Free Thoughts~on One word...

So true

RhymeFairy said:
fragile love shattered into pieces
as homelife reeks havoc on a feeling
less morn.

walking away has never been
so hard. lovers ... always friends
sharing old memories. a kindred spirit
leaning, helping hands and shoulders
which meant more, no one can say.

only, love visited, sat a spell, had a drink
from a long hot well. once was never
enough. these two knew passion
tasted love, and ate
mouth to mouth, fingers licked
bodies shined from sweaty passion
as days rolled over into nights.

now, tears often fall
recalling those days. when love
could be seen, heard
and felt with every syllable
every I love you
that fell from lips that longed to trail
and slither across skin
heated from an adoringly
encaptured heart.

and thanks for the PM honey.... :kiss:
Many Feathers said:
and thanks for the PM honey.... :kiss:

Thinkin' I gotta 'nuther nut to play with ;) :nana:

Thank you for the return pm ~ lmao ~

My poem hit a spot, and I wasn't even aim'n :rose:

RhymeFairy said:
Thinkin' I gotta 'nuther nut to play with ;) :nana:

Thank you for the return pm ~ lmao ~

My poem hit a spot, and I wasn't even aim'n :rose:


it was a rhyme fairy day in the new poems list , woohoo :nana:
great work sweetie~
My Erotic Trail said:
it was a rhyme fairy day in the new poems list , woohoo :nana:
great work sweetie~

Blushes *** Aww shucks ... Thanks Art ~!!! :eek: :D
Also if anyone else reads this thread, and has read
and commented I appreciate it.

As of late the writes have eluded me and I have been playin hide'n seek with my muse. So when I get a poem I think might be decent, I submit. There are some I submit, because I want to feel them ... later. :rolleyes: Ya'll probably think that is a lil nutty, but oh well ... never said I was normal ~ ;)

Have a great one, and Thanks for playing,
bouncing and sharing a few Free Thoughts with me ~

:rose: :rose:
thoughts on this day ... friends ...

is love a reward
something given to those
to do exceedingly well in whatever
they do. life has thrown another
curve, a looped de loop with no life
preserver in sight. dewarded, shanghaied
left on the shelf to wither n wilt.


i could just hold you here
till the life drained from you,
watch as you pass out of this world
and into hell. wanna feel
that fire baby, wanna know
where cunt whores like you go ...


just one word, please
can you not just tell me to
fuck off, just leave you alone
why this slow torturous death
of no words, no i love yous
can you not feel how your hurting
me, by not acknowledging my feelings
my meager presence in your life ... my love.
the truth please ... just the truth ~


I have spoken to a few friends today. It tore at my heart to hear they are all having such a hard time in life and love. Wishing to help, just not knowing how ... or even to get involved. I am a fixer, and I do not wanna butt in, just cannot help myself when caring for friends is so easy to do ...

Well wishes, hugs and so much love going out to all ... if ya need me, you know my digits ~

:rose: :rose:
a song for inspiration ...

Artist/Band: Bates Jeff
Lyrics for Song: Rub It In
Lyrics for Album: Good People
(Ohhhhhh Yeah)

(ummm you are lookin good)
(Come on over here by ol’ Jeff)

Lie beside me on the sand
Put some lotion in your hand
Kiss me once or twice and baby make me feel nice
Say you love me again And
I feel the tingle begin gettin' under my skin
Put a little on my nose
Put a little on my toes
Rub it on my back and my sacroiliac
a dab on my chinny-chin-chin
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin

Turn your radio on find a slow grooving song
Whisper in my ear Say the things I need hear
Let me know your love is strong
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin
Put a little on my nose
Put a little on my toes
Rub it on my back and my sacroiliac
a dab on my chinny-chin-chin
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin
(Oh put a little bit right here )
(Yeah I love those hands)
(That’s What I’m Talkin’ ‘bout)

a song to start off our daily grind at the grist mill ~
I shall be thinking, hearing this song all day long ~ Grrrr
to hear this man sing this song, fires all engines up,
and makes'me hummmm

