First Impressions About The Debate


Repeated the "bloodbath" lie,
It's not a lie: there's video of him saying it.
Claimed that couples are currently being denied IVF treatment due to "Trump Abortion Ban" laws,
Alabama's Supreme Court effectively outlawed IVF there. If it happened in one state, it could happen in any state.
Said Trump would sign a national abortion ban,
Funny how only the people who would support (or at least not object to) a national ban believe Trump wouldn't sign one, regardless of what he has said. Besides, Harris simply said she didn't believe him when he said he wouldn't. That's not a lie, unless you have some reason to believe she doesn't really think he will (and I'll let you in on a secret: just about everyone thinks he will if he gets a chance).
Claimed that Project 2025 is Donald Trump's plan,
All you have to the contrary is that Trump says he doesn't know anything about it. But he has also quoted it in places, so...
Repeated the "fine people on both sides" lie,
Not a lie; he really said that.
Lied about the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity,
I wish that were a lie, but it isn't.
Said Trump would "terminate" the Constitution if he's re-elected,
She didn't say "if he's re-elected"; she was quoting a Truth Social post in which he did in fact call for terminating the Constitution:
"Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution” (3 December 2022, emphasis mine)
Talked out of both sides of her mouth about the Afghanistan withdrawal and whose plan it was,
Feel free to show us what she said that was false.
Asserted that 140 police officers were hurt by violent rallygoers on January 6, 2021,
That is the number the officers' union cited. If it's wrong, she's only guilty of repeating someone else's mistake. But I don't believe for a second that you've made any effort whatsoever to learn about its accuracy or the lack thereof.
Not to mention Harris' lies about her own origin story and policies.
Which you don't itemize at all here.
And despite all the bias, the one liner of the night still went to President Trump....LOL
Which was a direct quote from Harris four years ago.
It's not a lie: there's video of him saying it.

Alabama's Supreme Court effectively outlawed IVF there. If it happened in one state, it could happen in any state.

Funny how only the people who would support (or at least not object to) a national ban believe Trump wouldn't sign one, regardless of what he has said. Besides, Harris simply said she didn't believe him when he said he wouldn't. That's not a lie, unless you have some reason to believe she doesn't really think he will (and I'll let you in on a secret: just about everyone thinks he will if he gets a chance).

All you have to the contrary is that Trump says he doesn't know anything about it. But he has also quoted it in places, so...

Not a lie; he really said that.

I wish that were a lie, but it isn't.

She didn't say "if he's re-elected"; she was quoting a Truth Social post in which he did in fact call for terminating the Constitution:
"Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution” (3 December 2022, emphasis mine)

Feel free to show us what she said that was false.

That is the number the officers' union cited. If it's wrong, she's only guilty of repeating someone else's mistake. But I don't believe for a second that you've made any effort whatsoever to learn about its accuracy or the lack thereof.

Which you don't itemize at all here.

Which was a direct quote from Harris four years ago.
SPIN DOCTOR EXTRADINAIRE. lying by omission, taking things out of context such as bloodbath where I would think even someone with your limited intellectual capacity could differentiate the use of bloodbath in its full context as describing a civil war as apposed to the destruction of our auto industry. The rest of your bullshit is not worth the time to respond to.
SPIN DOCTOR EXTRADINAIRE. lying by omission, taking things out of context such as bloodbath where I would think even someone with your limited intellectual capacity could differentiate the use of bloodbath in its full context as describing a civil war as apposed to the destruction of our auto industry. The rest of your bullshit is not worth the time to respond to.
Blah blah blah traitor.

Your candidate lied about some weird shit and he got called on it.

Maybe your candidate shouldn't use such incendiary language if he doesn't or can't face the consequences of it.

Own it traitor, your support of him is based out of fear and hatred of the Democrats.

Whine more.
But of course because MAGA being MAGA, we all have to come here this morning and have to remind them, of all people, that debating is not about policy or facts or anything relating to truth - it’s about image and showing strength. I know! I hear you! Me too!

Your boy was looking sad last night. Disoriented. He rambled. Only one person on tv looked strong and presidential and the other came across like a, checks my notes from 2015, like an emotional female suffering from her period too unstable to be on the world stage to go head to head with Putin.
...your bullshit is not worth the time to respond to.

I wonder if it's all those black daddies living by the 4 fs ( find them, feel them, fuck them, forget them ).

Post in thread 'The real badbabysitter finally revealed..'

blacks have a higher propensity of violence than all races combined.

