Free Thoughts~on One word...

It's time to take a dip
into steam. Let it consume my whole

being. Pinkie toe after pink lil toes
gliding across that surface of bursting

bubbles. Down slides, my nipples into
this orgasmic orgy of silken sin. Skin and

pale hips, delight in twisting into the surf
as hands hide'n seek, seeking shelter

in the moist cavern of my homemade

Fall :

verb, fell, fall·en, fall·ing, noun

–verb (used without object)

1. to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place
through loss or lack of support.

2. to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position, esp. to leave
a standing or erect position suddenly, whether voluntarily or not: to
fall on one's knees.

3. to become less or lower; become of a lower level, degree, amount,
quality, value, number, etc.; decline: The temperature fell ten degrees.
Stock prices fell to a new low for the year.

4. to subside or abate.

5. extend downward; hang down:
Her hair falls to her shoulders.

6. to become lowered or directed downward, as the eyes:
My eyes fell before his steady gaze.

7. to become lower in pitch or volume:
Her voice fell, and she looked about in confusion.

8. to succumb to temptation or sin, esp. to become unchaste or
to lose one's innocence.

9. to lose status, dignity, position, character, etc.

10. to succumb to attack:
The city fell to the enemy.

11. to be overthrown, as a government.

12. to drop down wounded or dead, esp. to be slain:
to fall in battle.

13. to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition:
to fall asleep; to fall in love.

14. to envelop or come as if by dropping, as stillness or night.

15. to issue forth:
Witty remarks fall easily from his lips.

16. to come by lot or chance:
The chore fell to him.

17. to come by chance into a particular position:
to fall among thieves.

18. to come to pass, occur, or become at a certain time:
Christmas falls on a Monday this year.
The rent falls due the first of every month.

19. to have its proper place:
The accent falls on the last syllable.

20. to come by right:
The inheritance fell to the only living relative.

21. to be naturally divisible (usually fol. by into):
The story fell into two distinct parts.

22. to lose animation; appear disappointed, as the face:
His face fell when he heard the bad news.

23. to slope or extend in a downward direction:
The field falls gently to the river.

24. to be directed, as light, sight, etc., on something:
His eyes fell upon the note on the desk.

25. to collapse, as through weakness, damage, poor construction,
or the like; topple or sink:
The old tower fell under its own weight.
The cake fell when he slammed the oven door.

26. (of an animal, esp. a lamb) to be born:
Two lambs fell yesterday.

–verb (used with object)

27. to fell (a tree, animal, etc.).


28. an act or instance of falling or dropping from a higher to a
lower place or position.

29. that which falls or drops: a heavy fall of rain.

30. the season of the year that comes after summer and before
winter; autumn.

31. a becoming less; a lowering or decline;
a sinking to a lower level:
the fall of the Roman Empire.

32. the distance through which anything falls:
It is a long fall to the ground from this height.

33. Usually, falls. a cataract or waterfall.

34. downward slope or declivity:
the gentle rise and fall of the meadow.

35. a falling from an erect position, as to the ground:
to have a bad fall.
36. a hanging down: a fall of long hair.

37. a succumbing to temptation; lapse into sin.

38. the Fall, (sometimes lowercase)
Theology. the lapse of human beings into a state of natural
or innate sinfulness through the sin of Adam and Eve.

39. Slang. an arrest by the police.

40. surrender or capture, as of a city.

41. proper place: the fall of an accent on a syllable.

42. Wrestling.

a. an act or instance of holding or forcing an opponent's shoulders
against the mat for a specified length of time.

b. a match or division of a match.

43. a hairpiece consisting of long hair that is attached to one's
own hair at the crown and usually allowed to hang freely down
the back of the head so as to cover or blend with the natural hair.

44. an opaque veil hanging loose from the back of a hat.

45. falling band.

46. a decorative cascade of lace, ruffles, or the like.

47. Machinery, Nautical. the part of the rope of a tackle to which
the power is applied in hoisting.

48. Hunting.
a deadfall.

49. the long soft hair that hangs over the forehead and eyes
of certain terriers.

50. Armor.
a pivoted peak projecting over the face opening of a burgonet.

51. Astrology.
the sign of the zodiac in which the most negative influence
of a planet is expressed (as opposed to exaltation).

