Free Thoughts~on One word...

Was feeling a bit naughty...

So in honor of the season...

Twas the night before Christmas, we’d done it all over the house
I was still so damn horny, as was also my spouse.
Her stockings were thrown over the living room chair,
Her bra was still dangling from the tree over there.

Our toys were all tossed across our big bed
Which I used on her playfully while she gave me head.
She’d worn her satin blindfold, and this really shear lace,
Which I’d enjoyed touching while she sat on my face.

When down in our den there arose such a clatter,
I sprang up from the bed shouting “Now what the fucks the matter?”
Away to the stairs I flew with such speed,
Yanking it out of my spouse, so she damn near just peed.

The hand on the breast of this girl down below,
Her skin was so white, almost like new fallen snow.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But this guy in some suit, with several naked girls standing near.

With a hard cock so obvious, as she jacked it real quick
I knew in a moment, she’d be sucking his dick.
More rapid than eagles, his cum it soon came.
And he called to the girls, and called out their names.

Cum get it now Marsha,
And Shasha you vixen.
And here’s some for you
Donna and Trixen,
To the top of my prick
One of you now cup my balls
Then suck away, suck away
And make sure you get alls.

As creamy cum spurted from the tip as it flew,
When two knelt before him as he leaned forward to screw
And one stood behind him, another in front,
And she spread then her lips, as he licked her sweet cunt.

And then in a twinkling, I heard from behind,
My wife now approached, “Can we join? Would you mind?”
As I then turned my head, as he turned around,
Several of the woman took my wife to the ground.

I noticed just then he was as naked as me,
And his clothes now strewn on the floor with much glee.
He handed out toys to the girls standing by,
While several went down on my wife with a sigh.

Her eyes how they twinkled, her nipples rose cherry.
As each one was sucked, along with her berry.
His cock now it entered, sliding deeply inside.
And he thrust hard and deep, splitting her wide.

The stump of his prick as he entered and thrust,
And sucking her tits, which was also a must.
Then the cum how it spurted! All over her belly!
And he laughed, and he shot, and cream filled her with jelly!

Then he pulled out and sat there like some jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw that in spite of myself.
With a wink of his eye, and a twist of his dick
He motioned the girls to begin fondling my prick!

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
And they now sucked and nibbled, and gave it a jerk.
Then laying a finger near the rose of my ass,
Up to the prostate they tickled, which made me cum fast!

And soon it was over, and with a whistle they flew
Out into the night, there was elsewhere to screw.
But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight,
“Sorry wrong house, but was still fun there tonight!”
Many Feathers said:
So in honor of the season...

Twas the night before Christmas, we’d done it all over the house
I was still so damn horny, as was also my spouse.
Her stockings were thrown over the living room chair,
Her bra was still dangling from the tree over there.

Our toys were all tossed across our big bed
Which I used on her playfully while she gave me head.
She’d worn her satin blindfold, and this really shear lace,
Which I’d enjoyed touching while she sat on my face.

When down in our den there arose such a clatter,
I sprang up from the bed shouting “Now what the fucks the matter?”
Away to the stairs I flew with such speed,
Yanking it out of my spouse, so she damn near just peed.

The hand on the breast of this girl down below,
Her skin was so white, almost like new fallen snow.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But this guy in some suit, with several naked girls standing near.

With a hard cock so obvious, as she jacked it real quick
I knew in a moment, she’d be sucking his dick.
More rapid than eagles, his cum it soon came.
And he called to the girls, and called out their names.

Cum get it now Marsha,
And Shasha you vixen.
And here’s some for you
Donna and Trixen,
To the top of my prick
One of you now cup my balls
Then suck away, suck away
And make sure you get alls.

As creamy cum spurted from the tip as it flew,
When two knelt before him as he leaned forward to screw
And one stood behind him, another in front,
And she spread then her lips, as he licked her sweet cunt.

And then in a twinkling, I heard from behind,
My wife now approached, “Can we join? Would you mind?”
As I then turned my head, as he turned around,
Several of the woman took my wife to the ground.

