Free Thoughts~on One word...

had to bring this one over too, from writing thread ~


illuminate this heart

with soft words, spoken with hushed
hieroglyphics chiseled out
by the swaying palms brushing

so lightly

as sand gravels break tide
tickling comotose organs
into commuting a smile.


a brush of fingertips
forgotten, now re-remembered
so gentle
so loving, so much felt
in that one-second.
a promise given and whole heartily


with the exchange
of a small smile
to commemorate this continually confusing
contusion of time.
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working out the kinks ...

RhymeFairy said:

illuminate this heart

with soft words, spoken with hushed
hieroglyphics chiseled out
by the swaying palms brushing

so lightly

as sand gravels break tide
tickling comotose organs
into commuting a smile.


a brush of fingertips
forgotten, now re-remembered
so gentle
so loving, so much felt
in that one-second.
a promise given and whole heartily


with the exchange
of a small smile
to commemorate this continually confusing
contusion of time.


illuminate this heart

soft words, spoken
hushed hieroglyphics chisele out
swaying palms brushing

so lightly

sand gravels break tide
tickling comotose organs
into commuting a smile.


brush of fingertips
forgotten, now

so gentle

so loving, so much felt
in that one-second.
promises given


with the exchange
of a small smile
to commemorate

this continually confusing

contusion of time.


have no clue what to do with the last stanza ... grrrr
no biggie, will go to another and come back refreshed
another time ... :rolleyes:
RhymeFairy said:

illuminate this heart

soft words, spoken
hushed hieroglyphics chisele out
swaying palms brushing

so lightly

sand gravels break tide
tickling comotose organs
into commuting a smile.


brush of fingertips
forgotten, now

so gentle

so loving, so much felt
in that one-second.
promises given


with the exchange
of a small smile
to commemorate

this continually confusing

contusion of time.


have no clue what to do with the last stanza ... grrrr
no biggie, will go to another and come back refreshed
another time ... :rolleyes:

I like the way this was laid out... and look forward to the addition <grin
Impose :

Definition 1. to institute or establish as something to be fulfilled
or borne.

Example The state imposed taxes on the sale of liquor.

Synonyms institute , set , establish

Crossref. Syn. dictate , put , inflict

Similar Words initiate , ordain , assess , prescribe , introduce ,

Definition 2. to force (oneself) on another or others.

Synonyms pressure , force

Crossref. Syn. intrude , foist , thrust , put

Similar Words coerce , foist , thrust , dictate , compel , inflict ,

Related Words charge , visit , enforce , bother , set , mandate

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to force one's own needs or desires upon others, as
by presuming upon their tolerance or by interrupting.

Synonyms intrude , obtrude

Crossref. Syn. presume

Similar Words presume , thrust , interrupt

Related Words trespass

Phrase impose on [or] upon


Part of Speech: verb

Definition: dictate

Synonyms: appoint, burden, charge, chisel in, command, compel,
constrain, decree, demand, dish out, dump on, encroach, enforce,
enjoin, establish, exact, fix, foist, force, force upon, horn in, inflict,
infringe, institute, introduce, intrude, lade, lay, lay down, levy,
muscle in, oblige, obtrude, ordain, order, palm off, place, prescribe,
presume, promulgate, put, require, saddle*, set, take advantage,
trespass, visit, wish, wreak, wreck

Seems a bit slow here these days.
Hoping everyone is OK ... and enjoying the season. :D
For those who feel the need ... write it out my friends ~~ ;)

Happpy Writing ~

Do you suppose
I could impose, upon you
to drop by? Stay awhile
while I tile
with stucco,
to my bed.

I promise, you shall not
this pertinacious custom
I wanna perform.

Watch, while I slow walk
seriously talk, up
your manly form,
possibly balk and persist
in explaining, performing
my intentions. These lovely
I have dedicated
to you.

~~ silly :rolleyes:
but fun ... grrrrrrrrrrr :catroar:
Seems the well is beyond dry ... shall try again later, or maybe just wait till it comes to me. Long day, seems to be a longer night. Can't write even when I have the time and feel the need. Grrr~

Stay Awhile

Let your skin soak up sun
feel the river
ripple your mind.
Thoughts slide on by
just relax, ignore the ticks
take your time. You're mine,
kind of heart
and windswept soul.

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He was an impostor
an imposer
who supposed her
every breath belonged to him

She broke his chains
gained her freedom
only to find
she was still constrained

by forces unconsidered
a bitter pill
she spit back
in her defiance

her spirit is strong
but how long
can she hold on
to her self reliance
tungtied2u said:
He was an impostor
an imposer
who supposed her
every breath belonged to him

She broke his chains
gained her freedom
only to find
she was still constrained

by forces unconsidered
a bitter pill
she spit back
in her defiance

her spirit is strong
but how long
can she hold on
to her self reliance

Like true friends, you know my heart.

