Free Thoughts~on One word...

I would change nothing

as darkness falls
eyes meet, for the first time
nor the last. two misguided
lovers embrace
in haste, to get down
to business.

an excuse
for coffee turned
the thermostat up.
twin bodies
boiling temperatures
constricting clothing
as two indulge
frolic and feast.

within silken sheets
duplicate deeds
with tri-fold action.
return in
counterparts company.


grrr, lost my flow

reads kinda a bit weird anyway, or should I say stumbling. Was a free thought flow, so I went with it. Needs work and this lil fairy is too pooped to pucker, lol. night~

guess it's time for bed~ :rolleyes:

Happy Writing ~

Last edited:
New Word ...

Refined :

Syllables: re-fined

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation rih faind

Definition 1. displaying qualities of good breeding or sensitivity of
feeling or taste.
Synonyms polite , discriminating , cultivated , cultured , genteel ,
well-bred , well-mannered , fine
Crossref. Syn. dainty , tasteful , ladylike , delicate , debonair ,
exquisite , smooth , urbane , elegant
Similar Words suave , polished , ladylike , gentlemanly , gracious ,
decorous , civilized , urbane , elegant

Definition 2. without coarseness, roughness, or vulgarity.
Synonyms decent , elegant
Crossref. Syn. exquisite , debonair , urbane , polite
Similar Words tasteful , polite

Definition 3. being precise or exact to a fine degree.
Synonyms precise , exact
Similar Words discriminating , subtle

Related Words accomplished , well-bred , artistic , nice , worldly ,
distinguished , sophisticated , classy , proper , aristocratic , exquisite ,

Derived Forms refinedly, adv. ; refinedness, n.

Thinking we all need a bit of inspiration.
So go with it and see what happens.

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:
why do the trees
speak your name?

are you, some refined substance
sink into my skin
feeding off hearts, beat
being bartered out
on every echoing pulse.
my nerves seem to be on end
withstanding the onslaught
of slaughtered candyland dreams.

the child in me cannot help
but reach out. smacked hand.
tear drop, snap dragon roars
deafen these ears, to the on going
singsong whispers of tree stand visions
come hither


I know it needs work :rolleyes: but I have to go, for now ... :p

Have a great one ~

RhymeFairy said:
Refined :

Syllables: re-fined

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation rih faind

Definition 1. displaying qualities of good breeding or sensitivity of
feeling or taste.
Synonyms polite , discriminating , cultivated , cultured , genteel ,
well-bred , well-mannered , fine
Crossref. Syn. dainty , tasteful , ladylike , delicate , debonair ,
exquisite , smooth , urbane , elegant
Similar Words suave , polished , ladylike , gentlemanly , gracious ,
decorous , civilized , urbane , elegant

Definition 2. without coarseness, roughness, or vulgarity.
Synonyms decent , elegant
Crossref. Syn. exquisite , debonair , urbane , polite
Similar Words tasteful , polite

Definition 3. being precise or exact to a fine degree.
Synonyms precise , exact
Similar Words discriminating , subtle

Related Words accomplished , well-bred , artistic , nice , worldly ,
distinguished , sophisticated , classy , proper , aristocratic , exquisite ,

Derived Forms refinedly, adv. ; refinedness, n.

Thinking we all need a bit of inspiration.
So go with it and see what happens.

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:

refined refried-beans
may lead to a 'classy-er' flagulation
but France's finest toilet-water
couldn't cover the aroma

If an automobile
were to back fire
you may suggest repairs
or change your gas; intake

simply put
refine your diet
or risk the inquisition
"did something DIE, IT smells aweful"

perhaps we'll call it
"The fine Art; of refined farts"
naughty visions ...

locke of hair falls
in a gentle curve
across her face.
braiding this elegant
garter belt held.

soft southern belle accent
disciplining or dominating
with treasured horse tack.

reassured full lips
tugging, riding crops
raging hard on. clothes
torn off in a mad heat.


skin upon skin. ice cube tile
on frozen hard nipples
as jets hit between legs.

jacuzzi massaging
breasts float. legs wrap
around waist. weak,
physically shake from anal
tongue reaming. knees

there was a time

when time meant
one day. now I care not
when, how or why. I lie
in wait, a purring kitten
turned crazy cat. to sit, stew
slurp up every morsel
then debone your

meaty t-bone. frisky feline
on the alert to every winding curl
that rattles tail to mouth
circling constantly to connect
paw nail talions to tasty
pre-milk dribbles.