52. Mining.
rock or ore that has collapsed from a roof, hanging wall, or the sides
of a passage.

—Verb phrases

53. fall away,

a. to withdraw support or allegiance:
The candidate's supporters fell away when he advocated
racial discrimination.

b. to become lean or thin; diminish; decline.

c. to forsake one's faith, cause, or principles:
Many fell away because they were afraid of reprisals.

54. fall back, to give way; recede; retreat:
The relentless shelling forced the enemy to fall back.

55. fall back on or upon,

a. Also, fall back to. to retreat to:
They fell back on their entrenchments.
The troops fell back to their original position.

b. to have recourse to; rely on:
They had no savings to fall back on.

56. fall behind,

a. to lag, in pace or progress:
We are falling behind in our work.
Fatigued, some of the marchers fell behind.

b. to fail to pay (a debt, obligation, etc.) at the appointed time:
She fell behind in her tax payments, and the property was confiscated.

57. fall down,
Informal. to perform disappointingly; to disappoint; fail:
He was doing well on the exam until he fell down on the last essay

58. fall for, Slang.

a. to be deceived by:
Imagine falling for such an old trick.

b. to fall in love with:
He's not at all the type you would expect her to fall for.

59. fall in,

a. to fall to pieces toward the interior; sink inward.

b. to take one's place in the ranks, as a soldier.

c. Also, fall in with. to become acquainted with, esp. by chance:
We fell in with an interesting couple from Paris.

60. fall off,
a. to separate from; withdraw.

b. to decrease in number, amount, or intensity; diminish:
Tourism falls off when the summer is over.

c. Nautical. to deviate from the heading; fall to leeward.

d. South Midland and Southern U.S. to lose weight, usually due
to illness:
She was sick all winter and fell off till she was just skin and bones.

61. fall on or upon,

a. to assault; attack:
The enemy fell on them suddenly from the rear.

b. to be the obligation of:
It has fallen on me to support the family.

c. to experience; encounter:
Once well-to-do, they had fallen on hard times.

d. to chance upon; come upon:
I fell upon the idea while looking through a magazine.

62. fall out,

a. to quarrel; disagree:
We fell out over who was to wash the dishes.

b. to happen; occur: It fell out that we met by chance weeks later.

c. to leave one's place in the ranks, as a soldier: They were ordered
to fall out when the parade ended.

d. Slang. to burst out laughing.

e. South Midland and Southern U.S. to become unconscious;
pass out.

63. fall through,
to come to nothing; fail of realization:
Despite all his efforts, the deal fell through.

64. fall to,

a. to apply oneself; begin: to fall to work.

b. to begin to eat:
They fell to and soon finished off the entire turkey.

65. fall under,
a. to be the concern or responsibility of.

b. to be classified as; be included within:
That case falls under the heading of errors of judgment.


66. fall all over oneself, to show unusual or excessive enthusiasm
or eagerness, esp. in the hope of being favored or rewarded:
The young trainees fell all over themselves to praise the boss's speech.
Also, fall over oneself.

67. fall or come short. short (def. 47).

68. fall foul or afoul of. foul (def. 38).

69. fall off the roof,
Slang: Older Use. to menstruate.

70. fall on one's feet. land (def. 25).

71. fall out of bed, to get out of bed quickly.

72. fall over backward(s).

a. bend (def. 15).

