For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Crying Hitler, Nazi and Communist are the tells of a weak, unformed, undisciplined mind. Not entertaining me.

Of course, we do have Socialists among us so feel free to call out Bernie's burn-the-house-down crew...

They're just Talking Heads. Can you feel the Byrne?

You're the one who stomps into every single thread with nothing, I mean nothing, other than negativity, hate and disparaging personal remarks about the other posters...

You need to fucking adult up or go away. It's like you have to make Canada look bad or something. Is it the isolation???
Yes you...
You're the one who stomps into every single thread with nothing, I mean nothing, other than negativity, hate and disparaging personal remarks about the other posters...

This coming from someone who claims to not post in "every" RoryN thread....
You need to fucking adult up or go away.
lol, no I don't, this is not your site, you often banned member...I'm not the one hiding from Laurel are.
It's like you have to make Canada look bad or something. Is it the isolation???
I do it to keep assholes like you from taking root here, and ruining another country.
Crying Hitler, Nazi and Communist are the tells of a weak, unformed, undisciplined mind. Not entertaining me.

Of course, we do have Socialists among us so feel free to call out Bernie's burn-the-house-down crew...

They're just Talking Heads. Can you feel the Byrne?
Bernie literally honeymooned in Communist Russia and was (and is) a huge fan, I have listened to your side, including it's leadership, praising Castro, and your side has regularly, without any historical context to reference (I have made it clear the very specific socialist and violent fascist behaviors your side has done that mirrors the Nazis), called Trump and G.W. Bush Nazis and said they were literally Hitler. I am aware of the Hitler fallacy in debate, but when your opponent, or those the align with actually mirror Nazi behavior, the comparison is warranted.

By the way, one of the other things the Nazis did was to implement gun control, using the same arguments as your side uses today, then went through and collected all the guns they could find based on gun registration, and disarmed the people who would object to their actions. I've read several first hand accounts from survivors, and the parallels are blatant and terrifying.
Source: Communist Russia, used to describe liberals in the West who were pushing their agenda, without knowing how ugly it was, who were doing the Communist's work for them, and who, if the Communists and Marxists get their way "lined up against a wall and shot" once you... I mean "they" outlived their usefulness. Later used by the Nazis closely on the heels of the Communist usage in the exact same context. It's no wonder you libs decided you didn't like the definition of the phrase in its historical context, removed it from its historical context, and broadened and softened it. The term itself was too pointedly given to describe... YOU.
Source: Communist Russia, used to describe liberals in the West who were pushing their agenda, without knowing how ugly it was, who were doing the Communist's work for them, and who, if the Communists and Marxists get their way "lined up against a wall and shot" once you... I mean "they" outlived their usefulness. Later used by the Nazis closely on the heels of the Communist usage in the exact same context. It's no wonder you libs decided you didn't like the definition of the phrase in its historical context, removed it from its historical context, and broadened and softened it. The term itself was too pointedly given to describe... YOU.
Yes, because everyone knows.Miriam Webster is run by Russia


Knowing historical context is valuable for understanding evolution of words...not for understanding the actual definition of words
Bernie literally honeymooned in Communist Russia and was (and is) a huge fan, I have listened to your side, including it's leadership, praising Castro, and your side has regularly, without any historical context to reference (I have made it clear the very specific socialist and violent fascist behaviors your side has done that mirrors the Nazis), called Trump and G.W. Bush Nazis and said they were literally Hitler. I am aware of the Hitler fallacy in debate, but when your opponent, or those the align with actually mirror Nazi behavior, the comparison is warranted.

