Free Thoughts~on One word...

I wanna be mean, rough n tough
like a tiger preparing to pounce
only I will pounce and paw you down,
suckle your meat, brazenly bite
your seat. play red rover all day
as I bend into you, over
and through. ride you rough
till your hips feel like they been
put through the merry go round.
round, tight n tough
mean love my pet. I shall sharpen
my claws with slide after slide
skin to skin
burning white hot as your seed
sprouts, spinning you out
then in. dry ... as mother
earth in a desert drought.
I will milk every drop
wrung dry like a slouching
sagging mop. tough love
my pet. mean, rough n tough
that's what I wanna be ...
RhymeFairy said:
Just a side note if ya'll please.

First Eve I am sincerely hoping that my comment did not sound rude or disrespectful. I truly do Thank you for the help. :rose:
It didn't.
I wanted to mention pry/pries before you submitted it. Once you submit an edit, it can take days to get it corrected. It's happened to me more than once.
RhymeFairy said:
Also, a Thank You to Art for the encouragement, VampireDust for the inspiration and one of our newest poets SugarMountain for the * I like this poem despite the editing, lol*

Just to let everyone in LitLand know we do have an encouraging, helpful and loving group of poets here ~

:rose: :rose:

<grin... thanks RF,
yes, there are some wonderful poets here willing to share their thoughts and opinions.

What word are we on NOW!
Good Mornin' peeps ~ :D

Our new word for today?


Syllables: mind
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb
Phrases: out of one's mind , presence of mind

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation maind

Definition 1. the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs, in humans capable of great complexity because of the development of the human brain.
Synonyms mentality, thought , mentation , intelligence , rationality , reason , ratiocination , intellect

Similar Words judgment , gray matter , comprehension , understanding , psychology , apperception , awareness {aware} , perception , brainpower , intention , wit , noggin , acumen , cerebrum , head , brain , consciousness , cognizance , apprehension , sense , acuity , cognition

Definition 2. the intellect or intelligence as commonly considered distinct from the body; intellectual power.
Synonyms spirit , soul , anima , psyche
Crossref. Syn. head , intellect , spirit
Similar Words thought1 , mentation , judgment , comprehension , understanding , vitality , apperception , awareness {aware} , intellect , intention , acumen , intelligence , consciousness , sense , mentality , acuity

Definition 3. a specific person considered to have a superior intellect.
Example He is a great mind.
Synonyms intellectual , intellect , genius
Crossref. Syn. intellect
Similar Words thinker , mastermind , expert , whiz , brain , prodigy , authority , ace

Definition 4. recollection or consciousness.
Example Keep my request in mind.
Synonyms recollection , memory , mind's eye , consciousness , awareness {aware} , cognizance
Similar Words record , attention , review , recall , retrospection , retention , reminiscence , remembrance

Definition 5. desire or opinion.
Example I have a mind to travel.
Synonyms yen , hankering {hanker (vi)} , fancy , desire , want , hope
Similar Words lust , impulse , inclination , yearning , need , urge , craving , longing

Definition 6. rational stability.
Example His mind is going.
Synonyms lucidity {lucid } , rationality, sanity , equilibrium , stability , reason
Crossref. Syn. wit
Similar Words coherence , balance , acuity , sensibility

Related Words memory , wish , interior , will , heed , faculty

Phrase out of one's mind

Phrase presence of mind

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms minded, minding, minds
Definition 1. to take care of or look after; tend.
Example Are you minding the children?
Synonyms attend , watch , look after {look } , tend
Similar Words support , defend , shield , maintain , foster , sustain , protect , nurture , guard , safeguard , preserve

Definition 2. to be concerned about, disapprove of, or object to.
Example I won't mind your interrupting me.
Synonyms disfavor , object to {object} , dislike , disapprove of {disapprove }
Similar Words abhor , discountenance , loathe , disdain , detest , decry , hate (vt, vi) , despise , execrate , deplore

Definition 3. to pay attention to and obey (rules, people in authority, or the like).
Synonyms obey , heed , abide by {abide }
Crossref. Syn. mark , attend
Similar Words follow , observe , accept , agree with {agree (vi)} , conform to {conform (vi)}

Definition 4. to be cautious or careful of.
Example Mind that hammer, will you?
Crossref. Syn. beware
Similar Words observe , watch , beware , need , attend

Related Words remark , nurse , regard , keep , take , oversee , grudge

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to object, care, or be concerned.
Example Go ahead, I don't mind.
Synonyms care , disapprove , object
Similar Words remonstrate , hate (vt, vi) , execrate

Definition 2. to take notice; heed carefully.
Example Mind that you don't fall.
Synonyms watch , beware , heed
Crossref. Syn. regard , attend , see
Similar Words observe , attend

Definition 3. to act obediently; behave according to certain rule or standards.
Example She minds well.
Synonyms obey , behave , comply
Similar Words accept , heed , accede , conform , adhere , observe , bow , assent , bend , consent

Related Words give a damn , listen , beware , behave , look

Bounce it, play with it, write it
... whatever it takes to make it
stick. Like glue to memories,
awash with the essence
of pure mind putty.
ooey gooey and lotza fun ~

OK, so I am no poet this am. :eek:
I was thinking of something along the lines of
* dragging ones mind around. Or does it drag you? *

I will play with this till it sets up and congeals ;)

Happy writing ~

:rose: :rose:
The drum of a headache
as it patters out
beat after beat.
Mind control is useless
for taken over migraines
wish to be heard ~

Ugggg ....


still woking on the dragging the mind ...
Mind the gap, please
if the backpacks did not announce our tourist status
than my giggled interpretation
of this safety call did
shall I fill it with my thoughts?
but really it is okay, I don't mind at all
thoughts of the space between generations
and sweaters neatly folded in rows
by magazine models prepped out like
an admissions catalogue to Oxford, Cambridge
some other university with oarlocks and riggers
button down ready

We ride round the circle line
the subway is not a train, it is a tube
A tube. Tube. I smile to myself like a boy
who just learned the non-numerical indications
of the number sixty-nine and giggles
when teacher has to recite the answer

Mind the gap, please
and I do.
I attend to the space between us
sprinkle it with seeds from a packet that has lost its label
we sit back
and see what takes.
RhymeFairy said:
Good Mornin' peeps ~ :D

Our new word for today?


Syllables: mind
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb
Phrases: out of one's mind , presence of mind

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation maind

Definition 1. the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs, in humans capable of great complexity because of the development of the human brain.
Synonyms mentality, thought , mentation , intelligence , rationality , reason , ratiocination , intellect

Similar Words judgment , gray matter , comprehension , understanding , psychology , apperception , awareness {aware} , perception , brainpower , intention , wit , noggin , acumen , cerebrum , head , brain , consciousness , cognizance , apprehension , sense , acuity , cognition

Definition 2. the intellect or intelligence as commonly considered distinct from the body; intellectual power.
Synonyms spirit , soul , anima , psyche
Crossref. Syn. head , intellect , spirit
Similar Words thought1 , mentation , judgment , comprehension , understanding , vitality , apperception , awareness {aware} , intellect , intention , acumen , intelligence , consciousness , sense , mentality , acuity

Definition 3. a specific person considered to have a superior intellect.
Example He is a great mind.
Synonyms intellectual , intellect , genius
Crossref. Syn. intellect
Similar Words thinker , mastermind , expert , whiz , brain , prodigy , authority , ace

Definition 4. recollection or consciousness.
Example Keep my request in mind.
Synonyms recollection , memory , mind's eye , consciousness , awareness {aware} , cognizance
Similar Words record , attention , review , recall , retrospection , retention , reminiscence , remembrance

Definition 5. desire or opinion.
Example I have a mind to travel.
Synonyms yen , hankering {hanker (vi)} , fancy , desire , want , hope
Similar Words lust , impulse , inclination , yearning , need , urge , craving , longing

Definition 6. rational stability.
Example His mind is going.
Synonyms lucidity {lucid } , rationality, sanity , equilibrium , stability , reason
Crossref. Syn. wit
Similar Words coherence , balance , acuity , sensibility

Related Words memory , wish , interior , will , heed , faculty

Phrase out of one's mind

Phrase presence of mind

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms minded, minding, minds
Definition 1. to take care of or look after; tend.
Example Are you minding the children?
Synonyms attend , watch , look after {look } , tend
Similar Words support , defend , shield , maintain , foster , sustain , protect , nurture , guard , safeguard , preserve

Definition 2. to be concerned about, disapprove of, or object to.
Example I won't mind your interrupting me.
Synonyms disfavor , object to {object} , dislike , disapprove of {disapprove }
Similar Words abhor , discountenance , loathe , disdain , detest , decry , hate (vt, vi) , despise , execrate , deplore

Definition 3. to pay attention to and obey (rules, people in authority, or the like).
Synonyms obey , heed , abide by {abide }
Crossref. Syn. mark , attend
Similar Words follow , observe , accept , agree with {agree (vi)} , conform to {conform (vi)}

Definition 4. to be cautious or careful of.
Example Mind that hammer, will you?
Crossref. Syn. beware
Similar Words observe , watch , beware , need , attend

Related Words remark , nurse , regard , keep , take , oversee , grudge

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to object, care, or be concerned.
Example Go ahead, I don't mind.
Synonyms care , disapprove , object
Similar Words remonstrate , hate (vt, vi) , execrate

Definition 2. to take notice; heed carefully.
Example Mind that you don't fall.
Synonyms watch , beware , heed
Crossref. Syn. regard , attend , see
Similar Words observe , attend

