Free Thoughts~on One word...

i am willing to admit
i have no speed
my longitude
for liveliness has reached
a bitter end.
Something a lil different this morning ~

Suave ~

Syllables: suave

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation swav

Inflected Forms suaver, suavest
Definition 1. polished and urbane.
Example a suave person ; a suave manner.

Synonyms debonair , urbane
Crossref. Syn. debonair , urbane , polite

Similar Words polished , sophisticated , smooth , refined ,
polite , genteel

Related Words sophisticated , fine , smooth , refined , glib ,
chic , graceful , genteel

Derived Forms suavely, adv. ; suaveness, n. ; suavity, n.

Don't let the definition fool ya.
This one is a goodie ~

Happy writing :rose:

RhymeFairy said:
Something a lil different this morning ~

Suave ~

Syllables: suave

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation swav

Inflected Forms suaver, suavest
Definition 1. polished and urbane.
Example a suave person ; a suave manner.

Synonyms debonair , urbane
Crossref. Syn. debonair , urbane , polite

Similar Words polished , sophisticated , smooth , refined ,
polite , genteel

Related Words sophisticated , fine , smooth , refined , glib ,
chic , graceful , genteel

Derived Forms suavely, adv. ; suaveness, n. ; suavity, n.

Don't let the definition fool ya.
This one is a goodie ~

Happy writing :rose:


I shaved my suave~
"My Heart Is Heavy"

My heart is heavy with many a song
Like ripe fruit bearing down the tree,
But I can never give you one --
My songs do not belong to me.

Yet in the evening, in the dusk
When moths go to and fro,
In the gray hour if the fruit has fallen,
Take it, no one will know.

~~ Sarah Teasdale


suave ~

giving into lust
shall not set
me free. freewheeling thoughts
visions one could say
bound in, caught me off guard
while smooth debonair
dance into my heart, loving
the flowing beat
a suave self satisfied smile
told a different tale ...
Suave ~

He stood in the front
of the lecture hall, staring
at us, hoping his words
would numb. But as he spoke,
his words started to crumble
away his polished life, exposing
the loneliness he had tried
to hide.
a song ... for inspiration ~ *Smiles*

Artist/Band: Rascal Flatts
Lyrics for Song: My Wish
Lyrics for Album: Me & My Gang

I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
more then anything, more then anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
to your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more then you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and you always give more then you take.
Oh More then anything, Yeah, and more then anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
to your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more then you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

Rondel of Merciless Beauty

Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.

Only your word will heal the injury
To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean -
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene.

Upon my word, I tell you faithfully
Through life and after death you are my queen;
For with my death the whole truth shall be seen.
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.

~~ Geoffrey Chaucer

This was sent from my daily poem sight. I love it.
Have not read this one before, and it just
*spoke to me ~ Love love love it ~!!!

Just me ;)

Can you write one like it?
The feel ... mood, mystique
... feel that physical pull?
Yumm !

build my treasure
of dreams. this kiss
of embracing lips
keep promises made
fulfilled frequent stops
back track to loving
and more. your love
has hauntingly
humbled me. oft I smile
wishing for a maybe
a promise of yester year
carried out, before sunset
after the loving ...
I think I have an obsession
with mouths. Teeth, biting,
nipping. Love it, when a long
slow tongue dips, drinks
I wanna drink too. Fill me up
as I taste every port
of your harbor. Mirrored
bodies swaying, rising
from ocean to bed,
flying beds that is.

Just a thought, lol ~
RhymeFairy said:
Rondel of Merciless Beauty

Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.

Only your word will heal the injury
To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean -
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene.

Upon my word, I tell you faithfully
Through life and after death you are my queen;
For with my death the whole truth shall be seen.
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.

~~ Geoffrey Chaucer

This was sent from my daily poem sight. I love it.
Have not read this one before, and it just
*spoke to me ~ Love love love it ~!!!

Just me ;)

Can you write one like it?
The feel ... mood, mystique
... feel that physical pull?
Yumm !


reads like a very good inspirational poem <grin
wishing to write, matters of the heart
to tell of times passed. wishing

once I knew love
held it in this sensitive heart,
breathed the same air
and whispered the same wants.
wishing, wishing

once I felt passion
tasted it with every heartbeat
every flickering of the eye lash
and I rolled in it like running
through a never ending hayfield
on and on. wishing

once I had a partner
every wish ... fulfilled
he knew my heart, my passion
and felt all my love
... wishing
RhymeFairy said:
wishing to write, matters of the heart
to tell of times passed. wishing

once I knew love
held it in this sensitive heart,
breathed the same air
and whispered the same wants.
wishing, wishing

once I felt passion
tasted it with every heartbeat
every flickering of the eye lash
and I rolled in it like running
through a never ending hayfield
on and on. wishing

once I had a partner
every wish ... fulfilled
he knew my heart, my passion
and felt all my love
... wishing

If I could give but just one word
in order to relay how I feel
for any given moment and any given day
for all that you have written and all that you may say
share that which holds us together
brother, sister, lover or mothers and dads
that which makes a garden grow
and the bonds strung tighter

following the yellow brick road
has led this Dorothy astray
no ruby red slippers, or purring tigers
pouncing and play. all I have
is a dream. a dream that one day
I will be home. home to plant
daisies in meadows, strawberries
in rows, plant my feet in the softest
carpet known to man. paint my walls
yellow, have a sun room out back
coffee in the morning and a good man
to have my back. so I wander down
prance along this yellow road. looking
for a dream to happen, there is no place
like home ...