By the way, one of the other things the Nazis did was to implement gun control, using the same arguments as your side uses today, then went through and collected all the guns they could find based on gun registration, and disarmed the people who would object to their actions. I've read several first hand accounts from survivors, and the parallels are blatant and terrifying.
Once again, you’ve fallen for propaganda.
You weren't there. You have no way of knowing anything about my experience.
Don't need to be. I have watched enough Madison, WI liberal riots against Conservatives, both in and out of classrooms, have seen your side's violence constantly on display in prolonged video after video from across the country, watched and listened to how your professors have berated, mocked, and even marked down conservatives and Christians for even daring to speak about conservatism, God, creationism, pro-life, or any other of a host of issues, and watched how the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the NAACP, and several other such places have aggressively pushed for Conservative-free and Christianity-free campuses on every level of schooling. The truth is self-evident.
Yes, you are very wrong.
Here, the context was the postwar recovery in Europe, where just about the entire infrastructure was destroyed; and it was for ten years, not for good. Radical suggestion? Sure, but not the absurdity you suggest here.
It was only one side that was suggesting this kind of behavior. Liberals who had no value of belief for the sacredness of human life. Still an issue on your side. That you can't see how abhorrent the suggestion is tells how sick and warped your minds and hearts have become.
This statement is taken out of context from Margaret Sanger's Woman and the New Race (Sanger, 1920).Sanger was making an ironic comment — not a prescriptive one — about the horrifying rate of infant mortality among large families of early 20th-century urban America. The statement, as grim as the conditions that prompted Sanger to make it, accompanied this chart, illustrating the infant death rate in 1920:
Deaths During First Year
1st born children 23%
2nd born children 20%
3rd born children 21%
4th ....
So murder the innocent about-to-be-born baby at its most vulnerable. Again, sick, warped, and utterly abhorrent to anyone with half a conscience who has even watched a baby on ultrasound.
Sanger was aware of African-American concerns,passionately argued by Marcus Garvey in the 1920s, that birth control was a threat to the survival of the black race. This statement, which acknowledges those fears, is taken from a letter to Clarence J.Gamble, M.D., a champion of the birth control movement. In that letter, Sanger describes her strategy to allay such apprehensions. A larger portion of the letter makes Sanger's meaning clear:
Yeah... Manipulate the blacks by using preachers without any biblical foundations to get the people to accept the very thing the Nazis were endorsing. Yeah. That's so much better.
At no point does she indicate that she supported the Klan in any way. And the ellipsis represents a removed portion of the quote that makes that abundantly clear, which is why it was removed in whatever website you pulled this from.
The gaps are a description of her actions and words there. Funny though. You are the same person who scream scandal if anyone who is a white supremacist comes out in support of a conservative anything or anyone. You are the ones who use any loose connection to a racist as evidence of racism for a conservative. Meanwhile Sanger is making speeches at KKK meetings to people who agree with her BECAUSE they agree with her racism, and says she'd do so again gladly, never decried their racism, and you celebrate her. Again, you are a hypocrite.
Yes, because everyone knows.Miriam Webster is run by Russia
Nope, but the education establishment who establishes modern meanings of words is run by Marxists and socialist leftist liberals.
Yes you are.
Knowing historical context is valuable for understanding evolution of words...not for understanding the actual definition of words
Says one who is all about the leftist "contextualization" of history. Says the one who denies any absolute truth exists... Unless it's that conservative views are absolutely wrong and must be silenced.
No, I just listen to the ones who were actually there. Politifact is a very leftist Democrat organization who is barely trustworthy on any topic and will nearly always come to a conclusion that either supports or excuses a liberal position. Of course they have exceptions, but they are rare. They are not a well balanced source. I will listen to the eye witnesses over the opinions of a group of agenda-driven liberals. Thanks though.
Nope, but the education establishment who establishes modern meanings of words is run by Marxists and socialist leftist liberals.
Sorry you don't like definitions

Says one who is all about the leftist "contextualization" of history. Says the one who denies any absolute truth exists... Unless it's that conservative views are absolutely wrong and must be silenced.
Lol...I don't have any absolute truth. You do..from your religion.

I go by definitions of go by what your religion dictates. Definitions change with society. Religion does not.

And you keep projecting that on me.
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No, I just listen to the ones who were actually there. Politifact is a very leftist Democrat organization who is barely trustworthy on any topic and will nearly always come to a conclusion that either supports or excuses a liberal position. Of course they have exceptions, but they are rare. They are not a well balanced source. I will listen to the eye witnesses over the opinions of a group of agenda-driven liberals. Thanks though.
I’ll bite, specifically what eye witness did you listen to?
Nothing offensive about that.

