Free Thoughts~on One word...

Many Feathers said:
The Mall shootings here...we went there for dinner last weekend just outside the Spagetti factory, across from it near the stairs is the pottery barn where we browsed while waiting. Thats where four of the victims were killed. Guess thats a case of wrong place, right time.

So strange for Salt Lake though...

do you have a link for the news item MF? i haven't heard of this one.
miss you sweet pea

dawn my blessing
its breath holds my soul
but, I hold its sight..
In honor of this day ....

Mmmmm, many Thanks for the warmmmm welcome back. :kiss: :rose:

Happy Valentines Day ~!!

Sooooo, where are all those love poems, sonnets, free writes ~
about the one you love, admire or just lust after? ;)

Dust'm off, bring'm out and let'me see whatcha got !! :p :nana: :catroar:

a lil inspiration:


Definition 1. tender and passionate affection for another person.
Crossref. Syn. adoration
Similar Words infatuation , crush , affection , passion , ardor ,
adulation {adulate} , puppy love , adoration , devotion

Definition 2. deep and strong affection for a friend or relative.
Synonyms fondness , affection
Crossref. Syn. adoration
Similar Words friendship , attachment , adulation {adulate} ,
tenderness , affinity , adoration , devotion

Definition 3. strong interest or enjoyment, as for an activity.
Example He has a great love for music.
Synonyms devotion , passion , fondness
Crossref. Syn. like , worship , enjoyment
Similar Words mania , weakness , taste , ardor , relish , fervor ,
penchant , thing , dedication

Definition 4. a person, activity, or object for which one has intense
affection or strong liking.
Example She was his first love ; Sailing is one of her great loves.
Synonyms passion
Crossref. Syn. enthusiasm , enjoyment
Similar Words sweetie , flame , honey , inamorata , desire , sweet ,
beloved , dear , like2 , devotion , bean , fancy , infatuation , boyfriend ,
lover , girlfriend , truelove , heartthrob , sweetheart

Definition 5. a sacrificial commitment, esp. in religious experience.
Crossref. Syn. charity
Similar Words charity , adoration , devotion , agape , sacrifice

Related Words partiality , fondness , worship , lass , heart , enjoyment ,
liking , grace , darling , beau

Phrase no love lost

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms loved, loving, loves

Definition 1. to have tender and passionate affection for.
Similar Words idolize , worship , cherish , dote on , care for , adore

Definition 2. to have a strong attachment or attraction to; like intensely.
Example She loves her friends.
Synonyms adore
Crossref. Syn. like
Similar Words idolize , worship , adulate , like , dote on {dote} ,
care for {care (vi)}

Definition 3. to enjoy or have a strong interest in.
Example I love fishing and gardening.
Synonyms adore
Crossref. Syn. like , enjoy , relish
Similar Words eat up , delight in , enjoy , fancy , like , relish

Definition 4. to have sexual intercourse with.
Similar Words cuddle , bed , pet , fuck , romance , lay , fondle

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to experience love for someone.
Similar Words worship

Related Words care


Main Entry: love
Part of Speech: noun 1
Definition: adoration

Synonyms: adulation, affection, allegiance, amity, amorousness,
amour, appreciation, ardency, ardor, attachment, case*, cherishing,
crash, crush, delight, devotedness, devotion, emotion, enchantment,
enjoyment, fervor, fidelity, flame, fondness, friendship, hankering,
idolatry, inclination, infatuation, involvement, like, liking, lust, mad for,
mash, partiality, pash, passion, piety, rapture, regard, relish, respect,
sentiment, soft spot*, taste, tenderness, the hots, weakness, wild for*,
worship, yearning, zeal

Antonyms: hate


Main Entry: lust
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: passion
Synonyms: animalism, aphrodisia, appetence, appetite, appetition,
avidity, bag, big eyes, carnality, concupiscence, covetousness, craving,
cupidity, desire, eroticism, excitement, fervor, greed, heat, hots, hunger,
in heat, itch, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness, libido, licentiousness,
longing, prurience, pruriency, salaciousness, salacity, sensualism,
sensuality, thirst, urge, wantonness, weakness, yen

Antonyms: aversion


Happy Writing ~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
my feet are cold

veiled in a kiss, somehow lost
the illusion. smooth webbing wraps
suffocating interior surfaces to relinquish
a prerequisite response, shooing away
preliminary pardons I sit.
dream, sort through tempest longings
linger over hourglass sand, watch each one drop

into another day. daydream of passionate kisses
with no antidote of what is to become.
all I know, my feet are cold.

