Forum Organization -- Library?

I think you are doing a great job. Don't worry about it. I agree if someone thinks something should be included they should just ask politely. Maybe thru pm or a post on this thread. Very impressive list so far, as I see it.

This is an excellent idea, Nemo. Thank you for taking it on.

I do have a suggestion for a listing.


I know physical problems/illnesses that are/can be related to sex are not specifically bdsm, but I think they are quite common and many people, myself included, look for information on them. How to deal with piercings, bruises, and tattoos could be included. What do you think?

Here are two links that I send people to, when infections (uti(s) and bacterial/yeast infections come up)

The Need to Pee

Damn...this is really starting to get me down.
You have done an amazing job.

Please, please include the bound submissives thread under pictures. They should be required viewing.

Thank you so very much.
MsW -- I sorta figured I'd lump "infections" in with the "Health" category. I suppose they're not the 'how to deal with BDSM injuries' threads that we'd expect to find here, but you're right: dealing with infections and disease is part of the reality of BDSM, as of any kind of sex.

red -- Heh, yeah. I'm working my way backwards, from the 'most buried' threads to the less-buried ones. I'm looking forward to re-reading the "bound submissives" thread when it's time for me to post the link. However, that time might not be for a while yet...
All right. This 'library' is getting too long to post in a single post. I'm gonna have to break it up into A-E, F-J, K-O, etc. I think I might start a different thread for this, so that the first post in the thread jumps right into the official categories. Each subsequent post will be a different set of letters, and I'll update each section whenever I add more links.

May we continue to use this thread for suggestions and updates on the process of creating the library? That way, the 'official' thread won't get cluttered up.
All right, I've reached the point in the evolution of the BDSM forum where our flames begin. Should I list those threads? Some of them are all chopped up with edited/erased posts, so they don't make a whole lot of sense. If I do keep them, how should I categorize them?
I don't know how everyone else feels, but my vote is strongly for exclusion of flames.
I agree with MsWorthy

After all, flames are a total waste of space.

Brilliant job Nemo.
Thanks again

Yep, rosco. That's what I was thinking. Plus, if it's used, it'll hopefully put us all on the same footing, as far as newcomers vs. long-time members. I mean, we'll all have read the threads, so we can all enter conversations with an equal amount of background.
Wow -- I'm nearly halfway through cataloging the existing threads! I've updated the Library twice in the past two days.

I'm curious: Does anyone know how I can make a Table of Contents to go at the top that has hyperlinks to each of the category headings, as well as to each alphabetical grouping? I'm really computer-illiterate, so although I know what I'd like to make, I don't know how to make it. Suggestions? Comments?

NemoAlia said:

I'm curious: Does anyone know how I can make a Table of Contents to go at the top that has hyperlinks to each of the category headings, as well as to each alphabetical grouping? I'm really computer-illiterate, so although I know what I'd like to make, I don't know how to make it. Suggestions? Comments?

I think RS would know how to format that,...if she doesn't,...I betcha she will find out. (BTW: A great service you are doing for all us), thank you very much for your TIME involved. :rose:

Just letting y'all know that the library is still growing. I just added another... oh... 25 or so threads. Also: I've been encouraging people to reply to the library thread if they have links they want to bring to our attention that I haven't yet catalogued. Eventually, these links will be included in the library proper, but y'know, I can only work so fast.

Thanks y'all for your support!
All right, folks: with the generous assistance of One Who Shall Remain Nameless, I think I am nearly ready to start incorporating a search function into the library thread. My plan is to make each subject heading its own post (thereby making subjects easier to find on this board that has its html codes disabled), and to post an alphabetical list of links to the subject headings in the introductory Table of Contents post.

The problem: once I've separated each subject out into its own post, I won't be able to insert new subject headings into the alphabetical order. New headings would show up at the bottom of the thread, out of order. Although I suppose this wouldn't be unbearable, since the links in the Table of Contents would still be in order, I'd like to keep this as neat as possible.

So... I need your help reviewing the subject headings. Are they good ones? Do they successfully describe the content of the links that are currently listed under them? Are they sufficient to cover the scope of our forum? Should there be more/fewer/different headings? What do you think?

I'll be taking suggestions for at least a few days before I do anything rash.
There should be a new library thing: one should be able to request and require that the Babelonian Librarian persue and canvass the stacks in order to find threads which one may desire to view, or post in.

Library Request J-7 subpart lirusvytqpw4uyt3q-=0897300 hexagon ring 16720251-24985721-967-965136080870878 to the 50th power:

"is there a thread in the BDSM forum in which I can post my fantasias about the appearance of regular posters? I have amusing (to me) things to say"


babelonian library card # 1288967857658976876283756298765287455634975629347569247659274568274562347652983465284756023745690284560234756290437560234650260326092570243576023985670297029385602837026595207345602918250-398023927098644777777000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000340589695672085967203496529300011111111164812750-13498273-96872-56809780387650293876029387602937602938760293576259672-957620957628-95762809576598762-89567-20297342485623904581045794871049785614982103984756108924153487160349256039562390562390756230157863405
I've looked over the whole list, and like the categories, the only change I'd suggest is that
"genital torture" is, by your refs "pussy torture," and the latter would be clearer.

There might be a CBT category corresponding to "pussy torture"

Either that, or subdivide "genital torture".
All right, everyone: I've broken the Library into one post per subject heading. Who's gonna volunteer to make the hyperlinked table of contents?

And does anyone know how I can get my avatar off of the library posts? It looks so silly to see my 'face' repeated so many times on a single thread.
NemoAlia said:
All right, everyone: I've broken the Library into one post per subject heading. Who's gonna volunteer to make the hyperlinked table of contents?

And does anyone know how I can get my avatar off of the library posts? It looks so silly to see my 'face' repeated so many times on a single thread.

Cool job NemoAlia :) Thanks for putting in all that work for the forum. You definitely deserve a good long wet massage (or spanking depending on your wishes ;) ).

Not sure how to get your AV out of there, besides taking a new nickname and leaving the old one (NemoAlia) for use on the Library only and then during off the AV for NemoAlia. But I'm sure you don't want to go that route... have to build up your post count all over again. :(
