For those with grown children

Oh my... what fun this will be....

My dream date: Johnny with a side of Skyline to tag team him. LOL
I've never topped before but I certainly wouldn't turn down a paddling :)

then again, my motto is "try anything once, then give it a second chance"

Ground Rule number one: biting allowed but no blood :) Okay Mike Tyson?
SkylineBlue said:
I've never topped before but I certainly wouldn't turn down a paddling :)

then again, my motto is "try anything once, then give it a second chance"

Ground Rule number one: biting allowed but no blood :) Okay Mike Tyson?

Rule #2: I don't bottom for anybody!
General Rule #3: all rope must be red: it goes so well with black leather and contrasts so nicely with my skin tone ;)
We did do a bang up job of taking-over

By the way - i love your new (?) Av Desert Rose ... I've never been to Las Vegas but it's on my list of places to go. And now that I'm 21 the only thing holding me back is my poor, massively in debt college student status... though perhaps not having money to gamble would be a good thing. I like thoroughbred horse racing as I grew up in the Bluegrass.
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SkylineBlue said:
We did do a bang up job of taking-over

By the way - i love your new (?) Av Desert Rose ... I've never been to Las Vegas but it's on my list of places to go. And now that I'm 21 the only thing holding me back is my poor, massively in debt college student status... though perhaps not having money to gamble would be a good thing. I like thoroughbred horse racing as I grew up in the Bluegrass.

There's lots to do that does not involve gambling. And I would help show you a good time should you ever come.

And on topic:
My sex life is mine and I don't share details with my children. They are grown young adults and they talk to me about things when they need to. I am very open and (being a nurse) I know a few things. But some things are private to me and to them. I respect that. Honestly, I don't think they want to know about my sex life, either.
Well, ADR,

A good point.

I know that as a young adult, it really "grossed me out" to think of my parents having sex.

They weren't into BDSM!

I would hate to nauseate my children.


However, I do believe that how things unfold will happen in time. As long as they are comfortable and doing THEIR thing, I am happy.

Re: Re: Re: BDSM

SkylineBlue said:
Ditto... Huh?

Dianne, do you mean to say your son and yourself have been interacting in a bdsm relationship?

Did not start out as a BDSM thing. We have been experimenting with it. I know incest turns a lot of people off, including me before my son and I engaged in it. That is why we kive in a very tight "closet". I come here because I can be myself and open about it where I can't anywhere else. He was an adult when our relationship began. We are both happy and both consensual. If he or I decide we don't want this any longer then it will end. We are not out to offend anyone whatsoever.
Re: Re: Re: Re: BDSM

DianneD said:
Did not start out as a BDSM thing. We have been experimenting with it. I know incest turns a lot of people off, including me before my son and I engaged in it. That is why we kive in a very tight "closet". I come here because I can be myself and open about it where I can't anywhere else. He was an adult when our relationship began. We are both happy and both consensual. If he or I decide we don't want this any longer then it will end. We are not out to offend anyone whatsoever.

You may be able to justify yourself to some here, if you are even being truthful to begin with, but to those who have raised or are raising children, your justification will not work.

I have a 21 year old son and it goes without saying to most, that the biological age of a young man and his maturity age are two quite different things. Just because an individual is "of age" does not mean he is "of age" to handle the emotionally charged relationship that comes with sexual intercourse, especially sexual relations with a parent.

I am not so old that I have forgotten what being a 20 year old was like. And especially in regard to sexual experiences. Young adults are impressionable and easily manipulated by those they see as mentors ... those they see in positions of power. And who has more power, more influence, than a parent?

Sexual intercourse is about power, regardless of whether it is in the realm of bdsm kink or not. That power can be a dangerous thing and one that is easily misused by the one who holds it. Any young adult, but most especially a child, is at great risk to those they admire, love, and respect, if this power is misused. The ultimate misuse is incest. I know there are many at Literotica, especially women, who have been victims of incest and have posted their life experiences. Judging by what I have read and know personally, I don't think they found it to be experiences that they would like to repeat.