Post in thread 'If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here?'
1. Kamala overperformed her usual, distinct lack of eloquence. It was as if she actually prepared this time, as opposed to her recent, disastrous interview. She was able to raise several points and also throw Trump off balance. She was particularly effective in addressing the abortion rights issue and goading him into repeating his hobby horses, such as his false claim of a stolen election. Sorry, Kari Lake, but for a former journalist, you're just wrong on this one....for the most part.
2. The moderators did clearly favor Harris over Trump, only correcting him and not her, despite her own falsehoods on a number of points.
3. Trump was a bit heated and easily fell into the traps that the Vice President set for him.
4. Trump was effective in raising the points about the cost of living, the incendiary, irresponsible rhetoric, the failures at the border, denying any connection to Project 2025, and stochastic terrorism of the Democrats and their impact on the possible assassination attempt, and the way that he managed to scare the Taliban into leaving American troops alone. It might not be able enough to undo the harm to him from his impulsive reactions to Harris, but it's something.
5. This debate probably won't persuade the hard-core voters of either camp, but it might swing some in the middle.
6. On balance, despite some good moments that Trump had and despite not being as out of control as in the past, he came out of this weaker and she came out of it stronger, much to my surprise. I was expecting the Kamala of various bad interview performances, with word salads, pointless platitudes, evasion on specific points (though she didn't answer the general point of Trump's assertions that most Americans had it rougher nowadays than before), slurred speech, and certainly not the way that she went after him for claiming that climate change was a hoax. She was still vulnerable on Israel and Trump was able to inject real fear that she would cater to the terrorist forces of Hamas and their sponsors. Even so, she gained ground, visibly, and he lost it. It was quite the contrast to the Biden debate, and my impression was that he got overconfident and came in less prepared, whereas her handlers, fearing her unique flaws in this kind of thing, worked overtime. I do feel bad for Tulsi Gabbard, who obviously would have tried her best, but if he's not taking it as seriously as he should, that's on him, not her.

Well - first impressions? The ABC "moderators" were a travesty. That was a 3 on 1 with the corporate media trying to politically assassinate Donald Trump for 90 minutes. Once Trump's won, ABC needs to be barred from the White House. They're not news media. They're a Democratic Party media outlet. And I just read something saying they're concerned about this. As well they should be. They ceased to be "news" a long time ago and this "debate" just confirmed their blatant bias. When even CNN is less biased, you got problems. My guess would also be that they fed Harris the questions beforehand.

Not a single sentient being expected ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis to be impartial in any way given their history of reporting on the candidates, but the partisanship and unequal treatment of the candidates went far beyond any expectations and set a new standard for how not to moderate a debate. Muir and Davis repeatedly fact-checked Trump (with questionable or outright false "facts"); jumped in to help Harris when she was floundering by switching topics or interjecting "gotcha" questions at Trump; bird-dogged Trump to pin him down on a yes-or-no answer while not doing the same to Harris; ignored blatant lies by Harris, and inserted their own opinions and thoughts about Trump's answers.

When Harris made false statements during the debate, they weren't on issues where she could claim she was simply mistaken. Harris:

Repeated the "bloodbath" lie,
Claimed that couples are currently being denied IVF treatment due to "Trump Abortion Ban" laws,
Said Trump would sign a national abortion ban,
Claimed that Project 2025 is Donald Trump's plan,
Repeated the "fine people on both sides" lie,
Lied about the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity,
Said Trump would "terminate" the Constitution if he's re-elected,
Talked out of both sides of her mouth about the Afghanistan withdrawal and whose plan it was,
Asserted that 140 police officers were hurt by violent rallygoers on January 6, 2021,
Not to mention Harris' lies about her own origin story and policies.

Davis and Muir sat silent. When Trump rightly pushed back on Harris when she claimed that Trump would weaponize the government against political opponents, Muir cut him be fair, Kamala was weak and nervous, especially early. She came off as phony and rehearsed the rest of the way. But Trump missed a lot of opportunities to land a blow, rambled too much, and took the bait repeatedly throughout. Summed up, I doubt this debate will change anyone's mind. Even with all the help from ABC, Harris came across as weak and without any real policy positions. Trump handled the bias well, and came out strongly but he rambled a bit too much....

And despite all the bias, the one liner of the night still went to President Trump....LOL
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You voiced my sentiments exactly!!! You pointed out her lies, how dishonest the moderators behaved, fact checking only Trump. Well written but don't expect objectivity by the looney toons, they're consumed by their own bile.
The convicted felon whines enough for all the world.

My guess would also be that they fed Harris the questions beforehand.

I think everyone expected Kamala to get the Donna Brazile treatment. I don't think ABC actually "gave" her the questions. But, if Imhoff asked one of his friends at ABC what the debate subjects were going to be on, his friends absolutely would have told him without be specific as to the wording.

