Florida Party - Lit Style!

Florida Party Lit Style

Hey anyone needing a ride I am starting from Miami and coming up to play so if you need a ride pass it on and I will pick you up. Hoping all will be there yummy :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

I won't be able to make it after all. An old friend is coming into town and I'm entertaining. I was looking forward to it too...I hope everyone has fun. Let me know how it goes...Details People!!!!
Sorry to hear that

Bummer NortherDude!

It's gonna be a blast! I can't promise pics tho, some people call that evidence! *wink* hehehe

Hey, if you ever get anything going on in gainesville let me know!

OK.. see my AV? That's me... just so ya'll recognize me Sat nite :D There's a big chance I won't be wearing my glasses, so here ya go a pic of what I look like without them on.

I'm packed n ready to go! What about ya'll?? :p
Missing the fun

I can see the excitement on the board. Damn I wish I had the free time to join the fun. As I mentioned before, no way to make it. I sure do appreciate the positive responses from the regulars here. It is nice and warm on this board. Again thanks.
Florida Party

I regret that Iwill not make the party. Thanks for the invite, and I know that I'm missing somehing special. I hope you have so much fun you decide to do it again next month.

I will be lurking around

Flint, ez, Northern, I wish ya'll could make it!

SK, you are a cutie, your handle suits you.

Here is a pic of me and Dr. B so ya'll will know us when you see us.
Nice looking couple

So who is the lady?

Have fun, wish we could be there.

Party location

Can someone tell me where the party is? Live in Jax, and never received the VIP list info that Kitten sent. Would like to attend but need to know where to go.

email me at super_e69@hotmail.com, or post here. Thanks!!!!!
Florida Party Lit Style

Hi all Sorry you missed it. It was a Very enjoyable time meeting the 4 people that did make it. Every one got very very wet at the end of the night.LOL, LOL with love.. Not saying who, what or how. I did do things I had not done in years and that is truly do to the people that came to the party. :p :p

With good luck next time (HINT) we will have more going, if not I would really enjoy repeating the night some time soon some where. I like driving and will go any where to meet nice people like I did.. Thank you for the good time Sweet and tender hugs to all.

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Florida Party Lit Style

end of my part in this string, Bye all.
Love BeDaddy:) :) :) :) :) :)
So was it great?

On dasher, on dancer, on vixon and daddy
too the top of the Jacksonville towers
too the depth of the clubs down town
did all have a good time?

are there confessions to be made?
either this was a fantastic
or a bust it's not clear
fess up you folk and spill it now here!

Okay, everybody, I win the endurance prize!

I was about twenty minutes into the trip to Jax, around Sanford, when my poor old car's coolant system sprang a GUSHING leak. The valve that diverts hot coolant to the heater from the water pump burst wide open and spilled all the green stuff into the street while my temp gauge immediately pegged itself PAST the "way too hot" redline.

NEVERTHELESS, I pulled off near an auto parts store, found a helpful soul, we jerry-rigged a bypass with a small plastic tube and a pair of hose clamps, and I made it the rest of the way to Jacksonville about an hour and a half behind schedule. I located the kindred spirits pretty much immediately at the club and BOY am I glad I did.

I met up with SK, Feelin' Naughty and her fella, and beDaddy, and wondered where the hell was everybody else who SAID they'd be there. These are good people, folks, and these are OUR people. Anybody who chickened out, lost out. Tough noogies. You missed out on the stories.

Thank you especially to Savage Kitten for organizing this little shindig, and for being a hell of a dancer! Can't wait to hook up with you guys next time!
Florida Party Lit Style

***** You get the 5 Stars Cockatoo :D For determination

But Really, I think s-k and f-n did a great funk, toe - toe, freakin bump and grind and it, in & out, shaken, shaken, shaken. from lap to tap.

Cockatoo, have any problems like that I will leave my number for you or any one on the move. Good meeting you.:) :) :) :) :)
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You boys are such teasers!

I'll play along, no details for those that didn't show!

I will say however that I had a great time. We all danced our legs off!

SK and I got a bonus in that on the "pop" side of the club no men were allowed until after 11pm. The two of us of course had to go and see why. They were having a male revue! Ummm Ummm, loved that cowboy!

I met some wonderful people, and will do it again anytime ya'll are in my neck of the woods.

*big smooooch* :D :D :D
*chuckles* luv the mystic.. i'm game too!

I had a wonderful time. The conversation flowed, there was never a dull moment. I admit I was challenged a couple of times and I'd like to think I met those challenges haha

Everything wasn't exactly as smooth as I would have hoped for it to be but, atleast I know now what to focus on for the ~next~ time!

The location was the best. I couldn't have gotten any luckier! The club was soooooo much fun! Like Feelin Naughty said... we lucked up on the male revue... All I'm gonna say is the ~hot seat~ has never felt so good in all my life!!! :D

Im sorry for those of you who missed out or chickened out. As you see, we all survived it! Maybe next time you'll join in the fun!

*tippin my hat*
and now, it's time for the fat lady to sing!:rolleyes:
