Free Thoughts~on One word...

Someone special ... winks*


on your taste. Laid out,
a vulture volunteering
for a scalpel of precise,
precision. Come taste me.
Take what you will. I gather
from stolen moments,
memories of what used to be.

I want, you here,
sprawled out. Before me,
partaking your ripe purple
prunes. Mouth tasting, dipping over
over again. In, out
tongue tickles of hot
wet fruit. Grape nuts
squirreled away, for

this moment
this luxurious picnic of passion
as I feast
and take time. To enjoy,
entrap you
as you've taken me
to the edge, over
and over again. Feel, the heat

my nectarous
for you, only

:catroar: :devil:
RhymeFairy said:

on your taste. Laid out,
a vulture volunteering
for a scalpel of precise,
precision. Come taste me.
Take what you will. I gather
from stolen moments,
memories of what used to be.

I want, you here,
sprawled out. Before me,
partaking your ripe purple
prunes. Mouth tasting, dipping over
over again. In, out
tongue tickles of hot
wet fruit. Grape nuts
squirreled away, for

this moment
this luxurious picnic of passion
as I feast
and take time. To enjoy,
entrap you
as you've taken me
to the edge, over
and over again. Feel, the heat

my nectarous
for you, only

:catroar: :devil:

his mouth as juicy as a cluster of grapes
you savor each as a kiss
swallowing seeds and all..
your soft ginger skin
blushes purple to blue...
bluerains said:
his mouth as juicy as a cluster of grapes
you savor each as a kiss
swallowing seeds and all..
your soft ginger skin
blushes purple to blue...

blue to purple I squash. Tasting
needing, the fulfillment that only he
can give. My one, left
leaving unusual circumstance.
Me involved, he with another.
What to do with passions
pulped fruit, but to taste
the leavings left behind
and wonder
where it all went wrong.

A few writes today, all over line. I'm putting them here for self indulgance. :eek:
As usual, playing with words, emotions and memories. Not a pretty sight at times.



From 100 Words Thread :

