For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Problem is, making abortions illegal doesn't solve anything. Women will still get abortions but they will be illegal and unsafe.

Also there will be many more unwanted children born, whom the MAGATs have no intention of supporting either financially or otherwise.

All they are interested in is spreading hatred, owning the libs, dividing the nation.
Bullshit. There are adoption agencies all over the country willing to work with mothers, there are many organizations that are more than willing to provide prenatal care even provide service after babies are born. Many religious organizations will continue to provide services well after the baby is born.
More MAGAt men are jumping in this thread to state what they think women SHOULD DO.

Watch how women actually vote, MAGAts.
It’s seems nation wide the acceptable time is 15 weeks. Those states with strict abortion laws will eventually loose out.
C’mon man, if you’re gonna give me shit about a joke you simply have to do better than this!

Also, maybe JaySecrets is DawnofDay/Night resurrected, has that tone.
No, Jay is not Dawn.
Both sides are committed to their beliefs.
And one side forces a woman to carry a pregnancy to term and incur all the things that go along with it, while the other wants every woman to have a choice on what she does.

One side forces their religious beliefs on someone while the other side doesn't care what you believe.
Doesn't matter, you're pissing up a rope. The modern incarnation of "Progressivism" is a rather black&white school of thought and it tends to SpyVSpy politics. There's no grey spy in Mad Magazine.

Similarly, "What? Me worry" now as become, the Fudd-ish, "Be vewwwy, vewwwy afwaid (we are fighting Hitler for all that is good and just. There can be no compromise, there can only be one).

We have met the enemy and he is us.
He should just do what you do, claim to be a Libertarian while supporting everything trump says and does.
And one side forces a woman to carry a pregnancy to term and incur all the things that go along with it, while the other wants every woman to have a choice on what she does.

One side forces their religious beliefs on someone while the other side doesn't care what you believe.
not just women... children. his stance is 'no matter how they are conceived', so will happily force an 11-year old to carry a pregnancy to full term no matter the medical facts about how dangerous it is for a child to give birth.
Bullshit. There are adoption agencies all over the country willing to work with mothers, there are many organizations that are more than willing to provide prenatal care even provide service after babies are born. Many religious organizations will continue to provide services well after the baby is born.
Have you adopted a child in need, or are you a hypocrite?

Don't be like the Hypocrites.
Apologies. I must have gotten some bad information on some of this. That wasn't my understanding. Mine was closer that this was like being away from your family. Though as things stand I can think of worse things than being away from family. Like being stuck with them. I also don't speak Hebrew? I feel like there is some better term but look give me your cardboard crackers, honey and apples, take your day off work so hard the schools make it an official holiday and lets be friends.

On a side not which is entirely not meant as an insult but I'm old enough to remember when Jews did just that to my schools. Between teachers and students so much so many people took. . .I don't honestly remember if it Roshashona or Yomkippur but one of them so many people were "sick" for that we just met in the gym and watched Charlotte's Web. I can still here Templeton singing about carnival food and its been thirty fucking years. Do you think the world would lose there fucking minds is Muslims started not only being "dominant" (I lack a better word) in both teaching and students that "This is a fucking holiday, deal with it cus we ain't coming" or if Juneteenth ever catches on in a larger way that black people just saying "Have fun but This day is gonna be a complete waste of your time" would be justice?

I think it would but I try to second guess my opinions.
A lot of Jews joke about how often secular events are scheduled on our major holidays. Juneteenth should be major national holiday with parades and fireworks.
I'm no constitutional lawyer or scholar, but I believe fomenting an insurrection would be unconstitutional. And he has more than implied in public speeches that he would suspend the Constitution if he felt necessary. I can look up the video clips if you need verification, but if you follow him, you already know.
He didn't do that. That belief proves you're a victim of leftist propaganda. It's all a big Democrat lie. The Trump-hating fanatics in the DOJ have charged Trump with "insurrection" or fomenting "insurrection."
He didn't do that. That belief proves you're a victim of leftist propaganda. It's all a big Democrat lie. The Trump-hating fanatics in the DOJ have charged Trump with "insurrection" or fomenting "insurrection."
That would be your belief about those with that opinion
Non sequitur.
Yes sequitur. You bleat about abortions not required because religious organizations arrange adoptions, yet you don't partake in that process.

You watch from the side-line, you are a hypocrite.
He didn't do that. That belief proves you're a victim of leftist propaganda. It's all a big Democrat lie. The Trump-hating fanatics in the DOJ have charged Trump with "insurrection" or fomenting "insurrection."
I watched it on TV with my own eyes in real time. I heard exactly what he was instructing his minions to do. I saw them following his orders and trying to disrupt or terminate the primarily-ceremonial counting of the electoral votes in the peaceful transfer of power. You have a very disturbing interpretation of the events of that day. That's why it's critical to keep Trump out of the White House and people like you out of any position of authority.
I watched it on TV with my own eyes in real time. I heard exactly what he was instructing his minions to do. I saw them following his orders and trying to disrupt or terminate the primarily-ceremonial counting of the electoral votes in the peaceful transfer of power. You have a very disturbing interpretation of the events of that day. That's why it's critical to keep Trump out of the White House and people like you out of any position of authority.
No you didn't. You only thought you heard that because CNN told you to think you heard it. Here are his exact words:

At one point, according to additional video footage by Bloomberg and the transcript, he said:

"After this, we're going to walk down — and I'll be there with you — we're going to walk down, we're going to walk down — anyone you want, but I think right here — we're going to walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing, and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated — lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard today."
No you didn't. You only thought you heard that because CNN told you to think you heard it. Here are his exact words:

At one point, according to additional video footage by Bloomberg and the transcript, he said:
You left out the "You gotta fight like hell or you're not going to have a country anymore" part...

I wasn't even listening to whatever commentary on whichever news network I was watching it all unfold on. I know what I saw, I know what I heard, and I know what I think about it. You think differently. That's why you and your delusional ilk must be stopped at any cost.
Yes sequitur. You bleat about abortions not required because religious organizations arrange adoptions, yet you don't partake in that process.

You watch from the side-line, you are a hypocrite.
Never wrote not required.