Free Thoughts~on One word...

a wild stallion
with passion unbridled
rides like the wind
long into the night
wind whipping through
mane and tail
exposing bare backs
under the harvest moon
Been watching a lotta CSI lately. One of my fav. quotes from Grissom.

The worms go in,
the worms go out,
the worms play peanuckle
on your snout

So whatcha say folks ...


Syllables: worm

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms wormed, worming, worms

Definition 1. to make one's way slowly or by a winding route.

Definition 2. to achieve a position or status by artful or insidious
means (usu. fol. by out or into).
Example He tried to worm out of his predicament.

Related Words twine , insinuate , edge , writhe

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation wuhrm

Definition 1. any of numerous related invertebrates with long, thin,
flexible, round or flat bodies and no limbs.

Definition 2. something that resembles or suggests these animals in
appearance, method of movement, or the like.

Definition 3. something that consumes or torments from within.
Example a worm of doubt.

Definition 4. (informal) a contemptible person.

Definition 5. (pl.; used with a singular verb) any disease or disorder
resulting from an infestation of internal tissues or organs by worms or
other parasites.

Definition 6. see computer worm.

Related Words wretch

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause or make by moving in a winding, indirect route.

Example The automobile wormed its way through heavy traffic.

Definition 2. to elicit (information) by persistent or devious means (usu.
fol. by out or from).
Example She couldn't worm the secret plans out of him.

Definition 3. to treat for or cure of intestinal parasites.
Example The vet worms cats and dogs.

Related Words work

Derived Forms wormer, n. ; wormlike, adj.

A vison of dirt to dig
worms to weed out
and fish to fry
as childhood nursery rhymes
cross thine eye ...


Have fun with this one,
or just be downright naughty
with all that dirt, lol. ~~ ;) :D

Happy writing ~

glad you all liked The Passion Flower --- i really was writing about the passionfruit flower you know. your minds! honestly! lol

worms? are you kidding me? it's the middle of summer here and there's not one single worm in sight.
she had a reputation
all around the town
the queen of an art,
that not many can handle

soft pouty lips and
baby blue eyes
a beauty in her own regards,
but envied by none

when she walked by
people would always stop
and whisper to each other,
their own little secrets

not a care in the world
she heads to the woods
to her only true love
and digs deep

looking at him, she licks her lips
and smiles the sweetest smile
then she opens her mouth
and swallows the worm whole

okay, I know this is gross, but it just popped into my head when I saw the word "worm"
wildsweetone said:
worms? are you kidding me? it's the middle of summer here and there's not one single worm in sight.

Come on Sweets, you know you wanna try, lol. :p

What? No fishing tales, flower bed snails ... goopy, gory gunk under nail beds, beseeching a quiet word or two, to immortalize their mere existence?


and Unbridled ~ nice imagery ;)
Wanna keep us in the loop? More we need more !! :D

Spring is what we make it

I long to be knee deep in dirt
scratch, sniff and on to the next
neighboring plant. Watering her cousin
with last years complaints
of weeding webs, strong
steady growth.

Now, I dig
slow. Grow my startlings
from rich fertile grounds.
I plant roots deep
awaiting the worms welcoming visit.
Knowing rotation of soil,
steady sunlight streams
and my daily dose of delirious ramblings
shall capture, your attention
for more.

More of me, I give.
To shower you, show you
that spring is love. Come forth,
my love, of you.


It's right around the corner here. Spring ... lovin it ~

I rub

him in the kitchen.
To keep his fire
burning, hot.

I rub
him in the hall,
to linger
longue out,
dreams of what
could be.

I rub
him on the couch.
A covert action,
speaking volumes
of what is to become.

I rub

linger, look
into green eyes.
A shouting match
played out
between coy glances.

I rub
fondle, cherish
his wanton dreams,
sex driven desires
of rubbing
with me, alone

we rub.

:catroar: ;)
Last edited:
I mostly speak of things said and done
memories, I want to relive
recapture, hold dear, near.
After abundant pounds shed, this heart
still beats, still breaths in
your essence, your love
from days past.

To move forward, I move back
to step one. Daily postings
of profound wishes, whip out
and white wash a mournful past. You
helped me so much. A shoulder,
a voice
in the dark when all was lost.
A shattered soul, slowly rebuilt
by the hand of kindness.
A heart of gold, you gave
so willingly
wantonly, feverishly
as if in an answered dream
you appeared.

I too, was your salvation.
bringing you out of a lonesome lodging.
Opening the door, bringing in the sun
moon, so many brilliant stars.
Shining my light
into a hopeful future
built of courage, love
and support. We both needed all
to survive
our joint momentous
destines ahead.

Passion played her hand well.
Throwing the queen of hearts in
she double duced us
with rose colored glasses, to share in
both adventure and playful trickery.
The death card
was thrown, with time, distance
and a love that could not survive
without the daily nourishment
it so craved.

Stepping out
the oneness is lost,
in the space of shadowed visions
of two heads resting, in fitful dreams
of what ifs and how comes. Tempted
by the opposite roads of sultry intent,
both take a pitter pattering step
into a future, without ...


~~ just a thought. :eek:

Sometimes, love cannot survive, some are just learning this hard, heartfelt lesson ~ I have many, many friends who write. Asking me to write a poem for *them* The couple who seems to have it all but against all odds just cannot make it happen, no matter how hard they try. I advise ... hang in there, it gets better, promise. BUT I also know, deep down ... sometimes it just doesn't. For those friends I say ... it will happen, someday ... promise !!


RhymeFairy said:
I mostly speak of things said and done
memories, I want to relive
recapture, hold dear, near.
After abundant pounds shed, this heart
still beats, still breaths in
your essence, your love
from days past.

To move forward, I move back
to step one. Daily postings
of profound wishes, whip out
and white wash a mournful past. You
helped me so much. A shoulder,
a voice
in the dark when all was lost.
A shattered soul, slowly rebuilt
by the hand of kindness.
A heart of gold, you gave
so willingly
wantonly, feverishly
as if in an answered dream
you appeared.

I too, was your salvation.
bringing you out of a lonesome lodging.
Opening the door, bringing in the sun
moon, so many brilliant stars.
Shining my light
into a hopeful future
built of courage, love
and support. We both needed all
to survive
our joint momentous
destines ahead.

Passion played her hand well.
Throwing the queen of hearts in
she double duced us
with rose colored glasses, to share in
both adventure and playful trickery.
The death card
was thrown, with time, distance
and a love that could not survive
without the daily nourishment
it so craved.

Stepping out
the oneness is lost,
in the space of shadowed visions
of two heads resting, in fitful dreams
of what ifs and how comes. Tempted
by the opposite roads of sultry intent,
both take a pitter pattering step
into a future, without ...


~~ just a thought. :eek:

Sometimes, love cannot survive, some are just learning this hard, heartfelt lesson ~ I have many, many friends who write. Asking me to write a poem for *them* The couple who seems to have it all but against all odds just cannot make it happen, no matter how hard they try. I advise ... hang in there, it gets better, promise. BUT I also know, deep down ... sometimes it just doesn't. For those friends I say ... it will happen, someday ... promise !!


You so capture my thoughts. And I appreciate that we've also been there for one another to work through those very difficult moments and times. Have one ahead of me, still trying to deal with it. But have to believe, things do indeed happen for a reason.
Many Feathers said:
You so capture my thoughts. And I appreciate that we've also been there for one another to work through those very difficult moments and times. Have one ahead of me, still trying to deal with it. But have to believe, things do indeed happen for a reason.

I'm here for ya know that.

just before you go changing the 'word'... here's an unfinished wormy thing...

worm -waffling (draft)

You spend your life reading scratches on mud walls
opening your mouth to swallow dirt
as you slide your hefty body through the earth
a tight fitting stocking drawn close to hide
your identity, firm to grasp the wrinkles
your labourious efforts create.
I want to commit you
to pen and ink on white paper
but reality draws close
and my only chance to see you
is when darkness cools the clods.

worm... can't believe you got me writing about worms. lol
Many Feathers said:
You so capture my thoughts. And I appreciate that we've also been there for one another to work through those very difficult moments and times. Have one ahead of me, still trying to deal with it. But have to believe, things do indeed happen for a reason.


you're right, things do happen for a reason.

wildsweetone said:
just before you go changing the 'word'... here's an unfinished wormy thing...

worm -waffling (draft)

You spend your life reading scratches on mud walls
opening your mouth to swallow dirt
as you slide your hefty body through the earth
a tight fitting stocking drawn close to hide
your identity, firm to grasp the wrinkles
your labourious efforts create.
I want to commit you
to pen and ink on white paper
but reality draws close
and my only chance to see you
is when darkness cools the clods. <~~ love this

worm... can't believe you got me writing about worms. lol

and just what mad you think I would go and do a thing like that? lol ~
You know me too well me thinks ~ ;)

A shadow poem !! I love it. Again, the last line grabs me and makes me think: read, read, read again !! Love it !!!

borrowed this word from Neo on 30/30 ~~ Thanks Neo !!

New word anyone? Yes Sweets, it's time for the unveiling :D


Syllables: to-tem

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation to tEm

Definition 1. a natural object or living thing, such as an animal, that
is taken as the symbol of a family or clan because of a supposed close
relationship or ancestral connection with it.

Definition 2. a representation of a totem, usu. in sculpture, masks, or
the like.

Related Words mask

Derived Forms totemic, adj. ; totemically, adv.


~~~ Thesaurus Results ~~~:

Main Entry: big shot

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: very important person

Synonyms: VIP, big cat, big cheese*, big fish, big gun*, big man on
campus, big wheel*, bigwig*, dignitary, fat cat, head honcho, heavy-hitter,
high man on the totem pole, high-muck-a-muck, important person, influential
person, mogul, nabob, notable, somebody

Main Entry: column

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: pillar

Synonyms: brace, buttress, caryatid, colonnade, cylinder, mast,
minaret, monolith, monument, obelisk, pedestal, peristyle, pier, pilaster,
post, prop, pylon, shaft, standard, stay, stele, support, totem, tower,
underpinning, upright

Main Entry: god

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: spirit

Synonyms: Jehovah, absolute being, all knowing, all powerful,
almighty, creator, daemon, deity, demigod, demon, divine being,
divinity, father, holiness, holy spirit, idol, infinite spirit, lord, maker,
man upstairs, numen, omnipotent, power, prime mover, providence,
soul, spirit, totem, tutelary, world spirit

Main Entry: second fiddle

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: secondary role player

Synonyms: back seat, benchwarmer, low man on totem pole,
reserves, secondary role, second banana, second string, second
stringer, second team, understudy

Been a funny kinda week for me.
Hoping others are doing well ~

Happy Writing ~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Hey RF,

RhymeFairy said:
New word anyone? Yes Sweets, it's time for the unveiling :D


Syllables: to-tem

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation to tEm

Definition 1. a natural object or living thing, such as an animal, that
is taken as the symbol of a family or clan because of a supposed close
relationship or ancestral connection with it.

Definition 2. a representation of a totem, usu. in sculpture, masks, or
the like.

Related Words mask

Derived Forms totemic, adj. ; totemically, adv.


~~~ Thesaurus Results ~~~:

Main Entry: big shot

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: very important person

Synonyms: VIP, big cat, big cheese*, big fish, big gun*, big man on
campus, big wheel*, bigwig*, dignitary, fat cat, head honcho, heavy-hitter,
high man on the totem pole, high-muck-a-muck, important person, influential
person, mogul, nabob, notable, somebody

Main Entry: column

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: pillar

Synonyms: brace, buttress, caryatid, colonnade, cylinder, mast,
minaret, monolith, monument, obelisk, pedestal, peristyle, pier, pilaster,
post, prop, pylon, shaft, standard, stay, stele, support, totem, tower,
underpinning, upright

Main Entry: god

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: spirit

Synonyms: Jehovah, absolute being, all knowing, all powerful,
almighty, creator, daemon, deity, demigod, demon, divine being,
divinity, father, holiness, holy spirit, idol, infinite spirit, lord, maker,
man upstairs, numen, omnipotent, power, prime mover, providence,
soul, spirit, totem, tutelary, world spirit

Main Entry: second fiddle

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: secondary role player

Synonyms: back seat, benchwarmer, low man on totem pole,
reserves, secondary role, second banana, second string, second
stringer, second team, understudy

Been a funny kinda week for me.
Hoping others are doing well ~

Happy Writing ~

:rose: :rose: :rose:

I'll work on this one. Been dealing with some spiritual stuff lately, regarding my totems. So I'll see if I can't come up with something special on this one. And again...thank you for sending some thoughts my way. It's been a rough time...and getting worse. Hope you're hanging in there as well honey. Always in "tune" with you. BTW...did you see the braceletts?????
blogged this one

Looking Forward

Perhaps the cicada is my totem,
my icon I should seek each mid-summer
month. Perhaps I should surrender
to its call, let it take my mind
and allow it to lead my thoughts
until the falling of leaves
lays a softness over my path
and the silence of the cicada
in the garden deafens the onslaught
of winter's death.

That you picked this particular word RF. Especially as I am on a final path here, and learning to listen, accept...and deal with what I believe my totems are telling and teaching me.

So....spoken in the Shoshone language (as closely as I can translate) I share this:

Wetsiiyu'I- nee- dee-daga noosai’ ne
Mai daigwa- noosai’ hakkai ne ne’

Bemmanai Tawodi, Kwinaa, Buhni’atsi deaseN pia'isa
Mai naboope neaN yamba’I

Mai nee- wee’ne- dez himbe nee debizhi nangasuaange- qupa
Mai nee dee-daga noosai’ ne

SodeeN ahtakkoon deaseN madee’wa-
Nee- himbe adeN ne qai bui-

Napai sewe neaN u natekwinappeh
Ne nankaH bemmanai daigwape mai

Ne deboofoi- qahti napai deiqu poha
DeaseN nankaH oyo’qo dabai’yi

Napai noosai’ nemmi datek eqi
Deiqu’ na- adeN nemme nuun bu’I

NankaH –baidu e- wetsiiyu’I
Tsai’ oyoon adeN mai dowo nahii’wi-

Translated:\Totems are apart of me
They speak of who I am

The Hawk, the Eagle, Skunk and Wolf
They represent my clan

They stand for things I believe in
They are a part of me

Their wisdom, and protection
Are things that I can see

Each one has its meaning
I hear the words they say

I learn from each a purpose
And listen every day

Each of us has destiny
A life that we must live

Listen to your totems,
Embrace all that they will give.
MF would you mind if i borrowed one or two of your quiet totems to replace my noisy cicadas? ;) i love your poem. very meaningful. :rose:
I like the feel of both poems. :nana:

I love how everyone can take a word to a new dimension and let it play ~
Nice writes here my friends. I will be posting on this word
... just need to "feel" my own way with it ~ :D

I wet kiss ...

the screen, knowing
no part if you is there.
but words, memories of a past legacy,
is left to carry on. your thoughts
your passion, for words,
indescribable though they may be, I still carry

this torch
to the never never world. a totem
some say. a miracle of what once was. now it is
gone. the after world carries me
from ages past, to this moment, this drunken' rambling
of what I want, my desire. You,

spread out. tongue massages, kisses, although small,
exploring every crevice
each atom that makes up, your makeup.
no one can compare, a neighboring speck
of particles left unsaid, unmentioned
memories unread.

what if, another takes
your spot, your being
of existence
here, with me. could his touch, his torturous
empty out a shadow phantom
into you? I beg to differ
I beg, a plea there is
only one ... one

you. touch, feel. know
I am here
awaiting your smile of assurance
your, essence of love
that surrounds and takes down
every last shadow of doubt
that carries me and conspires
and avalanche
into arctic regions of destitute, please,
bury me now because I know,

you shall always be here, with me
beside, holding my heart
within weathered regions of
arctic chills. I stand
stand. a soul misplaced,

from the destruction
of your misconceived idols, of a lust too errant
to wait
for the best,
has yet to come.


~~~ outta strawberry daiquiri ... refill plez~

a heart torn
a worn memory still taps.
dance on, till sunset
at the rainbows end ~

A day to play out
fantasies, wants
hard drivr desires. Come hither
catch a glimpse of what I need

a man,

who is taller than I
willing to partake a plumage
of pilgrimaging fingers. nips

to bite, taste a pound
of flesh, who will not
back down from foreign desires



take me
for who I am. this soul
is a barren ground. a virgin
to tempt, partake, barren soil.
dive deep and divulge
a soul who withstands. withstands
every human nightmare
known, to man
or beast

know, I have teeth and I surly do

bite back.

~~ just sayin
RhymeFairy said:
A day to play out
fantasies, wants
hard drivr desires. Come hither
catch a glimpse of what I need

a man,

who is taller than I
willing to partake a plumage
of pilgrimaging fingers. nips

to bite, taste a pound
of flesh, who will not
back down from foreign desires



take me
for who I am. this soul
is a barren ground. a virgin
to tempt, partake, barren soil.
dive deep and divulge
a soul who withstands. withstands
every human nightmare
known, to man
or beast

know, I have teeth and I surly do

bite back.

~~ just sayin

ha ha ah....

that's what they make those tomato colored balls (for the mouth)... with a strap for around the head and hand-cuffs < grinin' it may even be why some people have colars <grin .... okay, that was a fun thought (~_*)
My Erotic Trail said:
ha ha ah....

that's what they make those tomato colored balls (for the mouth)... with a strap for around the head and hand-cuffs < grinin' it may even be why some people have colars <grin .... okay, that was a fun thought (~_*)

You mister ... are a badddd baddd man !! :D ;)

Great to see you. Been missing that lil tail swiping, playfulness you bring to my lil world of silliness ~ :rolleyes: :D annnnnd don't knock tha cuffs, they come in vurry handy :p

RhymeFairy said:
You mister ... are a badddd baddd man !! :D ;)

Great to see you. Been missing that lil tail swiping, playfulness you bring to my lil world of silliness ~ :rolleyes: :D annnnnd don't knock tha cuffs, they come in vurry handy :p


and they can be alot of fun at the same time! :heart:
my totems
are many.
rose quartz frogs,
tiger eye elephants,
lapsis monkeys,
and rhinos too.
I have many mineral
carvings in blue,
but, my favorite
is a jade bird
from the inuit tribe,
simple , streamlined,
no angles , just a wing...