Originally Posted by christabelll
she was banking on the edge of the knife to be sharp. Sharp enough to cut through the bullshit that buried her. Sharp enough to pierce the darkness that surrounded her. Sharp enough that it wouldn't hurt when it plunged its keen edge against tender flesh.
Toying with the possibilities of different endings made her twist the antlered handle sharply left... then right... a reverse Zorro... a tiny bead of crimson upwelling on her thigh. Plastic surgeons called it a Z-plasty... She called it...bizarre.
What the hell was so wrong she would bring her own blood to the surface? Surfacing from the midnight dull funkiness she felt the sting and stared at her skin in wonder. Okay the fucker was sharp!

~~~Bounced ~~~

Sharp enough to bite, sink deep. Take a life and scornfully scare, with jaws in fright. Taste blood, by the scrape fingernails to wrist and know, all is not lost. The beginning is here, just breathe deep and feel the passion of pen points, pressure igniting infiltrating a lost love. Departed, destroyed, she knew the moment was now. To take her life, or live in this dungeon of forsaken dreams adrift on 'morrows memories. Take a life, end it. Knowing she tried to make it happen. She tried, to make it work. He was silent, as if a ghost, never present in the here and now. Yes, now was the time. Make a stand, a statement to all concerned. To cut, or be cut. Away from his life, family and friends. It really did not matter. For a ghost is rarely seen, if ever heard.


Passion Thread :

I live

for this moment when you
run, I follow. searching
for meaning, behind the curtain
of what, and how comes. Tell me
to get lost
disappear from distant memories,
I drudge up and spit

in your face. I remember all too well
the love, passion. Lust
that dripped in and took shape
of fountains fumbling down
tender tendons that touched
my heart with greed for a moment, a few
more seconds of loves, lost play.

Would it be the same,
knowing you stumbled
failed to see the road signs
of a few more days, weeks.
Till together has us cocooned
in climatic passion
and loves, lethargic womb.

A move, step forward
and all will be worth the wait. No,
not you. I ramble on in hatred
of the road you chose, the path
you plummeted till all,
to us, was lost
or is it? Forgiveness

has two sides
one who forgives
and one who loves
without thought
or reservation. I love,
only to limp along and try
to make sense, of this moment. I
live and am happy to know

you are in the same universe as I,
steady paces and pre-designation
in mind. My place or yours. All is fair
in love and war, or so
they say ...


Haiku River Thread:

new day brings, lost
thoughts. a quiet brook
no currents
just music
and lost dreams.


Zen Mountain Thread :

Originally Posted by Unbridled_Passion

the sound of tiny footsteps
wakes me from a deep sleep
"It's shining outside. Time to get up momma!"
groaning and stretching, I look at the clock
6:30 a.m. I never get to sleep in!

stumbling down the hall
to start the morning coffee
an angelic voice says
"Good morning momma! I love you!"
sleeping in is overrated, you know


waking all night to
"mommy, move your elbow".
sleep, maybe four hours,
intervened with "Mommy"
that is.

count your lucky stars
it's one and not three
who grumble and preach
move over, I wanna be next
to mommy.

time, for sleep
mid-day when all are at school
and finally, I get
to rest.


Tie Me Up Thread :

drunk and mad .. what do you expect?

warning: run
very far, and very fast

I wanna taste every
freckle that has the audacity to land
and take occupancy
on my land. Taste, spank, bite
so very

spank your ass
for taking another to bed
when I await the word. a smile.
a second it would but take

to land on your door step
take what I want and leave leftovers
for her. she cannot
be all that. I know, I am.

I am the one
who has taken the time
the energy to flog
your hide
and make you beg
for more. easy pickings
of a long, lost love you are.

distance and time, keep us apart
not some floozy met online
who knows not what, how
you tick. Fear me,
she will. I mean it. I am,
will not stand for a part time love
when we can have it
all, consume
take you
I will

and she shall be left standing
a'wondering what in the hell
happened, like
here and now.


Writing Live Thread :

I am a frisky drunk
who likes to take advantage
of one. One, who will spend his time
digesting rooms, to desegregate
and keep
his distance. So, shoot me already
and get it over with. I get
the cold shoulder
while she gets his sun, moon
and stars. I tell ya, life
is not fair and frankly
it sucks.


Water Baby Thread :

Mmmm, bubbles lead to

diving deep, free
breathing times. tasting your nectar
nice 'n sassy. biting, nipping
smack that ass baby. bring
it all to a head as two, three
become one and immerse down deep
bubbles 'n all ...



30/30 Thread

I long for

a midnight walk, on your arm
peaceful, easy.
to comb the streets
looking at nothing
just your eyes, talking.
telling of midnight escapades
as we escape and take time
to enjoy moments past.
hours unhurried.
for now, we are
as one. the way we always hoped.
maybe, a movie picture
romance. stolen kisses
time stolen
we stole to enjoy
an encampment
as one. taking our time
revisiting a that second
in time. just we two
to choose, to be
or not.


Sensual Metaphors Thread :

Originally Posted by FifthFlower

Between soft thighs, you'll find her hole,
But if you're searching for her soul,
It's best to stare into her eyes,
Where spirit wears a sheer disguise.

~~ Bounce ~~

her spirit melts wax. wearing latex,
alive and well. ignoring inspiration
she falls long and hard
into fields of blue. where birds
fly backwards to rewind time
and sink into oblivious obscurity.

:eek: :rose:
~~ refilling my cuppa coffee, for those who are wondering, lol
Yeah, I know it's after 10pm here but it keeps me all snuggly warm. :D


A new word perhaps?

Anyone wanna jump in with one? I will wait a bit to see if anything strikes.
No worries, or pressure just hangin' out ~

found this word quite intriguing GOOD LUCK!



nepenthe definition

1. A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief.
2. Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain.
nepenthe etymology

here it sound at
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Tough one Blue...:)

bluerains said:


nepenthe definition

1. A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief.
2. Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain.
nepenthe etymology

here it sound at

Though my heart still tries to remember,
the nepenthe of my will is slowly erasing her smile.

The laughter we once shared,
now but a faint buzzing of a past life.

A bonding that now seems more dream than real
perhaps thats all it was.

Let senility settle in. Let my mind wander believing in other things
Not the past, not even the now though passing.

Your pictures no longer remind me,
I no longer struggle to see your face.

The sound of your voice nearly forgotten
I will not again take the drug of love, it is not worth the side affects.
bluerains said:


nepenthe definition

1. A drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief.
2. Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain.
nepenthe etymology

here it sound at

Bravo ... will add bit :rose:


Syllables: ne-pen-the

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation nih pehn thi

Definition 1. in ancient writings, a drink or potion said to have been
used to dull pain and sorrow and induce forgetfulness.

Definition 2. anything that has a similar effect.

Related Words opiate , anesthetic

Thesaurus def:

Main Entry: narcotic

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: drug

Synonyms: ammunition, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, cement, dope*,
downer*, fix*, goods, hard drug, hard stuff*, junk*, lenitive, merchandise*,
nepenthe, opiate, painkiller, sedative, somnifacient, soporific, stuff*,
stupefacient, tranquilizer, upper

Wikipedia :

Nepenthe is a drug of forgetfulness mentioned in Greek mythology,
depicted as originating in Egypt.

The word "Nepenthe" first appears in the fourth book (vv. 220-221) of the
Odyssey of Homer. Literally, it means "the one that chases away sorrow"
(ne = not, penthos = grief, sorrow). In the Odyssey, "Nepenthes pharmakon"
(i.e. a philter that chases away sorrow) is a magical potion given to Helen
by an Egyptian queen; it quells all sorrows with forgetfulness.

It is thought by some that nepenthe might have referred to a real-life opium
preparation, perhaps similar to laudanum [1]. Alternately, some believe it
referred to coffee or marijuana.

Thank You Blue :kiss: .... Ok peeps, let's get to writing ~~ :D

Happpy Happy ~


this poet

writes of hardship. lost
at sea. fighting for breath.
traveling treacherously deep
as underwater currents fight.
forsaking my plight. I urge on
purge and return. openfisted,
opposing wenching cries, to just
let go. just, let go.


nepenthe ~ is next ...

dampened encounter

nepente’s misadventures
heave and spew
it’s back washed tribulation
bloodshot eyes focus
through a steamy mirror
remembering why night was obliterated
I've got, a vivid
imagination. to take

my pet, down.
on his knees
as black stilettos stick,
shoulder to heel.
beg, I say. tell me
what this
means to you.
better yet, show
m e ...

red nails trace.
trespassing ankles,
then calves.
coercing knees to give
in, as my shadows part.
glimpsing wet folds,
in silky latex molds.

fire engine red,
dip. in, out.
slow'n wet. watch,
as tasty gelatin gathers.
crevices create soggy
bottoms. come here love

gripping, pulls grab up.
smack, against the wall.
I have you now. with
a lil shimmy, heated bodies
