Free Thoughts~on One word...

I remember too
those moments when passion rode
high. We slithered n sunk
down baby
so far down, the grind caused soapy
suds to flow
hot sauna loving
low moan growling
like a wolf
howling at the moon.

I felt the tenderness
of those everlasting moments
when two hearts
exchanged i do's. but then

as before, you got scared. could tell
no one. could not accept me.
tell me, did you ever tell anyone
just one person that I was yours
RhymeFairy said:
I remember too
those moments when passion rode
high. We slithered n sunk
down baby
so far down, the grind caused soapy
suds to flow
hot sauna loving
low moan growling
like a wolf
howling at the moon.

I felt the tenderness
of those everlasting moments
when two hearts
exchanged i do's. but then

as before, you got scared. could tell
no one. could not accept me.
tell me, did you ever tell anyone
just one person that I was yours

Wow. I really like this, Rhymefairy. The ending is powerful. not sure about hearts exchanging i do's. I'm thinking it shouldn't have the apostrophe, but it looks funny without it. Also, I am kinda morbid and I think of hearts as organs so that image for me wasn't as solid as the rest of the poem (probably i'm just a weirdo on that point, though), but a nice write to be sure. I really like the first and third stanzas.
cherries_on_snow said:
Wow. I really like this, Rhymefairy. The ending is powerful. not sure about hearts exchanging i do's. I'm thinking it shouldn't have the apostrophe, but it looks funny without it. Also, I am kinda morbid and I think of hearts as organs so that image for me wasn't as solid as the rest of the poem (probably i'm just a weirdo on that point, though), but a nice write to be sure. I really like the first and third stanzas.

Thanks Cherry :eek:

Well dang, maybe I need to work on it. It was a hip shot, lol. Bounced from Many Feathers av ... and his words. Gotta say, the more I see of his writing, the more I like it. Like an unopened book. Ya never know till the first page eh ~ But sometimes don'tcha just wanna rub your fingers all over the spine ... get a feel for it? grrrr :catroar: Man I love books. :D

;) :catroar: :D

For those of you who do not know ... I love
to *feeel things* kinda a kink of mine~ ;)

just me ... :p
Thanks honey...

RhymeFairy said:
Thanks Cherry :eek:

Well dang, maybe I need to work on it. It was a hip shot, lol. Bounced from Many Feathers av ... and his words. Gotta say, the more I see of his writing, the more I like it. Like an unopened book. Ya never know till the first page eh ~ But sometimes don'tcha just wanna rub your fingers all over the spine ... get a feel for it? grrrr :catroar: Man I love books. :D

;) :catroar: :D

For those of you who do not know ... I love
to *feeel things* kinda a kink of mine~ ;)

just me ... :p

Since you love reading...after what I told you, check out my stories for "A Birthday Surprise". You'll get some insight after reading that. Oh...and a "shorty" "Y is for You". (Recommended reading)
i have decided. he is a


Syllables: worm
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation wuhrm

Definition 1. any of numerous related invertebrates with long, thin, flexible, round or flat bodies and no limbs.

Definition 2. something that resembles or suggests these animals in appearance, method of movement, or the like.

Definition 3. something that consumes or torments from within.
Example a worm of doubt.

Definition 4. (informal) a contemptible person.

Definition 5. (pl.; used with a singular verb) any disease or disorder resulting from an infestation of internal tissues or organs by worms or other parasites.

Definition 6. see computer worm.

Related Words wretch

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms wormed, worming, worms

Definition 1. to make one's way slowly or by a winding route.

Definition 2. to achieve a position or status by artful or insidious means (usu. fol. by out or into).
Example He tried to worm out of his predicament.

Related Words twine , insinuate , edge , writhe

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause or make by moving in a winding, indirect route.
Example The automobile wormed its way through heavy traffic.

Definition 2. to elicit (information) by persistent or devious means (usu. fol. by out or from).
Example She couldn't worm the secret plans out of him.

Definition 3. to treat for or cure of intestinal parasites.
Example The vet worms cats and dogs.

Related Words work

Derived Forms wormer, n. ; wormlike, adj.

he ask for no worm
bashing. I cannot
resist. For you see
he is a worm. Crawled

outta the muck
spreading his manure
around. crawling legless
into every dung

dive he can find
searching for a free
ride. a worm
like him. one to have
and hold, till he drains

her dry. sucked bloodless
moneyless too. till his search
begins anew.