I noticed just then he was as naked as me,
And his clothes now strewn on the floor with much glee.
He handed out toys to the girls standing by,
While several went down on my wife with a sigh.

Her eyes how they twinkled, her nipples rose cherry.
As each one was sucked, along with her berry.
His cock now it entered, sliding deeply inside.
And he thrust hard and deep, splitting her wide.

The stump of his prick as he entered and thrust,
And sucking her tits, which was also a must.
Then the cum how it spurted! All over her belly!
And he laughed, and he shot, and cream filled her with jelly!

Then he pulled out and sat there like some jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw that in spite of myself.
With a wink of his eye, and a twist of his dick
He motioned the girls to begin fondling my prick!

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
And they now sucked and nibbled, and gave it a jerk.
Then laying a finger near the rose of my ass,
Up to the prostate they tickled, which made me cum fast!

And soon it was over, and with a whistle they flew
Out into the night, there was elsewhere to screw.
But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight,
“Sorry wrong house, but was still fun there tonight!”

Mmmm, someone's in the giving mood. ~ ;)


RhymeFairy said:
Mmmm, someone's in the giving mood. ~ ;)


Don't I wish...

But wanted to catch you and wish you a "Merry Christmas" honey. And say "Thank you" sooooooooo much, for being there for me! :kiss: :rose: :heart:
Many Feathers said:
Don't I wish...

But wanted to catch you and wish you a "Merry Christmas" honey. And say "Thank you" sooooooooo much, for being there for me! :kiss: :rose: :heart:

Anytime ... :rose:

Merry Christmas to you too. You know I truly hope all your wishes and dreams come true this New Year. Your an awesome man who deserves a lil good cheer and a lotta lovin'. :D Keep hangin' in there, it will get better, promise ...

:rose: ;) :heart: :kiss:
In honor of Christmas, I wish you all

Peace :

Syllables: peace
Parts of speech: noun , interjection
Phrases: hold one's peace

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation pis

Definition 1. a state of freedom from war or hostility.
Synonyms concord , peacetime
Crossref. Syn. amity
Similar Words quiet , amity , accord , calm , rapport , order

Definition 2. a state of quiet, serenity, or tranquillity.
Synonyms tranquillity , quietude , calm , serenity , repose, quie
Crossref. Syn. amity , concord , comfort
Similar Words hush , still , stillness

Definition 3. (often cap.) an agreement or treaty that ends a war.
Synonyms truce , armistice
Crossref. Syn. concord
Similar Words covenant , entente , treaty , concord ,

Definition 4. freedom from mental strife or worry.
Synonyms tranquillity , serenity , calmness
Crossref. Syn. amity , ease
Similar Words ease , placidity {placid (adj)} , composure ,

Definition 5. absence of civil disturbance or disorder.
Synonyms calm , quiet , order
Crossref. Syn. amity , concord
Similar Words tranquillity , quiescence {quiescent}

Related Words bliss , truce

Phrase hold one's peace

Part of Speech interjection

Definition 1. be quiet! keep still!
Synonyms shush , silence , sh , hush , hist


If there is anything
I wish.

My gift
to the world is

peace from mental strife,
friendships gone wrong,
worries, health and war.

I wish you and yours
peace and harmony
from outside in ~

Happy Holidays and Happy Writing ~~

I cherish
a walk in the rain
fast lane switch as cars zoom by
me with my radio humming, sunglasses
dropped down low
to catch those sprinkling rays of sunlight
as they permeate the sunset
making all the reds turn gold,
stimulation while erotic sensation
settles in rock-a-bye-ing me into a free sprit
free range fairy who likes to skip
from plants fertile tops into the creek
a ski diving kamikaze
in it for the rush, rough housing
with the planets merry go rounding,
ratta-tat-tat-tat tat

~~free thoughts ~ ;) :rolleyes:
My Erotic Trail said:
what did Santa say to the three girls on the street corner...