Think this will be a no panties day at work ... ;) :devil:

ya'll have a great one ~

Happy Writing ~

:nana: :kiss: :p
RhymeFairy said:
Artist/Band: Bates Jeff
Lyrics for Song: Rub It In
Lyrics for Album: Good People
(Ohhhhhh Yeah)

(ummm you are lookin good)
(Come on over here by ol’ Jeff)

Lie beside me on the sand
Put some lotion in your hand
Kiss me once or twice and baby make me feel nice
Say you love me again And
I feel the tingle begin gettin' under my skin
Put a little on my nose
Put a little on my toes
Rub it on my back and my sacroiliac
a dab on my chinny-chin-chin
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin

Turn your radio on find a slow grooving song
Whisper in my ear Say the things I need hear
Let me know your love is strong
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin
Put a little on my nose
Put a little on my toes
Rub it on my back and my sacroiliac
a dab on my chinny-chin-chin
I feel the tingle begin your gettin' under my skin
(Oh put a little bit right here )
(Yeah I love those hands)
(That’s What I’m Talkin’ ‘bout)

a song to start off our daily grind at the grist mill ~
I shall be thinking, hearing this song all day long ~ Grrrr
to hear this man sing this song, fires all engines up,
and makes'me hummmm

Think this will be a no panties day at work ... ;) :devil:

ya'll have a great one ~

Happy Writing ~

:nana: :kiss: :p

Rub It In Rub It In
I hadn't heard that in a coon's age
How about a new word..

I think were all acquainted with this one, but can you use it in an original manner?

The word:


fuck Audio pronunciation of "fucked" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fk) Vulgar Slang
v. fucked, fuck·ing, fucks
v. tr.

1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

v. intr.

1. To engage in sexual intercourse.
2. To act wastefully or foolishly.
3. To interfere; meddle. Often used with with.


1. An act of sexual intercourse.
2. A partner in sexual intercourse.
3. A despised person.
4. Used as an intensive: What the fuck did you do that for?


Used to express extreme displeasure.

Phrasal Verbs:
fuck off

1. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.
2. To spend time idly.
3. To masturbate.

fuck over

To treat unfairly; take advantage of.

fuck up

1. To make a mistake; bungle something.
2. To act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.
3. To cause to be intoxicated.

[Middle English, attested in pseudo-Latin fuccant, (they) fuck, deciphered from gxddbov.]

Word History: The obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys,” from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, “fleas, flies, and friars.” The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” The Latin words “Non sunt in coeli, quia,” mean “they [the friars] are not in heaven, since.” The code “gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk” is easily broken by simply substituting the preceding letter in the alphabet, keeping in mind differences in the alphabet and in spelling between then and now: i was then used for both i and j; v was used for both u and v; and vv was used for w. This yields “fvccant [a fake Latin form] vvivys of heli.” The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].”

Who wants to be "fucked" first! :p

if only you knew
each word spoken was a caress
a taste of my heart, shaped
to honor and respect. showcase
my desire for more of what I knew
I could not have. the forbidden
fruit whose taste always will tempt
tease this sinner
to want more. if only
you knew ...

brought over from passion thread ~

not to you, nor others do I
bow. I am an island surrounded
by raging currents and temporal
waves. I have been placed in solitary
confinement, due to lack
of respect. Knowing I was wrong,
a decision made, adjusted, then re
adjusted. No honor given, no
truth have I received. Just the same,
blah blah ... fucked up, left to fend
defend self ... and others. I will bow,
raise my surf, shower down coconuts
to no one. You want my cream
the daily nourishing of my sand
upon your feet, only without
the heat, the starvation of love. Think
before walking upon this island, for time
erodes and memories have a way of taking
over, replaying in the telly of currents
showing the bruise of the forbidden. I am
an island ... alone is my fate, alone
I shall remain. For I bow ... to no one
anymore ~
RhymeFairy said:

if only you knew
each word spoken was a caress
a taste of my heart, shaped
to honor and respect. showcase
my desire for more of what I knew
I could not have. the forbidden
fruit whose taste always will tempt
tease this sinner
to want more. if only
you knew ...

brought over from passion thread ~


wow, this is good!