~~edited to add~~

put this on the wrong thread, but there it is :rolleyes:

Last edited:
brought this over from the passion thread. Thinking it's a keeper ~


RhymeFairy said:
he is in pain. hidden deep

for outside eyes
must not see
the sordid affair being carried on
behind backs and before questioning eyes
who would wish to desecrate
this beautiful relationship.

two souls otherwise committed, continue
to hurt. true love is the trophy
being shared and commemorated.
a continuos joy, escapes when this pair
parade into the room. One cannot miss
the majestic feel of two halves
made whole.

she, his venus of visions
tied to a man who controls and manipulates
bringing her down, to the valley of woe-is-me
to prance upon her graveside with his forked tongue
of deaths toll reaping.

he, her adonis of salvation
separated from a woman with an uneven kilter
who tries to draw him into her web
of whatever shall I do's. Not strong in spirit or mind
she weaves her spell of sporous spikes
to suck him dry to reap her just rewards.

how long can they hold out
against the onslaught of rough currents
that keeps one queasy from the onslaught
of treacherous waves hitting
from every direction.

how long, before his misery turns tide
and I see my best friend
washed away, pulled into the undertow
of no return?


:rose: :rose: :rose:
My Erotic Trail said:
I think your right (~_*)

Thanks Art ... :rose:

it is time, the open road calls

behold my yellow stripes beauty.
Come, be one with the wind

song and love. Change lanes
fly into never never land

where, all is OK
even if, just a lil while ~

~~gotta dash ... need some me time~

:rose: :rose:
I Collect Dust ...

Sitting on this bookshelf
occasionally dusted off,
leafed through and put back
unread. I dare not enlighten.

My words, unfurl
from seasons past.
My cover creates mystery
to draw you in. Paper cutouts,
cry. Telling tails, tempting one
to know the whole story.

No subtitles, for they bore me. Chapters
in succession are to be read backwards.
If one wants to help. Start at the end.
Feel, the pens particular weight
as it gets heavier, with each letter inked.

Tell me, do you feel pain?
or just flipping through to see
if words actually jump out
and take your last breathe. Please
don't bother.

a lil collection all over the threads ....

it's been days, weeks even

since the voices stopped chanting.
since I last recalled, to recollect
and not remember
one voice.

maybe, minutes passed
or seconds were skipped
but I still sit, then stir around a bit
to balance out the inner goings on.

they permanently persist in telling me
your the one, but we know different, or so
I think.

tell me again
you don't love me ...


I've been

in a fishbowl
swimming circles
around decisions
made, decided
for me.


broken heart

feel nothing
as word by word
drops and spreads
tears, making rivers
where once, eyes


I call out

not from loneliness
but of love. Hear the ringing
trembles, that scatter out
synchronizing in unison.
Ultimately gathering courage
to create a new path,
a new garden.

Hand to bell, tolling loud.
Take a peak inside
all you'll find, is your picture
wallpapered, 4x4 in delicate
intricate, designs.

Plucked in passion, rooted
in rapture. Inamorata, paramour
I have a hankering emotion
set in, grounds of interminably
come to ear.


she reads brainteasers
trying to stump mom
with her wisdom and advice.

moving next to math, slowly
she explains how the answers
just come to her.

next, boys fill her head. reciting
every male in her homeroom,
with physical attributes
and intelligence ratings.

we girl talk and laugh.
snicker about the boy who dances
like john travolta, his finger
pointing to every girl attending
the party.

then, late at night
she creeps in, steals my covers
and snores way too loud.
I often remember
her five lil baby fingers,
curling around ... my one.


he dreams

light kisses trailing down
a platinum tail, swishing aback
to the tempo of tailored dreams
sown on

a swashbuckling sword.
to surge forth and purge,
demolish such demonic passions
that awaken him in midnights
morning. throw covers back

and plant feet upon
the cold floorboards
at heavens gate



seclusion keeps me bartered down
with the weighty conclusion, that all
is well. an allusion that I've played
along with, my innerself.


lines crossed

the finish, way past
but the energy still lives.
moments taken, forsaken for lifetime
ahead. say nothing, but I still tremble

when the snow falls fast, outlining
gingerbread men, walking one by one.
their m&m's drop off. now, with no eyes
to see
they persist. jogging along
as if they had diamonds glowing
outta empty sockets.