b. to exhibit great eagerness, esp. in pursuit of one's own advantage:
The candidate fell over backward in support of the issues that would
win votes.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME fallen, OE feallan; c. G fallen, ON falla; akin to Lith pùlti to fall]

~~~~~~ Thesaurus ~~~~~~~

Main Entry: fall

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: descent

Synonyms: abatement, belly flop*, cut, decline, declivity, decrease,
diminution, dip, dive, downgrade, downward slope, drop, dwindling,
ebb, falling off, header*, incline, lapse, lessening, lowering, nose dive*,
plummet, plunge, pratfall*, recession, reduction, slant, slip, slope,
slump, spill, tumble

Antonyms: ascent, climb, elevation, rising

Main Entry: fall
Part of Speech: noun

Definition: defeat

Synonyms: abasement, breakdown, capitulation, collapse, death,
degradation, destruction, diminution, disaster, dive, downfall, drop,
failure, humiliation, loss, overthrow, resignation, ruin, surrender, tumble

Antonyms: triumph, victory, win

Main Entry: fall
Part of Speech: verb

Definition: descend

Synonyms: abate, backslide, be precipitated, break down, buckle,
cascade, cave in, collapse, crash, decline, decrease, depreciate,
diminish, dip, dive, drag, droop, drop, drop down, dwindle, ease, ebb,
fall off, flag, flop, fold up, go down, gravitate, keel over, land, lapse,
lessen, lower, nose-dive, pitch, plummet, plunge, recede, regress,
relapse, settle, sink, slip, slope, slump, spin, stumble, subside, tip
over, topple, totter, trail, trip, tumble, wane

Antonyms: ascend, climb, elevate, go up, rise

Main Entry: fall
Part of Speech: verb

Definition: surrender

Synonyms: back down, be casualty, be destroyed, be killed, be lost,
be taken, bend, capitulate, defer to, die, drop, eat dirt*, give in, give
up, give way, go down, go under, lie down, obey, perish, resign, slump,
submit, succumb, yield

Antonyms: advance, be victorious, conquer, prevail, triumph, win

Main Entry: fall
Part of Speech: verb

Definition: happen
Synonyms: arrive, become, befall, chance, come about, fall out, occur,
take place

Main Entry: fall back
Part of Speech: verb

Definition: retreat

Synonyms: back, draw back, give back, recede, recoil, retire,
retrocede, retrograde, surrender, withdraw, yield

Antonyms: advance, forward, gain, gain ground, march on,

Main Entry: fall for
Part of Speech: verb

Definition: desire

Synonyms: flip over, succumb


If one can make it through the definition and thesaurus, then perhaps we could get around to falling into writing and see what we can all come up with on this new, exciting word ....

:rose: :kiss:

Happy Writing ~~~~ :p

Icarus fall and burn and light this waiting sky
lest all that plummets is your eagerness
to touch the unattainable dream

I have fallen again.
Succumbed to the silent glare
of the golden Crunchie bites

placed on the edge of the bench
where I am no longer able
to pass in peace.

Their call is to my soul -
chocolate outer, hokey pokey inner.
Sin in foil. Temptress divine.
My willpower has waned

and the rain outside
does nothing except encourage
my diversion to the other side.

:rose: ;)
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I wear him

on my wrist, coming
going he begets
my attention to kiss,
pulse tempting, erratic
systematic, temptation. To palm
down, flinch a fold, grab a bite
and sink as low as I can. I fall
behind in practice for his french
tickler, and shaved smooth lips
of sin, unbutton my heart
and throw caution
to the floor.

I have to keep fighting
this feeling. Our love
keeps my head above water.
I tread softly trying to make

ends meet while I dream,
love, wish with all my heart
and soul, to be

with you. my family, friends
turn tide and make me doggy paddle
HIS way. I love you. My every wish
is to set sail, glide
your way. Please map me out
like you always do. Come

save me, for you are my want
my every need but keep watch
on the clock. The sharks circle
and lay in wait to net

my heart
and spear me down. Sinking,
blurring into nothingness,
seem-lessly neutral,
until you appear,
on the horizon.

I am carried away
to our world
where everyday is a new day. We are
one, always together
walking these streets hypnotized
in the ever present love that shines
from the others eyes. I keep thinking back
dreaming of
when we sat and lunched, eyes never leaving
the others, just submersed into the downspirling
soul wrenching
wants of our two hearts, as one.

I lay drunken on memories
of what used to be. You, my love,
have spoiled me for any other. Yes, I have tasted
withered, been tied to, a love
that knows no bounds, ever present
in times off need, hardship and glee.
Always knowing, a never ending staircase
of we shall always be, cuffed together. I need
you now, more

than ever. Come, taste and partake
of all my wordily offerings. For they're yours
till eternity passes and time stands still. Till
the very end begins anew and we, become one
... again.

Interesting words for today ...

wrenched = render


thinking render will be a sweeeet word, to write on ~~

jus sayin'

You thought to render me incapable
of living life
without you.
For so long it was true and I bent
to your wishes
so afraid
of losing you and I forgot me.
I am Woman
I did survive.
