For Any Who Wish To Thank Laurel

Add my heartfelt thanks to the heap! I've been entirely impressed by the efficiency of the site. Huge kudos to the hard-working folks who make it happen!

Thumbs up for Quasi! Great thread dear! :rose:

To Laurel and Manu, :rose: :rose:

Thank you so much for allowing me to spend time in Literotica. Because you run your site so efficiently, I have made some very special friends, I have put my finger on the 'submit' button several times and I have learnt more since being registered here than I had in all my schooling life.

Thank you also for allowing the Snippettsville Project to get off the ground. Without your support it couldn't have happened as neatly as it has.

You are both much appreciated. :)

I have said it befor, I will say it again, this is the only website that I would be willing to pay membership for. I thank Laurel and Manu both for a site that trancends its' beginings and rases them to art.

Sorry I couln't find any pics of our late cat.
Laurel and Manu have done a fine job in keeping things running well. Their devotion to free speech, even in the face of numerous insults to Laurel is exemplary. I myself have never had to wait unduly long for a story to get posted, and the postings have been correctily formatted once I learned what's needed in my submissions.

The fine and interesting community (or bunch of them) that's here is quite a bit, to their credit, and their respect for the 'healthy' and the less than healthy 'kink' is admirable to those of us who are that way.

:rose: :rose:
Many Thanks Laurel

How does one go about thanking a ghost? We've never met, and yet I think I could easily call you sister. Your labor of love here at literotica shows your dedication, and strength, as well as your forebearance to our submitted words. You make beer taste like champagne to those who visit, vote, and flee. You turn a cloudy argument into a dappled spring day of light hearted laughter. As the princess of erotica you are priceless to us all.

I don't know what else to say that hasn't already appeared here. Suffice to say: I'm thankful that I have a place to post my stories to a place that is not only secure, but also will fight to keep my stories from being posted elsewhere without my consent.

Thanks a bunch!
I'm adding my thanks now, when this thread was first started up I was a mere virgin, without any stories posted.

Now I want to say a huge thanks to Laurel and Manu, for running an excellent site, with first class forums. I know a lot of us (myself included) bitch and moan, but we do appreciate everything you do for us.

Lou :rose:
I too am very appreciative of all the work you do to make this site work so well. Thank you for a job well done, thank you for such a sensible, free, and judicious hand in your administration and management of such a huge volume of stories, poems, and our ranting. And most of all, thank you for participating yourself and letting us have glimpses of the real person behind the scenes.

I have found that there are many wonderful people that I am glad to know at this site. So thank you also for providing a nice place to meet and talk.

Joining the chorus. This place gets better every day. I'm ever so thankful for all the effort put in.

/Ice - would cough cash for this

My Newfies wouldn't like your pussycat but that still doesn't mean I can't give you an attaboy, oops, attagirl. I'll continue to try not to burden you by submitting stories. Or, since you know my work, you could just approve them all carte blanche without reading them (hell, people vote on them without reading what's new). Anyway...I can either say thanks or send you a lot of money. Your choice.
I haven't been here a month yet and the site just amazes me. I am a Moderator at another forum for poetry and I know what a job it is to keep a site running. With the number of members and threads we have here, it's truly a huge task to make it run smoothly. My hat is off to Laurel and Manu. Thank you.
:rose: for both Laurel and Manu. I lurked here for a very long time before becoming a contributor. You have done a wonderful job. Thank you.

(no cat pictures available but would be happy to send tea. Got a favorite?)