OK, soo I may need to work on these a bit. My writing the last week or so here on Lit.
If ya have suggestions on any one piece, feel free to make'm here.
No worries ... bring it ~ ;)


if ya want to bounce'm .... go for it, lol ...

Thanks ... :D :eek: :rolleyes:

:rose: :rose:
Last edited:
one or two more, than I'm done.
I know some seem a bit down and out.
Hang in there. It may get better. Then again :rolleyes:


Another tree is here, showing me
his limbs
how they sway and whipple
in the earthy breeze.

His bark
is grungy, if one but ask.
Not at all like yours, warm

and gruff to the touch
with lil whiskers of softness
to run my fingers over
and around.

His roots are shallow, and he is vain
with his leaves of popular. Not like
your oak ones, ingrained

with red intentions. Reading me
like a book
then, licking my pages
until one by one, the letters
all fall out
respelling your name, with a golden

dye. you tattooed
my skin
body and mind. Yes,
I think he will have to be

transplanted. There is only room
for one oak, in this yard.


Like a flower

layer by layer we pick
the petals. Only,
we see what's inside
has escaped. Leaving us
unsure and so confused.


I shall crash again,
like so many times.
Go down off
the adrenaline high
kept so well hidden,
in my heart of hearts.
Where no one can see,
but the wounded
stranger ...


Money was always short.
Mom rasing us
with no child support.

I ask real nice,
dimples firmly in place.
A watch please, thank you
with a strawberry shortcake face.

Hunting like a coon in heat,
the holiday crowds
she was determined
to beat.

A golden gift arrived
early christmas morn.
Excitement filled the air
knowing lil red,
I would soon adorn.

Shiny red band with lil latches
that would flake. Was too much
for this lil tike to take.

~~OK, I'm outta here. Hoping some of these words might inspire ...
Might be a while b4 I'm back. Need to regroup ...

Peace and love to all my friends ~ :rose:

The golden gift

A friend once said

"I believe in you,
now it's time to believe
in yourself"

for some reason
his words shone
and now I see them reflected
in the gilt-edged mirror. Words

of gold that I'll treasure
in this new year.
you caught me ... I cannot stay away. But, you knew this already eh ~

a song for inspiration. Very erotic, imho ...

Artist: Toby Keith
Album: Pull My Chain
Title: You Leave Me Weak

I'm the one who gets that look in your eye
And I'm the one who feels you tremble inside
I'm the one who steals those kisses from your breath
Sometimes it's so good at night it scares me to death
Thinkin' what would I do if I didn't have you
I'm as strong, strong as I can be
But ooh ooh ooh, baby you leave me weak

Put my hands upon your skin
And it warms me to the touch
All that I can think about while we're makin' love
Is I'm the only one who knows how passionate you get
About all of our deepest little secrets that we've kept

As the night gets longer, girl you just get stronger
And you pour yourself all over me
Ooh ooh ooh, baby you leave me weak

And it always blows me away, by the power that you hold
When the moment kicks in, and the magic unfolds
And you wrap your love around me and it brings me to my knees
Will you give me strength, all the strength that I need

As the night gets longer, girl you just get stronger
And you pour yourself all over me
Ooh ooh ooh, baby you leave me weak
Ooh ooh ooh, baby you leave me weak


Mmmm, yummy

:rose: :kiss:

Ever been ...