Definition 3. to act obediently; behave according to certain rule or standards.
Example She minds well.
Synonyms obey , behave , comply
Similar Words accept , heed , accede , conform , adhere , observe , bow , assent , bend , consent

Related Words give a damn , listen , beware , behave , look

Bounce it, play with it, write it
... whatever it takes to make it
stick. Like glue to memories,
awash with the essence
of pure mind putty.
ooey gooey and lotza fun ~

OK, so I am no poet this am. :eek:
I was thinking of something along the lines of
* dragging ones mind around. Or does it drag you? *

I will play with this till it sets up and congeals ;)

Happy writing ~

:rose: :rose:

I don't mind
it minds itself
she tried to scramble mine
but it is still egg shaped
thoughts in a shell

I don't mind
not having one
thoughts on those with out one
compassion for ignorance
or forgetfullness

I don't mind
and I mean it
just ask my ex

and no
it is not from a lack
of having one
it is like a lone star
my state of mind

She had stars caught
in her tights, nobody
else saw this but me;
I watched her try and
shake them off, each
step producing sparks.

The man next to her
on the pavement was
too busy pulling out
fishing hooks from his
face, I'm sure if he had
seen her he would had

given her a hand as she
slipped and fell down the
drain, her legs slowly being
swallowed by the gnawing
darkness. I could see the
stars creating craters as
they fell loose from her legs,
surrounding her body with
a yellow halo.

My anima has been fed today
but now it must rest

Warmth from the sun bathing my face
the whisper of the trees welcoming

silence though the earth speaks her secrets
crying, sadness for leaving this place

saying good-bye to the magic
watching the hawk wing its good-bye

hearing the wolf howl
movement within the trees no more

Night falls
Wow ... There is no way I can follow any of those. I loved them all. Think ya'll were just waiting for that eh~

To release the slow drain
of thoughts as they zoom
in and outta veins. Release
and let go
I shall be here
waiting my friend ...


Great writes today. Just got home from work, think I have a cold. That's why I couldn't sleep and the drumming in the head eh ~ I am gonna lookie around a bit, be in and outta here. If anyone feels the need to bounce, or just write ... go for it.

Happy Writing ...

:p ;) :D
New word ... I am sure ya'll can come up with something. :D


Syllables: house
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb
Phrases: clean house , on the house

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation haus

Definition 1. a building in which people, esp. members of a family, reside.
Synonyms residence , dwelling , home , abode, domicile
Crossref. Syn. place , housing , home
Similar Words lodging , place , address , habitation

Definition 2. the people who live in such a building; household.
Synonyms ménage , household , family
Similar Words residents

Definition 3. a building that serves a particular function.
Example movie house ; house of worship.
Similar Words hall , place , building , auditorium

Definition 4. a place of shelter for animals.
Example a bird house.
Similar Words cote , barn , shelter , coop , stall

Definition 5. a legislative or other deliberative body.
Synonyms assembly
Crossref. Syn. congress
Similar Words legislature , senate , parliament , congress , council

Definition 6. a building where such a body meets.
Similar Words senate

Definition 7. the audience at a public event.
Example There was a large house for the film.
Synonyms audience
Crossref. Syn. theater
Similar Words spectators , public

Definition 8. a business firm.
Synonyms business , concern , company , enterprise
Crossref. Syn. firm
Similar Words establishment , firm , corporation

Related Words enterprise , housing , cabin , apartment , abode ,
door , gallery , agency , domicile , family

Phrase clean house

Phrase on the house

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms housed, housing, houses

Definition 1. to provide accommodation or living quarters for.
Synonyms lodge , billet
Crossref. Syn. lodge , quarter , home , domicile , accommodate
Similar Words quarter , domicile , accommodate

Definition 2. to harbor or give shelter to.
Synonyms harbor
Crossref. Syn. lodge , shelter , home
Similar Words shelter
Definition 3. to provide storage room for.
Similar Words store , keep , shelter , garage , accommodate

Related Words bed , billet , locate , sleep

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to reside; dwell.
Synonyms dwell , reside
Similar Words tenant , lodge , billet

Related Words locate

Like what would you put in your house?
Where would it be? Could you move it, reshape it,
open, close, rebuild ... oh the possibilities.

I am kinda partial to dwell ... inside. Just me. :p

Happy Writing ~ :rose: :rose:

To his new mistress he said,
as he buttoned his cuffs,
Do you sleep with anyone
when I go away, anyone
else but me lay in this bed that
I provide?
she huffed As if you care.
He aquiesced.
I do not care. I mind.

(gah. Sorry. Did not see you switch words. Imagine this post arrived earlier please.) :)
Last edited:
cherries_on_snow said:
To his new mistress he said,
as he buttoned his cuffs,
Do you sleep with anyone
when I go away, anyone
else but me lay in this bed that
I provide?
she huffed As if you care.
He aquiesced.
I do not care. I mind.