Again, Thank you for the lovely thoughts and wonderful writing. I had a few minutes to write but it was all a jigsaw. No place to put the seaside curve or flaming red island ... and what the hell do I do with this coconut milk? :rolleyes:

:D :rose:
dear master, it's no imposition
to bend my torso
into your favorite position
though I have one request
if you'd allow me to rest
before your penis begins
its next expedition

hypnotic amplification

insomnia again, imposing
magnifies each and every sound
screech of tires from three miles away
and a siren wails mechanical tears
of somebody nearby, dying
I'm trying, I'm trying
insomnia, impose thyself
upon someone else, let mesleep
fall so hard, so deep,
let me sleeep
normal jean said:
dear master, it's no imposition
to bend my torso
into your favorite position
though I have one request
if you'd allow me to rest
before your penis begins
its next expedition



put a lil steam in tha mix and ya come up with
normal jean ... growlllllll ~

:D :rose:
I toss and turn
while sleep fights me.
shooting star dust dreams
keep me steamed, in between
the comings and goings
of each cockscomb rising
to pluck out and penetrate
my orbital bliss

Hey RF...

RhymeFairy said:
I toss and turn
while sleep fights me.
shooting star dust dreams
keep me steamed, in between
the comings and goings
of each cockscomb rising
to pluck out and penetrate
my orbital bliss


Hope all is well with you honey. BTW, have a new posted poem for you to read:

And somewhat inspired this morning. So here's this:

Though seasons change and come again,
and Christmas nearly here,
I've lived a lifetime so it seems,
in the passing of a year.

I look back now on better days
and wish they'd come once more,
but know that Christmas miracles
won't show up at my door.

So I wait for spring to bloom again,
and for winter snows to die.
And wash away the tears and pain,
and enjoy that cleansing cry.

Will summer time be the last for me?
I really do not know.
Perhaps in fall I'll lie in sleep,
long before next winters snow.
Many Feathers said:
Hope all is well with you honey. BTW, have a new posted poem for you to read:

And somewhat inspired this morning. So here's this:

Though seasons change and come again,
and Christmas nearly here,
I've lived a lifetime so it seems,
in the passing of a year.

I look back now on better days
and wish they'd come once more,
but know that Christmas miracles
won't show up at my door.

So I wait for spring to bloom again,
and for winter snows to die.
And wash away the tears and pain,
and enjoy that cleansing cry.

Will summer time be the last for me?
I really do not know.
Perhaps in fall I'll lie in sleep,
long before next winters snow.

Reaching out ...

to touch the heavens,
with words of wonderment
firmly planted
to teach
or be taught
what or whom
is important to you?

Very endearing and heartfelt.
Wishing you love,
and above all ... peace
this holiday season~


:rose: :D ;)
a few poems posted the last couple days on threads ~

I throw in the towel.
Reap what I sow.
Beg for a glimpse of
golden eyes in the mirrors
souls, the answer to nightmares
is you.
perched on the bed
beside, inside
slick, wet me.


I live
in my memories.

caressed to sleep
with each silken brush
of your hand applied to certain
creative areas, I leave be, just
for you. I share sigh and walk
down destines highway
looking forward, detained only
by the mountain springs
spiritual escapades, being played out
subconsciously to the tune
of a teasing hiccuping laughter
that I once splashed and sipped
while love drunk, on you.


the kitty cat tigress
of your dreams.
I shall spill out
your seams.

licking your milk
with sentiment and care,
brushing your fur
while I tongue you

open for the season
I see no reason
not to
twitch your whiskers
with nothing
but my kisser

as I unravel
your ball. your friskiness
I recall. I simply bite
your nipples Delighting
in your torturous fight.

prowling as I pounce
not an ounce, of you
I will leave untouched
together, clutched.

begging for the time
I watch, the walls you climb
pure perfection in motion
when you get
the notion ...

RhymeFairy said:
Impose :

Definition 1. to institute or establish as something to be fulfilled
or borne.

Example The state imposed taxes on the sale of liquor.

Synonyms institute , set , establish

Crossref. Syn. dictate , put , inflict

Similar Words initiate , ordain , assess , prescribe , introduce ,

Definition 2. to force (oneself) on another or others.

