Free Thoughts~on One word...

I can tell Art is antsy for a new word
So here ya go my friend .... ;)

Encampment :

Syllables: en-camp-ment

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation *** kaemp mEnt

Definition 1. a place where a camp has been set up.

Crossref. Syn. camp

Definition 2. the act of setting up a camp.


I know you will enjoy this one, lol.
Happy writing and have a Great Day ~~~

:rose: :rose:
encamping memories beg
to release
as spastic longings
sing into thine ears

mutatiously mumbling
history has taught
new lessons
of borrowed time
and less is not more

work in progress .. lol

Encamping thoughts upon your soul
of things I'd like to do.

Pitch my tent upon your heart
and climb inside of you.

Build a fire of hearts embrace
taking shelter deep inside.

and see the stars inside my head
as I spread you oh so wide.
Many Feathers said:
Encamping thoughts upon your soul
of things I'd like to do.

Pitch my tent upon your heart
and climb inside of you.

Build a fire of hearts embrace
taking shelter deep inside.

and see the stars inside my head
as I spread you oh so wide.

cool beans~ nice


I had no idea
that sand could get in so many places
sun burned and red as a lobster
smearing cream over her body
feeling the grit

The group went on another journey
I stayed in the tent
a nudist colony weekend
spent in the encampment
a poem for thought ~

"The Dreams of My Heart"

The dreams of my heart and my mind pass,
Nothing stays with me long,
But I have had from a child
The deep solace of song;

If that should ever leave me,
Let me find death and stay
With things whose tunes are played out and forgotten
Like the rain of yesterday.

~~ Sarah Teasdale


We trekked up the trail,
which was wound around
the mountain like a wire-coil,
not stopping to look at fading
clouds or the dissapearing horizon.
Clambering up the rocks, we finally
reached the top, lighting a fire
to send a signal to everyone
still at the bottom and everybody
still at the top. Night fell and nobody
said a word, not even the stars.
As we set up camp, I realised
we had finally reached the end of the world.
vampiredust said:
We trekked up the trail,
which was wound around
the mountain like a wire-coil,
not stopping to look at fading
clouds or the dissapearing horizon.
Clambering up the rocks, we finally
reached the top, lighting a fire
to send a signal to everyone
still at the bottom and everybody
still at the top. Night fell and nobody
said a word, not even the stars.
As we set up camp, I realised
we had finally reached the end of the world.

nicely done... :)

in camp meant
in the camp <grin
out cast a word
that stirred my inner thoughts
out there is a world
but what of in here
in the camp
I meant
vampiredust said:
We trekked up the trail,
which was wound around
the mountain like a wire-coil,
not stopping to look at fading
clouds or the dissapearing horizon.
Clambering up the rocks, we finally
reached the top, lighting a fire
to send a signal to everyone
still at the bottom and everybody
still at the top. Night fell and nobody
said a word, not even the stars.
As we set up camp, I realised
we had finally reached the end of the world.

Wow ~!!!

I like this one VampireDust :rose:

I can see where you came from, and where you went.
Very nice wording. Holds the readers hand, and shows
us a whole new *world~

By request ~~~> new word : Consume

Syllables: con-sume

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation kEn sum

Inflected Forms consumed, consuming, consumes

Definition 1. to eat; devour.
Example He consumed his meal.
Synonyms swallow, devour , eat
Crossref. Syn. devour , touch
Similar Words polish off {polish (PHR)} , gulp , gobble , absorb ,
wolf , drink , guzzle , bolt

Definition 2. to destroy.
Example a house consumed by fire.
Synonyms eat , destroy , devastate , annihilate , devour ,
Crossref. Syn. take
Similar Words obliterate , play havoc with {havoc (PHR)} ,
envelop , demolish , eradicate , swallow1 , waste , level , ruin ,
wipe out {wipe (PHR)} , overcome , engulf , gut