fuck fuck fuck
I stubbed my toe
jammed it on the door jam
hoped around
then fell down
all I could say was...
my dumb luck!"
confusion breeds disillusionment.
disillusioned by the pedestal I sat upon
for I could do no wrong. your rose
colored glasses have slipped, now
you see before you, a true bitch
in the making. for a touch
a word whispered brought pure
sweet emotion. a love that grew
and was like no other. now this woman
this love
has slipped, fallen from her majestic
chair. been placed upon the serving
block showing goods to all, or so
you think. take a look
she is the same, only changed
by the air pressure from being
uplifted to the heavenly heights
of love. for who can stay the same
when fallen from grace ...

another from passion thread.
Thinking I should camp out there more oft ~ ;)

:rose: :rose:
Fuck off

Fuck off
protestors cry, waving
fingers in a salute
to an ancient regime;
foots stamping in unison
as they march to Constitution

Fuck off
a boy says to his mother
in the supermarket. Old
women start to die. It's
the end of the world, an
old man cries

Fuck off
a dead man says to time,
but it doesn't listen. Please
repeat the message

the machine says. But it
doesn't loop back. It never will.
vampiredust said:
Fuck off
protestors cry, waving
fingers in a salute
to an ancient regime;
foots stamping in unison
as they march to Constitution

Fuck off
a boy says to his mother
in the supermarket. Old
women start to die. It's
the end of the world, an
old man cries

Fuck off
a dead man says to time,
but it doesn't listen. Please
repeat the message

the machine says. But it
doesn't loop back. It never will.

I got fucked <bigrin
vampiredust said:
Fuck off
protestors cry, waving
fingers in a salute
to an ancient regime;
foots stamping in unison
as they march to Constitution

Fuck off
a boy says to his mother
in the supermarket. Old
women start to die. It's
the end of the world, an
old man cries

Fuck off
a dead man says to time,
but it doesn't listen. Please
repeat the message

the machine says. But it
doesn't loop back. It never will.

Oh my ...

Very powerfullll words here.
I can feel the energy shooting from your pen ~

:rose: :rose:
invisible ...


I dont talk
as much as I used to.
there was a time
when I had an opinion
and told everyone/anyone
who would listen.

then he came along
I changed. sullen, quiet
always yes
... whatever pleases you.

he knew it all
had done everything
and would spend days on end
telling you "the right way".

he chose me, I thought
for the happiness I brought him
and the love I gave him.
we clicked he thought
we had so much in common
he thought.

I had no mouth
for one who dosent talk
needs it not. no brain
for I never had
to think, just reply :
whatever you want,
and no body
for he had laid claim
what was his
was his.

I was just
what he thought

what he wanted

I had forgotten me
simple as that. one day
I woke up ... invisible.
a wish to walk forever on

watch sky scrapers erected
so tall, centuries of whispering they chant
calling to passerbys, come
read my lines, scale my steps
immerse yourself into me
for I have been, seen all, know
your path.

museums, full of history
hissing their past life
crinkled caskets tipped open
offering a glimpse into a past
presenting intrigue, questions
like a scroll of what happened
bloodied, torn
tempting you to figure out
the puzzle.

I could walk forever. become one
with earth wind and sun. catch
the grit of legendary people
from then and now. a full body frontal
of what it truly was
to live
like kings, serpents and mice alike.
just fall into history
never come up for the eroding air
of here and now.

bounced from the blog ...

I love reading about, seeing history. Some things shall never be explained, while others are dissected out till there is nothing left of the original content. History my friends ... that is something to write/think about. Just ...

watch the rain fall
while others around
hurry to and fro
where they go, when
they return
will their lives be changed
for better ... renewed?
no one knows, ask
no answer shall come
no one knows the future
only, the rain shall pass ...

:rose: :rose:

Have a Great Memorial Day weekend ...