Syllables: high

Parts of speech: adjective , adverb , noun

Phrases: high and dry

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation hai

Inflected Forms higher, highest

Definition 1. of great vertical extent; elevated; tall.
Example a high cliff.
Synonyms towering , lofty
Crossref. Syn. tall
Similar Words elevated , tall

Definition 2. of a specified extent upward.
Example a stool two feet high.
Synonyms tall

Definition 3. more intense or greater than usual.
Example high velocity.
Synonyms elevated
Similar Words intense , extreme , strong , great

Definition 4. costly; expensive; dear.
Example The price was too high.
Synonyms stiff , steep
Crossref. Syn. dear
Similar Words dear , exorbitant , expensive , costly

Definition 5. very happy or elated.
Synonyms exalted , elevated
Crossref. Syn. mellow
Similar Words joyous , merry , jolly , gay , happy , ecstatic

Definition 6. elevated in pitch.
Example high notes ; a high voice.
Synonyms high-pitched , elevated
Similar Words soprano , shrill

Definition 7. of great actual or potential force or power.
Synonyms forceful , strong , powerful
Similar Words violent

Definition 8. of great dignity, importance, or seriousness.
Synonyms influential , important , exalted , lofty
Similar Words ranking , elevated , moneyed , towering , grand ,
earnest , grave , noble , august , rich , serious

Definition 9. (informal) intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
Synonyms stoned , loaded , intoxicated {intoxicate } , drunk
Crossref. Syn. mellow

Related Words steep , alpine , mighty , drunk , lofty , tight , peak

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms higher, highest

Definition 1. in or to a high position or place.
Synonyms atop (adj, adv)
Crossref. Syn. aloft
Similar Words ahead , above , forward , up

Definition 2. at or to a high amount, degree, or cost.
Synonyms highly
Definition 3. with extravagance.
Example They live high.
Synonyms luxuriously {luxurious } , extravagantly {extravagant } ,
lavishly {lavish )}

Related Words overhead , sharp

Phrase high and dry

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. something that is high, such as an amount or
a person's spirits.
Example This price is a new high ; her highs and lows.
Synonyms top
Crossref. Syn. lift
Similar Words acme , up , apex , height

Definition 2. an atmospheric condition of high pressure, often indicating
fair weather.

Related Words thrill , buzz , trip

This seems an easy enough word. :nana:

Write it out ... if you dare,
and yes, please inhale.


Happy Writing ~~

RhymeFairy said:
Money was always short.
Mom rasing us
with no child support.

I ask real nice,
dimples firmly in place.
A watch please, thank you
with a strawberry shortcake face.

Hunting like a coon in heat,
the holiday crowds
she was determined
to beat.

A golden gift arrived
early christmas morn.
Excitement filled the air
knowing lil red,
I would soon adorn.

Shiny red band with lil latches
that would flake. Was too much
for this lil tike to take.

~~OK, I'm outta here. Hoping some of these words might inspire ...
Might be a while b4 I'm back. Need to regroup ...

Peace and love to all my friends ~ :rose:


I liked this one... you obviously have been playing with your muse <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
I liked this one... you obviously have been playing with your muse <grin

Mmm, yes. I had him tied to a roller coaster to enjoy his squirm. ;) :catroar:

I wrote that for the Decemcer 2006 Christmas Challenge. It is true, I had that lil tacky red wanna be, till after high school. It might not have been exactly what I wanted but I know the struggle mom and dad went through to try and find the Starwberry Shortcake one. I really never wore it but I kept it close to heart ~

RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: high

Parts of speech: adjective , adverb , noun


midnight it might be,

has to be. to pour out
a mental high
into cutouts. shapes
that shift into the illusions
of my imagination.

I simply watch
the cake. One bite
would be heaven
but if I nibble,
place tiny precise incisions,
icing in, my presence
I would.

Why not, leave this
desirous dessert
with sprinkles intact.
Curtsey low
and linger nearby.

To see the transformation.
from a midnight snack
to a gingerbread man
meant only, for me.

always down, to try and lift
skirts swirly shift, dips 'n sways.
like life, let'me breathe peace
from heaven, then slip slide away.
acknowledge split seams
that catch wind, glimpsing
skinned knees from the trip.


~~free thought slide ~~
brought over from writing live ... another keeper, lol ;)


this cold weather

sends me into sheets, so soft
and pillows fluffy with down.
snuggling toes slide back
and forth to capture
the heat, that hides
inside. dead,
from a dry drought
brought on by non-exposure
to the sunny side of man.

may, I borrow yours
for a fleeting moment or two?
To expand my horizon
and bare witness
to these desiccated beaches
that maintain
a no trespassing sign.

