Free Thoughts~on One word...

Predatory permission,
not ask. I shall take
make, him my own true

Rub his bruises with tender
care, while persuading, titillating
his nerves, on edge.

A crop, some cuffs
to tie him tenaciously.
To have my way,
fever-aciously. Far passed

the edge , Working, sweating,
sweet talking, demanding
my pussy boy toy, to bow
and be brave. Take his whelping
one lick ... at a time.

His lips, taking, making
offers, a reality.
Come, be my guest
take, what is offered,
while I slip your spear
into these caverns
of disbelief ...

;) :D :p
a li spin on names and places ..

grrr ~~~

a time consuming process
forever doomed, to play
in these fields
of wildflowers and heather.
takes me away, to never
never ...

;) :catroar:
a few writes earlier
.... posted everywhere. :rolleyes:


Knowing I should be cleaning
the house, laundry with care.
But his phone call, left me
with plenty of imagery, to spare.


far passed the edge
and am working, sweating
sweet talking, demanding
my pussy boy, to bow
and be brave. Take his whelping
one lick ... at a time.


numbers dance

taking slow dance
lessons from
my one. who tries to
teach, but the professor
shall become the pupil,
learning not to pass go,
before the light turns, green.

;) :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Predatory permission,
not ask. I shall take
make, him my own true

Rub his bruises with tender
care, while persuading, titillating
his nerves, on edge.

A crop, some cuffs
to tie him tenaciously.
To have my way,
fever-aciously. Far passed

the edge , Working, sweating,
sweet talking, demanding
my pussy boy toy, to bow
and be brave. Take his whelping
one lick ... at a time.



I like! I think I have been a toy a few times! (grin...
I read a poem earlier today with this word in it and I have to tell ya, it stood on it's own and spoke, volumes ~ ;)

Ardor :

Syllables: ar-dor

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation ar dEr

Definition 1. very strong feelings; passion; fervor.

Synonyms fire , warmth , passion , fervor

Crossref. Syn. heat , flame , passion , adoration , devotion ,

Similar Words affection , keenness , enthusiasm , feeling ,
intensity , devotion , zeal

Related Words violence , emotion , love



Main Entry: Ardor

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: enthusiasm

Synonyms: avidity, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, feeling, fervor,
fierceness, fire, gusto, heat, hot pants, intensity, jazz*, keenness,
oomph*, passion, pep talk*, spirit, turn on*, vehemence, verve,
warmth, weakness*, zeal, zest, zing

Antonyms: apathy, coldness, coolness, indifference


Related Words :

Synonyms: ardour, elan, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fervour,
fire, zeal

More general: avidity, avidness, eagerness, keenness, love,
passion, passionateness

Often used in the same context : harbor

Appears in the definition of : spiritless, unenthusiastic

Happy Writing ~~

I watch

as dreams whisper him on.
Lids flickering a little wrinkle
as rising ribs tell me, he is
at peace. His grueling day
finally passes, leaving
my spent man, too tired
to pucker. But I too
am at peace, by witnessing
this glorious specimen
who resides in my heart,
steals my breathe and still,
after all these years
makes our midnight dates,
last a lifetime.


~ setting his glasses
on the bedside table,
cuts light off and snuggles in.


g'night my friends, time to turn in ~~ ;)

He rescued me from all the doubts
in my life, he loved me for being me,
he desires me, He isnt Apollo he's
just a man who wouldn't turn heads,
but a gentleman through and through.
He's my gentle man
And I love him.
UnderYourSpell said:
He rescued me from all the doubts
in my life, he loved me for being me,
he desires me, He isnt Apollo he's
just a man who wouldn't turn heads,
but a gentleman through and through.
He's my gentle man
And I love him.

Sweet my friend, really sweet ...

:rose: :cathappy:
New word, for a new week ... :rose:


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: incitement

Synonyms: agitator, enzyme, goad, iconoclast, impetus, impulse,
incendiary, incentive, incitation, incitement, motivation, radical
stimulus, reactant, reactionary, spark plug*, spur, stimulant, synergist,
wave maker*

Antonyms: block, blockage, preventer, prevention


Syllables: cat-a-lyst

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kae tE lihst

Definition 1. a substance that produces or speeds up a chemical
reaction without being affected itself.

