First Impressions About The Debate

Or, more likely, his usual tired "it's not my fault that you...."

I keep trying to get that prized GFY!! but so far it eludes me.

This is because, while you're a total cunt, you don't deserve any recognition for it since cunts are common around here.

Being nothing special doesn't mean you get a participation award for it. At least not from me.
Sigh. I really wish that you would heed my advice and save yourself heartache.
Mi corazon 💋🥰, I did warn you…

What? You didn't get it sideways enough? Or do you need a tissue?
Oddly enough, for a supposed right-wing nut, I've never given a single dime to a Republican. I have, however, given money to: Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, and Jay Inslee. An odd financial record for a far-right MAGA or whatever you imagine me to be. I also donated money to the Human Rights Campaign, though it has been a while.
YOUR linky says that. Written by a Trump hater 8 years AFTER the award was given.


Which is AS I SAID; he was given the award for his work in the inner city (as a developer) which indirectly benefited blacks who live/work there. It was NOT given because of racism or race. That was a YOU PROBLEM with comprehension because what I said was true.

I don't understand how your hatred can blind you so much and yet you fully embrace it with both arms and your heart.

No, you tied it to the black community and the inner cities when it wasn't. The upper west side can hardly be considered the inner city.

That's called overreach.

Intellectual integrity is not one of your traits.
Why do I have to "answer" for anything that Trump has done or does? I'm not Trump nor do I agree with everything he says/does.

YOU, on the other hand, need to stand up and face the reality that what YOU do and say is based on your hatred and bias and nothing more than that.
They pleaded guilty to the charges, back then Trump was a democrat, orange man good!
Which is AS I SAID; he was given the award for his work in the inner city


Which is where Derpy is / was WRONG.

The very article that Derpy cited makes that abundantly clear.


Derpy should just APOLOGIZE for being WRONG…AGAIN…and take ANOTHER big fat L.

Or Derpy could have ANOTHER EPIC MELTDOWN.

That ^would be satisfying / entertaining as well.


👉 Derpy 🤣

No, you tied it to the black community and the inner cities when it wasn't. The upper west side can hardly be considered the inner city.

That's called overreach.

Intellectual integrity is not one of your traits.

Excuse me? How about you take half a minute and go back and READ what I posted.

Because I assure you that whatever you seem to remember, it ain't so.

Trump was given the award because of his (as I said) contributions to the city. This would naturally include his work as a developer. From there, the FACT that you don't understand demographics isn't a me problem, it's yet another YOU PROBLEM.

Trump's developments contributed to the inner city both directly (jobs and redevelopment of blighted areas) and indirectly (taxes and fees used for benefits for minorities and other programs).

You'll notice I hope, that the ONLY PERSON here talking about "race" and "racism"...

IS YOU you fat assed bigoted racist cunt.
Excuse me? How about you take half a minute and go back and READ what I posted.

Because I assure you that whatever you seem to remember, it ain't so.

Trump was given the award because of his (as I said) contributions to the city. This would naturally include his work as a developer. From there, the FACT that you don't understand demographics isn't a me problem, it's yet another YOU PROBLEM.

Trump's developments contributed to the inner city both directly (jobs and redevelopment of blighted areas) and indirectly (taxes and fees used for benefits for minorities and other programs).

You'll notice I hope, that the ONLY PERSON here talking about "race" and "racism"...

IS YOU you fat assed bigoted racist cunt.

Just admit that you saw Trump standing with a bunch of black folks and thought he was being honored for something to do with them.

C'mon you can do better. That GFY is within reach.
Just admit that you saw Trump standing with a bunch of black folks and thought he was being honored for something to do with them.

C'mon you can do better. That GFY is within reach.

Because I won't "admit" to a lie.

It's also a shame that you feel the need to vindicate your ego with such a blatant falsehood.
Just admit that you saw Trump standing with a bunch of black folks and thought he was being honored for something to do with them.

C'mon you can do better. That GFY is within reach.

Your close to your goal - I can feel Derpy’s hate and frustration approaching GFY levels.


Because I won't "admit" to a lie.

It's also a shame that you feel the need to vindicate your ego with such a blatant falsehood.

At this point, this exchange is just pathetic for you. The history is there. But your pride and idiocy won't let you back down.

At this point, this exchange is just pathetic for you. The history is there. But your pride and idiocy won't let you back down.


Whatever it is that you think you're seeing, it's really only the lies you keep telling yourself.
You're the one spinning tales about Trump's accomplishments for the inner city - in the upper west side. 😄

You're the one who's lying and calling him a racist for it.

Which tells us all we need to know about you.
You're the one who's lying and calling him a racist for it.

Which tells us all we need to know about you.
There's reasons that I have a hole girl on iggy. It's one thing to have contrary opinions. That's fine. I haven't put Rob or Bright on iggy. They're not toxic, shit-flinging, invective hurling, personal attacking pieces of scum. Their fellow libs that I have on iggy (and some conservatives, such as Lovecraft68) are.
You're the one who's lying and calling him a racist for it.

Which tells us all we need to know about you.

I didn't call him a racist for that. I said he won that award for being German and his NYC development efforts.

He's a racist because of his actions in the 70s discriminating against black renters, for his actions in the 80s when he put out the full page ad calling for the death penalty for those boys, for his treatment and speech about the Native Americans in the 90s when he was after his casino (that later went bust), for his active birtherism bullshit in the 00s, for his more active birtherism bullshit in the 10s, for pandering to black people using criminals in the 20s - and so much much more.

All we need to know about you is that you're so desperate to not lose an argument that you can't admit when you are wrong.
There's reasons that I have a hole girl on iggy. It's one thing to have contrary opinions. That's fine. I haven't put Rob or Bright on iggy. They're not toxic, shit-flinging, invective hurling, personal attacking pieces of scum. Their fellow libs that I have on iggy (and some conservatives, such as Lovecraft68) are.

How comfortable for you.
And they have spent nine years hurling invective at him, painting him as Hitler (so much for Godwin's Law), etc.
Mike Godwin himself has said he has no objections to comparing Trump to Hitler.
Go ahead, Charlie Brown. I'm sure that Lucy won't kick the ball away this time. :rolleyes: ;) Good grief!
Lucy never kicked the ball away, she pulled it away. Good grief indeed.
They pleaded guilty to the charges, back then Trump was a democrat, orange man good!
Tell us you know nothing about our double-standard justice system without using those words.
Mike Godwin himself has said he has no objections to comparing Trump to Hitler.

Lucy never kicked the ball away, she pulled it away. Good grief indeed.

Tell us you know nothing about our double-standard justice system without using those words.
Maybe he should follow his own advice, for the other, well, that's probably faulty memory. I'm not worried about it. My point was made.
,,, I haven't put Rob or Bright on iggy. They're not toxic, shit-flinging, invective hurling, personal attacking pieces of scum. Their fellow libs that I have on iggy (and some conservatives, such as Lovecraft68) are.