. I don't agree with the ruling, but that why we vote.

The result of this leak is that we'll talk about the leak for a week or so. Nothing else will occur.
The most sane thing IL74 has ever posted.

This is all probably bullshit fake news from our terrible "news" media.
He really is that much of a dumbass and he treats women like their barefoot and pregnant as the only thing that they should aspire to.

Why must you make shit up and lie so much??

Just because I don't think women should be allowed to butcher their children up to age five like you doesn't mean I treat women like anything. You're just made your PRESCIOUS STATE AND GOVERNMENT might not be able to put it's jackboot on peoples throats anymore.... how sad for you and the other jackbooted authoritarians.
I see the abortion issue as win - win for us Democrats.

States rights is a win win for everyone. I wish the authoritarians on both sides would get a fucking clue.

Roe vs Wade led to the rise of the religious right.

Ehhh.... it gave them a moral soapbox, it didn't give them much else. The religious right is rather small and nobody takes them very seriously, not even the right.

This is a largely lower middle class constituency that votes against their economic interests by voting Republican.

That's not voting against their economic interests. Unless their economic interest is to be a bum/welfare queen.

The condition of the lower middle class in places like New York and California proves this.

Since 1980 they have voted Republican with the expectation that the GOP would overturn Roe.


If the Supreme Court, with six Republican justices, betrays them on this issue, many will vote Democrat for economic reasons.

No, they won't, because Democrat economics are garbage scams that shit on them.

Again, just look at California and other deep blue shit holes.
On the other hand, if the Supreme Court overturns Roe, many pro abortion Republicans, who thought abortion rights were safe, will leave the GOP, and vote Democrat to keep abortion legal.

Republicans aren't pro-abortion absolutist, you guys are even a minority in your own party, so I doubt that.
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I enjoy that the guy who argues against certain people voting on the regular is doing a victory dance about certain people voting. Obviously "his people"

??? Care to clarify that ball of vague bullshit ascription or are you still too chicken shit to stand by your comments??

Sorry bud, I'm not crying this morning....

I'm sure you're the only democrat totally ok with this.

Most are like keithD and going to have nuclear meltdowns over democracy not going their way.

this ruling singularly will bring out votes in the fall that were sleeping on it. I don't agree with the ruling, but that why we vote.

I don't think the right to infanticide is going to stop the reckoning of the arbitrary assassination of countless thousands of businesses, major inflation and outright robbing the taxpayers of TRILLIONS.

Democrats are super fucked this fall, Roe being canned or not.

No, it's a real leak

But the sky isn't falling either
I'll believe it when it pans out... till then it's just more BS from the habitual liars in the MSM we jokingly call "journalist" LOL
Another campaign promise fulfilled by President Trump. And credit Mitch McConnell for his masterful judicial confirmation strategy. And last but not least, a salute to the late Harry Reid who got the ball rolling in 2013. 👏🇺🇸👏
Turn around is fair play....

Republicans give rights to rapists and pedophiles. Congrats.
Turn around is fair play....

Republicans give rights to rapists and pedophiles. Congrats.
^^^ Is pissed Republicans prohibited teachers from being sexually explicit with 4-9 year old kids in Florida public schools.

So it lies about what republicans are doing, while also projecting it's own desires.
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??? Care to clarify that ball of vague bullshit ascription or are you still too chicken shit to stand by your comments??

I'm sure you're the only democrat totally ok with this.

Most are like keithD and going to have nuclear meltdowns over democracy not going their way.

I don't think the right to infanticide is going to stop the reckoning of the arbitrary assassination of countless thousands of businesses, major inflation and outright robbing the taxpayers of TRILLIONS.

Democrats are super fucked this fall, Roe being canned or not.

I'll believe it when it pans out... till then it's just more BS from the habitual liars in the MSM we jokingly call "journalist" LOL
Fetuses aren't infants. Still

You consistently have stated that certain voters should not vote and that certain people should be excluded.
But wait, didn't Susan Collins say she got Kavanaugh's word that he would honor precedent and not legislate away women's rights from the bench? Was that just the beer bong talking?

Looks like maybe the frat boy told another lie. But she shouldn’t get a free pass either.

The anti-abortionists are only interested in a child before it pops out of the womb. They completely lose interest after that. And, truth be known, most of them don't care about the baby in the womb either. They care about control of women.

Yes, they are simply pro pregnancy.

IT'S A PRELIMINARY DRAFT. The issue is the leak, someone did horrific damage to the sacrosanct of the Supreme court. People like you don't care about principle. The last bastion of our constitutional values and legal principles is now wounded. The highest court in the land has been violated, damaged perhaps beyond repair, trust within the court may never rise to the level needed to rule on some of the most controversial issues of our time because of a cancer that found its way into our judiciary. On to court packing and filibuster rules, might as well go for the jugular, make it a free for all, completely ruin our nation. This preemptive hit against the courts is a dangerous precedent and will affect the effectiveness of the how the courts operate in the future.

LOL, McConnell, Republicans, Trump!
Looks like maybe the frat boy told another lie. But she shouldn’t get a free pass either.

Looks like the people making that story up are lying.

I don't the a justice would be so ignorant as to confuse themselves with a legislator.

Confusing a SCOTUS Justice with a legislator is a (D)ummycrat brand of ignorance.
Looks like the people making that story up are lying.

I don't the a justice would be so ignorant as to confuse themselves with a legislator.

Confusing a SCOTUS Justice with a legislator is a (D)ummycrat brand of ignorance.

Did you get banned again? Your last one didn’t last long.
Hopefully the insurrectionist who launched last night’s attack on the Supreme Court will be identified soon and severely punished, although it won’t be surprising if some on the left praise the individual as some sort of hero.

At least this attack on the court was non-violent in contrast to the enraged mob that tried to break down the 13-ton bronze doors in the aftermath of the Kavanaugh confirmation. They scaled the building and its statues and threw tomatoes and water bottles at the cars of justices who had attended his swearing in. That crowd of insurrectionists even went after Justices RGB and Elena Kagan.
Roll over America!

Conservative SCOTUS fecklessly promotes sterilization, sodomy, and homosexuality across the USA!

Teens and mature couples across America turn away from hetero-sex in droves, encouraged by new Supreme Court ruling which forces women young and old to carry accidental pregnancies to full term.

"What we really need are more irresponsible and drug addicted parents." Says anonymous tongue-in-cheek source, "This win will keep women in their place! For too long statutory and marital rapists have been unable to enforce their parental rights. Hetero sex over forty will now be a thing of the past!"
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That's not voting against their economic interests. Unless their economic interest is to be a bum/welfare queen.

No, they won't, because Democrat economics are garbage scams that shit on them.
Here’s a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.


The ruling is not banning abortion, it‘s putting abortion back to the states where it belongs.
States rights is a win win for everyone. I wish the authoritarians on both sides would get a fucking clue.

So when the Republicans attempt to legislate a national ban on abortion, regardless of the preference of pro-choice states — and this is absolutely going to happen — I assume we can count on the two of you to be steadfastly opposed.
The highest court in the land has been violated, damaged perhaps beyond repair, trust within the court may never rise to the level needed to rule on some of the most controversial issues of our time because of a cancer that found its way into our judiciary.
Actually, that train left the station when Trump openly packed the court using a litmus test for overturning Roe v. Wade.

The result of this leak is that we'll talk about the leak for a week or so. Nothing else will occur.
It must have been someone with no respect for the institution, and a skewed moral compass. So, Amy Coney Barrett.