;) :devil:
RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: high

Parts of speech: adjective , adverb , noun

Phrases: high and dry

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation hai

Inflected Forms higher, highest

Definition 1. of great vertical extent; elevated; tall.
Example a high cliff.
Synonyms towering , lofty
Crossref. Syn. tall
Similar Words elevated , tall

Definition 2. of a specified extent upward.
Example a stool two feet high.
Synonyms tall

Definition 3. more intense or greater than usual.
Example high velocity.
Synonyms elevated
Similar Words intense , extreme , strong , great

Definition 4. costly; expensive; dear.
Example The price was too high.
Synonyms stiff , steep
Crossref. Syn. dear
Similar Words dear , exorbitant , expensive , costly

Definition 5. very happy or elated.
Synonyms exalted , elevated
Crossref. Syn. mellow
Similar Words joyous , merry , jolly , gay , happy , ecstatic

Definition 6. elevated in pitch.
Example high notes ; a high voice.
Synonyms high-pitched , elevated
Similar Words soprano , shrill

Definition 7. of great actual or potential force or power.
Synonyms forceful , strong , powerful
Similar Words violent

Definition 8. of great dignity, importance, or seriousness.
Synonyms influential , important , exalted , lofty
Similar Words ranking , elevated , moneyed , towering , grand ,
earnest , grave , noble , august , rich , serious

Definition 9. (informal) intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
Synonyms stoned , loaded , intoxicated {intoxicate } , drunk
Crossref. Syn. mellow

Related Words steep , alpine , mighty , drunk , lofty , tight , peak

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms higher, highest

Definition 1. in or to a high position or place.
Synonyms atop (adj, adv)
Crossref. Syn. aloft
Similar Words ahead , above , forward , up

Definition 2. at or to a high amount, degree, or cost.
Synonyms highly
Definition 3. with extravagance.
Example They live high.
Synonyms luxuriously {luxurious } , extravagantly {extravagant } ,
lavishly {lavish )}

Related Words overhead , sharp

Phrase high and dry

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. something that is high, such as an amount or
a person's spirits.
Example This price is a new high ; her highs and lows.
Synonyms top
Crossref. Syn. lift
Similar Words acme , up , apex , height

Definition 2. an atmospheric condition of high pressure, often indicating
fair weather.

Related Words thrill , buzz , trip

This seems an easy enough word. :nana:

Write it out ... if you dare,
and yes, please inhale.


Happy Writing ~~


He was arrested for driving under the influence
they said he was HIGH enough to hunt ducks with a yard rake
the judge gave him three hots and a cot
sharing a cell with a drag queen named; Ripley
that later sued him for child support
and to think his fears used to be...
pink elephants!
My Erotic Trail said:
He was arrested for driving under the influence
they said he was HIGH enough to hunt ducks with a yard rake
the judge gave him three hots and a cot
sharing a cell with a drag queen named; Ripley
that later sued him for child support
and to think his fears used to be...
pink elephants!

Silly man, tricks are for kids :p

Cute and funny. Thank You Art ~ :rose:


1. an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative
in making friends.

2. readiness and ability in initiating action; enterprise: to lack initiative.

3. one's personal, responsible decision: to act on one's own initiative.

4. Government. a.

a procedure by which a specified number of voters may propose a
statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance, and compel a popular
vote on its adoption. Compare referendum (def. 1).

b. the general right or ability to present a new bill or measure, as in a legislature.


5. of or pertaining to initiation; serving to initiate: Initi-ative steps
were taken to stop manufacture of the drug.

[Origin: 1785–95; initiate + -ive]

—Related forms

in·i·ti·a·tive·ly, adverb

—Synonyms 2. leadership, forcefulness, dynamism.


Main Entry: initiative

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: eagerness


action, ambition, drive, dynamism, energy, enterprise,
enthusiasm, get-up-and-go*, gumption*, inventiveness, leadership,
moxie*, originality, punch, push, resource, resourcefulness, spunk*,
steam*, vigor

Antonyms: unimaginativeness

Come on, what'cha got to loose?

Write it out ... :p

Happy writing ~~ ;) :D

:rose: :rose: :rose:
test after test

I laid word upon word
to gather steam
and express my thoughts.
My inner world
of wisdom and grace.

They took what I had,
asking for more.
Regurgitating my initiative
wait, another year
and come back.

Your smart enough
to understand the rules.
There is no fast track