Bringing this over from another thread

Morning all...


And Happy valentines day.

Thought this would be an appropriate place to post this...but far...far ago in a distant galaxy (The 8th grade) I wrote this poem. Still remember it.

Love is like roses in full bloom,
Love can linger like a breath in a room,
Love is like lightning, a flash in the sky,
Love has me wondering, just wondering...why.

Love has it's tender moments,
Love has a special care,
Love brings to all who worship it,
Joy, far beyond compare.

Love is the center of wisdom
Love is the challenge of life
Will it one day bring to me
a warm and loving wife?
RhymeFairy said:
No worries,

the sun shines and the horizon
stretches out with lazy clouds.
Smile, have a wonderful day
filled with the knowledge
that I am here, just beyond
the edge of the silver lining,
awaiting the new day ...


All is well. Back up and running a mile. ;)
See if ya can keep up ... :p

:D :kiss:'s to all

Thank you for keeping this thread alive and well.
I love everyones writes and sooooo Happy to see ManyFeathers back too ~!!


...she's back!!!! <bigrin

'calling off the calvary'
of course they probably haven't yet crossed the 'mighty mississip'

glad, all is well with you and yours (~_~)
Many Feathers said:
Morning all...


And Happy valentines day.

Thought this would be an appropriate place to post this...but far...far ago in a distant galaxy (The 8th grade) I wrote this poem. Still remember it.

Love is like roses in full bloom,
Love can linger like a breath in a room,
Love is like lightning, a flash in the sky,
Love has me wondering, just wondering...why.

Love has it's tender moments,
Love has a special care,
Love brings to all who worship it,
Joy, far beyond compare.

Love is the center of wisdom
Love is the challenge of life
Will it one day bring to me
a warm and loving wife?

to worship love
I dare not even try.
to worship a love
is the dream, an
all natural high.


Think I like your version better, lol. Hoping ya'll had a great Valentines Day. Mine was filled with warm thoughts, cherished dreams and an eternal hope of happiness ...

Thank you for sharing MF ~ :kiss:

~~ yes, Art-tie Pooh I'm back. :p :kiss: Cannot say if that's a good thing. :eek: Writers block has me ... tied in knots. Why don'tcha see if'n those big strong calvery men can give a gurl a hand with these fastenings ;)


Tied :

Syllables: tie

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to form a connection or bond.
Synonyms link (vt, vi) , connect
Crossref. Syn. yoke , bond
Similar Words yoke , unite , bond , associate

Definition 2. to make or be equal scores in a contest.

Definition 3. to be attached or secured with a string or cord.
Similar Words fasten

Related Words moor , break even , knot , lace

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a rope, cord, or other means of tying something.
Synonyms string , cord
Crossref. Syn. bond , attachment , band , bind
Similar Words rope , band , thong , ligature , cordon , fastener
{fasten (vt)} , bind , ribbon , line , lace

Definition 2. something that brings people or things together; bond;
Synonyms bond , link
Crossref. Syn. attachment , relation , liaison
Similar Words connection , relationship , relation , liaison , affiliation

Definition 3. a strip of cloth wrapped around the neck and tied in a knot
in front; necktie.
Synonyms necktie , cravat
Similar Words bow tie , ascot

Definition 4. a knot or bow, esp. a decorative one.
Synonyms bow
Similar Words knot

Definition 5. equality of scores between competitors.
Similar Words draw

Definition 6. a competition in which the final score is the same for
each side.
Synonyms draw
Similar Words standoff , stalemate , dead heat

Definition 7. one of the crosspieces that connects the set of parallel
rails of a railroad track.
Similar Words crossbeam , crosspiece , brace

Related Words yoke , latch

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation tai
Inflected Forms tied, tying, ties

Definition 1. to fasten, secure, or bind with a cord or string.
Synonyms secure , bind , truss
Crossref. Syn. lash , band , tether , lace
Similar Words lash , bond , rope , strap , tether , moor , fasten ,

Definition 2. to fasten by pulling together the sides or parts of and
knotting with a string.
Example I tied my shoe.
Synonyms knot
Crossref. Syn. lace
Similar Words lash , fasten , lace

Definition 3. to form (a bow or knot) by looping and pulling a string or
Synonyms knot

Definition 4. to bind or restrict to a particular situation or activity.
Example Her loyalty ties her to the family.
Synonyms bind , restrict , oblige
Crossref. Syn. bind
Similar Words unite , restrain , join , constrain , bond , confine ,
marry , obligate , link (vt, vi) , attach , limit