OK, so I'm in one of those mushy sentimental moods. I keep thinking back to all the people in my life that helped encourage me in some small way. I keep remembering women mostly, all except my dad a a few very close male friends. The rest were teachers and work associates. I'm wondering,

Have I been true to myself? My calling in life? What makes you truly happy and helps you get from one day to the next? Silly but, this has been an inspirational week for me and I am at a very happy place in my life. So be true to yourself,

True :

Syllables: true

Parts of speech: adjective , noun , adverb , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation tru

Inflected Forms truer, truest

Definition 1. in agreement with fact.
Synonyms factual , veracious, right , correct , accurate
Crossref. Syn. factual , truthful , veritable , honest , faithful ,
Similar Words literal , actual , sound , real , just , truthful ,
sure , authentic , honest , faithful , valid , certain

Definition 2. conforming to a rule, standard, or principle.
Synonyms proper , correct
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words firm , standard , normal , faithful , perfect , strict ,
right , just , typical

Definition 3. real, authentic, or genuine.
Synonyms authentic , genuine , real
Crossref. Syn. actual , sincere , genuine , veritable , honest ,
Similar Words actual , confirmed , bona fide , veritable ,

Definition 4. accurate; reliable.
Synonyms accurate , trustworthy , reliable , good
Crossref. Syn. correct , honest , accurate
Similar Words dependable , sound , credible , sure , exact ,
infallible , faithful , valid , strict , literal , close , unerring ,
authoritative , trusty , precise

Definition 5. faithful; loyal.
Example a true friend.
Synonyms faithful , fast , loyal , true-hearted
Crossref. Syn. good , devoted
Similar Words unwavering , firm , true-blue , staunch , steadfast ,
constant , good , obedient , trusty , devoted

Definition 6. sincerely expressed or felt.
Example true love.
Synonyms sincere , real , genuine
Similar Words earnest1 , deep , candid , bona fide , frank ,
honest , true-hearted

Definition 7. fundamental or basic.
Example his true intentions.
Synonyms basic , real , fundamental
Similar Words essential , final , ultimate , central

Definition 8. legitimate, rightful, or lawful.
Example the true inheritor of his estate.
Synonyms legitimate , lawful , rightful
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words recognized , authorized , just , proper , legal ,
official , valid

Definition 9. correctly placed or formed.
Example His aim was true.
Synonyms perfect
Crossref. Syn. accurate
Similar Words flawless , straight , unerring , precise , accurate

Related Words solid , tangible , original , absolute , steady ,
deadly , trustworthy , chivalrous , special , factual , living ,
concrete , positive , scrupulous , solemn , straightforward ,

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. proper balance, alignment, or formation.
Example The ceiling was out of true.
Synonyms alignment
Similar Words adjustment , accord , straight , balance , tune ,

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms truer, truest

Definition 1. in a true manner; truthfully.
Synonyms truly , correctly , truthfully , accurately
Similar Words openly , validly , honestly , frankly , candidly

Definition 2. accurately; exactly.
Synonyms precisely , exactly , accurately
Similar Words strictly , infallibly

Related Words straight

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms trued, truing (trueing), trues

Definition 1. to cause to conform to or fit a pattern or standard.
Synonyms standardize , correct
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words straighten , fit1 , align , fix , adjust , tune , fine-

Related Words plane


What truly makes you happy?
Or perhaps whom? And of course
... why?

Happy Writing ~~

Sorry sweetie...

RhymeFairy said:
OK, so I'm in one of those mushy sentimental moods. I keep thinking back to all the people in my life that helped encourage me in some small way. I keep remembering women mostly, all except my dad a a few very close male friends. The rest were teachers and work associates. I'm wondering,

Have I been true to myself? My calling in life? What makes you truly happy and helps you get from one day to the next? Silly but, this has been an inspirational week for me and I am at a very happy place in my life. So be true to yourself,

True :

Syllables: true

Parts of speech: adjective , noun , adverb , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation tru

Inflected Forms truer, truest

Definition 1. in agreement with fact.
Synonyms factual , veracious, right , correct , accurate
Crossref. Syn. factual , truthful , veritable , honest , faithful ,
Similar Words literal , actual , sound , real , just , truthful ,
sure , authentic , honest , faithful , valid , certain

Definition 2. conforming to a rule, standard, or principle.
Synonyms proper , correct
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words firm , standard , normal , faithful , perfect , strict ,
right , just , typical

Definition 3. real, authentic, or genuine.
Synonyms authentic , genuine , real
Crossref. Syn. actual , sincere , genuine , veritable , honest ,
