Free Thoughts~on One word...

New Word anyone?



Syllables: mag-ic

Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mae jihk

Definition 1. supernatural control of physical forces or events, as by
spells or ritual actions.
Synonyms witchcraft , necromancy , conjuration , thaumaturgy ,
Similar Words black magic , wizardry , Satanism , black art , voodoo ,
occultism , hoodoo , shamanism , demonology

Definition 2. trickery meant to entertain by suggesting such supernatural
control; sleight of hand.
Synonyms sleight of hand , legerdemain , prestidigitation
Similar Words trickery , hocus-pocus

Definition 3. the words, actions, or spells used by someone practicing
such control or trickery.
Synonyms rune, hocus-pocus , enchantment , incantation , conjuration,
invocation , charm , spell, abracadabra
Similar Words mumbo jumbo , hex

Definition 4. an overpowering, exceptional, or mysterious quality or
Example the magic of her singing.
Synonyms magnetism , witchcraft , spell, alchemy , enchantment ,
Similar Words charm , hocus-pocus , allure , talisman , mesmerism

Related Words glamour , abracadabra

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, concerning, or used in the practice of magic.
Example a magic spell.
Similar Words enchanted , charmed , bewitched , mystical , mystic ,
arcane , spellbound

Definition 2. produced by or as if by magic.
Example a magic castle.
Synonyms bewitched , charmed , enchanted
Similar Words mystical , mystic , spellbound , miraculous , legendary

Related Words trick

In celebration of lucky charms and all that's magical in your life ... :D

Write it out my friends :

Happppppy Writing

Not to take away from the new word Magic.

I am posting a few edited writings from online the last week or so and one from this am on the 30/30 thread.. No worries. All is well. Sometimes we all deal with a ghost or two, eh. ~



you, play with me

popcorn mouthed
cheddar chez grin
visions of two, not able
to withstand the wait.

daughters next door
laughing. a comical vision
while we sprawl out
a luncheon designed
for us, two. taking, giving.

denims shimmied down
ankles wide, diving deep.
tasting passions urge.
to ride rough a clumsy carousel
of twin moons making mention.
we pay homage to quadruple
home runs. triple bases loaded.
run my love, run. away
from this scorching heat
that makes a heart cry

and a soul languish
from cracked peanut shells
that show a foul ball thrown
and hit into the out field.


I want

to be drunk. not from the squeezed juice
of strawberry or peach. Obliterated on
in, with you, in mind.

I speak, spout out from soap box ramblings
albeit poor constructed. My square is round
in circles I go. Puppy feet pattering, tail a'wag
springing from one step to the next, I pounce
on words, memories of old.

Maybe, that's the problem. I need
more. Of what your not willing
or able, or even wanting to give.

Nose pinched, eyes pouting. I swallow
my medicine of mediocre dreams.
shattered, yet sheltered
from all knowing eyes. I sip
'n splurt, shouting out
to a damned world
for all the unhappiness I feel.
knowing, you have been there before
and wallowed in it ...


a morning like any other.

only this one
sees you. arms wrapped
around another. Too close
to inspect. insignificant
to so many. me, I mourn the loss
cover your ashes and try
to move on. past the graveyard
to a new beginning. betrayal
is despicable.


I am a free agent

this neighbor calls asking to visit.
but I want, desire and pray,
a visit with you. I see you there
I know

you read my words and visions
of free writes. our passions unleashed.
it waits knowing you have taken a vacation
from two as one. vertical bodies spread
as tenacious tentaciles trip and go back
to the stating line. another woman you say,
I say not !

kick ass urges step in. I feel you there
on the edge. descions ebbed
for another day. another person
tries sliding into my orb. I shall
stand tall. I shall not back down.
I love. Lord, how I love

... one ~


you know me not

in passion I speak, knowing you listen
with turned head. away from quiet times.
deep inside a forest where trailing trees tear drops
supple down. a warning to step away. listen better
next time, for days are fast wrapped foliage.
from one customer to the next. step away.
step, away ~



your cock is but a stern
to jump from
or not. I shall decide.
eager mouth nourishes,
takes tip in hood. milking,
grasping. one more
inch, one more second.
scurry up

as pussy drips, drinks
and partakes
in this smorgasbord
of southern delicatessens.
more baby, I need

more, to test. I implore
an offering of smooth
sailing winds. bodies test dive
making momentous decisions
of lust and lechery. let it go
and dive. feel the ferocious
teeth biting, digging in deep.

a mouth, a wave of lethargic
nasty. we wetplay, dry twist
into splurts of spastic desires.
take me, to the nether world
and make me scream,
ass backwards into the artics
deviation gate.