Definition 2. an agent that causes an interaction between persons
or forces without being affected itself.

Related Words instrument


Love is the catalyst that causes change. Love is the balm that brings healing to the soul.

While researching this word, I walked a lot of different roads. They all took me down a ever changing streets. Have fun my friends, this one could last all week, lol.

Happy Writing ~~

:rose: ;)
He used to love me .. passionately
but now he stands outside my life
where I desperately pushed him
and he angrily incites others
to hurt me because he is a bully
and a liar who tried to steal my life.
UnderYourSpell said:
He used to love me .. passionately
but now he stands outside my life
where I desperately pushed him
and he angrily incites others
to hurt me because he is a bully
and a liar who tried to steal my life.

Good lord woman ... your preaching to the choir here. :eek: other than the used to love me part. Believe me ... pray he no longer does. It's the catalyst that incites his manipulation, and you want him far, far away ... jus sayin' :eek:

a'muse-ing thoughts ...


I have to apologize to everyone for not writing as much this week. My muse went on strike and locked himself in the tool shed. :devil: Perhaps now that I have found his key, good times are to come. *weg* I am still working on catalyst, so hang on to your drawers and see what pop's up.

;) :p :D :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:

A sub par dinner was the catalyst,
leaving morsels of unsavory taste
clutching at molars
and the back of my tongue like refugees.
Searching for relief, I go for seconds,
bite my tongue,
chew the fat
and swallow my pride.
The flavor is no improvement,
but at least I'm full.
RhymeFairy said:
Good lord woman ... your preaching to the choir here. :eek: other than the used to love me part. Believe me ... pray he no longer does. It's the catalyst that incites his manipulation, and you want him far, far away ... jus sayin' :eek:


He is thank god but there are some pretty evil people in this online world and I reckon he is sick in the head .. he believes his own lies !

It was born on the wind,
that need to fly,
to unshackle the chain
that ties us to the dirt.

So we lift, leave,
free from any grounding,
any persistent stampeding
of our souls
and fly, off beyond fences -

those boundary soldiers
that kept us tethered
and choking in dust.

We can blame it
on the wind,
and wear it with pride
on our shoulders.

It was born on the wind
and now lives in our soul.
Hey wild...

wildsweetone said:

It was born on the wind,
that need to fly,
to unshackle the chain
that ties us to the dirt.

So we lift, leave,
free from any grounding,
any persistent stampeding
of our souls
and fly, off beyond fences -

those boundary soldiers
that kept us tethered
and choking in dust.

We can blame it
on the wind,
and wear it with pride
on our shoulders.

It was born on the wind
and now lives in our soul.

(Hijacking Rf's thread here for a moment) But have some new pieces you might enjoy seeing. Finally put them all together on one thread. So see below in my sig line for the link....:Many Feathers Trading Post. ( Or Soonde Peesi, Na' Dewee'- Noo)
I know, I shall write again. :eek: Until that time, I'm on and off. So have fun and enjoy this new word.

Polish :

Syllables: pol-ish

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Phrases: polish off

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation pa lihsh
Inflected Forms polished, polishing, polishes

Definition 1. to give a sleek surface to, esp. by buffing.
Synonyms buff , burnish , shine
Crossref. Syn. wax , gloss , sleek
Similar Words wax , oil , rub , gloss , finish , smooth , pumice , sand

Definition 2. to cause to become finished or more perfect.
Example She is polishing her acting skills in a summer theater.
Synonyms perfect , smooth
Similar Words cultivate , practice , refine

Related Words scrub , black , enhance , lighten , edit

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become sleek and shiny by or as if by buffing.
Similar Words glaze

Related Words grind

Phrase polish off

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a substance used to make something smooth or glossy.
Example silver polish ; furniture polish.
Synonyms wax , varnish , luster , lacquer , finish
Similar Words oil , shellac

Definition 2. the act of shining or smoothing.
Synonyms waxing , burnishing , shining , finishing , buffing
Crossref. Syn. shine
Similar Words shine , sanding , abrasion

Definition 3. a sleek surface.
Synonyms finish , luster , burnish , gloss, varnish , shine
Similar Words glaze

Definition 4. a refined appearance or manner; elegance.
Synonyms gentility , sophistication , refinement
Crossref. Syn. elegance , style
Similar Words elegance , gloss , finish , luster , finesse , urbanity ,

Related Words cultivation , taste , chic , civilization

Derived Forms polisher, n.


