Free Thoughts~on One word...

Many Feathers said:
Have a few more as's a link to my thread...scroll up from the bottom (I think). LOL

I wonder how long it will be before the whole pumpkin carving idea takes off here in NZ.


It's orange, a glow
in the dark of Frankenstein
or the Grim Reaper
calling to collect
their dues from you.
Tempt them
if you dare
with your evil masks
wicked laughs
and eggs, or show teeth
in a smile, wait awhile
and receive your treat.

my apologies RF for getting sidetracked ;)

wildsweetone said:
I wonder how long it will be before the whole pumpkin carving idea takes off here in NZ.


It's orange, a glow
in the dark of Frankenstein
or the Grim Reaper
calling to collect
their dues from you.
Tempt them
if you dare
with your evil masks
wicked laughs
and eggs, or show teeth
in a smile, wait awhile
and receive your treat.

my apologies RF for getting sidetracked ;)

Very good Sweet One. Am thinking about doing a few "erotic" ones next year! ;)
Many Feathers said:
Very good Sweet One. Am thinking about doing a few "erotic" ones next year! ;)

i was looking for them this year! don't ask me why! lol

you'll have to R-rate them at the end of the street you know. ;)

wildsweetone said:
i was looking for them this year! don't ask me why! lol

you'll have to R-rate them at the end of the street you know. ;)

Those are the ones I'll keep INSIDE.
Persuade :

Syllables: per-suade

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation pEr swed

Inflected Forms persuaded, persuading, persuades

Definition 1. to cause (another) to do something through reasoning or arguing.
Synonyms induce , convince , get
Crossref. Syn. argue , get

Similar Words prevail on {prevail (vi)} , move , entice , sweet-talk ,
coax , prompt , lure , constrain , wheedle , motivate , talk into {talk} ,
inveigle , cajole , sway , influence

Definition 2. to cause (another) to believe something; convince.
Synonyms convince
Crossref. Syn. induce

Similar Words bring around {bring (PHR)} , induce

Related Words crowd , make , lobby , win , actuate , satisfy ,
reason , guide , sell , turn , charm , push , impress , get , budge ,
counsel , reconcile

Derived Forms persuadable, adj. ; persuader, n. ; persuadingly, adv.

Any takers? You know something about this, I'm sure ~ ;)

Happppppppy Writing,

Persuade you, so I wanted,
so I tried,
but with only a half heart
because if I persuaded you, I thought
you’d not really be mine.

Persuade me you did
and then backed away
letting me fall,
ignoring my spiral, I thought,
when you hoped, really, I'd fly.
Dear Abby

the motives of the feminine persuasion
elude my most skilled examination
I've performed a thorough investigation
but their actions bear no relation
to any reasonable expectation
of ever attaining lasting elation

I find that on numerous occasions
seeking joy, I find only frustration
when what I crave is dedication
to happiness without expectation
Do they need an engraved invitation?
tungtied2u said:
Dear Abby

the motives of the feminine persuasion
elude my most skilled examination
I've performed a thorough investigation
but their actions bear no relation
to any reasonable expectation
of ever attaining lasting elation

I find that on numerous occasions
seeking joy, I find only frustration
when what I crave is dedication
to happiness without expectation
Do they need an engraved invitation?

See I knew you had it in ya ~~~ ;)


An invitaion would be nice. Perhaps

yellows roses, picked petals
drift, down singing thighs as raspberry lips
are kissed by morning dew drips ...


not a poem, but what naughty imagery eh ~

RF<~~ So bad when I was really trying to be so
good ...

RhymeFairy said:
See I knew you had it in ya ~~~ ;)


An invitaion would be nice. Perhaps

yellows roses, picked petals
drift, down singing thighs as raspberry lips
are kissed by morning dew drips ...


not a poem, but what naughty imagery eh ~

RF<~~ So bad when I was really trying to be so
good ...


she tried to persuade
me to write a poem...

so I doodled something <grin

RhymeFairy said:
See I knew you had it in ya ~~~ ;)


An invitaion would be nice. Perhaps

yellows roses, picked petals
drift, down singing thighs as raspberry lips
are kissed by morning dew drips ...


not a poem, but what naughty imagery eh ~

RF<~~ So bad when I was really trying to be so
good ...


Don't suppose I could "persuade" you to let me do just that? :rose: :kiss:
New word ...


Syllables: cream
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation krim

Definition 1. the part of whole milk that contains butterfat.

Definition 2. an ointment or thick liquid containing medicinal or
cosmetic ingredients for external application.
Example a cleansing cream.
Crossref. Syn. lotion , ointment

Definition 3. a yellowish white color.
Crossref. Syn. neutral

Definition 4. a food containing cream or having a creamy layer
or center.
Example chocolate creams.

Definition 5. the best part.
Example the cream of this year's graduates.
Crossref. Syn. fat , better , elite , best

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms creamed, creaming, creams

Definition 1. to form cream.

Definition 2. to foam.

Crossref. Syn. lather

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to skim the cream or best part from.

Definition 2. to beat to the consistency of cream.

Definition 3. to use a cosmetic lotion on.

Definition 4. to use cream in or add cream to, as certain foods.

Definition 5. (slang) to hit very hard.

Definition 6. (slang) to conquer.
Crossref. Syn. smear

Related Words upset , whip , lather , drub , defeat , beat ,
trounce , down

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. cream-colored; yellowish white.

Related Words neutral

A new word sent with love'n harmony ;) from a friends posting.
Wishing ya'll a great day and you can bet your booty I am in on this word...

:catroar: :rose:

RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: cream
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation krim

Definition 1. the part of whole milk that contains butterfat.

Definition 2. an ointment or thick liquid containing medicinal or
cosmetic ingredients for external application.
Example a cleansing cream.
Crossref. Syn. lotion , ointment

Definition 3. a yellowish white color.
Crossref. Syn. neutral

Definition 4. a food containing cream or having a creamy layer
or center.
Example chocolate creams.

Definition 5. the best part.
Example the cream of this year's graduates.
Crossref. Syn. fat , better , elite , best

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms creamed, creaming, creams

Definition 1. to form cream.

Definition 2. to foam.

Crossref. Syn. lather

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to skim the cream or best part from.

Definition 2. to beat to the consistency of cream.

Definition 3. to use a cosmetic lotion on.

Definition 4. to use cream in or add cream to, as certain foods.

Definition 5. (slang) to hit very hard.

Definition 6. (slang) to conquer.
Crossref. Syn. smear

Related Words upset , whip , lather , drub , defeat , beat ,
trounce , down

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. cream-colored; yellowish white.

Related Words neutral

A new word sent with love'n harmony ;) from a friends posting.
Wishing ya'll a great day and you can bet your booty I am in on this word...

:catroar: :rose:

Whipped and creamy there she be,
Spread so decadently so provacatively.
Twin capped peaks, strawberry field,
Rivers of cream, did her sweetness now yield.

Lapping and licking
at the snow capped mounds.
Moans and shivers,
erotic sounds.

Chocolate and caramel
honey whipped cream.
Laid on the table
this wicked man's dream.

Feast of the eyes,
this desert laid so bare.
Wondering what
he would now on her dare.

A sliding of chairs
as each took their seat.
A banquet of sorts,
it was now time to eat.
I need to come by here more often, you all are having too much fun with the word, pictures aren't everything.......

Ice cream
she screams
"it is cold"

I lick
she likes
"more please"

a spoon
and a tongue
she creams
I cannot force it this morning my friends. Again writers block has me

strapped down to the pagan road
of yester year, denouncing every
idealistic passion I touch upon.

turning about, to shoot'm full of free thoughts
brings back a backlog of backpedalling
against the currents of the putrid monster,
redeye electrical shock treatment.

razor leafs touch skin to heart, pelting down
acid rain to cleanse the soul, release


turn of rusted key. restoring faith, peace.
hope to rest, relax for these tired bones
weary mind and bleeding heart ...

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New word

If I may be so bold...may I suggest


rash (1)
–adjective -er, -est.
1. acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
2. characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: rash promises.
[Origin: 1350–1400; ME; c. D, G rasch quick, brisk, ON rǫskr brave]

—Related forms
rashly, adverb
rashness, noun

—Synonyms 1. hasty, impetuous, reckless, venturous, incautious, precipitate, indiscreet, foolhardy.
—Antonyms 1. cautious.

rash (2) 
1. an eruption or efflorescence on the skin.
2. a multitude of instances of something occurring more or less during the same period of time: a rash of robberies last month.
[Origin: 1700–10; < F rache (obs.), OF rasche skin eruption, deriv. of raschier to scratch, ult. < L rādere to scratch]

—Related forms
rashlike, adjective
adj. rash·er, rash·est

Example: I hope I wasn't being rash in posting a word for today. :eek:
tungtied2u said:
If I may be so bold...may I suggest


rash (1)
–adjective -er, -est.
1. acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
2. characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: rash promises.
[Origin: 1350–1400; ME; c. D, G rasch quick, brisk, ON rǫskr brave]

—Related forms
rashly, adverb
rashness, noun

—Synonyms 1. hasty, impetuous, reckless, venturous, incautious, precipitate, indiscreet, foolhardy.
—Antonyms 1. cautious.

rash (2) 
1. an eruption or efflorescence on the skin.
2. a multitude of instances of something occurring more or less during the same period of time: a rash of robberies last month.
[Origin: 1700–10; < F rache (obs.), OF rasche skin eruption, deriv. of raschier to scratch, ult. < L rādere to scratch]

—Related forms
rashlike, adjective
adj. rash·er, rash·est

Example: I hope I wasn't being rash in posting a word for today. :eek:
"no, not at all... I like the thought...

don't be a rash
tungtied2u said:
If I may be so bold...may I suggest


rash (1)
–adjective -er, -est.
1. acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
2. characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: rash promises.
[Origin: 1350–1400; ME; c. D, G rasch quick, brisk, ON rǫskr brave]

—Related forms
rashly, adverb
rashness, noun

—Synonyms 1. hasty, impetuous, reckless, venturous, incautious, precipitate, indiscreet, foolhardy.
—Antonyms 1. cautious.

rash (2) 
1. an eruption or efflorescence on the skin.
2. a multitude of instances of something occurring more or less during the same period of time: a rash of robberies last month.
[Origin: 1700–10; < F rache (obs.), OF rasche skin eruption, deriv. of raschier to scratch, ult. < L rādere to scratch]

—Related forms
rashlike, adjective
adj. rash·er, rash·est

Example: I hope I wasn't being rash in posting a word for today. :eek:

you heard'm folks ....


:rose: ... Thank you for taking up the slack, seems I am a bit under the weather, again :rolleyes: .

Nose sniffles and sneezes...uggg can ya say, just shoot me now?

I now have two writes to pen.

Cream .... Rash

Hmm, those two can go together and make a write about
an itchy passion gone wild.

;) :D :p
Quote from : Haiku River Thread

My Erotic Trail said:
a river of love
filling my soul

Spoon :


1. a utensil for use in eating, stirring, measuring, ladling, etc.,
consisting of a small, shallow bowl with a handle.

2. any of various implements, objects, or parts resembling or
suggesting this.

3. a spoonful.

4. Also called spoon bait.
Angling. a lure used in casting or trolling for fish, consisting of
a bright spoon-shaped piece of metal or the like, swiveled above
one or more fishhooks, and revolving as it is drawn through the water.

5. Also called number three wood.
Golf. a club with a wooden head whose face has a greater slope
than the brassie or driver, for hitting long, high drives from the fairway.

6. a curved piece projecting from the top of a torpedo tube to guide
the torpedo horizontally and prevent it from striking the side of the ship
from which it was fired.

–verb (used with object)

7. to eat with, take up, or transfer in or as in a spoon.

8. to hollow out or shape like a spoon.

9. Games.
a. to push or shove (a ball) with a lifting motion instead of striking
it soundly, as in croquet or golf.

b. to hit (a ball) up in the air, as in cricket.