My Pet 2

panties in hand
a slap, to your bottom,
for bad courtmanship.

come here, my pet.
take a ride and taste
my nectar. nestle among
these briars of semi sweet
peach snops.

take a whiff
and know your master.
your slut is here
to take you in hand
and lead.

await a sip 'n slurp.
baby go deep, bury
yourself in luxuries
paradise. perhaps,
a taste is needed

to warm
the blood. piss 'n stake
your mark. make me
yours, for now.

till morn
when all is heaven
and hell beckons​


family gatherings

spoken in dreams, this cry
kept echoing out. tea time at the hacienda,
tables too full of food, people yachting in syllables
only understood by passing memories.

I could not catch the words. gut engorged
from gray hinged netting. I get caught up
in the overflow of; why are all my aunts
wearing my clothes?

red stained droplets, not able to clean'm all.
kneeling in prayer I swiped, as papaws ghostly
vision traipsed in circles. his words whispered.
still no understanding dawned upon
twin departed ears.

tears filled my eyes. dad came walking in,
withered 'n taunt. standing corner only.
he watches me. no words expressed,
as expired eyes haunt.

then another dream. they're all trying
to fool me. dad isn't dead. I saw him.
I feel him, I would know, right?

my subconscious spoke. you know
your dreaming, snap outta it. your hurt
will heal, given time. I realize then
he is really gone. that is his blood, but

why are they all trying to fool me and why
are my aunts wearing my clothes?..


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RhymeFairy said:


Syllables: mag-ic

Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mae jihk

Definition 1. supernatural control of physical forces or events, as by
spells or ritual actions.
Synonyms witchcraft , necromancy , conjuration , thaumaturgy ,
Similar Words black magic , wizardry , Satanism , black art , voodoo ,
occultism , hoodoo , shamanism , demonology

Definition 2. trickery meant to entertain by suggesting such supernatural
control; sleight of hand.
Synonyms sleight of hand , legerdemain , prestidigitation
Similar Words trickery , hocus-pocus

Definition 3. the words, actions, or spells used by someone practicing
such control or trickery.
Synonyms rune, hocus-pocus , enchantment , incantation , conjuration,
invocation , charm , spell, abracadabra
Similar Words mumbo jumbo , hex

Definition 4. an overpowering, exceptional, or mysterious quality or
Example the magic of her singing.
Synonyms magnetism , witchcraft , spell, alchemy , enchantment ,
Similar Words charm , hocus-pocus , allure , talisman , mesmerism

Related Words glamour , abracadabra

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, concerning, or used in the practice of magic.
Example a magic spell.
Similar Words enchanted , charmed , bewitched , mystical , mystic ,
arcane , spellbound

Definition 2. produced by or as if by magic.
Example a magic castle.
Synonyms bewitched , charmed , enchanted
Similar Words mystical , mystic , spellbound , miraculous , legendary

Related Words trick

In celebration of lucky charms and all that's magical in your life ... :D

Write it out my friends :

Happppppy Writing


Come on, this is Lit. for goodness sakes. :devil:

I know ya'll have a bitta magic still left ... right?

I'm thinkin' on it ...

Happy happy ~

Hey RF,,,

Throw a tape measure around your wrist or ankle (loosely but snug) and let me know how many inches for your braclett. :D
spring's blossoms
bring new beginnings
magically transforming barren
into bountiful

life overflows
germinating beauty
for all to behold

bright sunny days
moments to savor
tucked away for
a rainy day's memories
Many Feathers said:
Throw a tape measure around your wrist or ankle (loosely but snug) and let me know how many inches for your braclett. :D

you want ... my measurements???>>>> :catroar: :D

and here I thought you loved me for my way with ... words.


will do, mr magic man ~

Unbridled_Passion said:
spring's blossoms
bring new beginnings
magically transforming barren
into bountiful

life overflows
germinating beauty
for all to behold

bright sunny days
moments to savor
tucked away for
a rainy day's memories

savor, has to be one of my fav. words. :)
Nice imagery with a sad tillt to springs magic.

lured in, by pitch black

night shades turn me on.
an enchanted new world,
where bodies bow
in bewitchment.

a sleight of hand
conjured up by smoke
and mirrors. candles lit,

keep lightening
feather strokes, fresh.
circles of lust steam.
streaming off twin talesmen.
bathed, in admiration.

is the battle ground,
where soft spoken spells

tame a haunted mind
and lay to rest. the ruse,
of muses playing music
with words, forgery or fake.

it all washes out in the light
of day. when magic mesmerizes
and vacuum seals the soul.

it's been oooh sooo long..

have missed the greatness
of word found here,
was so excited I clicked twice !
grrr... still so blonde am I !