Synonyms pressure , force

Crossref. Syn. intrude , foist , thrust , put

Similar Words coerce , foist , thrust , dictate , compel , inflict ,

Related Words charge , visit , enforce , bother , set , mandate

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to force one's own needs or desires upon others, as
by presuming upon their tolerance or by interrupting.

Synonyms intrude , obtrude

Crossref. Syn. presume

Similar Words presume , thrust , interrupt

Related Words trespass

Phrase impose on [or] upon


Part of Speech: verb

Definition: dictate

Synonyms: appoint, burden, charge, chisel in, command, compel,
constrain, decree, demand, dish out, dump on, encroach, enforce,
enjoin, establish, exact, fix, foist, force, force upon, horn in, inflict,
infringe, institute, introduce, intrude, lade, lay, lay down, levy,
muscle in, oblige, obtrude, ordain, order, palm off, place, prescribe,
presume, promulgate, put, require, saddle*, set, take advantage,
trespass, visit, wish, wreak, wreck

Seems a bit slow here these days.
Hoping everyone is OK ... and enjoying the season. :D
For those who feel the need ... write it out my friends ~~ ;)

Happpy Writing ~


I know
there are those
who impose
in prose
with no poetry
in their intent
I suppose

Pronunciation myuz

Inflected Forms mused, musing, muses

Definition 1. to ponder or meditate on something silently or at
Synonyms contemplate , ponder , meditate , cogitate , ruminate,
Crossref. Syn. study

Similar Words deliberate , consider , cerebrate , reflect , brood

Related Words daydream , recollect , speculate

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation myuz

Definition 1. in Greek mythology, any of the nine goddesses who
preside over the arts and sciences.

Similar Words goddess

Definition 2. (l.c.) the source of creative inspiration, esp. for
a poet.

Similar Words epiphany , inspiration , stimulus , genius , afflatus


A source of inspiration, a guiding genius.

Sidelight: In Greek mythology, the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne were called the Muses, each of whom was identified with an individual art or science. While there are historic inconsistencies in the records that have been handed down, a common listing is as follows:

Calliope (kuh-LY-uh-pee): Muse of epic poetry

Clio (KLY-oh or KLEE-oh): Muse of history

Erato (EHR-uh-toh): Muse of lyric and love poetry

Euterpe (yoo-TUR-pee): Muse of music, especially wind instruments

Melpomene (mel-PAH-muh-nee): Muse of tragedy

Polymnia (pah-LIM-nee-uh): Muse of sacred poetry

Terpsichore (turp-SIK-uh-ree): Muse of dance and choral song

Thalia (thuh-LY-uh): Muse of comedy

Urania (yooh-RAY-nee-uh): Muse of astronomy



A gap or hole in a hedge, hence, wall, or the like, through which a wild
animal is accustomed to pass; a muset.


One of the nine goddesses who presided over song and the different kinds
of poetry, and also the arts and sciences; -- often used in the plural.


A particular power and practice of poetry.


A poet; a bard.


To think closely; to study in silence; to meditate.


To be absent in mind; to be so occupied in study or contemplation as not to observe passing scenes or things present; to be in a brown study.


To wonder.


To think on; to meditate on.


To wonder at.


Contemplation which abstracts the mind from passing scenes; absorbing thought; hence, absence of mind; a brown study.


Wonder, or admiration.

Related Word Definitions:

Absence, Absent, Absorbing, Accustomed, Admiration, Also, And, Animal,
As, At, Bard, Be, Brown, Closely, Contemplation, Different, From, Gap,
Hedge, Hence, Hole, In, Is, Like, Meditate, Mind, Muset, Nine, Not,
Observe, Occupied, Of, Often, On, One, Or, Over, Particular, Pass,
Passing, Plural, Poet, Poetry, Power, Practice, Present, Presided, Silence,
So, Song, Study, The, Think, Thought, Through, To, Used, Wall, Which,
Who, Wild, Wonder

I know we all have a bit of a muse inside.
Come, bring/let them out. Let'me see what'ca got. ;) :catroar: :devil:

Happy Writing ~

wonder .... that's what I go with ~

busted sidewalks edge
we meet. eyes glancing
a craving released.
so long unheard, unleashed
smiles collide
into an all knowing look.

motel steps taken, bedroom eyes
follow. ties unlaced
while busy fingers trace
outlining this moment into eternity
for down the road
a year perhaps

this moment shall be beckoned
to come back
reattached, for pleasures release
as posterity is plucked.

moment by moment, two
shower as one
knowing it's now or never
let it last, please

let this be. forever we laugh
love and share
caring for each other
our hearts are bare.

naked in bed, bodies in motion
making love last
at last, we love long.

into the day
night time too
capturing our hearts
most cherished desire.

smoothing lifes wrinkles
from overcrowded brows
letting passion scream out in
moans and howls. growls

rush in
to be heard and felt
letting go past histories
that once here dwelt.

one soul connects
piercing a depressing heart
another heart hits highs
never dreamed to achieve.

now two are one
seperated by distance and time
awaiting the mounatins
they still have to climb ...