Ho Ho Ho...

hardy har har... you crack me up dude!!!!
then again it is easy to make me laugh, so...
go on do it again : ) tickle me.
RhymeFairy said:
Thank You Art and HotKittySpank

I appreciate the word play here from you both.
With this much emotion we could certainly blow a few gaskets. :cool:

:rose: :D


hi ho sweet pea. thank you for the thank you. i do aim to please. will work on 'peace'. you switch the words so fast, i sometimes can't keep up.(must think faster!)

i would like to do 'spur' as well. good sound that - all sorts of possibilities. is it ok to submit late?

HotKittySpank said:
hi ho sweet pea. thank you for the thank you. i do aim to please. will work on 'peace'. you switch the words so fast, i sometimes can't keep up.(must think faster!)

i would like to do 'spur' as well. good sound that - all sorts of possibilities. is it ok to submit late?


I try and do a new word a day or every few days, just depending
on my inspiration and time I have to write. :eek:

If anyone sees a word and I speed past it, pleaseeeee feel free to post it anytime :D , or to volunteer a new one ;)

So yeah my friend, go for it .. have fun ... :rose: :devil:

spur .. Mmmhmmm, very nice word .. thinking it was done,
but what the hey, do it ~!!! :D :cathappy:
been writing a bit on the 30/30 thread .. a few tidbits here ~

I've tried given you my heart.

Endless days I paint these poetic pictures,
to watch and wait, see what your intellect
sprouts up.

Another day passes, leaving a crinkled
bare heart afloat with the wind. Watch,
as its dry red pepper puffer falls into
nothings place.

Leaving a ghost to all whom knew her.
But was that not, what she already was?
In life, recollect and throughout
your forest of trees ...


I've put myself on display
spread out thin
too much live wire tension,
with the procrastinating
preverbal lapdog treatment
of a screamer turned nay doer.
truth be told, temptation
is the only part of me
I can show-n-tell, without
stepping out
of the fish bowl I circumvent.
to justify reason
I flash, heart on sleeve
turn tail, and swim back

New word anyone ?

Sliver :

Syllables: sliv-er

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation slI vEr

Definition 1. a small, thin splinter, as of wood or glass, that has
broken off.
Synonyms splinter , shiver
Crossref. Syn. splinter
Similar Words flake , bit , fragment , shard , chip , shaving

Definition 2. a very small, thin piece or scrap of something.
Example a sliver of apple pie ; not a sliver of proof.
Similar Words iota , bit , shred , modicum , fragment , trace ,

Related Words chip , fragment , particle

I'm in one of those writing moods. Good, bad and the ugly :catroar: :p

Happy Writing ~

fragmented pieces
speak to me
wishing to express, extend
a welcoming hand, up to the alter.

allow me, to impress upon you
my imaginative sliver
of decadent
decorative tassels.
twist, turn
a nip or two, speaks out

a slide of tongue
glue your mouth in, suction deep
while milking mimics
mulch through brazen blonde hair. roping
into circles, a lasso.
grasping tight to tie you
to me.

a tiny sliver of hope
bores its way into my heart
does he? doesn't he? the best
i can hope for is maybe

time passes and interests
begin to peak
he does! doesn't he?
only time will tell

my heart is soring
he is coming this way
he does? he does!
now i know for sure
Free thoughts here...

Words to the Great Spirit

Please Father Sky,
help me to live, or help me to die.

Let me find peace amongst the sun shadows,
or comfort beneath the golden leaves.

Let my heart beat with the fullness of love,
or let it wait in repose on the other side.

Let the moisture of the earth kiss the space between my toes
let me dance amongst the wild flowers in rememberance.

Or let me lie peacefully with Mother Earth
awaiting renewal and hope.

How I yearn to breathe again, fill my lungs with tomorrow,
but if I can not, then silence the pain that escapes with every inhale, every exhale.

Let the Hawk my companion take me on flight to the special place,
or the Wolf escort me beyond to place of my ancestors.

Let Father Eagle sore above me in assurance,
or let Spirit skunk finally make his way below ground to rest.