Happy Writing ~

pry ~

Syllables: pry

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Pronunciation prai
Inflected Forms pried, prying, pries

Definition 1. to be offensively inquisitive about another's private affairs.
Example It is rude to pry.
Synonyms nose around {nose (2)} , butt in {butt3 (PHR)} , snoop , meddle
Crossref. Syn. gossip
Similar Words interlope , interfere , poke
Definition 2. to look closely and with curiosity, often with furtiveness;
Example They were prying into our files.
Synonyms peek , peer
Similar Words search , rubberneck , delve , sneak , poke , ferret ,
explore , scan , scrutinize , probe

Related Words meddle , intrude , encroach , root

I made a booo booo ... :eek:

Prize and pries are NOT the same. My bad ~

I have tried to pries into your
mind. every word dropped
all lines crossed
which path will lead me
to you
my true friend.
which road taken will trail around
and give me a glimpse
of what makes you tick. what
grows inside, flourishing
at a rate that is impossible
to keep up with. you show
unfamiliar routes, trying to shake
me. I map out the rocky terrain
only to turn around
on foreign ground. slow down
take a nap by the brook
time will see me caught up
ready for a new trip
into the world
of your mind ...

RhymeFairy said:
I have tried to pries into your
mind. every word dropped
all lines crossed
which path will lead me
to you
my true friend.
which road taken will trail around
and give me a glimpse
of what makes you tick. what
grows inside, flourishing
at a rate that is impossible
to keep up with. you show
unfamiliar routes, trying to shake
me. I map out the rocky terrain
only to turn around
on foreign ground. slow down
take a nap by the brook
time will see me caught up
ready for a new trip
into the world
of your mind ...


it is as if spring has come and your rose bush of poetry is blossoming in full bloom with an array of delightful poems coming from your bush :D I enjoy your poetry.
I am so tired. This phrase oft slips
from my lips. Pressed and clean
a new woman dangles before you.

Taken off from drudgery work
cleaning swipes to thighs
that have melted, molten from
a fire set within. Working
on hands, knees folded tight
head bowed low, from a prize winning
fight. I won another round
took another shot
till the bell did ding
... ding

time clocked punched
lady let loose, washed
aired out
now good as new ~

RhymeFairy said:
I have tried to pries into your
mind. every word dropped

I have tried to pry into your mind.

I pry.
You pry.
We pry.
They pry.
He pries.
She pries.
It pries.

Adding to your definition: pry can also mean to force open or apart.
He pried her legs open so that he could pry into her most intimate business.
WickedEve said:
I have tried to pry into your mind.

I pry.
You pry.
We pry.
They pry.
He pries.
She pries.
It pries.

Adding to your definition: pry can also mean to force open or apart.
He pried her legs open so that he could pry into her most intimate business.

Listen to the expert.

WickedEve said:
I have tried to pry into your mind.

I pry.
You pry.
We pry.
They pry.
He pries.
She pries.
It pries.

Adding to your definition: pry can also mean to force open or apart.
He pried her legs open so that he could pry into her most intimate business.

Again, sooo wrong. My damn bad again. :eek:

Thank You Eve for your keen observation ~ I read and reread, still I missed it. Just pry open my helmet and pour it in will ya ?

have tried to pry into your
mind. every word dropped
all lines crossed
which path will lead me
to you
my true friend.
which road taken will trail around
and give me a glimpse
of what makes you tick. what
grows inside, flourishing
at a rate that is impossible
to keep up with. you show
unfamiliar routes, trying to shake
me. I map out the rocky terrain
only to turn around
on foreign ground. slow down
take a nap by the brook
time will see me caught up
ready for a new trip
into the world
of your mind ...

Edited, reedited and hopefully a final edit ~ :eek:

Just a side note if ya'll please.

First Eve I am sincerely hoping that my comment did not sound rude or disrespectful. I truly do Thank you for the help. :rose:

I had written this poem org. on the Passion Thread. Sometimes if I like a poem I will bring it over here to play with, or let others play ... bounce off of. I find some of my best writing is when I read and bounce ... Just me. :)

Also, a Thank You to Art for the encouragement, VampireDust for the inspiration and one of our newest poets SugarMountain for the * I like this poem despite the editing, lol*

Just to let everyone in LitLand know we do have an encouraging, helpful and loving group of poets here ~

:rose: :rose:
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