First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Americans are now looking forward to new expanded maternity services for the poor and homeless.
IT'S A PRELIMINARY DRAFT. The issue is the leak, someone did horrific damage to the sacrosanct of the Supreme court. People like you don't care about principle. The last bastion of our constitutional values and legal principles is now wounded. The highest court in the land has been violated, damaged perhaps beyond repair, trust within the court may never rise to the level needed to rule on some of the most controversial issues of our time because of a cancer that found its way into our judiciary. On to court packing and filibuster rules, might as well go for the jugular, make it a free for all, completely ruin our nation. This preemptive hit against the courts is a dangerous precedent and will affect the effectiveness of the how the courts operate in the future.

The idea that the unelected, unaccountable, and lifetime-tenured justices deserve more deference than the other branches of government which directly answer to the people — because no one would care if this was a leak from the White House or from Congress — has no rational basis.

And of course, I have long been in favor of the American people seeing the Court for what it actually is, rather than the Schoolhouse Rock/Aaron Sorkin bullshit that it's a sacred coterie of priests delivering the Word from on high, like you're spouting here. It's as political a body as any other, and Republicans have actually appreciated this fact for decades (the main reason we're at the place we are now). Now we're all going to appreciate it. Too late for those doomed to death by this pending decision, but better too late than never.
The idea that the unelected, unaccountable, and lifetime-tenured justices deserve more deference than the other branches of government which directly answer to the people — because no one would care if this was a leak from the White House or from Congress — has no rational basis.

And of course, I have long been in favor of the American people seeing the Court for what it actually is, rather than the Schoolhouse Rock/Aaron Sorkin bullshit that it's a sacred coterie of priests delivering the Word from on high, like you're spouting here. It's as political a body as any other, and Republicans have actually appreciated this fact for decades (the main reason we're at the place we are now). Now we're all going to appreciate it. Too late for those doomed to death by this pending decision, but better too late than never.
They don't. Congress can literally pass a law tomorrow that overrides this decision.

Each branch has a role to play.
Lots of “sky is falling” comments today and we haven’t even gotten to the God and guns decisions that are coming between now and June. 😀
Lots of “sky is falling” comments today and we haven’t even gotten to the God and guns decisions that are coming between now and June. 😀
Lots of Democrats expected prescedent to continue instead of a court who wipes their ass with prescrdent.
Truly I'm waiting for the evangelical right to start pushing more bullshit to the courts....specifically contraception laws....marriage laws...etc

And I don't doubt that the right will introduce national bans on abortion if given the chance.
Fetuses aren't infants. Still

You consistently have stated that certain voters should not vote and that certain people should be excluded.
Yes, the entire planet shouldn't get a say so in how the USA or one of its' states is run.

Especially when it's being advocated because Democrats don't like how Republicans run states they win.
Infanticide is the word you used, sparky
Yes, and I used it correctly, I never conflated a fetus with an infant.

Learn to read cupcake.
Lots of Democrats expected prescedent to continue instead of a court who wipes their ass with prescrdent.
Bad precedent is bad precedent. Roe was a crap decision that was cobbled together out of strange ideas found nowhere in the Constitution.

Roe could have been unassailable had the court just argued that a woman's reproductive rights are found in the 4th Amendment and that absent reasonable cause to issue a warrant, the government has no authority to intervene in that decision making process EITHER WAY. Without it being a crime, no warrant would issue. The States cannot make it a crime because reproductive rights are within the penumbra of Rights in the 4th and thus can't be decreed "illegal."

If it's a Constitutional Right that means no crime is committed by the exercising of that Right. No crime, no warrant. No warrant, no power for the government to do squat.

Roe was bad precedent because it failed to follow a simple path to victory and instead went off the rails into la la land and that allowed a chink in the armor that could have been avoided from the outset.
Lots of Democrats expected prescedent to continue instead of a court who wipes their ass with prescrdent.
When precedent or even the actual letter of the law isn't what Democrats like they don't give two pumps of rat shit about precedent, so you can just spare us with the pearl clutching act as though it's sacrosanct.
Yes, the entire planet shouldn't get a say so in how the USA or one of its' states is run.

Especially when it's being advocated because Democrats don't like how Republicans run states they win.