You know, one must look at every word. Feel
what they say and bounce it, till nothing
remains, but that sigh ... of contentment.

Happpy Happy my friends ~~~ ;)

my heart has been polished
shiny and new
by a love I thought
I would never find

his soul is pure,
like none I have ever experienced
in a lifetime of searching
for my one true

no matter what happens,
I know that I have been blessed
just for knowing him,
and all that he is

the future is always unknown,
however, I feel in my very being
that all will be fine,
because he is my one and only

true love
I can only wonder from afar,
I can't even guess, who you are,
So i'll dream, and make it mean,
Because one thought then becomes a thousand words,
My dreams become my temple,without them i hold nothing,
But to dream, i hold you,so i have everything. x.
Unbridled_Passion said:
my heart has been polished
shiny and new
by a love I thought
I would never find

his soul is pure,
like none I have ever experienced
in a lifetime of searching
for my one true

no matter what happens,
I know that I have been blessed
just for knowing him,
and all that he is

the future is always unknown,
however, I feel in my very being
that all will be fine,
because he is my one and only

true love

Passion ... this is a beauty. Heartfelt and lovely ~!!

:rose: :heart:
howlin said:
I can only wonder from afar,
I can't even guess, who you are,
So i'll dream, and make it mean,
Because one thought then becomes a thousand words,
My dreams become my temple,without them i hold nothing,
But to dream, i hold you,so i have everything. x.

Welcome to Lit and Free Thoughts, lol :rose:

Did you write this or is it a quote ? Either way, I love it ~!! ( Jus' me ) Your welcome to come back and bounce, write, free think ... anytime ~~

Bump ...

RhymeFairy said:
I know, I shall write again. :eek: Until that time, I'm on and off. So have fun and enjoy this new word.

Polish :

Syllables: pol-ish

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Phrases: polish off

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation pa lihsh
Inflected Forms polished, polishing, polishes

Definition 1. to give a sleek surface to, esp. by buffing.
Synonyms buff , burnish , shine
Crossref. Syn. wax , gloss , sleek
Similar Words wax , oil , rub , gloss , finish , smooth , pumice , sand

Definition 2. to cause to become finished or more perfect.
Example She is polishing her acting skills in a summer theater.
Synonyms perfect , smooth
Similar Words cultivate , practice , refine

Related Words scrub , black , enhance , lighten , edit

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become sleek and shiny by or as if by buffing.
Similar Words glaze

Related Words grind

Phrase polish off

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a substance used to make something smooth or glossy.
Example silver polish ; furniture polish.
Synonyms wax , varnish , luster , lacquer , finish
Similar Words oil , shellac

Definition 2. the act of shining or smoothing.
Synonyms waxing , burnishing , shining , finishing , buffing
Crossref. Syn. shine
Similar Words shine , sanding , abrasion

Definition 3. a sleek surface.
Synonyms finish , luster , burnish , gloss, varnish , shine
Similar Words glaze

Definition 4. a refined appearance or manner; elegance.
Synonyms gentility , sophistication , refinement
Crossref. Syn. elegance , style
Similar Words elegance , gloss , finish , luster , finesse , urbanity ,

Related Words cultivation , taste , chic , civilization

Derived Forms polisher, n.


You know, one must look at every word. Feel
what they say and bounce it, till nothing
remains, but that sigh ... of contentment.

Happpy Happy my friends ~~~ ;)

He had the swagger and the polish
of a gentleman born and bred,
used to the better things of life,
croquet on the lawn and polo
dontcha know. But education at
the best schools in the land
didn't teach him the manners
of love, and sleek sophistication
lost its gloss.

I cannot give, live
polished dreams. I scatter
the leaves to watch
them crest, over the mountain
and fly to the wind. I catch rainbows
in grubby fingers, with a lil wispy
smile, then gather around
the edge of reality, to push
my dreams forward
with one, glossy swipe of sin,
at a time.

:devil: ;) :rolleyes: