First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

And it was overdramatic pearl clutching with an extra huge scoop of hypocrisy on the side.

Nope. Just the usual one where you use descriptive narrative to engage in the overdramatic bullshit.
My description was nothing of the sort. It was a literal explanation of other people's reaction.
Mostly in California, I'll buy the few around here a bus ticket to Chicago, New York, Denver or anywhere on the west coast... my treat. :D

That's the 'right' way isn't it? Just make your troubles 'go away'. I'm surprised you don't consider abortion to be a sacrament.
My description was nothing of the sort.

It was absolute drama and hypocrisy.

Pearl clutching at its finest.

It was a literal explanation of other people's reaction.

No, it was a churched up bullshit "explanation" to try an polish the turd that is the Democrat hissy fit about the possiblity they might not get their way in places they lost the democracy game via their favorite piece of overtly partisan judicial activism.
It was absolute drama and hypocrisy.

Pearl clutching at its finest.

No, it was a churched up bullshit "explanation" to try an polish the turd that is the Democrat hissy fit about the possiblity they might not get their way in places they lost the democracy game via their favorite piece of overtly partisan judicial activism.
So you're ascribing other people's behavior onto me. Got it

Looks like you forgot your meds this morning
That's the 'right' way isn't it? Just make your troubles go 'away'.

Just leading the degens and losers to the people who celebrate degeneracy and want to support them.

I'm surprised you don't consider abortion to be a sacrament.

Why? I'm not some psychotic leftist.

I love kids, my fourth was here in Jan and we're going to start trying for #5 this June.
My description was nothing of the sort. It was a literal explanation of other people's reaction.

No, it's your bullshit explanation and laughable that you tried to portray Democrats as standing on precedent.... something even you know Democrats don't give any fucks about.

LOL... and that's why it was pearl clutching.

Someone get this comrade a fainting couch!!!
No, it's your bullshit explanation and laughable that you tried to portray Democrats as standing on precedent.... something even you know Democrats don't give any fucks about.

LOL... and that's why it was pearl clutching.

Someone get this comrade a fainting couch!!!
Yes, the prescedent was Roe. And many Democrats believed that prescedent would stand.

Kavanaugh even said it was. One might argue whether it was good or bad, but not whether it was.

I was not giving an opinion on the ruling, dipshit...I was describing what I have seen today from many Democrats.

You don't even know what the fuck you're saying anymore.... seriously just in overdrive victory lap mode.
Yes, the prescedent was Roe. And many Democrats believed that prescedent would stand.

It's spelled precedent.

And why? Democrats dismiss precedent all the time when it's not convenient for them.

Why would they expect the right to show them respect that they dismiss for others???

The entitlement and snobbery the D'eez are displaying over this is "cocaine fueled orgy" level amazing.

Kavanaugh even said it was. One might argue whether it was good or bad, but not whether it was.


Since when was precedent anything but an obstacle between Democrats and the power to force their views upon others who have rejected them??

Why should we treat you any differently??

I was not giving an opinion on the ruling, dipshit...

I didn't say you were, learn to read you illiterate (D)ipshit.

I was describing what I have seen today from many Democrats.

A bunch of pearl clutching, entitlement and hypocrisy.... yes. I agree that's what many Democrats are doing.

You don't even know what the fuck you're saying anymore.... seriously just in overdrive victory lap mode.

Ascription and dismissal......time to tuck that tale and start running while you name call.

You don't have any other option.
It's spelled precedent.

And why? Democrats dismiss precedent all the time when it's not convenient for them.

Why would they expect the right to show them respect that they dismiss for others???

The entitlement and snobbery the D'eez are displaying over this is "cocaine fueled orgy" level amazing.


Since when was precedent anything but an obstacle between Democrats and the power to force their views upon others who have rejected them??

Why should we treat you any differently??

I didn't say you were, learn to read you illiterate (D)ipshit.

A bunch of pearl clutching, entitlement and hypocrisy.... yes. I agree that's what many Democrats are doing.

Ascription and dismissal......time to tuck that tale and start running while you name call.

You don't have any other option.
Absolutely dismiss someone who is off their rocker and not even addressing anything I say properly.

I don't have a problem with the ruling. I disagree with it and will lobby and vote accordingly.

Fuck off
Conservatives make strides in securing their freedom to control the lives of other Americans.
Absolutely dismiss someone who is off their rocker and not even addressing anything I say properly.

I'm not off my rocker or improper just because you don't like it.

I don't have a problem with the ruling. I disagree with it and will lobby and vote accordingly.

Fuck off
The level of self contradiction here is matched only by the lack of self awareness.
Conservatives make strides in securing their freedom to control the lives of other Americans.
Cried the psychotically authoritarian socialist against democracy in action.... LOL

They're just going to regulate it the same way you want every other civil right regulated.... to the extreme.
The level of self contradiction here is matched only by the lack of self awareness.
That would be because you make up what I think rather than looking at my actual words which describe what I think.
Hell if an absolute and unregulatable right to abortion is such a done deal that EVERYONE except alt-reich Nazis support, why don't they just enshrine it as an actual right that shall not be infringed??? Oh that can be infringed on all we want just short of a direct ban for abortionist not living in blue states!
Mostly because changing the Constitution is so obscenely difficult that we as a nation always pull end runs around it. I could name any number of issues but lets use one I think we can agree on. The Assault Weapons ban was unconstitutional, so is not allowing people to carry butterfly or switch blades. Nobody REALLY cared enough to drive it to the SCOTUS but anybody with a passing knowledge of the Constitution knows what happened.