I am aware that there is a forum at Lit that welcomes your kind of sexual taste, if indeed you are even being honest and you really are engaging in this activity with your son. As distasteful as I find that to be, it is at least a place for you to continue to un-"closet" yourself.

These are my opinions based on my experiences as a parent, an adult and a nurse who has seen the end result of incest. I stand by them and they will not change. In other words, I will not debate them. There are few things that I take this firm a stand on... incest is one of them.
A Desert Rose posted:

And on topic:
My sex life is mine and I don't share details with my children. They are grown young adults and they talk to me about things when they need to. I am very open and (being a nurse) I know a few things. But some things are private to me and to them. I respect that. Honestly, I don't think they want to know about my sex life, either.

I agree with the sex life part. However, a lot of our relationship is evident outside the bedroom- I tend to sit beside him on the floor a lot, serve his food, say "Sir", ask him if I may do some things, etc... we have slowly but surely been letting more and more of this behavior show more around the kids of all ages The younger kids are coming to see it as normal, but my grown kids who just drop in every once in a while are quite obviously surprised. We've had only very vague allusions to it so far. This is a question I'm quite curious to see how others handle- so, despite all the interesting and humorous hijacks, hope to see some more input on the topic! ha!

"despite all the interesting and humorous hijakcs" I too am curious to see how people continue to post to this thread...

I'm only 21 and don't have any children but I often worry/wonder at how to handle future situations regarding having children in this lifestyle. I'm glad to hear I don't necessarily have to choose between the two.
I think it is something you have to decide on an individual level with thought to the approach of others as you are doing. It can be very difficult I imagine for some children to become accustomed to, or perhaps even handle, if they have lived their lives oblivious of thier parents' sexual side. I grew up in a very repressed household where sex was not considered to be good in any mother actually advised me on my wedding day, after knowing I had not been a virgin for years and had lived in a de facto relationship before, that a woman who wants her husband to respect her always will never engage in sex without keeping some item of clothing on, the more the better. LOL.

This, along with many misconceptions and hang-ups I witnessed in friends from similar backgrounds, set the mood for how I wanted to raise my children. I was always open with them about sexuality, and they were conscious of issues such as homosexuality before they reached 10 simply because they asked questions. Similarly, my divorce from their father early in their lives meant I dated from time to time, which meant deciding then whether to keep an illusion of purity, or having them know I had a sexual side which I enjoyed responsibly. I felt it unrealistic to consider the putity choice as I felt sure, like most children, they would see the inconsistencies and become confused or begin to distrust.

This made it so much easier to let them know in conversation and obvious growing interest in my interest in BDSM, and eventually my decision it was to be my life choice. Before Master and I met and married, they were bth aware he was not just a date, but was my Master, and I to be his slave. The awareness is there, though we stop short of whipping in the living room or kitchen as much as we might feel the urge at times.:)

I think that's a good way to raise your children. My parents were open about sex. Not about their own sex lives - I have no desire to know anything about their personal tastes except that they are happy. But I always felt I could ask anything growing up. And they taught me tolerance which helped me accept myself.

I guess my issue is that my mother was such a strong figure that I worry that by allowing hints of my submissive side to show would be wrong. I guess that's silly though. I'm not my mother. Though I expect I'll probably be just as strict and fierce as she is in many ways. And in many ways, I'll be more bendable and flexible than she and that will be a good thing. That's something you have confirmed for me Catalina, we don't have to become our parents but we can learn from them.
My sex life

isn't open for discussion with my children. I have a 21 year old daughter who is married and has a child of her own and I have a 14 year old daughter who lives at home with me. I try to keep what goes on with Master away from my children. My oldest one thinks I'm a heathen because I don't subscribe to what she feels is an acceptable religious group. I can just imagine the conversation if I told her I was involved in a D/s relationship. My 14 year old is too young to understand and I feel it is my job as a parent to answer her questions openly and honestly, but I will not overload her with information or give her information she hasn't asked for. I think she is happiest thinking I had sex twice in my life which was to concieve her and her sister and that I don't do that anymore. I am not ashamed of my relationship and if she asks I will tell her.