These are indeed my hopes and fears Great Spirit
Answer the question, help me know how to live, or how to die.
RhymeFairy said:
Sliver :

Syllables: sliv-er

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation slI vEr

Definition 1. a small, thin splinter, as of wood or glass, that has
broken off.
Synonyms splinter , shiver
Crossref. Syn. splinter
Similar Words flake , bit , fragment , shard , chip , shaving

Definition 2. a very small, thin piece or scrap of something.
Example a sliver of apple pie ; not a sliver of proof.
Similar Words iota , bit , shred , modicum , fragment , trace ,

Related Words chip , fragment , particle

I'm in one of those writing moods. Good, bad and the ugly :catroar: :p

Happy Writing ~


a sliver of daylight
gives a sliver of hope
that this day will come
and perhaps I won't shiver
this cold day in winter
suppose I was wrong
with a sliver of thought
through the snow
... I walk
Two great writes here !!!

Many Feathers said:
Words to the Great Spirit

Please Father Sky,
help me to live, or help me to die.

Let me find peace amongst the sun shadows,
or comfort beneath the golden leaves.

Let my heart beat with the fullness of love,
or let it wait in repose on the other side.

Let the moisture of the earth kiss the space between my toes
let me dance amongst the wild flowers in rememberance.

Or let me lie peacefully with Mother Earth
awaiting renewal and hope.

How I yearn to breathe again, fill my lungs with tomorrow,
but if I can not, then silence the pain that escapes with every inhale, every exhale.

Let the Hawk my companion take me on flight to the special place,
or the Wolf escort me beyond to place of my ancestors.

Let Father Eagle sore above me in assurance,
or let Spirit skunk finally make his way below ground to rest.

These are indeed my hopes and fears Great Spirit
Answer the question, help me know how to live, or how to die.

This is beautiful and echoes through
my wondering mind. Very heartfelt and even, sweet ...


My Erotic Trail said:
a sliver of daylight
gives a sliver of hope
that this day will come
and perhaps I won't shiver
this cold day in winter
suppose I was wrong
with a sliver of thought
through the snow
... I walk

I see
a lone man
walking, maybe in deep
thought. Wondering
what the day
shall bring.

head bowed
with so much respect
for earth, sun and moon
to touch the stars
with love
and admiration ~

Happpppppyy New Year !!! :p :nana:

In honor of this great and wondrous occasion,
I bring you the word of the day ~ :D

Change :

Syllables: change
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation chenj

Inflected Forms changed, changing, changes

Definition 1. to alter the content or form of.
Example He changed his testimony.
Synonyms adjust , revise , alter
Crossref. Syn. convert , color , transform , amend , switch ,
doctor , vary
Similar Words rearrange , convert , recast , metabolize ,
transform , vary , sublimate , revamp , recompose , commute ,
permute , reform , modify , transmute , remake

Definition 2. to cause to have a completely different form
(usu. fol. by to or into).
Example a caterpillar that can change into a butterfly.
Synonyms metamorphose , commute , turn , transform ,
convert , transmute , translate
Crossref. Syn. switch
Similar Words rearrange , recast , transfigure , revolutionize ,
recompose , reform , transmogrify , modify , remake

Definition 3. to give and receive in turn; interchange.
Synonyms switch, swap , trade , interchange, exchange
Similar Words barter

Definition 4. to make a substitution or identical replacement for.
Example I change schools next fall.
Synonyms switch , exchange
Crossref. Syn. shift

Definition 5. of money, to break down into smaller denominations,
or convert into foreign currency.

Definition 6. to remove and replace the clothes or coverings of.
Example Change the bed.
Similar Words make

Related Words remove , diversify , substitute , affect , shade ,
reverse , swing , amend , translate , coordinate , adjust , cash ,

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become altered or transformed.
Synonyms alter
Crossref. Syn. about-face , vary , modify , differentiate
Similar Words mutate , deviate , convert , vary , metamorphose ,
diverge , reform , shift , modify

Definition 2. to make an exchange.
Synonyms swap , trade , exchange
Similar Words interchange , barter

Definition 3. to dress in other clothing.
Example I want to change before the party.
Similar Words dress
Definition 4. to transfer to a different conveyance or mode of
Example We change in New York.
Synonyms transfer
Similar Words connect