People do a lot of "This isn't in the Constitution" neither is the right to marry, have kids, go hunting. I could drone on and on. Lots of things that aren't in the Constitution aren't there because the FF more or less agreed that certain things are so basic that if the government was taking the rights away they had long since overstepped any logical standard of being abusive. Can you imagine how insane it would sound to the FF that you need permission to fucking hunt can only kill so many during specific periods of time?
Conservatives make strides in securing their freedom to control the lives of other Americans.
Cried the psychotically authoritarian socialist against democracy in action.... LOL

They're just going to regulate it the same way progressive democrats regulate literally everything else.

You didn't think your golden calf was actually totally invulnerable as you ran around goring everyone else's just to be assholes and get a good laugh did you??
That would be because you make up what I think rather than looking at my actual words which describe what I think.

Not at all, your self contradiction is quoted right here..... you're still so unaware you still don't see it do you??
I don't have a problem with the ruling. I disagree with it and will lobby and vote accordingly.

Fuck off

If you didn't have a problem with the ruling you wouldn't lobby or vote accordingly...i. e. take action against it.

Taking action against something proves you in fact have a problem with it.

Like dems regulate everything else? Can you give a few examples of this everything?
Cried the psychotically authoritarian socialist against democracy in action.... LOL

They're just going to regulate it the same way progressive democrats regulate literally everything else.

You didn't think your golden calf was actually totally invulnerable as you ran around goring everyone else's just to be assholes and get a good laugh did you??

Not at all, your self contradiction is quoted right here..... you're still so unaware you still don't see it do you??

If you didn't have a problem with the ruling you wouldn't lobby or vote accordingly...i. e. take action against it.

Taking action against something proves you in fact have a problem with it.
Tl;Dr - you're a douche who really doesn't have anything to say

Having a problem with the ruling is when people say that the courts shouldn't have a say on the matter, dipshit. I know the court's role and have no issue with their ruling and lobby the legislator, who I have a say with, to create a law to address things.

Seriously you don't even stop for two seconds in between tirades to put any actual thought into what you say.
Cried the psychotically authoritarian socialist against democracy in action.... LOL

They're just going to regulate it the same way you want every other civil right regulated.... to the extreme.

Says a guy who cheered the anti-democratic Jan 6th insurrection... :rolleyes:,

Whose interests will be served when democracy is overthrown?
According to the most recent Gallup Survey, taken May 3 - 18, 2021:
32% of Americans want abortion to be legal under any circumstances:
48% of Americans want abortion to be legal only under some circumstances;
19% of Americans want abortion to be illegal under all circumstances.

CNN Poll: As Supreme Court ruling on Roe looms, most Americans oppose overturning it​

By Ariel Edwards-Levy, CNN

Updated 12:00 PM ET, Fri January 21, 2022

(CNN)Most Americans oppose overturning the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade precedent, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, with a majority saying that if the decision was vacated, they'd want to see their own state move toward more permissive abortion laws.
Just 30% of Americans say they'd like to see the Supreme Court completely overturn its Roe vs. Wade decision, with 69% opposed -- a finding that's largely consistent both with other recent polling and with historical trends. In a set of three surveys taken last autumn by different pollsters, support for overturning Roe vs. Wade stood between 20% and 31%, depending on the precise framing of the question. And in CNN's polling dating back to 1989, the share of the public in favor of completely overturning Roe has never risen above 36%.


I do not think this will be a winning electoral issue for the Republicans. :)

I do think it will be fun to watch. 😀

Right now I am enjoying watching the pro abortion militants screech and howl. 😁

Later it will be fun to watch Republican politicians lose elections over this controversy. 😂
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Mostly because changing the Constitution is so obscenely difficult that we as a nation always pull end runs around it.

That doesn't make doing the end runs around it any less wrong or more secure.

Judicial fiat is the weakest form of legislation possible.

If you want people to actually take abortion as an untouchable right, something you guys openly don't believe in and are total hypocrites for on this, then codify it as a right in the Constitution.

Even then, as you know, "shall not be infringed" means you can regulate that fucker effectively into obscurity and ostracization at the state level.

So red states are going to regulate abortion, ya'll Karen Kontrol Freaks need to just get the fuck over it.

I could name any number of issues but lets use one I think we can agree on. The Assault Weapons ban was unconstitutional, so is not allowing people to carry butterfly or switch blades. Nobody REALLY cared enough to drive it to the SCOTUS but anybody with a passing knowledge of the Constitution knows what happened.

Yup...and nobody in metro SoCal might not have cared. But you guys aren't all there is to the USA and lots of us cared, that's why constitutional carry is expanding so rapidly and the movement to abolish the ATF/NFA is gaining major traction in DC.

Pretty soon the only place gun rights will be restricted will be heavy blue states. Same with speech.

People do a lot of "This isn't in the Constitution" neither is the right to marry, have kids, go hunting. I could drone on and on. Lots of things that aren't in the Constitution aren't there because the FF more or less agreed that certain things are so basic that if the government was taking the rights away they had long since overstepped any logical standard of being abusive.


Can you imagine how insane it would sound to the FF that you need permission to fucking hunt can only kill so many during specific periods of time?

Slightly less insane than claiming women have an absolute and untouchable right to abortion on demand at the publics expense.
Seriously you don't even stop for two seconds in between tirades to put any actual thought into what you say.
Those 75+ shitposts a day aren't going to write themselves if he has to put some actual thought into them.

Thankfully, his documented lack of impulse control will likely get him banhammered once again within a week or so.