fucking machines and goat trails

"Oh my god.
The prodigal daughter returns.
Or is that primordial?

Hi, Never.
How's tricks?
How the hell do you know about frat boys?
:cool: "

Goodness, I am still a newbie. Prodigal will do.

Tricks are fine, I have been studying my butt off for finals, and I stopped by to say, 'how-do?'

I know through reputation, some of the people I spend the most time with are wonderful gossips. I've become a wild, party girl... vicariously that is.

What, did you think I learned about frat boys from personal experience? Please - boys are icky. I kissed one during spring break and got cooties, well, they called it mono but I know what it really was!

I think God was punishing me for engaging in unnatural acts.

Anywho, I will see you 'round.

~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~
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Rinse, please

I recall that "Real Sex" featured a fucking machine that came in the form of a glorified dentist's chair. I have to say, it looked quite exciting and the woman who was the beneficiary of the demonstration appeared to enjoy herself.

I think that for many people one of the things missing in a fucking machine is the sense of "mass" behind the thrust. Part of the thrill of being on the receiving end is not just the dimensions of the penis but that feeling of the energetic thrust behind it. I submit that it's one thing to have a piston pumping a metal rod attached to a dildo, and another thing entirely to have 150 or so pounds of flesh thrust a cock forward.

That being said, I'm sure that these machines can nicely augment a couple's sex life, particularly with a BDSM motif, and solo players may enjoy the hands-free aspect of an encounter with them.
I have heard of them. The hun usually has a nice fucking machine gallery up just about everyday.
Re: Re: fucking machines and goat trails

Guru said:
("Lesbian" in quotes and horrible because it is so obvious that the "actresses" are 1. not lesbian, 2. have overly huge, unnatural fake boobs and 3. were reading words, and directed by, a completely-ignorant-of-the-female-psyche male.)
So who gets off on movies like this anyway?

Man. It sounds almost painful to watch. (And not the good kinda pain, either!)
i don't think antbody does

i think movies of the type Guru describes are made as comedies for bachelor parties, and lesbian get togethers.

Part of the comedic effect is the fact that even the "actresses"(?) are not allowed to get off.

So Guru...did you get this movie in one of those "grab bag" 3 for $10 deals?

They always toss a stinker like that in those. Uhhh...so my...uhh, friend told me!

i'm not SURE...

i think embarrassment is not allowed on the BDSM thread. i think it's in one of the stickies. :D

My....uhh friend says those compilations can be great, but they do add a little filler here and there. Like in some hamburgers.

Thanks a lot for your story, you always add a touch of spice to every conversation.

i'm surprised that guy in your av hasn't escaped yet. "Light bondage" indeed, he seems to be staying voluntarily. i hope you do too.
If i had known this thread was still gonna be here, i'd have named it something else. Why is always the awkwardly-titled threads that never seem to drop?
It was the name of the thread that got me to read it - I laughed before I read word one of it's contents! "Fucking Machines and Goat Trails" sounds like the title to something really good, even if it isn't so mainstream sounding.

cymbidia said:
If i had known this thread was still gonna be here, i'd have named it something else. Why is always the awkwardly-titled threads that never seem to drop?
Heard of them, seen them...not in RL though...care to demonstrate??

Sheesh...what'd I put in my coffee??

It might be mentioned that Masters and Johnson, for research reported in Human Sexual Response, some years back, employed a fucking machine of their own design, apparently used without incident by the women. It had one feature that posters here have not mentioned for the other devices: a camera mounted inside the shaft. (It seems males always want a closer look!)
Fucking Machine!

Yes I have heard of a Fucking Machine. As a matter of fact a lot of Master's or Dom's use them. To tease and torture a sub or slave. Even though I think that they really enjoy it. I don't ahve one, but would not mind having one to use from time to time.
Oh yes.... definitely!


There was a young man from Racine
Who invented a Fucking machine.
Concave or convex,
It served eother sex;
But OH! what a BITCH to keep clean.

I thankyeow. <bows>
Just for Guru, because this almost made it to page two. I'm sure he wouldn't want that.
Oh for gods sakes.
Y'all are sadistic.

You are sadisitic - and this is just the right place for you to be so, too!
Why thank you very much! It's nice to recognized as a success in whatever endeavors one might engage in!

cymbidia said:
Oh for gods sakes.
Y'all are sadistic.

You are sadisitic - and this is just the right place for you to be so, too!
cymbidia said:
Oh for gods sakes.
Y'all are sadistic.

You are sadisitic - and this is just the right place for you to be so, too!

aaaahhhhh...it's good to be home.