Definition 5. to make (the score) even, as in a contest.
Similar Words match , even

Related Words bundle , sheet , loop , yoke , deadlock , chain , gird ,
girth , stake , belt , connect , mate


Main Entry: binding
Part of Speech: adjective 2
Definition: confining

Synonyms: attached, enslave, fastened, indentured, limiting, restraining,
tied, tying

Antonyms: revocable, unbinding, unconfining, unfastened, untied

That ought ta give ya'll something to chew on for a bit :D

Happy Writing ~~

tie me up and have your way with me
I am in a very playful mood
you can use the toys you bought
or maybe you'd like to use food
either way I know we will have fun
by the time the night is done
Unbridled_Passion said:
tie me up and have your way with me
I am in a very playful mood
you can use the toys you bought
or maybe you'd like to use food
either way I know we will have fun
by the time the night is done

I am tied to the thought
of a long handled
wooden spoon <grin
Good Morning :)

Weekends have always been soooo busy for me.
Work, kids and cleaning. Ya'll know the drill eh~ :rolleyes:
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day followed by
a wonderfully slow and easy weekend. :rose:

Ready for a new word? Let's branch out a bit and play ... :D

Design :

–verb (used with object)

1. to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be
executed), esp. to plan the form and structure of: to design a new

2. to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.

3. to intend for a definite purpose: a scholarship designed for foreign

4. to form or conceive in the mind; contrive; plan: The prisoner designed
an intricate escape.

5. to assign in thought or intention; purpose: He designed to be a

6. Obsolete. to mark out, as by a sign; indicate.

Synonyms: architecture, arrangement, blueprint, chart, comp,
composition, conception, constitution, construction, delineation,
depiction, diagram, doodle, draft, drawing, dummy, form, formation, idea,
layout, makeup, map, method, model, outline, paste-up, pattern,
perspective, picture, plan, rough draft, scheme, study, tracery,
tracing, treatment

Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, arrange, block out, blueprint, cast,
chart, construct, contrive, create, delineate, describe, devise, diagram,
dope out, draft, draw, effect, execute, fashion, form, frame, fulfill, invent,
lay out, outline, perform, plan, produce, project, set out, sketch, trace,
work out

–verb (used without object)

7. to make drawings, preliminary sketches, or plans.

8. to plan and fashion the form and structure of an object, work of
art, decorative scheme, etc.


9. an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work
of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed.

10. organization or structure of formal elements in a work of art;

11. the combination of details or features of a picture, building, etc.;
the pattern or motif of artistic work: the design on a bracelet.

12. the art of designing: a school of design.

13. a plan or project: a design for a new process.

14. a plot or intrigue, esp. an underhand, deceitful, or treacherous one:
His political rivals formulated a design to unseat him.

15. designs, a hostile or aggressive project or scheme having evil or
selfish motives: He had designs on his partner's stock.

16. intention; purpose; end.

17. adaptation of means to a preconceived end.

Synonyms: arrangement, configuration, construction, depiction, doodle,
drawing, figure, form, illustration, motif, motive, organization, painting,
pattern, picture, portrait, shape, sketch, style


I work today but I shall try and participate on this one.
Also hoping too catch up on all the threads, news and mail. :eek:

Happy Writing ~

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I have to growlllll ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :devil:


What is it ... when one child gets sick they alllll get sick? Then feeling they have left someone out, they share the love with you too ~ :heart: :rolleyes:

All work, no play, leaves this lil sick fairy in a huff ~ Anyone want to share strep kisses? Grrrrr ~

~~ Sorry had to spout off somewhere. Now, ya'll know why I been dodging anything and everything~ ;)

Have a great day .... off to work, :rolleyes:

(I really do hope ya'll have a great day, I'm just being a big baby eh ~)

RhymeFairy said:
I have to growlllll ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :devil:


What is it ... when one child gets sick they alllll get sick? Then feeling they have left someone out, they share the love with you too ~ :heart: :rolleyes:

All work, no play, leaves this lil sick fairy in a huff ~ Anyone want to share strep kisses? Grrrrr ~

~~ Sorry had to spout off somewhere. Now, ya'll know why I been dodging anything and everything~ ;)

Have a great day .... off to work, :rolleyes:

(I really do hope ya'll have a great day, I'm just being a big baby eh ~)


It seems that everyone everywhere is getting some type of sickness. I had the flu last week, and many schools here are closing because so many kids are sick. I hope you feel better very soon!

The blue print of my life's complete
the design of of how I lived, and loved is done.