10. Informal.
to show affection or love toward by kissing and caressing, esp. in
an openly sentimental manner.

–verb (used without object)

11. Informal. to show affection or love by kissing and caressing,
esp. in an openly sentimental manner.

12. Games. to spoon a ball.

13. Angling. to fish with a spoon.


14. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born into a wealthy
family; having an inherited fortune: She was born with a silver spoon
in her mouth and never worked a day in her life.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME; OE spōn; c. LG spon, G Span chip, ON spōnn;
akin to Gk sphn wedge]

—Related forms

spoonless, adjective
spoonlike, adjective


A headache has hit me full blast. I am coming back, asap.

I HAVE to write, grrr

Happppy Writing ~

bigntender said:
I want to PLAY! Pleeeeeeeze!!!!!

If the mountain won't come, then the players must resume fair play ...

I somehow missed this, my bad. Yes, I do know it's been a while. I am trying to get a friend out of hiding, lol.

So let's move it, shake it :nana:

on to

cream, rash and spoooooooooon

It's on my friends. Headache has finally subsided a bit, and I am sooooo in the mood to write. Who's in?

RhymeFairy said:
If the mountain won't come, then the players must resume fair play ...

I somehow missed this, my bad. Yes, I do know it's been a while. I am trying to get a friend out of hiding, lol.

So let's move it, shake it :nana:

on to

cream, rash and spoooooooooon

It's on my friends. Headache has finally subsided a bit, and I am sooooo in the mood to write. Who's in?


The thought of you makes me
long to do rash things, wrap myself
in only an overcoat, drive
through the rain to your doorstep, rap
and await your answer, to open my coat
have you grab my bumpershoot
squeeze as a spoon you're stirring
through a thick gooey stew
'til I spew the creme de la creme
just as quickly, leave the scene
of the crime, head back home,
hop into bed
and dream

:D Do I get a prize? :p
tungtied2u said:
The thought of you makes me
long to do rash things, wrap myself
in only an overcoat, drive
through the rain to your doorstep, rap
and await your answer, to open my coat
have you grab my bumpershoot
squeeze as a spoon you're stirring
through a thick gooey stew
'til I spew the creme de la creme
just as quickly, leave the scene
of the crime, head back home,
hop into bed
and dream

:D Do I get a prize? :p

you get a dream, for you are
a dream. my dream through daylight and dark
creamy sports with your shorts
dropped low, while roaming fingers
mouth dives. taking a groping spoonful
after spoonful of your cresting crop
of mouthwatering, fingerlicking
flicking flavors that taste
to die for. do not deviate, don't be late
for this date has been a long time
in coming.

Hmm, forgot rash I did ... will try once more ... ;)
RhymeFairy said:
you get a dream, for you are
a dream. my dream through daylight and dark
creamy sports with your shorts
dropped low, while roaming fingers
mouth dives. taking a groping spoonful
after spoonful of your cresting crop
of mouthwatering, fingerlicking
flicking flavors that taste
to die for. do not deviate, don't be late
for this date has been a long time
in coming.

Hmm, forgot rash I did ... will try once more ... ;)

you are a back rash
beyond reach, an inflammation
deep and red

a salve to solve my dilemna
rich and creamy, ladled on
with a spoon,

would soon resolve my itch
but the bitch is, it can't be bought
in a store

it exists only in my dreams
a magic elixir, only found in
a heavenly valley

( I'm on a roll) :nana:
tungtied2u said:
you are a back rash
beyond reach, an inflammation
deep and red

a salve to solve my dilemna
rich and creamy, ladled on
with a spoon,

would soon resolve my itch
but the bitch is, it can't be bought
in a store

it exists only in my dreams
a magic elixir, only found in
a heavenly valley

( I'm on a roll) :nana:

Only you, have the cream
for this rash. Dollopped out
in spoonfuls to heal this broken mare,
to catch fire down below,
sink, swim baby ... come up for air.
The finish line is fast in coming,
no winners, only you and I
... galloping ~

~~~ I see your roll and raise ya a lil butter honey :p
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A lil note here .... :eek:

most here have no clue but once upon a time I was in dire need of inspiration and help on a poem. I searched my yahoo and ran across TT2U ... He told me, write a word and go with it. Whatever comes to mind. That's my advice.

I shall never forget that. His word suggestion that night over two yrs ago ...

glitter ... dazzle ~

Thank you TT2U for all you have inspired and taught me. Also, for still being a friend we can all count on
