For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

You left out the "You gotta fight like hell or you're not going to have a country anymore" part...

I wasn't even listening to whatever commentary on whichever news network I was watching it all unfold on. I know what I saw, I know what I heard, and I know what I think about it. You think differently. That's why you and your delusional ilk must be stopped at any cost.
It's clear you heard wrong and do I really have to list every time a Democrat has used the word "fight' to motivate their followers?:rolleyes:

I think it is way past the time that you should have been hospitalized.
There not there to replace anyone, they’re there to help women that have 2nd thoughts about aborting their pregnancy.
Sure they are. They'd love to just take all of those liberal heathen babies and raise them as maniacally-devout Evangelical Christians, wouldn't they?
No you didn't. You only thought you heard that because CNN told you to think you heard it. Here are his exact words:

At one point, according to additional video footage by Bloomberg and the transcript, he said:
"After this, we're going to walk down — and I'll be there with you — we're going to walk down, we're going to walk down — anyone you want, but I think right here — we're going to walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing, and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated — lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard today."
That’s actually an example of trump’s low cunning. He’d already done the work dog whistling and working up the proud boys and other white nationalists into a frenzy on the run up to J6. Then he aims them toward the capital building and tosses in a self serving, but insincerely because he’s already unleashed his idiots, “peacefully and patriotically” sentence so he and MAGAts like you can say “Nuh uh.”
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Sure they are. They'd love to just take all of those liberal heathen babies and raise them as maniacally-devout Evangelical Christians, wouldn't they?
You’re easily brainwashed. You need medical attention, you’re delusional.
Sure they are. They'd love to just take all of those liberal heathen babies and raise them as maniacally-devout Evangelical Christians, wouldn't they?
so long as they get paid handsomely to do so and have great access to 'conversion therapy' for the 'poor deluded children' who think they're anything other than cis gendered.
Only in your eyes. Women having sex make a choice, perhaps a bad one but a choice just the same. In today’s world there are a multitude of protections available. In most cases sex doesn’t have to result in a pregnancy. Lazyiness, poor planning or failing to maintaining their faculties leads up to bad situations.
Or they've been through years of abstinence-only sex education teaching kids that condoms don't work, which won't stop them from having sex but will stop them from bothering with condoms. Or they live in a rural area with only one pharmacist who's a right-wing zealot and refuses to fill prescriptions for the Pill. Or it's rape. Or the condom broke. Or it's a planned, wanted pregnancy and they learned there's a fatal birth defect.

It is very, very easy to say "They could have just planned better" when that is a situation you will never, ever be in in this lifetime. In real life, it is almost never as simple as you suggest here.

Before you go off half cocked I’m not saying there aren’t situations where abortion is an appropriate resolution, but those are the exceptions not the rule.
Who are you to decide where the line is drawn? You have two daughters, right? Is the government a better judge than they are as to when to make that decision about their own bodies?
I’ve spoken many times of dead beat dads so just because you don’t pay attention doesn’t mean no one has discussed it.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen you say, "I've spoken out about XYZ plenty of times!" What I have rarely if ever seen is you actually speaking out about those topics - you always just claim after the fact that you've done so.
so long as they get paid handsomely to do so and have great access to 'conversion therapy' for the 'poor deluded children' who think they're anything other than cis gendered.
Or children who are told that they're NOT black, despite the extremely dark pigment of their skin.
Or children who are told that they're NOT black, despite the extremely dark pigment of their skin.
Makes me think of Dave Chappelle's first show with him as a blind black man leading the KKK in Mississippi, I think. Clayton Bixby, as I recall. When he was at the orphanage, the folks there thought it would just be easier for him if he thought he was white.
Problem is, making abortions illegal doesn't solve anything. Women will still get abortions but they will be illegal and unsafe.
The problem with making rape illegal is that people will still rape. It is just done in a more unsafe manner. The problem with making Meth illegal is that people will still do and sell Meth. The problem with making murder illegal.... Oops. Murder isn't illegal, at least if you are following the right procedures to murder an innocent baby in the womb.
Also there will be many more unwanted children born, whom the MAGATs have no intention of supporting either financially or otherwise.
Ask the many, many women who can't have kids, or who want to care for more, who have had the adoption system in this country made so difficult they can't navigate it. There is no such thing as an unwanted child. If that baby is not wanted by his or her birth mother, there are countless families who WANT to adopt them. The idea of an "unwanted baby" is a myth.
All they are interested in is spreading hatred, owning the libs, dividing the nation.
So we say save an innocent life and you call for the ending of that life. But we are spreading hatred. Murdering babies is love. Trying to save their small lives is hatred. You realize that is about the most blatantly problematic statement you have made here? But.... good going. Death is love, Life is hate. Got it.
not just women... children. his stance is 'no matter how they are conceived', so will happily force an 11-year old to carry a pregnancy to full term no matter the medical facts about how dangerous it is for a child to give birth.
Untrue. One, that kind of a case is VERY rare. Two, if the unborn child can be safely removed without harming the other innocent child, and put in an incubator, that should be done. Three, now you are pitting innocent life against innocent life, then assuming my response without asking my position in that VERY rare, almost non-existent situation.
Seriously? You are going to a source like NBC or MSNBC and expecting anything except propaganda? You really have drank the Kool-Aid.
What's your source? Q-Anon? Magic Eight-ball? Mike Pillow? That British-sounding guy in your head?