Free Thoughts~on One word...

renewal ~

wonderment of the world, is at her beck
and call. only a wish, a word
to be whispered. could you
see the radiant recovery of all
that has been lost. the startling start
of a new beginning
promises made, holding fast
to the flavorful fulfillment of all
that is good. on the tip of
tongue, a mimicking
metaphorical change in body, soul
to begin again
at the beginning. innocent at birth
all is anew with just a word


Just musing around ~
think everyone has flew the coop. Must be
that Spring Fever I was talkin' about ~

Nope I'm here, just "Unwritten" had me stumped.

And I'm trying to polish off my essay for nude day and the self portrait poems and work and for some odd reason my brain hurts now.

Mmmmm spring Break, decadence, debauchery and a bachanal!
RhymeFairy said:
wonderment of the world, is at her beck
and call. only a wish, a word
to be whispered. could you
see the radiant recovery of all
that has been lost. the startling start
of a new beginning
promises made, holding fast
to the flavorful fulfillment of all
that is good. on the tip of
tongue, a mimicking
metaphorical change in body, soul
to begin again
at the beginning. innocent at birth
all is anew with just a word


Just musing around ~
think everyone has flew the coop. Must be
that Spring Fever I was talkin' about ~


sorry sweetie,

I have been busy and now faced with a passing that has gathered family and friends to say good bye to a dear lady. These are times that remind us to seize the day.
No need for apologies my friends. I have been just as busy as you it seems. ;) Just jump in when you have time, or feel the need. :rose:
Art ... For my friend.

I wish
for you I could take
it all away. The heartache
of loss. The never-ending feelings
of what to do. Where do we go
from here ...

Once long ago, life
was simple and neat. Now
time has robbed us
of all that could have been.

Should we pass on to another
world, as dreams of what once
was carry us back. Lighting
our pathways with love
and laughter.

We must move on, the telling
hurts, scalds our soul
into screaming
yet silent cries. Grief
overwhelms this unbidden
heart into action.

Uploading turns
to unloading
as the death of love
last a lifetime ...


I like so many, have a hard time dealing with loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
I wish
for you I could take
it all away. The heartache
of loss. The never-ending feelings
of what to do. Where do we go
from here ...

Once long ago, life
was simple and neat. Now
time has robbed us
of all that could have been.

Should we pass on to another
world, as dreams of what once
was carry us back. Lighting
our pathways with love
and laughter.

We must move on, the telling
hurts, scalds our soul
into screaming
yet silent cries. Grief
overwhelms this unbidden
heart into action.

Uploading turns
to unloading
as the death of love
last a lifetime ...


I like so many, have a hard time dealing with loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:

gracias mi amiga' (~_~) bows humble
do what you have to do ...

is this all? can you say
no more. three children depend
on you. your strong fisted
love has tarnished
left them weak, fresh
for the pickings. complain
about how you
have it sooo bad. times
are tough, money
dry leaves scattered
to the winds. excuses
is all your twitting tongue
tells. tell me no lies
your request, answered here
in the personals of everyday
life. be a man. grow up, try a lil less
self pity, think less of you, more
about how three precious angels
meet their day, with smiling faces,
bruised hearts, and memories
of a dad. memories of a father
who never really was ....
RhymeFairy said:
do what you have to do ...

is this all? can you say
no more. three children depend
on you. your strong fisted
love has tarnished
left them weak, fresh
for the pickings. complain
about how you
have it sooo bad. times
are tough, money
dry leaves scattered
to the winds. excuses
is all your twitting tongue
tells. tell me no lies
your request, answered here
in the personals of everyday
life. be a man. grow up, try a lil less
self pity, think less of you, more
about how three precious angels
meet their day, with smiling faces,
bruised hearts, and memories
of a dad. memories of a father
who never really was ....

I get it... :rose: :rose: :rose:

I'm tired of standing still
Just waiting for something
To happen
That I know never will.

I want to see her move
Watch her dance and swim
Yawn and stretch
Just watch her move.

Pack my bags, just grab stuff
Point my car and drive all night
Move my ass
And be in a much better place

I just need to start moving.
a friend ...

I can see his dreams
shadows cast out like dice
in for another
play. Rolling, twisting, turning
of pages into
another chapter. He wants
to be loved
like fingers caressing
spine of an aged book
temporally charred by
the reading of page
after page. Will you pick
him up. Dust off and open him
to a new world ... or throw
it into the fire, like so may others
used, abused from chafed hands
and cold hearts ...
Ready for a new word? *grins

Taboo ~

Syllables: ta-boo (ta-bu)
Parts of speech: adjective , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation tae bu
tE bu

Definition 1. untouchable, unmentionable, or otherwise forbidden
by social mandate.

Synonyms untouchable, verboten , unmentionable ,
prohibited {prohibit }

Similar Words hush-hush , banned , unspeakable

Related Words out of bounds

Part of Speech noun

Inflected Forms taboos (tabus)

Definition 1. a ban on a subject, action, behavior, or the like,
imposed by societal or religious custom.