Related Words fluctuate , flit , shade , graduate , evolve ,
differentiate , swing , turn , amend , switch , become , vacillate

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act of changing; the fact of being changed.
Synonyms conversion , modification , alteration , permutation
Crossref. Syn. shift , difference
Similar Words variation , changeover , reformation , transmutation ,
transfiguration , transmogrification , transformation , adjustment ,
mutation , revision , translation

Definition 2. a transformation or alteration.
Example There has been a change in her.
Synonyms transformation , difference , alteration , modification ,
Crossref. Syn. swing , turn , amendment , switch , shift ,
metamorphosis , conversion
Similar Words reversal , about-face , variation , turnabout , transition ,
sea change , reformation , transmutation , transfiguration , metamorphosis ,
revolution , adjustment , turnaround , mutation , revision , switch , shift ,

Definition 3. variety.
Example Let's go to the mountain for a change.
Synonyms variety
Similar Words variation , diversion , innovation , difference , novelty ,

Definition 4. money given in smaller denominations as the equivalent
of a bill of a higher denomination.
Crossref. Syn. opening , call , occasion

Definition 5. coins.
Example The change fell out through a hole in his pocket.
Synonyms silver , coins
Similar Words small change , petty cash , money , pocket money ,
cash , cents

Definition 6. a different set of clothing.
Similar Words clothing , outfit , clothes , apparel

Definition 7. anything substituted for something else.
Synonyms substitution , substitute
Similar Words alternative , equivalent , alternate , surrogate ,
stand-in , replacement , exchange

Related Words piece , leap , amendment , twist , passage , jump ,
process , correction , becoming , adaptation , break

Made a new thread for New Years Resolutions, this kinda goes hand in hand with that, but there is a bit of a difference. Here you can bounce the word or do some free style lovin' :D See what'cha come up with ~

Happy Writing ~

Like a flower

layer by layer we pick
the petals. Only,
we see what's inside
has escaped. Leaving us
unsure and so confused.

:rose: ;)
my addiction.

I awake in the night, hand hovering
covering in the sheets silken maze.
I reach, thin air catches
casting images into dreams,
demeaning this angel to call out
in pains pleasure. I know,
can feel you there,
Not right next to me
where life passes, preserving
pickled memories with
amazing accuracy. Your smell
I inherited
still lingers down deep
deploring definite daydreams
to cease and detain,
just one more moment
one more second
of you
my addiction ...
anyone looking for me tonight, shall find me

snuggled up
covers raised high
a smile on my face
from rising temperatures
from titillating vibes
hooked up from car battery,
jumper cables
strung to every car
in the neighborhood ~


Hehehe, a fun thought :D :p ;) :nana: :catroar:
but seriously,
I am gonna go watch a movie with the kids
and have some popcorn, after
I raid the cabinets for the popcorn. :rolleyes:

Happy New Years my friends. Please be safe ...

:rose: :rose: :rose:
so many events in life
have an impact
some good, some bad
but all important in some aspect

layers becoming masterpieces
or perhaps failures
forming what will be
lasting impressions upon us

changes will come
but life is a gamble
and safe isn't always
the best bet
free thoughts on one word...

(he-man... super hero's ray gun
which when shot by this gun ...
stuns them by giving them an orgasim
Leo Slayer
When I Need You

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling for ever
It's cold out, but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you babe
It's only a heartbeat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do
Oh I need you

When I need you
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away


Seems a sappy love song night
and I am keeping hot here on my puters hard drive~ ;)

Love this song, touches deep and holds tight ~ :heart:

Anyone up for a free bounce on love songs ... come on in ~

RhymeFairy said:
Leo Slayer
When I Need You

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling for ever
It's cold out, but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you babe
It's only a heartbeat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do
Oh I need you

When I need you
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away


Seems a sappy love song night
and I am keeping hot here on my puters hard drive~ ;)

Love this song, touches deep and holds tight ~ :heart:

Anyone up for a free bounce on love songs ... come on in ~


your once
... three times a lady ... (~_*)