First Impressions About The Debate


From the web:

Content. Twitchy is a conservative website "revolving around provocative commentary on Twitter." The website aggregates tweets, creating stories and organizing them into short posts.


We rate Derpy’s attempt to gaslight by citing a fringe right wing garbage site as an EPIC FAIL.


👉 Derpy 🤣

Derpy doesn't believe in burden of proof or facts or any of those pesky things that usually give a lawyer pause.
Your "source" is a dude saying he counted things. The source of your "source" does this type of shit:

View attachment 2390395

Shut the fuck up, Derpy.

My "source" is an actual "source" instead of me making it up. If you have problems with his methodology, that's on YOU because I was asked to provide a cite to support my earlier post.

Which I did.

Now, under the rules of debate YOUR BURDEN is to provide counter sources which show that my source is incorrect. It's NOT to dismiss my source because you don't like it.

That you didn't do that only proves once again how badly you fuck up and FAIL in life and here on Lit.
Derpy doesn't believe in burden of proof or facts or any of those pesky things that usually give a lawyer pause.

IF you actually could think, you'd probably discover that each side has an obligation to PROVE their argument. This is done by offering evidentiary facts.

FAILURE to provide ANY facts supporting your position, and then only dismissing the ONLY FACTS IN EVIDENCE doesn't convince anyone that your version of reality is correct. What it really does is show that you DO NOT have any facts to support your position.

So, I provided my facts/source. If you have counter facts/sources, trot them out for us to look at.

Otherwise you're just running your mouth again.
What the fuck is wrong with Derpy???


“Objectivity Lost”.


There's a lot wrong with me. However, none of those things interferes with my ability to think.

Unlike with some who claim they are, supposedly, perfect but who also cannot find their way out of the paper bag over their heads even with the instructions printed on the inside of the bag.
There's a lot wrong with me. However, none of those things interferes with my ability to think.


So the medication Derpy takes for their self-admitted chronic weak-spine condition doesn’t affect Derpy’s “ability to think”???



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So the medication Derpy takes for their self-admitted chronic weak-spine condition don’t affect Derpy’s “ability to think”???




There are no meds for my condition. There's no cure or surgery either.

Just like there are no meds, or cure, or surgery to correct your mental deficiencies because so far no one has figured out how to transplant a normal human brain. Not even Dr. Frankenstein could do it; he had to use Abby Normal's brain.
So, I provided my facts
You did not and this is why we know that you're either lying about being a lawyer or you're terrible at being a lawyer.

You're really just a loudmouth dumbfuck who proves that you're a clueless idiot on the daily.

And you need more cat on your diet.
You did not and this is why we know that you're either lying about being a lawyer or you're terrible at being a lawyer.

You're really just a loudmouth dumbfuck who proves that you're a clueless idiot on the daily.

And you need more cat on your diet.

I provided a linky which supported what I said earlier.

That you can't figure out how to click on it, despite it being quoted and the linky in blue, isn't my fault.
IF you actually could think, you'd probably discover that each side has an obligation to PROVE their argument. This is done by offering evidentiary facts.

FAILURE to provide ANY facts supporting your position, and then only dismissing the ONLY FACTS IN EVIDENCE doesn't convince anyone that your version of reality is correct. What it really does is show that you DO NOT have any facts to support your position.

So, I provided my facts/source. If you have counter facts/sources, trot them out for us to look at.

Otherwise you're just running your mouth again.

My heart goes out to you.
I get why you’re upset.
You’ve grown accustomed to the two tiered justice system giving trump a pass left and right. It’s fair to wonder whodafuk are these two yahoos from ABC daring him to clarify his claims or to ask follow up questions.
My heart goes out to you.
I get why you’re upset.
You’ve grown accustomed to the two tiered justice system giving trump a pass left and right. It’s fair to wonder whodafuk are these two yahoos from ABC daring him to clarify his claims or to ask follow up questions.

Not my fault you grew up stupid despite all of the effort and money spent to try and change that.
I provided a linky which supported what I said earlier.

That you can't figure out how to click on it, despite it being quoted and the linky in blue, isn't my fault.
I obviously clicked the link because I posted a screenshot from the link, Derpy.

Again, proving that you're a shit lawyer.

Which is not anyone's fault but your own.
Not my fault you grew up stupid despite all of the effort and money spent to try and change that.
Well, I had a public education that I’m proud of but, sadly, no effort and certainly not much money went towards my stupidity. Wait?! Did you just insult me?

Lol. I’m anxiously awaiting the next debate where an Ivy League dude bro will go up against a public school teacher. G! E! D! G! E! D!
I obviously clicked the link because I posted a screenshot from the link, Derpy.

Again, proving that you're a shit lawyer.

Which is not anyone's fault but your own.

Your screenshot was of other related links which you also didn't bother to read. Instead you went there with the idea of finding something to shit on. Which you did wonderfully well at instead of concentrating on the ONE THING you should have been doing instead - learning something.

Sucks to be you...
Your screenshot was of other related links which you also didn't bother to read. Instead you went there with the idea of finding something to shit on. Which you did wonderfully well at instead of concentrating on the ONE THING you should have been doing instead - learning something.