New word ... Touch ~


touch me
touch me deep
deeper still
till morning folds in
night becomes friend
closer please

touch me
deep inside, for
no one or nothing
could ever
touch me
as you

my love
touch, outside in
relieve all tiny trials
of doubt
worry. deeper baby
touch so deep
my walls

cave in
milking memories of us
with every touch
every sensitive stroke
of body to soul
petting out purrs
content only

when you touch me
touch me deep
deeper still
till morning folds in
night becomes friend
closer please
touch me ...

I touch you with thoughts
that won't go away

can't dissipate even though
I yearn for them to do so

plead for feelings to dissolve
for memories to evaporate

I cannot touch you again
and I miss that

I cannot touch the thoughts
even though I desire to remember

I must live without your touch
the touch of the wound within my heart still fresh

living life now as it must be
never again touching what was

never knowing what could have
should have, when I last touched you

now there is no feeling
no sensitivity to my being

I have lost the touch of you
and in doing, lost touch with myself
RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: worm
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation wuhrm

Definition 1. any of numerous related invertebrates with long, thin, flexible, round or flat bodies and no limbs.

Definition 2. something that resembles or suggests these animals in appearance, method of movement, or the like.

Definition 3. something that consumes or torments from within.
Example a worm of doubt.

Definition 4. (informal) a contemptible person.

Definition 5. (pl.; used with a singular verb) any disease or disorder resulting from an infestation of internal tissues or organs by worms or other parasites.

Definition 6. see computer worm.

Related Words wretch

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms wormed, worming, worms

Definition 1. to make one's way slowly or by a winding route.

Definition 2. to achieve a position or status by artful or insidious means (usu. fol. by out or into).
Example He tried to worm out of his predicament.

Related Words twine , insinuate , edge , writhe

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause or make by moving in a winding, indirect route.
Example The automobile wormed its way through heavy traffic.

Definition 2. to elicit (information) by persistent or devious means (usu. fol. by out or from).
Example She couldn't worm the secret plans out of him.

Definition 3. to treat for or cure of intestinal parasites.
Example The vet worms cats and dogs.

Related Words work

Derived Forms wormer, n. ; wormlike, adj.

he ask for no worm
bashing. I cannot
resist. For you see
he is a worm. Crawled

outta the muck
spreading his manure
around. crawling legless
into every dung

dive he can find
searching for a free
ride. a worm
like him. one to have
and hold, till he drains

her dry. sucked bloodless
moneyless too. till his search
begins anew.


I guess I need to write my worm poem <grin or maybe how to touch a worm <grinin'
Many Feathers said:
Since you love reading...after what I told you, check out my stories for "A Birthday Surprise". You'll get some insight after reading that. Oh...and a "shorty" "Y is for You". (Recommended reading)

:D I had already read Y is for You ...
A very devoted love. Fresh, sweet, with a lot of surprises.

My Erotic Trail said:
I guess I need to write my worm poem <grin or maybe how to touch a worm <grinin'

Ohhh can I play too? An essay on

How to Touch ... a Worm ~ grrrrrrrr :catroar:

:p ;)
RhymeFairy said:
Ohhh can I play too? An essay on

How to Touch ... a Worm ~ grrrrrrrr :catroar:

:p ;)

How to touch a wiggle worm

wiggle worms are so bold
to go so deeply into a moist deep dark hole
wiggling and wiggling, inching along
they are sort of romantic
but they spray while singing a song

Hold them gently and pet them like a pussy
sensual strides makes wiggle worms 'woosie'
hard as nails they become
when they are ready to sing their silent song
spraying and spraying, a wiggle worm is done

RhymeFairy said:
:D I had already read Y is for You ...
A very devoted love. Fresh, sweet, with a lot of surprises.


It was that, a lot of surprises, and not all of them pleasant ones.
My Erotic Trail said:
How to touch a wiggle worm

wiggle worms are so bold
to go so deeply into a moist deep dark hole
wiggling and wiggling, inching along
they are sort of romantic
but they spray while singing a song

Hold them gently and pet them like a pussy
sensual strides makes wiggle worms 'woosie'
hard as nails they become
when they are ready to sing their silent song
spraying and spraying, a wiggle worm is done

yes. it's funny. :D
BUT I know you can do better.
Dig deeper my friend.

Good Early Mornin' from Tenn ~ :D

I would never have believed it if I had not experienced it myself. I took all my meds, went to bed ... and I can breathe now !!!!!! :D

Like some kinda miracle or something, unreal. I swear I my booty was on the way to hospital if I woke up that sick again. :confused:

Started the coffee. Gettin' ready for work in a while. WooHooooo ~!!!