rub. talions run, back,
then neck
searching that spot.
to bite.

nibble and express
hunger as my heathen vapors
process. gathering energy
from erotic expressions
of need. to take
and be taken.

slow dance backwards. two
tango and meet. lips parting,
bodies sliding. flesh, meeting
latex. a reminder
of our raging wants.
to be played out
taken and shared.

shedding your clothes.
button by button.
bitten then spit. head
to zipper, mouth kissing.
caressing your burning
bulge. fingers grasping, teeth
teasing. up
then down.

naked and exposed. expressing
lustful mercy, be given.
cuffed four poster wide.
I kiss each toe. one
by suckling one. lips trace,
testimonies of grandness

bold, long
licks. calves surrounded. one inch
then another, seepingly
wet, with brazen red markings.
forming lipstick trails. another
to gauge, my accuracy.
nails bite. sinking talons
in, around. calves, thighs
to mark my territory.

mouth meeting, engorged
twin balls, be-tell
their own story. precum drips
down . your cocks clear
succulent taste forms around
puple plums. I lick 'n take advantage
of that soft
spot. round 'n round
in my hot, needy
mouth. suckles bring pleads,
and screams, for more.
of this torturous

needing to cum,
to explode in my mouth.
you mourn the loss. as I, reach
your mount summit. the top,
of your prick, needs further
investigation. my love
my pet.

pinches to nipples. you have
your way with. I smack
your ass. grind my face in
deep. with long, suckles.
to encourage, more. licking
long pathways, tongue
wide. I slip 'n tease
your meaty cock, coercing
you to cum. cum

to your head.
I nip along
your inner thighs.
test, those soft spots again
between thigh, balls
and leg. come
and play. come
let'me, have my way.

fingers softly swaying.
paying homage . as my
worshipping tongue
lingers. in swirls and licks.


soft kisses, bites.
a beseeching to barter
my will, with your screams
of fulfillment.

pre cum glistens as I swirl
fingers. to touch, taste
kissing down. down

as my throat constricts.
I milk your hard member
for more. more baby. let'me
have more.

Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
Bravo ... will add bit :rose:


Syllables: ne-pen-the

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation nih pehn thi

Definition 1. in ancient writings, a drink or potion said to have been
used to dull pain and sorrow and induce forgetfulness.

Definition 2. anything that has a similar effect.

Related Words opiate , anesthetic

Thesaurus def:

Main Entry: narcotic

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: drug

Synonyms: ammunition, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, cement, dope*,
downer*, fix*, goods, hard drug, hard stuff*, junk*, lenitive, merchandise*,
nepenthe, opiate, painkiller, sedative, somnifacient, soporific, stuff*,
stupefacient, tranquilizer, upper

Wikipedia :

Nepenthe is a drug of forgetfulness mentioned in Greek mythology,
depicted as originating in Egypt.

The word "Nepenthe" first appears in the fourth book (vv. 220-221) of the
Odyssey of Homer. Literally, it means "the one that chases away sorrow"
(ne = not, penthos = grief, sorrow). In the Odyssey, "Nepenthes pharmakon"
(i.e. a philter that chases away sorrow) is a magical potion given to Helen
by an Egyptian queen; it quells all sorrows with forgetfulness.

It is thought by some that nepenthe might have referred to a real-life opium
preparation, perhaps similar to laudanum [1]. Alternately, some believe it
referred to coffee or marijuana.

Thank You Blue :kiss: .... Ok peeps, let's get to writing ~~ :D

Happpy Happy ~


how I hope you'll quench me...

the tool I write with <grin

(what a word) <grin
Today, we have Sweets to Thank for our new word ;) :nana:

wildsweetone said:
i swear i just heard a fairy swoon and hit the floor in a karma. ;)

or maybe it was anna. ;) :D

from : tootin' horns thread ;)

Karma :

Syllables: kar-ma

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kar mE

Definition 1. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the principle that one's
actions determine one's future in this life or in other incarnations.

Definition 2. destiny; fate.
Crossref. Syn. kismet , destiny , fate

Definition 3. a distinctive aura or emanation, as of a person or

Related Words doom , lot

Derived Forms karmic, adj.

Thesaurus :

Main Entry: destiny

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: afterlife, break*, breaks*, certainty, circumstance,
conclusion, condition, constellation, cup, design, divine decree, doom,
expectation, finality, foreordination, fortune, future, happenstance,
hereafter, horoscope, inevitability, intent, intention, karma, kismet*,
lot, luck, moira, objective, ordinance, portion, predestination,
predetermination, prospect, serendipity, the beads, the stars*,

Antonyms: accident, chance, free will


Main Entry: doom

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: Judgment Day, annihilation, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe,
circumstance, conclusion, condemnation, death, decree, destination,
destiny, destruction, disaster, downfall, end, fixed future, foreordination,
fortune, judgment, karma, kismet, lot, moira, opinion, portion,
predestination, predetermination, ruin, sentence, the beads, tragedy,
verdict, weird

Antonyms: design, plan


Main Entry: fate

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: course

Synonyms: Lady Luck, break, chance, circumstance, consequence,
cup*, destination, destiny, divine will*, doom, effect, end, ending,
fortune, future, horoscope, inescapableness, issue, karma, kismet, lot,
luck, moira, nemesis, outcome, portion, predestination, providence,
stars*, termination, upshot

Antonyms: accident, chance, choice, will

Notes: fate is an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen
in the future or the supposed force or power that predetermines events
while a fete is an elaborate, usually outdoor, party or festival


Main Entry: fortune

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: fate

Synonyms: accident, break*, certainty, chance, circumstances,
contingency, destiny, doom, expectation, experience, fifty-fifty*,
fighting chance*, fluke*, fortuity, fortunateness, good break, hazard,
history, karma*, kismet*, life, luck, lucked into*, lucked out*, luckiness,
lucky break*, lucky hit*, portion, providence, scratch, shot, stab, star,
success, toss up, whack

Mmmm, this looks like fun. :nana: Come on,
show me ... what'cha got :devil:

Happy Writing

Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
Today, we have Sweets to Thank for our new word ;) :nana:

Karma :

Syllables: kar-ma

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kar mE

Definition 1. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the principle that one's
actions determine one's future in this life or in other incarnations.

Definition 2. destiny; fate.
Crossref. Syn. kismet , destiny , fate

Definition 3. a distinctive aura or emanation, as of a person or

Related Words doom , lot

Derived Forms karmic, adj.

Thesaurus :

Main Entry: destiny

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: afterlife, break*, breaks*, certainty, circumstance,
conclusion, condition, constellation, cup, design, divine decree, doom,
expectation, finality, foreordination, fortune, future, happenstance,
hereafter, horoscope, inevitability, intent, intention, karma, kismet*,
lot, luck, moira, objective, ordinance, portion, predestination,
predetermination, prospect, serendipity, the beads, the stars*,

Antonyms: accident, chance, free will


Main Entry: doom

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: Judgment Day, annihilation, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe,
circumstance, conclusion, condemnation, death, decree, destination,
destiny, destruction, disaster, downfall, end, fixed future, foreordination,
fortune, judgment, karma, kismet, lot, moira, opinion, portion,
predestination, predetermination, ruin, sentence, the beads, tragedy,
verdict, weird

Antonyms: design, plan


Main Entry: fate

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: course

Synonyms: Lady Luck, break, chance, circumstance, consequence,
cup*, destination, destiny, divine will*, doom, effect, end, ending,
fortune, future, horoscope, inescapableness, issue, karma, kismet, lot,
luck, moira, nemesis, outcome, portion, predestination, providence,
stars*, termination, upshot

Antonyms: accident, chance, choice, will

Notes: fate is an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen
in the future or the supposed force or power that predetermines events
while a fete is an elaborate, usually outdoor, party or festival


Main Entry: fortune

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: fate

Synonyms: accident, break*, certainty, chance, circumstances,
contingency, destiny, doom, expectation, experience, fifty-fifty*,
fighting chance*, fluke*, fortuity, fortunateness, good break, hazard,
history, karma*, kismet*, life, luck, lucked into*, lucked out*, luckiness,
lucky break*, lucky hit*, portion, providence, scratch, shot, stab, star,
success, toss up, whack

Mmmm, this looks like fun. :nana: Come on,
show me ... what'cha got :devil:

Happy Writing


woohoo... I like that word, (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
woohoo... I like that word, (~_~)

I thought you might, lol ...


A write from 30/30 today.
Ya'll get a kick outta this too.
My teen thinks she knows it all :D :rolleyes:



she plays computer games. they're like life
only, it's not real mom
. her addiction
grabs hold as I see a popup binky
where her guy wants, a baby. watch mom,
I didn't know you could make babies
while in a jacuzzi.