Definition 3. to use up.
Example An engine consumes fuel.
Synonyms finish , expend , exhaust , eat up , use
up {use (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. eat , deplete , burn , use , spend ,
run out of
Similar Words waste , deplete , dispose of {dispose} ,
kill , guzzle , drain

Definition 4. to use wastefully; squander.
Example Idle chatter consumes much of his time.
Synonyms use , squander , waste
Crossref. Syn. eat , blow
Similar Words fritter away {fritter} , blow , dissipate ,
misspend , kill , guzzle

Definition 5. to engross.
Example His job consumes his full attention.
Synonyms engage , engross , occupy
Crossref. Syn. possess , immerse , devour
Similar Words eat , enthrall , preoccupy , absorb ,
take , involve , swallow , grip , devour , captivate

Related Words bestow , wash , burn , corrode , finish ,
exhaust , spend , lose , bite , assimilate

Derived Forms consumable, adj.

Happppy Writing ~

Brought over from passion thread.
Yes I cheated a bit on todays word.
See what you can come up with.



it matters not of strength
and brawn. determination
shall eat me alive
while my heart still begs for
one more morsel, taste of
forbidden skin as the salty bite
of tears tarnish
tongue and teeth. a constricting
collapsing throat tingles
desiring a decomposed
decayed memory of the last
sup. a hunger that haunts
this human anatomy, turning
a fragile hope into corpsed
cardboard cutouts. stagnant
strength has wasted away
while brute and brawn bury
this feign heart. what remains.
fragmented pains, of a meal
once consumed ...

RhymeFairy said:
By request ~~~> new word : Consume

Syllables: con-sume

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation kEn sum

Inflected Forms consumed, consuming, consumes

Definition 1. to eat; devour.
Example He consumed his meal.
Synonyms swallow, devour , eat
Crossref. Syn. devour , touch
Similar Words polish off {polish (PHR)} , gulp , gobble , absorb ,
wolf , drink , guzzle , bolt

Definition 2. to destroy.
Example a house consumed by fire.
Synonyms eat , destroy , devastate , annihilate , devour ,
Crossref. Syn. take
Similar Words obliterate , play havoc with {havoc (PHR)} ,
envelop , demolish , eradicate , swallow1 , waste , level , ruin ,
wipe out {wipe (PHR)} , overcome , engulf , gut

Definition 3. to use up.
Example An engine consumes fuel.
Synonyms finish , expend , exhaust , eat up , use
up {use (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. eat , deplete , burn , use , spend ,
run out of
Similar Words waste , deplete , dispose of {dispose} ,
kill , guzzle , drain

Definition 4. to use wastefully; squander.
Example Idle chatter consumes much of his time.
Synonyms use , squander , waste
Crossref. Syn. eat , blow
Similar Words fritter away {fritter} , blow , dissipate ,
misspend , kill , guzzle

Definition 5. to engross.
Example His job consumes his full attention.
Synonyms engage , engross , occupy
Crossref. Syn. possess , immerse , devour
Similar Words eat , enthrall , preoccupy , absorb ,
take , involve , swallow , grip , devour , captivate

Related Words bestow , wash , burn , corrode , finish ,
exhaust , spend , lose , bite , assimilate

Derived Forms consumable, adj.

Happppy Writing ~



I ate the refridgerator
first I drank the mik
the apple juice and six cans of dr pepper
then I had the veggies
cucmbers, lettuce, onion or two
cheese with ham and turkey
left overs and pudding cups
pickles and mayo

I didn't eat the metal parts
or any wrappers or jars
just the food
I do know how to...
even if I do
only weigh as much as
a bag of potatoes

sun shine has escaped.
weathered a storm
only to be blown away
by the eye. caught off guard
by the comic misfortune
of loves mistaken hand.

so many things gone wrong
so very ... very fast.
when one is watching
protecting the future
only to be treacherously
tripped by the past.

thinking all is going so well.
finally seeing the rainbow,
at the end of the storm.
finding out you were in the eye
the storm has yet to pass.

playing cards with a raging
manic storm, is a game
I have been made
to learn, to play well.

then with a flick of the wrist
my loving dealer
deceiving dealt in a twist.

throwing the card
I never saw coming.
a card marked with death
to this forever hand.

no words uttered
for nothing could be said.
the dealer like the customer
is always right.

my future was marked
right from the start.
for nothing beats the love
of this my double dealing man.


I am going through a few writes.
Changing, rearranging
seeing what I can do for them.
it will
it can last
feel that build up
of passions touch.

petals of laughter
floating down
from upside-down
umbrella folds.

take time
taste the running wine
as it slips past only
to touch you
when least expected
run to him ... her.

worship like there is no
refunds for the lonely
only fools give in
no turning away now.

take what is yours
their love freely given
unto you. only you.
this perverted pedestrian
with shallow intent.
inventions of disgust
to some. poetic passion
of longings suppressed
to me.

surpassing seduction
standing firm
for form fitting flamingo doves
of loves embrace. ebbed
into my simplistic soul
echoing within suspense
it's there
been here all along ...
:rose: Originally Posted : by bluerains

don't know how much longer will be up...may have to shutdown due to storm...ugh...

tranquill thoughts adrift
pulling me into your blue
we meld in the mist


blue into jasmine.
kiss the skies with wilting sprouts
rooting deeper as droplets pour
into your essence.
from skin to skin
soft folds melting
that rub

deeper still
soulful duet, intertwining
desires within lavender stems
bringing back life, rebirth
redirecting this scheme.
tunneling drafts into you.
my misty
you ~


took a life of it's own ~

Originally Posted by: My Erotic Tale

She was broke, so I patted her
on the shoulder she sat
she sputtered something
then gave out

she was retired on rubbers
and her 'make over' obvious
but still I loved her

opened the door for her
stepped out and looked both ways
that was when I realized
not only did the car give out
but I was lost.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bounced

his touch melted
this poor gurls soul.
one look form him
she was lost.

lost in thought,
lost in time
lost to him
for all time.

wicked he was.
for he talked so naughty.
telling her things
cause he thought
she was haughty.

he would dare her
to be whatever he could.
turning his pecker,
from soft
to wood.

lil miss innocent
or so he thought.
for now he knows,
'tis him she taught.

mr slick willy,
turned to mr
yes 'mam.
now all he knows,
is to be her ram.

stick it to her good
wherever she may please.
cause now that bad boy
is her lil tease.

is this manly man.
in her eyes of green.
not a pretty sight
I must say
it's tha damndest sight
ya ever seen~
Originally Posted by : My Erotic Tale

I'm lost for words...

I'll find one...



I was lost in space
yesterdays tomorrow
thoughts were borrowed
no time to think
to damn many
mental pot holes
while running flat
footed as a crow
over an open man hole
I don't know
I'm lost

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bounced again, lol

she had him by the balls
you see. knowing another
could never please thee.

spanks to his bum,
for she knew the score
this pussy boy,
was gonna be
her new pet,
only she,
would he adore.

dive into her
as she milks him
watch as he does
but scream,



he wiggles
as he goes,
up the walls.
she loves to
him sink n fall.

bitten by teeth,
so pearly white.
scratch marks of red,
as if in a fight.

she has him now,
have no doubt.
listening as he doth sputter
n spout out.

words of worship
promises of love
how he is lost
without her love ...