Similar Words actual , confirmed , bona fide , veritable ,

Definition 4. accurate; reliable.
Synonyms accurate , trustworthy , reliable , good
Crossref. Syn. correct , honest , accurate
Similar Words dependable , sound , credible , sure , exact ,
infallible , faithful , valid , strict , literal , close , unerring ,
authoritative , trusty , precise

Definition 5. faithful; loyal.
Example a true friend.
Synonyms faithful , fast , loyal , true-hearted
Crossref. Syn. good , devoted
Similar Words unwavering , firm , true-blue , staunch , steadfast ,
constant , good , obedient , trusty , devoted

Definition 6. sincerely expressed or felt.
Example true love.
Synonyms sincere , real , genuine
Similar Words earnest1 , deep , candid , bona fide , frank ,
honest , true-hearted

Definition 7. fundamental or basic.
Example his true intentions.
Synonyms basic , real , fundamental
Similar Words essential , final , ultimate , central

Definition 8. legitimate, rightful, or lawful.
Example the true inheritor of his estate.
Synonyms legitimate , lawful , rightful
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words recognized , authorized , just , proper , legal ,
official , valid

Definition 9. correctly placed or formed.
Example His aim was true.
Synonyms perfect
Crossref. Syn. accurate
Similar Words flawless , straight , unerring , precise , accurate

Related Words solid , tangible , original , absolute , steady ,
deadly , trustworthy , chivalrous , special , factual , living ,
concrete , positive , scrupulous , solemn , straightforward ,

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. proper balance, alignment, or formation.
Example The ceiling was out of true.
Synonyms alignment
Similar Words adjustment , accord , straight , balance , tune ,

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms truer, truest

Definition 1. in a true manner; truthfully.
Synonyms truly , correctly , truthfully , accurately
Similar Words openly , validly , honestly , frankly , candidly

Definition 2. accurately; exactly.
Synonyms precisely , exactly , accurately
Similar Words strictly , infallibly

Related Words straight

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms trued, truing (trueing), trues

Definition 1. to cause to conform to or fit a pattern or standard.
Synonyms standardize , correct
Crossref. Syn. right
Similar Words straighten , fit1 , align , fix , adjust , tune , fine-

Related Words plane


What truly makes you happy?
Or perhaps whom? And of course
... why?

Happy Writing ~~


Talk about being in opposite places at the moment...

For me, not sure I believe in truth any more. Haven't for quite some time now. When you believe (and I did) that something is true, something is right, something is supposed to be, and you know it...believe it with all your heart, only to find out it wasn't the truth, probably never was, it tends to throw you, distort your outlook on life. Especially when after...when other things hit you hard, and they're not there any more. It makes "truth" a fleeting non-existant reality.
hollow tree weeps, singing her true
blues for all to catch her falling bruised
leaves. felt over a hundred years
away, still she hums, hanging
on every tear.

~~ no worries. Just writing, ;)


I love trees
and keep imagining sitting
under one, feeling my way
through the years.

:rose: :)
RhymeFairy said:
hollow tree weeps, singing her true
blues for all to catch her falling bruised
leaves. felt over a hundred years
away, still she hums, hanging
on every tear.

~~ no worries. Just writing, ;)


I love trees
and keep imagining sitting
under one, feeling my way
through the years.

:rose: :)

glad you're just letting your thoughts roam and it's nothing serious going on.


that's a lovely and sad image by the way... hollow tree, falling bruised leaves...

gots me thinking too :)
wildsweetone said:
glad you're just letting your thoughts roam and it's nothing serious going on.


that's a lovely and sad image by the way... hollow tree, falling bruised leaves...

gots me thinking too :)

Silly, but my fav. tree is a weeping willow and I love sitting beneath them, relaxing and feeling the wind, kicking up my skirts a bit.


wildsweetone said:
glad you're just letting your thoughts roam and it's nothing serious going on.


that's a lovely and sad image by the way... hollow tree, falling bruised leaves...

gots me thinking too :)

This is one of my fav trees, in the meadow. It's dying though, even from last year 1/2 of it has broken and fallen over. I brought back some branches from it which I displayed some of our jewelry on, and used as a place for the signage from the rondevu. It has a place of honor in my home, and always will. It will return with me one day to the meadow...
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Many Feathers said:
This is one of my fav trees, in the meadow. It's dying though, even from last year 1/2 of it has broken and fallen over. I brought back some branches from it which I displayed some of our jewelry on, and used as a place for the signage from the rondevu. It has a place of honor in my home, and always will. It will return with me one day to the meadow...

Out of curosity ... how did it get it's name? A lil history if you please.