Which would have allowed Kamala to focus her preparation on those areas. As she obviously did.
SPIN DOCTOR EXTRADINAIRE. lying by omission, taking things out of context such as bloodbath where I would think even someone with your limited intellectual capacity could differentiate the use of bloodbath in its full context as describing a civil war as apposed to the destruction of our auto industry. The rest of your bullshit is not worth the time to respond to.

Those who followed along in real time doing the fact checking are on record now that Kamala lied 16 times and Trump lied 14 times.

Trump was fact checked for his 14 lies.
Kamala was never fact checked at all.
Blah blah blah traitor.

Your candidate lied about some weird shit and he got called on it.

Maybe your candidate shouldn't use such incendiary language if he doesn't or can't face the consequences of it.

Own it traitor, your support of him is based out of fear and hatred of the Democrats.

Whine more.

^someone is triggered and afraid.
I think everyone expected Kamala to get the Donna Brazile treatment. I don't think ABC actually "gave" her the questions. But, if Imhoff asked one of his friends at ABC what the debate subjects were going to be on, his friends absolutely would have told him without be specific as to the wording.

Which would have allowed Kamala to focus her preparation on those areas. As she obviously did.
I often wonder just how much influence Emhoff has, but given his corporate background, he definitely knows some folks. That's probably his main appeal to her. What her appeal is to him...well, he's close to be the first ever First Gentleman, so there's that.
I often wonder just how much influence Emhoff has, but given his corporate background, he definitely knows some folks. That's probably his main appeal to her. What her appeal is to him...well, he's close to be the first ever First Gentleman, so there's that.

It's obvious that he gets to move in circles higher than he would have if it weren't for Kamala and politics. Without that, he might rub elbows with the movers and shakers of the world, but he'd never be a participant. A friend of a friend who courts the king.
It's obvious that he gets to move in circles higher than he would have if it weren't for Kamala and politics. Without that, he might rub elbows with the movers and shakers of the world, but he'd never be a participant. A friend of a friend who courts the king.
Fair enough.
For shits & giggles, check out Not-Too-Breitbart's list of Kamala Harris's 'lies'.
Harris accused Trump of wanting to implement Project 2025. This is false. Trump has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with it and hasn’t even read it.
If he said so, OK. He never read anything when he was President, so he's not going to start now.

Harris claimed “the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit” that was “one of the highest we’ve ever seen in the history of America.” This is patently false.
The trade deficit climbed to around $653 billion in Trump’s final year as president, in part because of depressed global demand for U.S. goods and services and a U.S. economy that recovered sooner than most other developed economies.
But the trade deficit never rose to the levels seen under former President George W. Bush or the Biden-Harris administration.

What does 'one of the highest' mean?

Harris claimed that Trump “wants to be a dictator on day one.” This is false. Trump has never said this.
Don't they know that there's thing called the internet that has video clips of him saying it and more clips of him agreeing he said it?

It goes on and on, for the entertainment of the wilfully stupid.

Notice in that segment where Kamala baited DonOld, David Muir never returned to the original question of why DonOld sabotaged the bipartisan immigration reform and border security bill.


The lying, gaslighting RWCJ traitors are spinning away about ABC News favoring Kamala, but ABC News accommodated DonOld’s interruptions and extra / extended speaking opportunities ad nauseam, and didn’t press that traitorous orange POS on one of the most important issues of the night.(ABC News also shut Vice President Harris down the ONE time she tried to get an extra word in response to some outrageous lies that DonOld was spewing. (DonOld DID hang himself with the extra rope ABC News provided him, but I wanted to hear what Kamala had to say in forceful rebuttal.)

Fuck ABC News.


For shits & giggles, check out Not-Too-Breitbart's list of Kamala Harris's 'lies'.
Harris accused Trump of wanting to implement Project 2025. This is false. Trump has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with it and hasn’t even read it.
If he said so, OK. He never read anything when he was President, so he's not going to start now.

Harris claimed “the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit” that was “one of the highest we’ve ever seen in the history of America.” This is patently false.
The trade deficit climbed to around $653 billion in Trump’s final year as president, in part because of depressed global demand for U.S. goods and services and a U.S. economy that recovered sooner than most other developed economies.
But the trade deficit never rose to the levels seen under former President George W. Bush or the Biden-Harris administration.

What does 'one of the highest' mean?

Harris claimed that Trump “wants to be a dictator on day one.” This is false. Trump has never said this.
Don't they know that there's thing called the internet that has video clips of him saying it and more clips of him agreeing he said it?

It goes on and on, for the entertainment of the wilfully stupid.

The entire RWCJ bizarro universe is in nonstop lie, spin and gaslight mode right now.

I wonder why???



BTW, if you have anything other than dismissing the source you asked me to provide, I'm willing to look at it.