Yes, and I used it correctly, I never conflated a fetus with an infant.

Learn to read cupcake.
Ok, thanks for confirming that you used the word infant (in the word infanticide) incorrectly
When precedent or even the actual letter of the law isn't what Democrats like they don't give two pumps of rat shit about precedent, so you can just spare us with the pearl clutching act as though it's sacrosanct.
As usual, you have issues with reading. I am not pearl clutching here, dipshit. Just making an observation of others' reactions.
Bad precedent is bad precedent. Roe was a crap decision that was cobbled together out of strange ideas found nowhere in the Constitution.

Roe could have been unassailable had the court just argued that a woman's reproductive rights are found in the 4th Amendment and that absent reasonable cause to issue a warrant, the government has no authority to intervene in that decision making process EITHER WAY. Without it being a crime, no warrant would issue. The States cannot make it a crime because reproductive rights are within the penumbra of Rights in the 4th and thus can't be decreed "illegal."

If it's a Constitutional Right that means no crime is committed by the exercising of that Right. No crime, no warrant. No warrant, no power for the government to do squat.

Roe was bad precedent because it failed to follow a simple path to victory and instead went off the rails into la la land and that allowed a chink in the armor that could have been avoided from the outset.
Hell if an absolute and unregulatable right to abortion is such a done deal that EVERYONE except alt-reich Nazis support, why don't they just enshrine it as an actual right that shall not be infringed??? Oh that can be infringed on all we want just short of a direct ban for abortionist not living in blue states!
It's kinda sad watching the US turn into more of a racially divided, misogynistic third world shit hole.
IT'S A PRELIMINARY DRAFT. The issue is the leak, someone did horrific damage to the sacrosanct of the Supreme court. People like you don't care about principle. The last bastion of our constitutional values and legal principles is now wounded. The highest court in the land has been violated, damaged perhaps beyond repair, trust within the court may never rise to the level needed to rule on some of the most controversial issues of our time because of a cancer that found its way into our judiciary. On to court packing and filibuster rules, might as well go for the jugular, make it a free for all, completely ruin our nation. This preemptive hit against the courts is a dangerous precedent and will affect the effectiveness of the how the courts operate in the future.
We don't know if it's an actual draft of anything. We don't know if some lunatic cobbled this together themselves and now claims it's a draft.

We don't know. Yet the fingerpointing is already happening. The worst part is that the claims being made by the fingerpointers have nothing to do with this supposed draft opinion but are being done on the basis of political ideology regardless of whether someone agrees with the leaked docs or not.

You all need to calm down and start thinking with more than your dick. Not that I think you can, but you really do need to quit doing this shit to yourselves.
As usual, you have issues with reading.

Says the guy who keeps picking up the exact opposite of what I say.

I am not pearl clutching here, dipshit.

You lying to yourself??

Because you're not lying to me "Democrats EXPECTED prescedent to continue instead of a court who wipes their ass with prescrdent." is about the most pearl clutching shit I've seen posted here this year.

Just making an observation of others' reactions.

You lying to yourself again???
I just stated the exact opposite.

You have a serious literacy dysfunction.
The word infanticide does not apply to abortion. And since you say you didn't conflate the two, then you obviously recognized and explained your error.

Says the guy who keeps picking up the exact opposite of what I say.

You lying to yourself??

Because you're not lying to me "Democrats EXPECTED prescedent to continue instead of a court who wipes their ass with prescrdent." is about the most pearl clutching shit I've seen posted here this year.

You lying to yourself again???
Yes, I made an observation of people's reactions.

Perhaps you have a different definition of pearl clutching......I don't remember it having to do with descriptive narrative.
It's kinda sad watching the US turn into more of a racially divided, misogynistic third world shit hole.
All because Democrats just can't stand diversity. They have to force their views upon all like little psycho totalitarians.

There wasn't enough racism and misogyny to feed the victimhood demands of the left, so they have to create it.
Yes, I made an observation of people's reactions.

And it was overdramatic pearl clutching with an extra huge scoop of hypocrisy on the side.

Perhaps you have a different definition of pearl clutching......I don't remember it having to do with descriptive narrative.

Nope. Just the usual one where you use descriptive narrative to engage in the overdramatic bullshit.