:rose: :kiss: :heart:

RhymeFairy said:
Out of curosity ... how did it get it's name? A lil history if you please.

:rose: :kiss: :heart:

There are two trees that exist there. One is almost dead-center of the meadow called "The celebration tree". It is a very old, very tall tree that dwarfs most of the other nearby trees. Kind of interesting it sits by itself don't ya think? Anyway..."I" actually named it the celebration tree as I always felt like celebrating every time I came to the meadow and saw it, like it was watching over the place, waiting for me to return.

The other tree, called the naming tree, its the place where my father brought me when I was 8 I think...(grandmother had already given me my name.,..but I didn't know what it was until my father took me to the meadow, and then "officially" named me by that tree. Its the place where he was taken and given his name...

My Shoshone name from my childhood was Ricky Two Streams. A name grandmother gave me as a child as she said I was always going in two different directions at the same time.

Anyway...I think the tree was dying even back then, though through the years it has obviously happened quicker. AT least last year it was still standing. Now 1/2 of it has fallen and now lays on the ground. (I think you can sort of see that in the photo) Just reminds me of life in a way, how things sometimes they sometimes must end.

BTW, did you see any braceletts, ankletts you liked? Told you I'd send you one if there was one you liked....:)
Many Feathers said:
BTW, did you see any braceletts, ankletts you liked? Told you I'd send you one if there was one you liked....:)

I will go and have another look-see. I think I had told you the one I liked, no worries. I really liked'm all, lol. Ohhh, I wrote this about your hot tub ..... on the passion thread ~~~~~

a hot tub dance, slow ride
to enhance, my short temper and escape to la
la land. while I ride every crest, suck
every drop
dry. tickle my own fancy
as away I fly. screaming, moaning,
groaning at heavens gate
to partake a sip, another dip
smooth side rise
up, away. grant every quest
no need for a dress
'cause tonight is the time. my time
for a long, slow glide
nipping, bite. till another flight
takes my breath
my heart
away, in volcanic contractions
while trying to make tracks
down a his snow covered hill, landing
sunny side up
to face, the new day ....

;) :D

RhymeFairy said:
I will go and have another look-see. I think I had told you the one I liked, no worries. I really liked'm all, lol. Ohhh, I wrote this about your hot tub ..... on the passion thread ~~~~~

a hot tub dance, slow ride
to enhance, my short temper and escape to la
la land. while I ride every crest, suck
every drop
dry. tickle my own fancy
as away I fly. screaming, moaning,
groaning at heavens gate
to partake a sip, another dip
smooth side rise
up, away. grant every quest
no need for a dress
'cause tonight is the time. my time
for a long, slow glide
nipping, bite. till another flight
takes my breath
my heart
away, in volcanic contractions
while trying to make tracks
down a his snow covered hill, landing
sunny side up
to face, the new day ....

;) :D

I'll see if I can't take a stab at something here in a moment. Pardon while I "word" this first. :)
Many Feathers said:
I'll see if I can't take a stab at something here in a moment. Pardon while I "word" this first. :)

word? Aww heck, here I thought
you were gonna write ... a naughty bit or two ~~~

:D ;) :rose:

There's passion in the swirl of water,
a throbbing tickling of water on neather places
turned towards the jets caress,
while behind, a caress of another sort occurs.

Hands to hold and wrap around twin pleasures,
thrusting against the current,
pulsating whispers of pleasure kissing each
slippery still the soft recess of delight

Heated comfort surrounding,
slapping waves against the blue swirls of gloss
against the heated flush of reddened flesh
moans concealed in the bubbling mirth

Ecstacy abounds in playful banter
fingers toying the waters pulsating caress
and the pulsating nubbin of exposed flesh
twirled clit in two kisses

laughter, joy, glee
then a held breath

Many Feathers said:
BTW, did you see any braceletts, ankletts you liked? Told you I'd send you one if there was one you liked....:)

yes, i'd like that middle bracelet in the second pic that i picked out on your trading thread. please send me your details so i can paypal you (might have to reset my paypal account up again).

and... isn't it about time you did a little tree planting there...?

wildsweetone said:
yes, i'd like that middle bracelet in the second pic that i picked out on your trading thread. please send me your details so i can paypal you (might have to reset my paypal account up again).

and... isn't it about time you did a little tree planting there...?


I agree !!

My Mom can take a sliver of ay plant/tree and make it renew its roots. A green thumb some say but I believe she is just special that way. Sooo, take a sprout, a sliver and put in a bitta water. Some say, to add a bit of plant growth to it. I will ask her tomorrow and see what you can do. She will know and I promise to pass it to you.

Unfor. I do not think I have this gift :eek: with plants but with people, I flourish.