she plants flowers everywhere
toiling the day
night away, fingers caked
dirt always under nails. smiling
her green thumb has never
did her wrong. dig deep,
humming, weeding out the bad.
colors bursting like the sun
after the rain, she is happy.
my mom
is happiest when planting
nurturing, watching her babies grow
healthy and stable

sitting in a slow groove
of southern nights. free
from work as darkness closes in
this soul is released to prance
around. apologies not given
for I need to reach out
touch those southern skies, thighs
taste a lil rum as it runs. old
new mix baby. give me a shake
and raunchy rumble as frightening
lightening streaks across soft
glowing tanned skin. paint
me with tongue, teeth
nips, bites. use me for naughty
midnight pleasures, for I shall
use you. over
and over, as my toy
of passion. love
your mistress of pain
no pain my pet, no gain ~

she wanted
to taste his seed.
so to him,
she did plead.
my love, my one,
husband of mine,
if you would,
be so kind.

let'me get out
my ties that bind.
tie you
tight to tha bed.
goin' for your juicy
purple head.
she did lick
take him in.
all the while
with a lil grin.

hips jerking,
he did buck,
with each lil
flicking suck.
she took him

till there was
no more juice,
to be found.
she looks
into his eyes.
his heart
just melts,
as the room
fills with sighs ~

RhymeFairy said:
she wanted
to taste his seed.
so to him,
she did plead.
my love, my one,
husband of mine,
if you would,
be so kind.

let'me get out
my ties that bind.
tie you
tight to tha bed.
goin' for your juicy
purple head.
she did lick
take him in.
all the while
with a lil grin.

hips jerking,
he did buck,
with each lil
flicking suck.
she took him

till there was
no more juice,
to be found.
she looks
into his eyes.
his heart
just melts,
as the room
fills with sighs ~


well that is a real eye catcher

holy smokes
a human cigar
rolled tongues
mold its shape

those pleasure looks
upon his face
as if it hurts
to release a seed
flowing from
his tube of need
Cleaning Work ...

grease covered skin, been there
all day it seems. hair askew
from repeated combing
of fingers through
and through. sticking up
on ends like corn corn stalks
out in the field, amess.

a pony tail, half hung
swaying from room to room,
swish to swishing
of the dust rag
spot to spot, table to chair
mirror cleanings, and bathroom

fingers, arms, hands
hell ... whole body
bruised from daily grinding
of work, for the weary.

muscle aches, blood shot
eyes, that blink
blink and close
just for a second, to catch
up with the ass that moves
to the beat of another day
another dollar ~

RhymeFairy said:
grease covered skin, been there
all day it seems. hair askew
from repeated combing
of fingers through
and through. sticking up
on ends like corn corn stalks
out in the field, amess.

a pony tail, half hung
swaying from room to room,
swish to swishing
of the dust rag
spot to spot, table to chair
mirror cleanings, and bathroom

fingers, arms, hands
hell ... whole body
bruised from daily grinding
of work, for the weary.

muscle aches, blood shot
eyes, that blink
blink and close
just for a second, to catch
up with the ass that moves
to the beat of another day
another dollar ~


for a few dollars
you can rent a space
wet, warm and wondeful

(sparked from the visual arts challenge <grin
Vent vent vent ~~!!!

I hate it when I get something wrote, edited and start looking for that one last word that eludes the mind ... then I loose my poem. It was lost in the research, while surfing the dictionary. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

time wasted. memories
torn asunder, as the hungry
word muncher hacked, ate,
gurgled and spat back at me ...

he says she is so fine,
wishes to serve her, night
and day. he speaks
of hair golden eyes woven
from dreams he has oft had.

she sails his mind, speaks
to his soul and braids his heart
into sunlight. a lil rain to wet
his appetite for more. she does
her best to showcase his dreams
love him mightily and she strives
to be so fine ...

just a thought. needs a lil work me thinks,
jus a hip shot as a friend says ~ :D

Happy Writing ~

:rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Vent vent vent ~~!!!

I hate it when I get something wrote, edited and start looking for that one last word that eludes the mind ... then I loose my poem. It was lost in the research, while surfing the dictionary. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

time wasted. memories
torn asunder, as the hungry
word muncher hacked, ate,
gurgled and spat back at me ...


oh, I hate that.
I use to do the poem reviews by writing on the thread, one day I was almost doen, back when I read and mentioned every single poem, and the computer crashed and I lost it all, twice this happened so now I write on word pad, save now and again and then cut n paste to the thread. Sure as a dildo is sharp I ain't had a computer crash since <grin
fragile love shattered into pieces
as homelife reeks havoc on a feeling
less morn.

walking away has never been
so hard. lovers ... always friends
sharing old memories. a kindred spirit
leaning, helping hands and shoulders
which meant more, no one can say.

only, love visited, sat a spell, had a drink
from a long hot well. once was never
enough. these two knew passion
tasted love, and ate
mouth to mouth, fingers licked
bodies shined from sweaty passion
as days rolled over into nights.

now, tears often fall
recalling those days. when love
could be seen, heard
and felt with every syllable
every I love you
that fell from lips that longed to trail
and slither across skin
heated from an adoringly
encaptured heart.