White lines of the past, overlapping the faded blue of the present,
lettering of thoughts, emotions sometimes in bold, sometimes secret,
worded in small print.

Only you knew the key to reading it, but you took it with you.
It will remain forever hidden, locked away now.
The building not quite finished,
Plans folded away into some dusty cubby hole.

Dreams of building it, remain now nothing more than a wishful design.
for someone special ...

what does one say

when partners send valentines
wrapped in coolness, meant to freeze out
the fear, warm the heart but leaves his trail
of struggling emotions, in deep dark print.

seeing passion for another, crocheted
designs within yarn of red. hearts pinpointed
palpitations, stuttering on about an awakening
enjoyment. sliding his stick as his slithering tongue
forges indepthly inside, perusing her clicking clit
about, around.

I see the writing, feel his lust,
for another. what can I say to this man,
whom I've spent years in love with
knowing his heart has strayed
as mine sits still, in deep frozen shock
from the littered lettering left behind.


Thank You MF ... for writing with me ... :rose:
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RhymeFairy said:
what does one say

when partners send valentines
wrapped in coolness, meant to freeze out
the fear, warm the heart but leaves his trail
of struggling emotions, in deep dark print.

seeing passion for another, crocheted
designs within yarn of red. hearts pinpointed
palpitations, stuttering on about an awakening
enjoyment. sliding his stick as his slithering tongue
forges indepthly inside, perusing her clicking clit
about, around.

I see the writing, feel his lust,
for another. what can I say to this man,
whom I've spent years in love with
knowing his heart has strayed
as mine sits still, in deep frozen shock
from the littered lettering left behind.


Thank You MF ... for writing with me ... :rose:

Just glad you're back were missed. :rose:

BTW...been working on some ear-rings, posted them on another thread, but here's the link if ya wanna see them. :)
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brought over from Passion ~

bubble bath snorkeling, wet limbs lounging.
to forgo a trip to town, for one more second
in his arms, in his bed. spread eagle, eager
as our mouths mimicking dance, to devour.

delicious strawberries from his sharp
spear as whip cream frenzies splurt
splashing, sliding down tongue, throat
planted seeds nourish. nectar lapped labia,
listening for that guttural groan, moan
of feverish fulfillment gained.


Close as I've gotten to passion in months, lol ;) Maybe I need a new toy eh ~ :nana:

So bring out the big guns my friends and let's see some passion here.

:p :kiss: ;)

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:
trading passion, love

for a one time stand. could it be possible
can I really do, the unthinkable
and take a walk
on the wild side, into a fling of fortification?
to pacify this urgent need, want.
this craving of a warm bodied bed-mate
beside, inside. driving ghostly green eyes
from a withered souls surroundings
into a candlelight carousel of horse buggy
rides, strong stallion legs
and lengthily saddle horn swaying
rock-a-by-ing me, over the edge.

passion, hmm.....

The passion flower

She draped herself over green,
through the folds of the canopy.
Opened her petals,
precious petals
that burned brilliant rainbow
marbles of colour into the trees,
as if stars of all the ages
had dropped from last night's sky,
tumbled, sprawled
across the bush
spread now to receive the blessing
of the sun.
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wildsweetone said:
passion, hmm.....

The passion flower

She draped herself over green,
through the folds of the canopy.
Opened her petals,
precious petals
that burned brilliant rainbow
marbles of colour into the trees,
as if stars of all the ages
had dropped from last night's sky,
tumbled, sprawled
across the bush
spread now to receive the blessing
of the sun.

I enjoyed this one and felt the passion in your pen <grin (keyboard?) (~_*)
wildsweetone said:
passion, hmm.....

The passion flower

She draped herself over green,
through the folds of the canopy.
Opened her petals,
precious petals
that burned brilliant rainbow
marbles of colour into the trees,
as if stars of all the ages
had dropped from last night's sky,
tumbled, sprawled
across the bush
spread now to receive the blessing
of the sun.

I agree, nice pen on passions petals .... :rose:

Thank you Sweets for your friendship and wonderful writes.

I might not say it alot, but your awesome !!

:D :rose:
wildsweetone said:
passion, hmm.....

The passion flower

She draped herself over green,
through the folds of the canopy.
Opened her petals,
precious petals
that burned brilliant rainbow
marbles of colour into the trees,
as if stars of all the ages
had dropped from last night's sky,
tumbled, sprawled
across the bush
spread now to receive the blessing
of the sun.

Ditto for me... I really enjoyed this poem-it touched me