Free Thoughts~on One word...

I see the words
can feel
as brush applied
the stroke, only
no meaning in pictures
was left behind.
the stencil cannot
put to words what the heart
does not feel ...
Night my friends.

Hope I have not been too bluesy, 9 days straight at work will do that to a gurl I reckon ~

Inspiration shall touch
the heart and blow
hard 'n strong. Red turns
blue in the blinking
of an eye. Hold tight, love
long. Enjoy, for tomorrow
comes with strong winds
as fragile hearts break.
Strong ones just beat
like marching to war
energized and full of self.
Go my friend, be fruiful
and happy ...
New word ....

Enchanted ~

Syllables: en-chant

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation ihn chaent

Inflected Forms enchanted, enchanting, enchants

Definition 1. to put under a magic spell; bewitch.

Synonyms charm , bewitch , hex

Similar Words jinx , hoodoo

Definition 2. to charm and delight.
Example His music enchants us.

Synonyms charm , spellbind

Crossref. Syn. : delight , allure , entrance , captivate , bewitch

Similar Words : enthrall , enrapture , mesmerize , fascinate , delight ,
captivate , bewitch

Related Words : transport , witch , ravish , tempt , intrigue

Happy Writing ~~

Again another late night for me ....
Poems written last night all over Lit ~

Like to store them here to come back
and have a feel* every now and again ~ ;)

and enjoyed
from stem to leaf
top to bottom
hilt to core
the best baby

hid inside
denim jeans so tight
worn to taunt
tease and yet
please. shake and melt
shake n squeeze
bring forth the cock
ya big ole tease !!!



you breathed life
into an old maid before
her time. months
years into the future I saw
you coming.

astride a white charger
you rode
to save my heart
to breath life into a heart
compressed with molded
decay, from a life with
a not chosen one.

come back my love, feel
the heart that beats
for you. take a bite
out of the bitter pill
that I have swallowed

to regurgitate and beg
for more, from you. take
this queen and ride the winds
of love. swim
shore to shore
bankment to bankment
of ever after.


he .... feeds me

mouth to mouth
mind to mind
souls collide
as time seperates two souls
on a wayward
path. chosen to be, or not.
only time
will tell ...



that was lost
as he chose another.
directions unindecisive .
master of decisions made
to wait
while he picks the fruit
another tree ...


blue ...

a blue fairy
to the world
glimpsed only at chosen
in time. come
taste my nectar
take your
fill of come hither
looks, as scant tides wave
out. redeem a piece
of this broken
sold out, as another
is taken and made
Queen ...


I ask
for your attention. Beg
for one moment in time
when face to face
eye to eye
you can bestow a look and tell
what made the castle walls
fall down.

Brick was placed upon brick, layer
by layer of love, goo goo
eyes enchanted
while twitterpated visions
told their own tale.

Pictures of ever after
spoke of never-ending words
told of days and nights spent
of visions
coming true while thundering
lightening towered above.

Rewind time.
Show me
what happened ...


love ... whatever

time went by
eyes looked and captured
another. years spent
in love
only true colors blinded me
painted a picture
of what life
would have been like ...


true colors pasted
glued to real life pictures
as words spoken, typed
presented the real

ask me no questions
brings forth a whole
new meaning ...


Originally Posted by My Erotic Trail

tie two birds together and yet they have four wings they can not fly (~_~)

of course I always liked Tanya Tucker's song
"Like two sparrows in a hurricane...

mixed up
emotions pour
the hearts den.
discovery of broken
bones pronounce to all
once bitten
twice shy ...


I see the words
can feel
as brush applied
the stroke, only
no meaning in pictures
was left behind.
the stencil cannot
put to words what the heart
does not feel ...


broke me.
as if this horse ride was two
for a dollar. come one
come all.

emotions and heart left
at home to bitterly laugh
and chomp another one
on the bed post ...


Go ... I relinquish you
from past love, future and self
degradation. Be at peace
when night falls. Smile
be happy
for you are the one
who got away. A love
of a lifetime, forgiven
never forgotten.


his candle burns
flickers like a lost star
not knowing which way
to shoot.

yet,it feeds my soul. takes
me from now to back then
when daily talks
made everything ok.

when I could hear his smile
through the lines
caress my heart
blow flourishing flames inside
to replenish this lost soul.

taking a walk meant
standing on mountainsides
snow falling, his hair all wet
curled up on end, that smile
again. relighting this heart
over and over again ...

words mean spirited
slap in the face
what the...?

your eyes don't
your mind
can't listen.

my story is not
for dissecting

it stands alone
like I

*edit: (sorry to make you read this. i don't usually speak these words but needed to get it out. i don't like the mean spirited 'feedback' i get sometimes. it hurts my feelings - and i end up suffering at their hands for days)
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boiling point
reaching critical

blowing over
a bit of frothy


stamping it down
trapping it's tail
in my snap
I savor the
taste of anger
as it seeps down

adding another drop
to the storehouse
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letting it go
blowing it out

deap breath in
and b l o w
find that center
hold it tight

its just another
one another one
just another one

Did you feel it
That shift

That crackling
Beneath our feet

Pulling rugs

The yawning hole

And so
I retreat
Shy ...

I am not shy. Too hard
hitting, balls in a'clinch
wall to wall forsaking
to taste, touch
have my way. I shadow
out, rim in - to feel
and pounce when a fly
is on the wall.

webbed in, to succulate
on his meaty
bone. forensic thoughts play out
telling of moves taken, will
not broken
till the last spin. shy
no not I ...