Art and I have had a lotta good bounces. I love rereading and rearranging my writes. I think there might be one or two here I can poss. submit. I will think it over. I just had to get some of these outta my drawers and let'm be free ... kinda *air'm out so to say ~

nightstand visions
of sultry intent.
pulling you in
only to release.

stilettos 'n fishnets
stripped bare.
bare of flesh
bone dry
as gin n tonic.
tasting that
from lips
painted on
with fragrant peach

hills that mapped
his hips of gold

brushing against
tan limbs
into soulless
eyes. vacant
as the barren house
at the roads end.
checking for pulse
hot wires
of excruciating need
excite me. trembling
as mouth to mouth
scorches my insides.
desire thick as his hair
tempting me to let go,
just let go.

showing that line
of never ending
sliding down ribs,
riding for dear life,
on his
his touch
his taste.

gripping thighs
bareback bucking
pounding over
and over. shimming
that shake
mixing bloodthirsty
with spasming lusty
guttural moans
letting go, only
to check
and release ...
ascetic ambiance
surrounds him

tempting you
to taste
a small morsel
of his meaty pie.

forking his spoon
taking a bite
only to be bitten
by a piece
of his essence
the one thing
that is him
only his.

tasting the ambiance
of his spirit
his soul.
he is what I crave
he is
my ascetic aphrodisiac.
lookie what I found ...

Originally Posted by :My Erotic Tale

If I was a number of bodies
I mean a body of numbers
I'd be sixty nine went I ate
and one when I', laid straight

wrapped in your two arms
doing the crazy eight
two fingers fondle deeply
while ten fingers wrap tightly

pulling with every inch
multiple licks and kissed
curling twenty toes
to share in one glow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bounced ~~~

forget me not
engorge in my glow
swallow me up
take me whole
count to nine
or twenty nine,
just don't loose count
and leave me cryin'

showering with presents
roses of red
take your woman
up to bed

shadow kiss
my womanly needs
taking heed
to all my pleas

soft suckles
to golden skin
loosing me up
with a lil gin

sing sweetly
of your love for this girl
into your arms,
I shall wanna curl

hold me tight
all through the night
awaken me
with a lil bite

pink flesh heated
with that morning glow
red rosy cheeks
from your diving below

don't stop now
feelin tha burn
now my love
I believe
'tis your turn ...
drunk ~~~~ on bliss ....

drunk on tha wine
from his lips
sweet nectar
from those fingertips
that taught me pleasure
taught me no shame
taught me
how to be me

mood of love
sharing in this
sharing the juice
from his fingertips

fingering this puss
from dusk till
showing me all in love
is fair, not wrong

playing with me,
touches so tender
bites are rough
no, tis not a

mountains on high
I am flying high
from fingertips
high on love
feelin nothing
but bliss
embedded memories keep
nails streak across
skin, hot skin
meshed in -two of hearts.
across the sky
streaking like
touching me
not, for this flesh
burns baby
for you

is what I wanna be
with you.
hold you tight
cuff you up
nails wrap
slow welts marked.

make you come
undone, whiplashed
pussy whipped.
make you mine
for all time.

come running
to me
from a whispered
tongue darts
mouths meet
while strumming bodies
miss not
a beat.

paralyzed with passion
dread filled heart, knowing
you are not
without me.

feel me
as you
dreaming of us
when moonlight

bone breaking
screams rising up,
feeling us
our cups.

sharp slamming heat
hetro heathens.
worshiping bodies
at the alter of lust.

love comes calling
as it oft does
long simmering pots
as pudding fills
no fuzz.

and silky
smooth, we two
gliding like yo-yo's
to astronomical

naughty, yes
I am
gonna be,
with you
with me,


not what I wanted,
it did its own thing ... lol
O Whiskey Bottle

The invasion began when he was
sixteen, drafted into the air force
not out of default but neccessity.
He wanted to escape the bombing
raids of words hurled from his mothers
lips, collapsing the walls of the family
home. His admirers slowly began

to notice him; an army of voluptuous
amber bottles with a smell that reminded
him of home. And as he sipped them,
tears began to fall. He began to collect
them, picking up different models on
his postings abroad. On every photo,
you could see them in the background.

As time matured the soldier, his life started
to move on. Babies started to bombard him
with food, he retaliated by bomabarding his
world with his fists. Once more, he started
to collect the bottles. Filling up the apartment,
he used them for furniture and for the warmth
that had left. They slowly entered him, turning
his blood orange, filling his emptiness, until he could
not wake.