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it's been oooh sooo long..

Where has she been,

with her play,
still chasing the wind.

Awaiting the spring
I sing..
In soft keys,
until the posies bloom
and the pansies play
with wild orchid blossoms
in a purple array..

For today,
I long to play.

Wild through your fields,
with blades through my toes-
tickling the skye
just to make a rainbow.

Soft summer breezes
and the smell of fresh rain,
Save me, come save me-
from this long winter drain.

I have been gone from ya'll far tooo long!!
I have so missed my friends, and the inspiration
you always seem to shine into my smile..
See a few names here I do not recognize,
but wow'd by the words....

love, peace and southern chicken grease ! :D

if it can not be explained...
we call it magic...

...explaining feelings within
... miraculous!

so does that make an orgasm...
magical? <grin
sweet GA peaches said:
Where has she been,

with her play,
still chasing the wind.

Awaiting the spring
I sing..
In soft keys,
until the posies bloom
and the pansies play
with wild orchid blossoms
in a purple array..

For today,
I long to play.

Wild through your fields,
with blades through my toes-
tickling the skye
just to make a rainbow.

Soft summer breezes
and the smell of fresh rain,
Save me, come save me-
from this long winter drain.

I have been gone from ya'll far tooo long!!
I have so missed my friends, and the inspiration
you always seem to shine into my smile..
See a few names here I do not recognize,
but wow'd by the words....

love, peace and southern chicken grease ! :D


Mizz Peach~

:nana: :D

I saw ya on the sensual thread and ammm so tickled you dropped in here too. The words, anyone can post. All I ask .... write it out. No worries if it's fun or dark. Just let the words play havoc and run amuck, see if ya have any luck. :rolleyes:

Again, I ammmm soo Happy to see you back. To stay I am hoping. :D

:rose: :rose: :rose:
just wrote this on the 'live writing' thread... gave it a quick edit for here before the magic word left!


In dreams you would follow me
carrying my luggage to the Caribbean
or perhaps Timbucktoo, because that's where I will die,
one foot in the sea, one foot 20 miles north
of the Nile. My body will lay on mountains
and I'll feel the quaking of earth
when she trembles in anticipation
of my cooled ashes.
I will collect moons
that I can dangle from my ears
hang from my neck,
tie to my toes to capture your eyes,
to hold you mesmerised
while I scratched my last act upon your skin
with my bones.
wildsweetone said:
just wrote this on the 'live writing' thread... gave it a quick edit for here before the magic word left!


In dreams you would follow me
carrying my luggage to the Caribbean
or perhaps Timbucktoo, because that's where I will die,
one foot in the sea, one foot 20 miles north
of the Nile. My body will lay on mountains
and I'll feel the quaking of earth
when she trembles in anticipation
of my cooled ashes.
I will collect moons
that I can dangle from my ears
hang from my neck,
tie to my toes to capture your eyes,
to hold you mesmerised
while I scratched my last act upon your skin
with my bones.

Good lord. started off a bit sad, then you grabbed my attention with cooled ashes and moons dangling. Love your energy and clever thoughts. Very erotic Sweets ~

:rose: :rose:

There is indeed magic in the meadow of my ancestors,
a place of naming where my future waited for me.

Magic in the bonding of souls,
though truths now lay buried beneath the snow,

decaying...just as love did.

A place where Hawks fly overhead, searching,
where the great Stag stands near the tree line waiting.

Where I will go, led by the wolf who will guide me,
Magic of the next place, the next Meadow.

A place where I will not feel the snow, only the warmth of sunshine,
bathing my face each day. Bird song that I will hear and understand.

Trees that will teach me, and tell me their secrets,
where love doesn't decieve nor abandon.