Synonyms proscription , ban , prohibition

Similar Words injunction , anathema

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms tabooed (tabued), tabooing (tabuing), taboos (tabus)

Definition 1. to forbid because of social convention or tradition.

Synonyms prohibit, veto , interdict , ban , proscribe , forbid

Related Words prohibit , inhibit

Hi ya peeps ~~!!!! :p

Hope all is well with you n yours. I have had a few friends poppin in my email box :eek:
I appreciate all the love and encouragement ~~ :heart:

New word was inspired by an old write did by Art.
I was rereading a few poems from back in November
and ran across today's word. Have fun and

Happppy Writing ~ ;)
Last edited:
abuzz with words, unspeakable
words. that come like a thief,
gathering thoughts and transporting
memories. mentioned aloud
in an up in the air manner.he wishes
to give up, throw
in the towel. dice already thrown
for they cannot be retrieved.
his message received
loud'n clear. his words,
like laundry on the line
aired, pressed, and folded into
neat piles, to be put away. like
a memory of childbirth, too hard
to impress upon, and to much
to tell.

Free thoughts, not done just wishing to have the appropriate words to say how utterly shocked and dismayed I was in someone, and what they had to say. Word of advice to those who are listening ... You can never change anyone, but people are always changing. Good/bad all the same, no matter how much you try to help, they still just don't get it.

:rose: :rose:
slow burn ~

slow burn
takes over, a sizzle
of lust that speaks
hears, and feels with fiendish
fingers that take to rub
side to side. shadows
shadowing out, singeing
causing this body of want
to want more
more of you. a touch,
whisper upon clammy
skin, as skidding claws
scalds my inner core. creating
a crest of love lava. hot
molten, magnetic motions
make mimicking bodies

he's a moaner, she
a groaner. catcalls
purred out in purr-fect
unison. temples worshiped
on knees, as faces
shine from the light
without for so long,
whispers naughty
thoughts. come
cum pretty baby.
milk licked dry
head to thigh, thirst
quenched for this
decade. time now
for a cat-nap~

RhymeFairy said:
Taboo ~

Syllables: ta-boo (ta-bu)
Parts of speech: adjective , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation tae bu
tE bu

Definition 1. untouchable, unmentionable, or otherwise forbidden
by social mandate.

Synonyms untouchable, verboten , unmentionable ,
prohibited {prohibit }

Similar Words hush-hush , banned , unspeakable

Related Words out of bounds

Part of Speech noun

Inflected Forms taboos (tabus)

Definition 1. a ban on a subject, action, behavior, or the like,
imposed by societal or religious custom.

Synonyms proscription , ban , prohibition

Similar Words injunction , anathema

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms tabooed (tabued), tabooing (tabuing), taboos (tabus)

Definition 1. to forbid because of social convention or tradition.

Synonyms prohibit, veto , interdict , ban , proscribe , forbid

Related Words prohibit , inhibit

Hi ya peeps ~~!!!! :p

Hope all is well with you n yours. I have had a few friends poppin in my email box :eek:
I appreciate all the love and encouragement ~~ :heart:

New word was inspired by an old write did by Art.
I was rereading a few poems from back in November
and ran across today's word. Have fun and

Happppy Writing ~ ;)

Taboo yells...
"It's the plane... the plane,"
midget tones and waddled stroll
a playground to disect fantasys
casting folks into turmoil
to enlighten their lives
with what they need
mixed with what they want
like a island drink
under a tiny umbrella
there is no shade
that will hide you
from your fears
so you drink it for courage
to disappear into happiness
Sweet earthy
for the taking.
finely chiseled
upon this soul.

Portals from a checker
board past
beckon. Requesting
permission, to linger
over the taste
of life's disillusioned


charms and beads
rattle in dried skin
and tossed upon a table

lay the bones where they're cast
and read the signs
by candle light
and cigar scents
chicken blood
and peppermint

a human skull
gazing into the future
sightless it see's all
and grins with teeth
old and broken
as wax runs down its cheek

a puff of smoke
from scattered sulfur
to bring the spirits alive
a voodoo queen
chanting on cue
doing what is concidered
My Erotic Trail said:

charms and beads
rattle in dried skin
and tossed upon a table

lay the bones where they're cast
and read the signs
by candle light
and cigar scents
chicken blood
and peppermint

a human skull
gazing into the future
sightless it see's all
and grins with teeth
old and broken
as wax runs down its cheek

a puff of smoke
from scattered sulfur
to bring the spirits alive
a voodoo queen
chanting on cue
doing what is concidered

I like !!!

I can see her bent over the table,
mousy hair knotted tats. sorcering
her spells, six bones to rattle. Shake'm
real slow, feel their embracing
glow. Within mirrored souls
reflections all shadow out
from a whisking lil throw, droplets
of blood scatter. telling futures
of hermits, men 'n mice.
smoke rises north, fire
from the south. which fortune
is yours luck or louse. come a lil closer
lean in low. not much more to tell
until a palm is crossed, no more
shall you know ...

hmm needs some work, but I hav'ta go to work ... lol

Have a great day my friends ~

Experience excitement
exposed, exploring
Unleashed, on this poor
unsuspecting woman.