red blushes grace
my cheeks, replying in a monotone voice
why yes, that is possible. couples
can conceive a baby anywhere
these days.
rolling her perfectly
sculptured eyes, she stumbles out
I hate talking about these things
with you mom.


I have been called Dr. Spock since she was in diapers ... :eek:


Now, back to Karma ~~

No one ever have a run in, with karma?

when I am happy,
my karma shows pretty pink

sadness shows as
deep, dark blue

passion is of course
red, red, red

but, if it turns black,
watch out!
RhymeFairy said:
Today, we have Sweets to Thank for our new word ;) :nana:

Karma :

Syllables: kar-ma

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kar mE

Definition 1. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the principle that one's
actions determine one's future in this life or in other incarnations.

Definition 2. destiny; fate.
Crossref. Syn. kismet , destiny , fate

Definition 3. a distinctive aura or emanation, as of a person or

Related Words doom , lot

Derived Forms karmic, adj.

Thesaurus :

Main Entry: destiny

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: afterlife, break*, breaks*, certainty, circumstance,
conclusion, condition, constellation, cup, design, divine decree, doom,
expectation, finality, foreordination, fortune, future, happenstance,
hereafter, horoscope, inevitability, intent, intention, karma, kismet*,
lot, luck, moira, objective, ordinance, portion, predestination,
predetermination, prospect, serendipity, the beads, the stars*,

Antonyms: accident, chance, free will


Main Entry: doom

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: Judgment Day, annihilation, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe,
circumstance, conclusion, condemnation, death, decree, destination,
destiny, destruction, disaster, downfall, end, fixed future, foreordination,
fortune, judgment, karma, kismet, lot, moira, opinion, portion,
predestination, predetermination, ruin, sentence, the beads, tragedy,
verdict, weird

Antonyms: design, plan


Main Entry: fate

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: course

Synonyms: Lady Luck, break, chance, circumstance, consequence,
cup*, destination, destiny, divine will*, doom, effect, end, ending,
fortune, future, horoscope, inescapableness, issue, karma, kismet, lot,
luck, moira, nemesis, outcome, portion, predestination, providence,
stars*, termination, upshot

Antonyms: accident, chance, choice, will

Notes: fate is an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen
in the future or the supposed force or power that predetermines events
while a fete is an elaborate, usually outdoor, party or festival


Main Entry: fortune

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: fate

Synonyms: accident, break*, certainty, chance, circumstances,
contingency, destiny, doom, expectation, experience, fifty-fifty*,
fighting chance*, fluke*, fortuity, fortunateness, good break, hazard,
history, karma*, kismet*, life, luck, lucked into*, lucked out*, luckiness,
lucky break*, lucky hit*, portion, providence, scratch, shot, stab, star,
success, toss up, whack

Mmmm, this looks like fun. :nana: Come on,
show me ... what'cha got :devil:

Happy Writing


the karma in your voice
draws me to the surface. housed
in memories of kisses, touches,
tenderness ... such tenderness.

sieving through these emotions
I feel the pain, seeping in. the pain
of being hurt, so many times.
draining away, from
our drowning passion.

our fish
flopped out, riverbank captive.
to hope for the dry coolness,
of another dip. or stay, sunbaked
by senility. earth to earth ...

RhymeFairy said:
Today, we have Sweets to Thank for our new word ;) :nana:


i knew you'd get me back! lol sorry but my mind is completely blank for this word, oddly enough.

looks like you're all having fun with it though. :)

Last edited:
I'll take my karma
with a whiskey chaser
straight up, double

it burns as I swallow
the glass is empty
the bar is closed

relief is not in deeds
done in mindless oblivion
for whatever noble reason

the tavern down the road
is looking for souls to salve
their price is reasonable

their policy is cash
on delivery,no credit
but no payback either
Know This My Friend

Know this, my friend,
I will never desert you.
I will be there when all have gone away,
When finally you have nothing more to say,
And there is no apparent reason ever for me to stay.
When all the fears of a lifetime have crowded in on you
And every particle of your past has lost all meaning,
When you cannot lift your head
or hold back the tears,
And you can no longer bear
the terror of your own ruminations,
When all your triumphs are as dust
that cannot hold you aloft,

And even the family you raised and loved
have no time for you,
I will be there
To bring you what joy and courage I can,
To remind you of all the beauty and wonder