~~just a dream of mine. what say you? :p
Oh RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:
wonder .... that's what I go with ~

busted sidewalks edge
we meet. eyes glancing
a craving released.
so long unheard, unleashed
smiles collide
into an all knowing look.

motel steps taken, bedroom eyes
follow. ties unlaced
while busy fingers trace
outlining this moment into eternity
for down the road
a year perhaps

this moment shall be beckoned
to come back
reattached, for pleasures release
as posterity is plucked.

moment by moment, two
shower as one
knowing it's now or never
let it last, please

let this be. forever we laugh
love and share
caring for each other
our hearts are bare.

naked in bed, bodies in motion
making love last
at last, we love long.

into the day
night time too
capturing our hearts
most cherished desire.

smoothing lifes wrinkles
from overcrowded brows
letting passion scream out in
moans and howls. growls

rush in
to be heard and felt
letting go past histories
that once here dwelt.

one soul connects
piercing a depressing heart
another heart hits highs
never dreamed to achieve.

now two are one
seperated by distance and time
awaiting the mounatins
they still have to climb ...


~~just a dream of mine. what say you? :p

We so continually think along the same lines.

I dreamed the dream of you,
It was a sweet dream while it lasted.
But it was after all…only a dream.

Which in Shoshone is what I have said below in my tag line
a lil free thinking ~~~~

I have ask this question many times. I think there are times in ones life when we reach fork in the road. Depending on which way you take ... I ask, What is important to you? Especially this time of year we answer this question quiet often enough, right. Just a lil something swimming around in my head. No life altering thing, just playing with thoughts, dreams and emotions ~~

So, write it out if ya can. If not, no worries. :cathappy:
If ya think deep it could be a troublesome question, or not~ ;)

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
a lil free thinking ~~~~

I have ask this question many times. I think there are times in ones life when we reach fork in the road. Depending on which way you take ... I ask, What is important to you? Especially this time of year we answer this question quiet often enough, right. Just a lil something swimming around in my head. No life altering thing, just playing with thoughts, dreams and emotions ~~

So, write it out if ya can. If not, no worries. :cathappy:
If ya think deep it could be a troublesome question, or not~ ;)

Happy Writing ~


Maybe this is a better word?

Cherish :

Syllables: cher-ish

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation cheh rihsh

Inflected Forms cherished, cherishing, cherishes

Definition 1. to value with great affection.
Example She cherishes their friendship.
Synonyms treasure , esteem , value
Similar Words respect , cling to {cling (vi)} , appreciate ,
venerate , revere , love , cleave to {cleave (vi)} , prize ,

Definition 2. to foster tenderly; care for.
Example The child cherished the homeless kitten.
Synonyms nurture , mother, take care of , foster
Similar Words succor , aid , nurse , keep , shelter , cradle ,
nourish , harbor

Definition 3. to hold in one's mind fondly or inveterately;
Example She cherishes her memories of home ; I cherish
no resentment about the incident.

Synonyms cling to , dwell on , harbor
Crossref. Syn. hug
Similar Words nurse , entertain , foster

Related Words esteem , value , rear , relish

Derived Forms cherishable, adj. ; cherishingly, adv.

People in life will come and go
but one thing I have come to know
Real friends will never leave your side
so cherish them and enjoy life's ride

Just a little quickie!
org. posted on 30/30 thread a few min ago, lol ~

a lil free thinking, think this will take a while ~

Did you know, I have'ta take a shot
every night it seems
to let myself go, outside my body
to live the life
I wish. If not, the pain, cramps
and blood smears overcome
slide me down
to a depressive side. Signal lights shine
overcoming my intuition and letting me be
for a while. I, this morphical butterfly fairy
spread my wings and sail the seas
of love. On the straight and narrow
to you my love. Your beaming smile
is all it takes
to make this all *not so natural * high
come to me. In dreams, fantasies
of what we had. To come, cum
to/with you
is my most cherished desire, only
is it real. Do I have what it takes
to climb that mountain
drive hard and fast
into, with you over
over again. Repeat that
for emphasis, this is my dream,
my need. Like an addict in the shakes
from withdrawal
I need
you. But,
I still bleed on the edge
of after-hours
and sing
one more round
one more
one more ...