A place of magic, untarnished, unblemished. I will place my staff there
as a remembrance. My eagle feathers free again, as I will be.
brought over from passion thread ~~~~ this am ~~


OK, Mr, I'm gonna send her a nughty pic !! :p

slow steady hand, leading.
spread from raptures ground.
fertilization, womb, milking.
slick, wet hood. nice
and easy, till the mood
changes. grasping for air,
energized by elated thrills.
a tingling, hangmans noose.
feel the burn. feel
hungry claws, clamping
biting back to front. welts
form into morse code
commands. more


Well damn...

RhymeFairy said:

OK, Mr, I'm gonna send her a nughty pic !! :p

slow steady hand, leading.
spread from raptures ground.
fertilization, womb, milking.
slick, wet hood. nice
and easy, till the mood
changes. grasping for air,
energized by elated thrills.
a tingling, hangmans noose.
feel the burn. feel
hungry claws, clamping
biting back to front. welts
form into morse code
commands. more



Ya better send me one too then! :D
Many Feathers said:
Ya better send me one too then! :D

lmao .... you can dream eh ~

Man how I love to keep you up ... and goin', hehehehe.
Now, write me a poem I can bounce with !!

:catroar: ;) :p :kiss:

sorry, I could not resist .... :rose:
You've done a pretty good job...

RhymeFairy said:
lmao .... you can dream eh ~

Man how I love to keep you up ... and goin', hehehehe.
Now, write me a poem I can bounce with !!

:catroar: ;) :p :kiss:

sorry, I could not resist .... :rose:

Of keeping me (it) up. :nana:

Bounce on me my fairy friend,
let it sink inside,
throw your head back and forth
and let me feel the ride.

Breasts a quiver,
nipples taut
pulled and tugged so nice
thrusting, lusting, deeper still,
fuck that feels so nice.
Many Feathers said:
Of keeping me (it) up. :nana:

Bounce on me my fairy friend,
let it sink inside,
throw your head back and forth
and let me feel the ride.

Breasts a quiver,
nipples taut
pulled and tugged so nice
thrusting, lusting, deeper still,
fuck that feels so nice.

nice and long
keep pumping
in me, out.
come lover
be a knight
on bended knee
take your just
rewards. to cum
and go
out. mmm, yesss
the spot ~

soo naughty. not poetry that's for sure. just a free thought run amuck with all puns, intended .. grins*


:catroar: :D

RhymeFairy said:
nice and long
keep pumping
in me, out.
come lover
be a knight
on bended knee
take your just
rewards. to cum
and go
out. mmm, yesss
the spot ~

soo naughty. not poetry that's for sure. just a free thought run amuck with all puns, intended .. grins*


:catroar: :D

Sneaky....peeky, playful me.
How I love to look at see,
marveling at treasures there,
taking time as I sit and stare.

Fingers touching in and out,
worming, squirming all about.
Licking, sucking, hard that pearl,
tongue a flicking, then a swirl.

Moans and groans, laughter, giggle,
sit on me and let us wiggle.
short one...

spells of magic
threaded in time
come together
for our fairy of rhyme...
Many Feathers said:
Sneaky....peeky, playful me.
How I love to look at see,
marveling at treasures there,
taking time as I sit and stare.

Fingers touching in and out,
worming, squirming all about.
Licking, sucking, hard that pearl,
tongue a flicking, then a swirl.

Moans and groans, laughter, giggle,
sit on me and let us wiggle.

wiggle, giggle
taking my tuppence
awaiting more, suspense
a shout, holler

and plead
come on lover
look at me.
biting, scratching
back with nails
I wanna hear

your saucy wails.
down you go
kissing and missing
watch love, see what
your dissing.

suck my tits
round and tight
slap that bottom with all
your might. dig in deep
watch as I seep
come on baby,
I don't mean maybe


grins* this is fun ~~ grrrrooowwllllll :catroar:
Would be...

RhymeFairy said:
wiggle, giggle
taking my tuppence
awaiting more, suspense
a shout, holler

and plead
come on lover
look at me.
biting, scratching
back with nails
I wanna hear

your saucy wails.
down you go
kissing and missing
watch love, see what
your dissing.

suck my tits
round and tight
slap that bottom with all
your might. dig in deep
watch as I seep
come on baby,
I don't mean maybe


grins* this is fun ~~ grrrrooowwllllll :catroar:

Am sure....."wuff"