you are,
To heal you with all the love I have,
To carry you, if need be, wherever you must go,
Only because you are my friend
And I will never desert you.

~~James Kavanaugh

RhymeFairy said:
Today, we have Sweets to Thank for our new word ;) :nana:

Karma :

Syllables: kar-ma

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kar mE

Definition 1. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the principle that one's
actions determine one's future in this life or in other incarnations.

Definition 2. destiny; fate.
Crossref. Syn. kismet , destiny , fate

Definition 3. a distinctive aura or emanation, as of a person or

Related Words doom , lot

Derived Forms karmic, adj.

Thesaurus :

Main Entry: destiny

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: afterlife, break*, breaks*, certainty, circumstance,
conclusion, condition, constellation, cup, design, divine decree, doom,
expectation, finality, foreordination, fortune, future, happenstance,
hereafter, horoscope, inevitability, intent, intention, karma, kismet*,
lot, luck, moira, objective, ordinance, portion, predestination,
predetermination, prospect, serendipity, the beads, the stars*,

Antonyms: accident, chance, free will


Main Entry: doom

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fate

Synonyms: Judgment Day, annihilation, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe,
circumstance, conclusion, condemnation, death, decree, destination,
destiny, destruction, disaster, downfall, end, fixed future, foreordination,
fortune, judgment, karma, kismet, lot, moira, opinion, portion,
predestination, predetermination, ruin, sentence, the beads, tragedy,
verdict, weird

Antonyms: design, plan


Main Entry: fate

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: course

Synonyms: Lady Luck, break, chance, circumstance, consequence,
cup*, destination, destiny, divine will*, doom, effect, end, ending,
fortune, future, horoscope, inescapableness, issue, karma, kismet, lot,
luck, moira, nemesis, outcome, portion, predestination, providence,
stars*, termination, upshot

Antonyms: accident, chance, choice, will

Notes: fate is an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen
in the future or the supposed force or power that predetermines events
while a fete is an elaborate, usually outdoor, party or festival


Main Entry: fortune

Part of Speech: noun 2

Definition: fate

Synonyms: accident, break*, certainty, chance, circumstances,
contingency, destiny, doom, expectation, experience, fifty-fifty*,
fighting chance*, fluke*, fortuity, fortunateness, good break, hazard,
history, karma*, kismet*, life, luck, lucked into*, lucked out*, luckiness,
lucky break*, lucky hit*, portion, providence, scratch, shot, stab, star,
success, toss up, whack

Mmmm, this looks like fun. :nana: Come on,
show me ... what'cha got :devil:

Happy Writing


rained on the man all day
all his past acts
came back on him
swimming in the joys
that was spread
when the flood of his interactions
swept his doubts away
in a river of
Hey Guys...

I was asked to pass this message along to all of you...

Monday will be Many Feathers birthday. Lets all join in and wish him a great one! Tawodi says hi, and she thinks of him quite often..."smile Doc."
New word .... it's that time of year ~



Syllables: plant

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation plaent

Definition 1. a living organism of the vegetable group.

Definition 2. a form of vegetable life that has roots and leaves and
is of smaller size than trees or shrubs.

Definition 3. a building or group of buildings, esp. those that house
machinery and equipment for manufacturing; factory.
Crossref. Syn. work

Definition 4. (informal) a person or thing placed or used in such a
manner as to deceive or entrap.

Related Words top , mill , aromatic , organism , facility

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms planted, planting, plants

Definition 1. to put (seeds or plants) in the ground.
Crossref. Syn. root

Definition 2. to provide (land) with plants.

Definition 3. to establish, as in the mind.
Example We are planting ideas in the students.
Crossref. Syn. root

Definition 4. to place firmly or with force.
Example He planted his feet and would not move.

Definition 5. to establish in a location or situation.

Related Words crop , install , put , forest , subdue , sink , bury ,
pitch , landscape

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to put seeds in the ground.
Example Spring is the time to plant.

Related Words crop

Derived Forms plantlike, adj.

Happy Writing ~~

needful sleep subdued
as crops of yester-years
planted seeds, pitch back.
transposing my z's,
into tender moments
of oh's and ah's.

my feet planted
firmly on the ground
engulfed in clouds
a breath taking view
atop a mountain
gazing at the valley
where my roots lay