My Erotic Trail said:
is the new word shy?

I am too shy to write a poem <grin

You shy? Mmmhmmm and I'm blonde ~ ;)

No getting outta it that easily my friend.
Throw it out, down and give it a whirl.
See what ya come up with ...

bewitching eyes
this fairy of love.

gaze lingers
upon me.

like a cherry,
for the plucking.

pluck me.
suckle from
within me.

with your
tongue of sumptuous

the creme de la creme
of my cresting

:catroar: :devil:
door to door
ambling on, I chase a job
work it through
day after day
nights, sleepless
too tired to rest.


eyes closing, fluttering heart
talks all night. telling
stories of wild younger days
not mine, other peoples.
I, the green behind the ears
sweet girl. still, this body aches
to release
set sail on those same nights friends
enjoyed while I
read and listened to music.
listened to other people
living it up ...
RhymeFairy said:
door to door
ambling on, I chase a job
work it through
day after day
nights, sleepless
too tired to rest.


eyes closing, fluttering heart
talks all night. telling
stories of wild younger days
not mine, other peoples.
I, the green behind the ears
sweet girl. still, this body aches
to release
set sail on those same nights friends
enjoyed while I
read and listened to music.
listened to other people
living it up ...

it's the quiet corner
where someone sits
silently thinking aloud
perhaps they ponder
or is it fear they hide
will sitting alone
and seems so shy
My Erotic Trail said:
it's the quiet corner
where someone sits
silently thinking aloud
perhaps they ponder
or is it fear they hide
will sitting alone
and seems so shy

a quiet corner, feet
propped up as time
moves. reading, adventure
sailors scaly waggin'
and a lost hero, saving
the day.

shy maidens blushed
fan waving, please say it again
as red cheeks blossom twin

reading of fiction, in a nonfiction
world. where fear is real
and shyness is a challenge.
give me popcorn and a movie
anyday ...

relax, it will come out in the wash ~

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Transpotted from tha Chicken Thread ~ * grins

compounding emotions

elements of love
get trans-potted. transferring
from one to another. forget
me not friction
plays a dilly dalliance
of deliverance.

showers of kisses
hills of hugs
petals of passion
shall grow

nurture into never ending
eternal empathy. kindred
hearts flame, flowering
into blossoms of lust
secreting its seed
to sprout anew ...

just a thought ~
I was his first
I think.

Young, devilish dimples
green eyes that one could
drown in.

He taught me how to
watermelon crawl. I
inturn, danced all around
that handsome cowboy.

He was hot
and taught me more
than just a dance

Seeing him after years
still brought blushes to this
cradle robber ...

just a thought ...
RhymeFairy said:
compounding emotions

elements of love
get trans-potted. transferring
from one to another. forget
me not friction
plays a dilly dalliance
of deliverance.

showers of kisses
hills of hugs
petals of passion
shall grow

nurture into never ending
eternal empathy. kindred
hearts flame, flowering
into blossoms of lust
secreting its seed
to sprout anew ...

just a thought ~

good thoughts <grin
I think of you, you know.
Obsess over
what if ...

Years could pass
and no other would ever touch
my heart nor this aching body
like you.

I bow
lay before you
freely given, then again
those fierce thoughts
What if ...

I circle around like a dizzy
top. Want so bad to reach out
but I know it cannot be done
What if ...

What if
one day I just die
from a broken heart
that would show'm eh ...

'Tis true, I am broken
torn by so many
what if's
wishing I could
take it all back

Then again
I would not trade
one moment
of being with you
for anything.

I try, no use
I'm turned on
turned under
and giving up
on what if ...

Silly to some, just thinking and trying to write.

A block has been placed before me. I try to climb over it and fall. Try to roll it away and get bruised fingers for my time. Still I persist and think maybe to smash it ... Still there I see, not even wind could budge it ...


Oh well, back to the drawing board ~
he touched me deep

so deep my nether regions
would begin to drip silken
sap when he spoke. so deep
my bounteous
bussoms peaked and pouted
for him to touch,
taste with sliding tongue
those filmy fingers that would
me out. point to point
all pointed south
where I deeply
for his nestling needle to pluck
and infiltrate me to my very core.

*pant pant ...

:catroar: :devil: :p
RhymeFairy said:
he touched me deep

so deep my nether regions
would begin to drip silken
sap when he spoke. so deep
my bounteous
bussoms peaked and pouted
for him to touch,
taste with sliding tongue
those filmy fingers that would
me out. point to point
all pointed south
where I deeply
for his nestling needle to pluck
and infiltrate me to my very core.

*pant pant ...

:catroar: :devil: :p

I am not sure why, but, I like the 'pant pant',,, <grinin

feeling echoes falling
from the dark
another tear dripping
from the light of the moon
wakes me like rain
falling on the mangroves
I search for the eyes
of lonely
such is enchanted attraction
bluerains said:
feeling echoes falling
from the dark
another tear dripping
from the light of the moon
wakes me like rain
falling on the mangroves
I search for the eyes
of lonely
such is enchanted attraction

Thank You Blue for stopping by. :rose:

I like this poem. I esp. like the words ... enchanted attraction. It can be soft or all consuming. Here you have painted a world of sensuality. It speaks to me ...

Take it and run my friend. Love it ~