(gah. Sorry. Did not see you switch words. Imagine this post arrived earlier please.) :)

This one makes ya think.
What a man eh ... Then again ( :D ) What a woman .
I like it Cherry. Short and direct. Nice pen ~

:rose: :rose:

My imagination is working overtime now, lol ~

;) :D
quiet as a mouse
in a house
with a spouse
married to a louse
who sits and pouts

she has her doubts
crying out loud
yelling and not very proud
how he spent their money
buying a new cow

it wasn't his purchase
that she did not worship
but the location
of where he put
this manifestation

in the guest room
of their house
Been a bit sick. cold? bronchitis? pneumonia? have no clue, just ugggg
Passes ya'll germy wet kisses, and smoldering sticky hugs ~


Will have my eyes on you ... ;)

Meanwhile, read the threads, new poems ... and bounce baby.
Just let it go, all hang out, afree for all orgy of words ~

:p :heart:
Spring cleaning

Have gone from room to room
cleaning out the past,

cobwebs and memories
like old faded pictures

storing them away, knowing they are there
but never looking at them again

though clean, this house is now bare
the only sound the beating of my heart

reverberating through the halls of my soul
a sad echo, haunting

no longer the look of life, lived in
now vacant, it will take time to fill these rooms again

perhaps by fall.
RhymeFairy said:
Been a bit sick. cold? bronchitis? pneumonia? have no clue, just ugggg
Passes ya'll germy wet kisses, and smoldering sticky hugs ~


Will have my eyes on you ... ;)

Meanwhile, read the threads, new poems ... and bounce baby.
Just let it go, all hang out, afree for all orgy of words ~

:p :heart:

sticky words
a gooey smile
just a simle
sausage style

bouncing it around
the words I have found
My Erotic Trail said:
portrait of a river
drawn with charcoal and pencil
the stillness moves

into the stillness
I was moved
beyond time, beyond spirit.
drawn into another space
where we both
time stood still
and nothing else
mattered ...

There's a cat house
of mice and men 'play'
a doll house
where little girls dream
the dog house
I've been in
where cats seldom roam
they even made a home
out of the astrodome
I had a spouse
and we had a house
but now I roam
and call my heart
Cherry ~ :rose: Love your house poem. I too have moved, and know whatcha mean about the difference btwn house/home. I once had a home, now an apartment is where I reside. No yard, no flowers, no place to play ~ Somewhere I live and not lived in ...

Art ~ yea tu' eh ~ :heart: Hang your hat wherever you may roam, for you my friend, are always home ~

Many Feathers ~ :rose: Seems we all have a common goal these days. Like Art says, home is where the heart is, unfort. for some the heart has hiccuped and forgotten the beat ...

Thank You all for the house/home poetry.
Awesome writing going on here.

:rose: :rose: :heart:

New word ? Anyone wanna jump in, go ahead.

RhymeFairy said:
Cherry ~ :rose: Love your house poem. I too have moved, and know whatcha mean about the difference btwn house/home. I once had a home, now an apartment is where I reside. No yard, no flowers, no place to play ~ Somewhere I live and not lived in ...

Art ~ yea tu' eh ~ :heart: Hang your hat wherever you may roam, for you my friend, are always home ~

Many Feathers ~ :rose: Seems we all have a common goal these days. Like Art says, home is where the heart is, unfort. for some the heart has hiccuped and forgotten the beat ...

Thank You all for the house/home poetry.
Awesome writing going on here.

:rose: :rose: :heart:

New word ? Anyone wanna jump in, go ahead.


My house has no dog house <grin
what's the new word?
My Erotic Trail said:
My house has no dog house <grin
what's the new word?

pardoning your pun ~ ;)

I do have a honey do list
... just no honey ~ :rolleyes:

How about you get a dog house
and I will go buy some honey.
The best of both worlds eh ~ :D

New word ... coming up ~

New word ~

Slither :

Syllables: slith-er

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation slI dhEr

Inflected Forms slithered, slithering, slithers

Definition 1. to move by twisting and sliding along a surface.
Example The snake slithered across the road.

Definition 2. to move in a sliding, unsteady fashion.
Example He slithered down the steep embankment.

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a sliding motion.

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to slide or slither.

Related Words slip

Derived Forms slithery, adj.

Happy Writing ~

;) :p :devil:

I remember those moments,
sinuous as you moved beneath me

Slithering passionately,
wanton with need and desire

Understanding between us
acceptance of what was given, learned

Words spoken, miracles and magic
heart and soul given

Who knew?

Who knew that it was all lies
biting into that forbidden fruit

tasting the succulence of ecstasy
false hope, promises made then broken

slithering away after
like the snake you became

silly me