First Impressions About The Debate

Order of events:

Harpy - Trump isn't racist because he was given this award.

Facts - this award had nothing to do with racial issues.
This false equivalent douche I believe has me on ignore. Funny how independent thinkers don’t like to be challenged. Also, Fuck this guy! When the going gets rough he tries to illicit sympathy by 1. Claiming to be on the spectrum. 2. Is suffering some life shortening ailment. 3. Whatever BS he’s crying about in the above post now.
Why do I have to "answer" for anything that Trump has done or does? I'm not Trump nor do I agree with everything he says/does.

YOU, on the other hand, need to stand up and face the reality that what YOU do and say is based on your hatred and bias and nothing more than that.
Have you left yet?
Having trouble answering?
Awwww, are you feeling ganged up on?
What are you needing from anyone here for an excuse to cut and run?
Well - first impressions? The ABC "moderators" were a travesty. That was a 3 on 1 with the corporate media trying to politically assassinate Donald Trump for 90 minutes. Once Trump's won, ABC needs to be barred from the White House. They're not news media. They're a Democratic Party media outlet. And I just read something saying they're concerned about this. As well they should be. They ceased to be "news" a long time ago and this "debate" just confirmed their blatant bias. When even CNN is less biased, you got problems. My guess would also be that they fed Harris the questions beforehand.

Not a single sentient being expected ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis to be impartial in any way given their history of reporting on the candidates, but the partisanship and unequal treatment of the candidates went far beyond any expectations and set a new standard for how not to moderate a debate. Muir and Davis repeatedly fact-checked Trump (with questionable or outright false "facts"); jumped in to help Harris when she was floundering by switching topics or interjecting "gotcha" questions at Trump; bird-dogged Trump to pin him down on a yes-or-no answer while not doing the same to Harris; ignored blatant lies by Harris, and inserted their own opinions and thoughts about Trump's answers.

When Harris made false statements during the debate, they weren't on issues where she could claim she was simply mistaken. Harris:

Repeated the "bloodbath" lie,
Claimed that couples are currently being denied IVF treatment due to "Trump Abortion Ban" laws,
Said Trump would sign a national abortion ban,
Claimed that Project 2025 is Donald Trump's plan,
Repeated the "fine people on both sides" lie,
Lied about the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity,
Said Trump would "terminate" the Constitution if he's re-elected,
Talked out of both sides of her mouth about the Afghanistan withdrawal and whose plan it was,
Asserted that 140 police officers were hurt by violent rallygoers on January 6, 2021,
Not to mention Harris' lies about her own origin story and policies.

Davis and Muir sat silent. When Trump rightly pushed back on Harris when she claimed that Trump would weaponize the government against political opponents, Muir cut him be fair, Kamala was weak and nervous, especially early. She came off as phony and rehearsed the rest of the way. But Trump missed a lot of opportunities to land a blow, rambled too much, and took the bait repeatedly throughout. Summed up, I doubt this debate will change anyone's mind. Even with all the help from ABC, Harris came across as weak and without any real policy positions. Trump handled the bias well, and came out strongly but he rambled a bit too much....

And despite all the bias, the one liner of the night still went to President Trump....LOL
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Outstanding! A+

You have paid attention and learned the MAGAt talking points to perfection! 🫵⭐🎖️
Why do I have to "answer" for anything that Trump has done or does? I'm not Trump nor do I agree with everything he says/does.

YOU, on the other hand, need to stand up and face the reality that what YOU do and say is based on your hatred and bias and nothing more than that.
I would argue that only Trump has to answer for Trump and that only you have to answer for what you do. Ditto for everyone else. We're all accountable for our own blunders. We shouldn't be constantly called to the carpet for someone else's, including our ancestors, I might add.
Biden crime family... Hunter Biden...Hunter Biden...Hunter Biden...Hunter Biden...Hunter...

You're such a dumb, racist loser.

I wonder if it's all those black daddies living by the 4 fs ( find them, feel them, fuck them, forget them ).

Post in thread 'The real badbabysitter finally revealed..'

blacks have a higher propensity of violence than all races combined.

Post in thread 'If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here?'

I find that African Americans are more racist than white folks...I wouldn’t even think of walking a predominately black neighborhood, wouldn’t end well.

Post in thread 'White Officers in Minority Communities'
This false equivalent douche I believe has me on ignore. Funny how independent thinkers don’t like to be challenged. Also, Fuck this guy! When the going gets rough he tries to illicit sympathy by 1. Claiming to be on the spectrum. 2. Is suffering some life shortening ailment. 3. Whatever BS he’s crying about in the above post now.
Derpy accused me of posting racist shit, but consistently fails to reply when I challenge him to find anything in my history. He's just an apologist for felons, professionally and privately.
"Partly false" also means it's "partly true." Uniquely here it's the post Trump Presidency opinion of the writer as to the real reason why the award was given rather than the original reasons stated at the time of the award.

If you hate someone enough, even their good deeds are still bad and you will never be convinced otherwise. Believing those with that agenda are telling you the truth makes you nothing more than a sycophant of lies and liars.