Nothing offensive about that.
The fact that you don't find that offensive shows how far from sane thought and having a normal conscience you really have gotten. I can't even address that because your mind and heart are seriously warped.
It's only fair to remember we're talking about an era when many hereditary and chronic ailments had no treatment. Eugenics is rightly rejected today, but she was not an outlier in supporting some elements of it at the time.
Yeah. Baby will have a disability, kill it. Read my above statement.
Again, nothing offensive about that.
Again.. read up.
See my above comment about eugenics
See my above statement.
Odds are the parents in question would agree, at least in 1918 when medical technology was nowhere near where it is today.
Nope. In fact most parents love their children, even the pre-born ones.
See my above comment about eugenics.
Again, there were a lot more incurable and untreatable conditions then than there are now. Trying to wipe out hereditary conditions is not without its ethical quandaries, but you've got to look at it in the context of the era.
Yup. Contextualize perverse thought. Read my above statement.
That's from an article where she argues - quite correctly - that charity alone simply isn't enough to alleviate poverty, that there's a more fundamental problem to be addressed.
That's how a lot of us - including many Catholics - feel about the church's stance against a woman's right to choose.
In other words, birth control = fewer mouths to feed, and families could choose to have only as many children as they could afford to. That's a good thing.
If your objection here is to the word "racial", she was referring to the human race, not to any racial group therein.
Didn't say a racial group was intended here. She made that part of her views clear elsewhere, but here she just has no regard for human life in general.
Again, that is the student's side of the story. You and I have no way of knowing exactly what happened.

Or so says a man who is none of these.
Says many who are these and not brainwashed into a victim stance.
The fact that you don't find that offensive shows how far from sane thought and having a normal conscience you really have gotten. I can't even address that because your mind and heart are seriously warped.

Yeah. Baby will have a disability, kill it. Read my above statement.

Again.. read up.

See my above statement.

Nope. In fact most parents love their children, even the pre-born ones.


Yup. Contextualize perverse thought. Read my above statement.




Didn't say a racial group was intended here. She made that part of her views clear elsewhere, but here she just has no regard for human life in general.

Says many who are these and not brainwashed into a victim stance.
You're against abortion and can't fathom that anyone would disagree and that's everyone else's fault.

Preborn children dont exist. Birth is a requirement.

Of course 👍
I’ll bite, specifically what eye witness did you listen to?

Many of the written accounts are exactly that: written. And for the same reasons conservative voices get silenced or banned on social media, Google and YouTube do a great job blocking the posting, or at least the finding of posts, if the post is presenting connections between communism and Nazis, and liberals and Democrats. But I actually read the news papers (paper versions their only version because of limited resources) that these older and largely conservative survivors write articles for and send in letters to the editor. And their testimony has been gut wrenching and their warnings dire.

For your sake I posted a couple articles dealing with some of the history, as well as a link to a site for a book full of eye witness accounts if you have the balls to pick up the book and read it. Bet you don't and won't.
You're against abortion and can't fathom that anyone would disagree and that's everyone else's fault.

Preborn children dont exist. Birth is a requirement.

Of course 👍
You have a warped, seared conscience twisted by your acceptance of an evil mentality. I'm willing to bet you may have funded an abortion or two and are desperate to justify your murder. That doesn't make you right. Just sick.
You have a warped, seared conscience twisted by your acceptance of an evil mentality. I'm willing to bet you may have funded an abortion or two and are desperate to justify your murder. That doesn't make you right. Just sick.
I support a woman's right to end her pregnancy.

You need to use incorrect words to provoke emotion because you think your religious doctrine is the ultimate authority over everyone.

I have an opinion. So do you. I support your right to have one. You don't support my right to have one and, in fact, need to dehumanize me (I. E evil) because of your belief of superiority.

To add- I've never personally funded any abortion. I've known several women who've ended their pregnancies and have no issue at all with their choice to do so

Many of the written accounts are exactly that: written. And for the same reasons conservative voices get silenced or banned on social media, Google and YouTube do a great job blocking the posting, or at least the finding of posts, if the post is presenting connections between communism and Nazis, and liberals and Democrats. But I actually read the news papers (paper versions their only version because of limited resources) that these older and largely conservative survivors write articles for and send in letters to the editor. And their testimony has been gut wrenching and their warnings dire.

For your sake I posted a couple articles dealing with some of the history, as well as a link to a site for a book full of eye witness accounts if you have the balls to pick up the book and read it. Bet you don't and won't.
That’s all straw man stuff. I’m asking for an eye witness who can detail how the Nazis taking guns lead to the Holocaust. None of those links are by, from or include eye witnesses.

Care to try to answer what I’m asking again?
That’s all straw man stuff. I’m asking for an eye witness who can detail how the Nazis taking guns lead to the Holocaust. None of those links are by, from or include eye witnesses.

Care to try to answer what I’m asking again?
As I said, that's why I posted a book link that contains heavy documentation. We are talking people who work analog, but the have written extensively in letters to editors and articles in the non-internet world. I have read them extensively, you know before search engines started controlling the content people access. That's why I gave the articles (that you didn't read before calling them straw man stuff) as well as the book. Put down your screen and read a book and some papers.