Thank you for all your well wishes, and for putting up with this WhineyFairy ~

RhymeFairy said:
yes. it's funny. :D
BUT I know you can do better.
Dig deeper my friend.


it was a quickie <grin
a spray and go (o_o)

Wiggles and wiggles is what a worm do
inching and inching, burrowing it grew
crawling deeply into a dark moist hole
wiggle worms wiggle till they can wiggle no more
My Erotic Trail said:
it was a quickie <grin
a spray and go (o_o)

Wiggles and wiggles is what a worm do
inching and inching, burrowing it grew
crawling deeply into a dark moist hole
wiggle worms wiggle till they can wiggle no more

Lmao !!!!!

... Your a hoot my friend.
A spray 'n go ~!!!
Hehehehehehehe ;) :D :rolleyes:
The Worm in writing ...

Keyword search results:

There the grown serpent lies; the worm that's fled Macbeth: III, iv
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; King Richard II: III, ii
Give that which gave thee life unto the worms. King Henry IV, part II: IV, v
Convocation of politic worms are e'en at him. your Hamlet: IV, iii
You must think this, look you, that the worm will Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
worm nor snail, do no offence. A Midsummer Night's Dream: II, ii
worm is your only emperor for diet: we fat all Hamlet: IV, iii
With worms that are thy chamber-maids; o, here Romeo and Juliet: V, iii
Where now his son's like a glow-worm in the night, Pericles, Prince of Tyre: II, iii

When it did taste the wormwood on the nipple Romeo and Juliet: I, iii
To be death's conquest and make worms thine heir. Sonnets: VI
Time and worms have eaten them, but not for love. As You Like It: IV, i
The glow-worm shows the matin to be near, Hamlet: I, v
King, and cat of the fish that hath fed of that worm. Hamlet: IV, iii
But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud, Twelfth Night: II, iv
A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a Hamlet: IV, iii
Yes, forsooth: I wish you joy o' the worm. Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
Wise, if don worm, his conscience, find no Much Ado About Nothing: V, ii
Why, e'en so: and now my lady worm's; chapless, and Hamlet: V, i
Which made me think a man a worm: my son King Lear: IV, i
Where is but a humour or a worm. Much Ado About Nothing: III, ii
When I shall dwell with worms, and my poor name King Henry VIII: IV, ii
What, with worms and flies? Macbeth: IV, ii
Vile worm, thou wast o'erlook'd even in thy birth. Merry Wives of Windsor: V, v

To weed this wormwood from your fruitful brain, Love's Labour's Lost: V, ii
Thy broken faith hath made a prey for worms. King Richard III: IV, iv
They have made worms' meat of me: I have it, Romeo and Juliet: III, i
These worms for loving, that art most in love? Love's Labour's Lost: IV, iii
The smallest worm will turn being trodden on, King Henry VI, part III: II, ii
The mortal worm might make the sleep eternal; King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul! King Richard III: I, iii
The worms were hallow'd that did breed the silk; Othello: III, iv
The prey of worms, my body being dead, Sonnets: LXXIV
The gilded newt and eyeless venom'd worm, Timon of Athens: IV, iii
Shall worms, inheritors of this excess, Sonnets: CXLVI
Poor worm, thou art infected! The Tempest: III, i
Pick'd from the worm-holes of long-vanish'd days, King Henry V: II, iv
Of a poor worm. thy best of rest is sleep, Measure for Measure: III, i
Not so big as a round little worm Romeo and Juliet: I, iv
None of these mad mustachio purple-hued malt-worms; King Henry IV, part I: II, i

Most shallow man! thou worms-meat, in respect of a As You Like It: III, ii
Look you, the worm is not to be trusted but in the Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii

I wish you all joy of the worm. Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
I trod upon a worm against my will, Pericles, Prince of Tyre: IV, i
Hast thou the pretty worm of nilus there, Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
Goodness in worm. Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell: Sonnets: LXXI
For I had then laid wormwood to my dug, Romeo and Juliet: I, iii
For worms. but i'll go search the market. Pericles, Prince of Tyre: IV, ii
For worms, brave percy: fare thee well, great heart! King Henry IV, part I: V, iv

Doth nothing but roast malt-worms. for the boy, King Henry IV, part II: II, iv
Could not a worm, an adder, do so much? A Midsummer Night's Dream: III, ii
Come, come, you froward and unable worms! The Taming of the Shrew: V, ii
Civil dissension is a viperous worm King Henry VI, part I: III, i
By man's oppression; and the poor worm doth die for't. Pericles, Prince of Tyre: I, i