Sucks to be you...
The screenshot is directly from below your stupid tweet, Derpy.
Which makes it obvious that you didn't read beyond the stupid tweet.

It's my fault reality divorced you too.
Capitol Police reported 114 officers were injured on Jan. 6, 2021, far more than previously reported, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published on Monday.

In its report, the GAO said out of the 315 officers who responded to the survey, 207 of them felt somewhat prepared to use force and apply crowd control tactics during the insurrection, while 96 others said they felt slightly or not at all prepared.

When asked about crowd control tactics, 134 officers said that they felt well or somewhat prepared, and 153 others noted that they didn’t feel prepared at all.

The report also notes that 150 officers reported using force 293 times that day, with 80 officers adding that they felt hesitant to use force because of a fear of disciplinary action, according to the report.

“Of these, 57 respondents indicated that they felt that the leadership culture of the Capitol Police generally discouraged them from using force or that officers were hesitant to use force because of a fear of disciplinary actions,” the report said.

It seems that Kamala Harris mis-spoke, saying 140 instead of 114 injured officers. The figure of 140 relates to assaulted officers as opposed to injured.

  • Approximately 140 police officers were assaulted January 6 at the Capitol, including about 80 from the U.S. Capitol Police and about 60 from the Metropolitan Police Department.

It seems that Kamala Harris mis-spoke, saying 140 instead of 114 injured officers. The figure of 140 relates to assaulted officers as opposed to injured.

To be clear / fair: EVERY Capitol Police officer that came under attack (whether they were physically injured or not) WAS injured.

Psychological injuries are very real.

Kamala (and others) inadvertently undercounted the injured on that dark and tragic day in American history.


It seems that Kamala Harris mis-spoke, saying 140 instead of 114 injured officers. The figure of 140 relates to assaulted officers as opposed to injured.

Funny, when I heard her say ‘140’ I honestly thought no way! It had to have been more than that! Kudos to those brave officers. Debate me on this all you want but I file his dismissive answer to what happened to those capitol police officers that day under his ongoing disrespect for our military.
So long as anyone tells someone to peacefully and patriotically attack a building and try to assassinate an occupant, it's perfectly lawful according to the felon.

I don't think I'll be taking his legal advice any time soon.
So long as anyone tells someone to peacefully and patriotically attack a building and try to assassinate an occupant, it's perfectly lawful according to the felon.

I don't think I'll be taking his legal advice any time soon.

Dunno if you’ve seen this yet. Of course, it’s always worth your time to listen to the Daily Show mock politics but for the sake of this conversation I suggest you skip to the 16:00 mark and start watching.

SPIN DOCTOR EXTRADINAIRE. lying by omission, taking things out of context such as bloodbath where I would think even someone with your limited intellectual capacity could differentiate the use of bloodbath in its full context as describing a civil war as apposed to the destruction of our auto industry.
When you've spent the past nine years spewing resentment and divisiveness all over the world like Trump has, you don't get to use a word like "bloodbath" and expect people to interpret it in a benign way. For that matter, I can't think of any context in which anyone could use that word without the ugly connotations Harris referred to yesterday. But especially not Trump.
AJ traditionally spews out continual non-sequiturs after presidential debates until the RNC does overnight focus group testing on what post-debate spin talking points to use.

The RNC did Trump no favors by trotting out J Dee Vance and Little Marco Rubio out post-debate to normalize dogmeat consumption....

Then Trump himself entered the spin room and the mainstream press went nuts...UNPRECEDENTED!
MISTER PRESIDENT! MISTER PRESIDENT! They jockeyed for position....and Trump basked in the glory of being the center of attention once again....

...for all of 30 seconds when the networks cut away for 'BREAKING NEWS':

Travis Kelce's mouthy girlfriend, the major distraction at this year's Super Bowl. endorsed Kamala Harris!

and all of a sudden, no one seem to care about the grumpy old geezer who had just spent 90 minutes whining about how bad things were in America.
I'll be honest. I don't give a crap what Taylor Swift thinks, one way or the other. Nor do I really care to dump on her. She has her own views. I can imagine being salty about the AI fake endorsement, so I'll give her that. She is entitled to her own opinions. I'll just look at it, yawn at the very predictable endorsement, and move on...

Now, Jimmy Carter's endorsement....that's a bit more impressive. I'll give you that. He was more inclined her way, anyway, but at least he's a man of principle, integrity, substance, etc.
The sad thing about statistics these days is that they just aren't as reliable as they used to be because of the inherent conflict of interest between academia, government, business, etc. Government involvement and corporate interference will corrupt the findings, among other things. If a person abandons their principles to serve the State, well, it raises real questions, because the government is very prone to lie to us, as is Wall Street. Just look at Big Tobacco, for instance. They lied to us for decades. Sad to say, people are regularly doctoring stats, cooking the books, fudging the numbers, because money and power are motives to academics and scientists, too. They're all too human as well.
When you've spent the past nine years spewing resentment and divisiveness all over the world like Trump has,
You spelt 'media' wrong.
you don't get to use a word like "bloodbath" and expect people to interpret it in a benign way.
Translation: delibrately taking someone's comments out of context is totally legit if you don't like them.