Bringing abandonment
home. Driving needs,
singing through.
Sizzling veins,
of wanton cravings.

Pictures, of every way
possible, to drink
of lovers juicy

Binding close,
with cuffs of steel,
cobwebs of netting,
from movement.

Come explore,
with feather
brushings of silk.
Sensually smooth
laps around anal
openings. Charming
chest chuckles,
come cascading out.

Chilly cold ice,
nubbing nipples,
nipping. Encamping
in meadows, of sheer
shaved snatches.

Massaging oils,
gels of gentle
Warming the
forbidden flesh.
Fondling mosaic
muscles, mapping.

maneuvers, across,
tired, tiger tight
of maidenly worship.

Toe suck those arched
heels, of narrow,
bitten pathways.
Whipping, extracting
eager moans, masked with
leather spikes,
spanks of merriment.

Metamorphic mouse
turned, teasing
pussy, in the ambiance
of slaves masters,

Delightfully dance,
dripping hot liquid
wax, waltzing over
whelped white skin.

Come away with me.
all preconceptions.
Open yourself to feelings
of epic extravagance.

I can make the pictures,
a reality. Join me,
in sensational
sexual dungeons,
of mind and body.


I was rereading a few of my poems.
Had quiet a few comments on this one,
and I wanna save it here. I am going to rewrite I think.
I read it and *see* where I went wrong ~ ;)
RhymeFairy said:
Experience excitement
exposed, exploring
Unleashed, on this poor
unsuspecting woman.

Bringing abandonment
home. Driving needs,
singing through.
Sizzling veins,
of wanton cravings.

Pictures, of every way
possible, to drink
of lovers juicy

Binding close,
with cuffs of steel,
cobwebs of netting,
from movement.

Come explore,
with feather
brushings of silk.
Sensually smooth
laps around anal
openings. Charming
chest chuckles,
come cascading out.

Chilly cold ice,
nubbing nipples,
nipping. Encamping
in meadows, of sheer
shaved snatches.

Massaging oils,
gels of gentle
Warming the
forbidden flesh.
Fondling mosaic
muscles, mapping.

maneuvers, across,
tired, tiger tight
of maidenly worship.

Toe suck those arched
heels, of narrow,
bitten pathways.
Whipping, extracting
eager moans, masked with
leather spikes,
spanks of merriment.

Metamorphic mouse
turned, teasing
pussy, in the ambiance
of slaves masters,

Delightfully dance,
dripping hot liquid
wax, waltzing over
whelped white skin.

Come away with me.
all preconceptions.
Open yourself to feelings
of epic extravagance.

I can make the pictures,
a reality. Join me,
in sensational
sexual dungeons,
of mind and body.


I was rereading a few of my poems.
Had quiet a few comments on this one,
and I wanna save it here. I am going to rewrite I think.
I read it and *see* where I went wrong ~ ;)

well, it is pretty darn good...
what is... coercion?

I look forward to seeing this blossom again <grin
Appreciate free thoughts...

I have a few...bare with me


Painful sometimes the past
Scars never fully healed.

Like skin scalded
Minor heat burning still

Never again close to that fire
No longer the temptation

Sadness in remembering the magic
How easily forgotten the meaning

Knowing what was can never
Will never…be again

Wounded, scars remaining
Will healing ever come

It comes with time, patience, determination
But it burns still,
rewritten ...

Experience excitement.
Expose and explore nasty
naughtiness with me.

Bringing abandonment
home to driving needs
as they coast and singe
through sizzling veins
of wanton cravings.

Pictures of every way
possible to devoutly drink
of lovers juicy jelly.

Binding close with cuffs
of steel cobwebs and netting.
Restricting ... restraining
all movement.

Come explore
with feather brushings
of silk as sensually smooth
tickles lap around anal
openings making charming
chest chuckles cascade out.

Chilly cold ice nubs
nipples ... nipping
an encampment
into meadows of sheer
shaved snatches.

Massaging oils milking
gently gelling a coercion
from warm forbidden
flesh, as fondling muscles
are moasically mapped
in and out.

Tiptoeing maneuvers
tigerly tighten ... tired
temples of maidenly

Toe suck those arched
heels of narrow bitten
pathways. Whipping
extracting eager moans
masked with leather
spikes and spanks
of merriment.

A metamorphic mouse
turns teasing pussy
in the ambiance
of this slave masters

Delightful dance
of dripping hot liquid
wax as it waltzes
over whelped white

Come away with me.
Abandon all preconceptions.
Open yourself to feelings
of an epic extravagance.

I can make the pictures
a reality. Join me
in sensational sexual
dungeons of mind
and body.


Think this is a bit better,
might still work on it.
Many Feathers said:
I have a few...bare with me


Painful sometimes the past
Scars never fully healed.

Like skin scalded
Minor heat burning still

Never again close to that fire
No longer the temptation

Sadness in remembering the magic
How easily forgotten the meaning

Knowing what was can never
Will never…be again

Wounded, scars remaining
Will healing ever come

It comes with time, patience, determination
But it burns still,

Welcome my friend. :rose:

I enjoyed this poem. It reaches out
and pulls the reader into your world
of wounded pain. I look forward to more.