As is the bud bit with an envious worm, Romeo and Juliet: I, i
And twenty glow-worms shall our lanterns be, Merry Wives of Windsor: V, v
And ring these fingers with thy household worms King John: III, iv
And light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes, A Midsummer Night's Dream: III, i

And worms will not come to thee. Cymbeline: IV, ii
Already to their wormy beds are gone; A Midsummer Night's Dream: III, ii
A very good report o' the worm; but he that will Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
worm-eaten nut. As You Like It: III, iv
worm's an odd worm. Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
Shaven hercules in the smirched worm-eaten tapestry, Much Ado About Nothing: III, iii

Owest the worm no silk, the beast no hide, the sheep King Lear: III, iv
Outvenoms all the worms of nile, whose breath Cymbeline: III, iv
Newts and blind-worms, do no wrong, A Midsummer Night's Dream: II, ii
Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Merchant of Venice: II, vii
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Macbeth: IV, i

See what a difference a lil *worm can make ... ;)

Now for a new word. Think we wore our lil wormy out ... ;)

New word anyone?
May I proffer..

pa·tient Audio pronunciation of "patient" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pshnt)

1. Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.
2. Marked by or exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance.
3. Tolerant; understanding: an unfailingly patient leader and guide.
4. Persevering; constant: With patient industry, she revived the failing business and made it thrive.
5. Capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or result; not hasty or impulsive.
6. Capable of bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance: “My uncle Toby was a man patient of injuries” (Laurence Sterne).


1. One who receives medical attention, care, or treatment.
2. Linguistics. A noun or noun phrase identifying one that is acted upon or undergoes an action. Also called goal.
3. Archaic. One who suffers.
sugarmountain said:
pa·tient Audio pronunciation of "patient" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pshnt)

1. Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.
2. Marked by or exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance.
3. Tolerant; understanding: an unfailingly patient leader and guide.
4. Persevering; constant: With patient industry, she revived the failing business and made it thrive.
5. Capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or result; not hasty or impulsive.
6. Capable of bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance: “My uncle Toby was a man patient of injuries” (Laurence Sterne).


1. One who receives medical attention, care, or treatment.
2. Linguistics. A noun or noun phrase identifying one that is acted upon or undergoes an action. Also called goal.
3. Archaic. One who suffers.

well, this word touches a cord today...

she lay patient
as a patient
in a hospital bed

patiently watching
another day die
the tears that she shed

Patient when you went away

Patient when you lied

Patient when you decieved me

Patient when I cried

Patient given that second chance

Patient when I knew

Patient when I gave my love

Patient here for you

Patient was what I once was

Patient now am I

Patient waiting for the end

No longer patient wanting now to die
I sit before you crumbled
in two. One part memory
another part wishful thinking.
Some may try connecting the two.
Could never be done, for the past
is over
done, finish line tag
broken. So what appears
to be left
a shot rock who dreams
reflecting patience
mirroring motions of dead
you know. we could have had
it all. all I ever wanted
and your dreams too
almost came true. till one
day I woke up
saw the reality of what my life
really was.

*why do you let him talk to you
like that. why does he treat you
like that. did you see, he hit me.
he hit brother. brother swallowed gas
your reaction, i have to drop off this air pump
no he doesn't need a doctor *

I was prepared to wait it out you know
I would have too, if only
you only had to suck it up a bit,
work and love
yes, love our children.

you had other plans, ideas
for get rich quick schemes, seems
to me that was all you ever wanted
someone to do it
work it, fetch it, hold it
pay it for you. our life was all
about you.

where did our children fit in? when
did you take time to see them,
love them
even till this day, I hear about daddy
no matter the heartache, the hitting
all their tears and broken wings
I still hear ... daddy.

you called. happy anniversary
on Memorial Day. I think how appropriate
we were married on Memorial Day
which really means to commemorate
members of the armed forces
who were killed in war

yes, I can honestly say
there was a war
you were armed
yes, there was indeed force
too much to ever speak of
and our marriage is dead
so here is to you
Happy Anniversary
on Memorial Day ...

r i p ~

brought over from writing live thread ~

RhymeFairy said:
I sit before you crumbled
in two. One part memory
another part wishful thinking.
Some may try connecting the two.
Could never be done, for the past
is over
done, finish line tag
broken. So what appears
to be left
a shot rock who dreams
reflecting patience
mirroring motions of dead

edited ... a bit ~ see the two together ~

I sit before you crumbled
in two. One part memory
another part wishful thinking.

Some may try connecting
the two. Could never be done
for the past is over
and the puzzle solved.

What appears to be left
a shot rock who dreams
reflecting patience, mirroring
motions of dead emotions.