For fuck’s sake Derpy, just APOLOGIZE for being WRONG…AGAIN…and take ANOTHER big fat L for your time and efforts.


👉 Derpy 🤣

I don't have the time or energy to waste on hating a guy any longer and fearing him when he has already been President and their panic and hysteria proved to be overblown, like the boy who cried wolf.

Yeah, no.

Roe is gone and over 100k women have been forced to carry rape babies to term. Many women have been put in physical health crises and have even lost the ability to have children. Putting women as second class citizens is not "hysteria proved to be overblown". Nice dismissal.

NLRB. Wanna talk about what he did to that?

Environmental regulations. Poof.

You claimed to be an independent, but what you are is essentially Dr Frankenstein. If the "GOP left you when they picked Trump" then you supported everything that led to Trump. The monster you created disgusts you. Groovy.
This false equivalent douche I believe has me on ignore. Funny how independent thinkers don’t like to be challenged. Also, Fuck this guy! When the going gets rough he tries to illicit sympathy by 1. Claiming to be on the spectrum. 2. Is suffering some life shortening ailment. 3. Whatever BS he’s crying about in the above post now.
Yeah, go fuck yourself sideways douchebag.
Outstanding! A+

You have paid attention and learned the MAGAt talking points to perfection! 🫵⭐🎖️

Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang is a cross between a right wing sheep, a lemming, and a parrot.

Someone want to create an AI mashup of what that creature would look like??? (Of course, Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang could just post a self portrait and save everyone the trouble.)


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

He hasn’t read 2025
But agrees with parts
Some parts go too far??
Sounds like he knows it!!

He already started implementing before he left office

How dumb does he think we are?

He will probably call us suckers in the end, but we knew the TRUTH and couldn’t stop him

How dumb is the media on Manifesto 2025?? He had already implemented Schedule F before leaving office. He had cleared out all his nay sayers. He had YES men everywhere… except for Pence
I'll bite, cuz hey why not, so mr carbon water, tell me the lie in that post.

The award was for Trump's contributions to inner city problems. It wasn't about racism, but did include race because the people in the inner city WHO BENEFITED from Trump's contributions happened to be black.

That you can't see beyond skin color, and instead vilify someone who has done what YOU have not, in ways YOU refuse to do, is a YOU PROBLEM, not a Trump is a racist problem.

It's a pity you cannot acknowledge who the real bigot/racist is. Hint: It's YOU.
Yeah, go fuck yourself sideways douchebag.

It's always good to see a blowhard like you regularly revealing yourself to be both dumb and brittle.

Keep getting triggered, sad little man. You'll always be nothing more than our plaything. 😘😁
Yup, another dishonest progressive.


Derpy should really just APOLOGIZE and take ANOTHER big fat L for being WRONG…AGAIN…

Things can only get worse for Derpy from here on out. (An epic Derpy meltdown is likely brewing.)

The award was for Trump's contributions to inner city problems. It wasn't about racism, but did include race because the people in the inner city WHO BENEFITED from Trump's contributions happened to be black.

That you can't see beyond skin color, and instead vilify someone who has done what YOU have not, in ways YOU refuse to do, is a YOU PROBLEM, not a Trump is a racist problem.

It's a pity you cannot acknowledge who the real bigot/racist is. Hint: It's YOU.

The article listed exactly what the award was for.

I'm not sure why you can't comprehend basic English.
The article listed exactly what the award was for.

I'm not sure why you can't comprehend basic English.

Cue Derpy - *in a two year old child’s voice* : “Because I don’t waaaaaaannnnnaaaa”.

Cue Derpy - *in a two year old child’s voice* : “Because I don’t waaaaaaannnnnaaaa”.


Or, more likely, his usual tired "it's not my fault that you...."

I keep trying to get that prized GFY!! but so far it eludes me.
Yeah, go fuck yourself sideways douchebag.

Sigh. I really wish that you would heed my advice and save yourself heartache.
Mi corazon 💋🥰, I did warn you…

As a friendly PSA, I don’t think you should reply back to me. I think you should tuck tail and just slink on out of this can’t win conversation. Trust me lol no one will notice.
The article listed exactly what the award was for.

I'm not sure why you can't comprehend basic English.
YOUR linky says that. Written by a Trump hater 8 years AFTER the award was given.


This claim gets one major thing wrong: While Donald Trump did win the award, called the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, it was not for "work within the black community."

We reached out to the Ellis Island Honors Society, which administers the award. The society is a non-political organization promoting diversity and understanding among religious and ethnic groups, as well as the restoration and maintenance of Ellis Island.

Spokesperson Otto Coca told PolitiFact that Trump was one of several people to be awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986 – the first year it was given out (and the same year Parks and Ali were also recipients). Trump was chosen for professional contributions that benefited New York City as a developer, as well as for his German heritage.

Which is AS I SAID; he was given the award for his work in the inner city (as a developer) which indirectly benefited blacks who live/work there. It was NOT given because of racism or race. That was a YOU PROBLEM with comprehension because what I said was true.

I don't understand how your hatred can blind you so much and yet you fully embrace it with both arms and your heart.