fucking machines and goat trails

Okay then, goat trails....

My life seems to be following a very goat-trailish path for the past year.

A move into a new house with so much work to do. A promotion at work to a new job I have no clue how to do yet. Training for that new job... some in New Jersey and some in Austin, TX and more god knows where. My brother and his 14 year old daughter living with us because his life is so screwed up and his wife is an even bigger mess. Ugh.

And though all this, I am figuring out that I am not just some casual kink fan, I am a full-out, certifiable freak with need for things I just can't get from my very vanilla wife.

Where am I going with this post? For first time in a while, I don't have a clue. I guess I am just trying to find something solid to hold onto while I look for a better next step on this goat trail. Something that will satisfy my need to explore and at the same time provide some stability. Something that tastes good and won't weigh me down. Something that just feels right.

I want to yell, I want to sleep, I want to break, I want to build, I want to drive maniacally fast, I want to take a slow drive though the country, I want to I don't know what really. Not really. But I'll probably wake up tomorrow, revel in my own morning wood, take a shower, head off to work and feel right again. Sometimes, life sure is a goat trail. I guess I should be glad it's more of a goat trail than a fucking machine.
Okay I am better now...

Okay, I did wake up the next morning and although I wasn't exactly wowed by my morning wood, it was comfort enough that all was right enough with the world that I should face the new day with a new attitude. So I did.

I didn't even get to my desk at work and found out that while I was in New Jersey the previous week, a coworker friend passed away in his sleep last week. He had a sudden heart attack at age 55.

He and another friend would go to lunch with me about once a month and talk rediculous trash about all sorts of things, laughing and doing the male-bonding thing.

So all of a sudden my goat trail seems a bit more navigable, even if less certain. I am okay. Good even, but I'll still miss my friend.
My Goat Trail

The woman that took care of me since I was 15 died this morning. She was my mother in law and I was so very lucky to have her. For purely selfish reasons I feel horrible that she's gone. For purely unselfish reasons I'm so very glad that her suffering is over. This is going to change my life in ways I'm sure that I can't even really imagine right now.

:rose: I love you Mom.:rose:
Awww lilfrk... my heart goes out to you.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Oh lilfrk, my most sincere and heartfelt sympathies for you and your Man - and the rest of your family. Your Mom must have been a special woman indeed, for you to have loved and respected her so deeply.

I am so very sorry.
My condolences to you lilfrk. I understand your feelings, I felt much the same when my Grandmother died, greivous at her passing, but joyfull at the end of her suffering. Do not feel badly toward yourself for these feelings, they are natural in the situation.

My uncle died on Thursday morning and like you i had those selfish and unselfish thoughts. For many years, he was a father to me and i can't imagine what life will be like without his constant presence. Unselfishly, i'd prayed that his suffering would end.

If you want to talk, i'm just a pm or e-mail away.

monster, lilfrk, and mg

My sincerest condolences go out to each one of you.. seems everyone has been losing someone close to them lately, and it really sucks... if i can be of any help to any one of you, please let me know.. ok??
hugs to you all.... :heart:
mg, that's the bitter end of life, literally. My condolences on your loss.

Goat trails sure do suck sometimes. But they have their ups, too. I am sure you will be seeing better days soon.

morninggirl5 said:

My uncle died on Thursday morning and like you i had those selfish and unselfish thoughts. For many years, he was a father to me and i can't imagine what life will be like without his constant presence. Unselfishly, i'd prayed that his suffering would end.

If you want to talk, i'm just a pm or e-mail away.

Re: monster, lilfrk, and mg

Thanks Sierra, thats very thoughtful.

But you might want to ask that wearing a little more than rope. I am feeling better now, and might want "help" in ways you aren't offering!

SierraMoon said:
My sincerest condolences go out to each one of you.. seems everyone has been losing someone close to them lately, and it really sucks... if i can be of any help to any one of you, please let me know.. ok??
hugs to you all.... :heart:
Re: Re: monster, lilfrk, and mg

monster666 said:
Thanks Sierra, thats very thoughtful.

But you might want to ask that wearing a little more than rope. I am feeling better now, and might want "help" in ways you aren't offering!

any way that i can help, monster.... :)
Re: Re: Re: monster, lilfrk, and mg

lord, whatever happened to the women that modestly protested whenever a man crossed the line of decency? lol

I am gonna need a pacemaker if times get any faster.

SierraMoon said:

any way that i can help, monster.... :)
morninggirl5 said:
My uncle died on Thursday morning and like you i had those selfish and unselfish thoughts. For many years, he was a father to me and i can't imagine what life will be like without his constant presence. Unselfishly, i'd prayed that his suffering would end.
Oh, mg, i am so sincerely sorry.
I'll hold you and your family gently in my thoughts.
Re: Re: Re: Re: monster, lilfrk, and mg

monster666 said:
lord, whatever happened to the women that modestly protested whenever a man crossed the line of decency? lol

I am gonna need a pacemaker if times get any faster.

all i have to say, is Thank God times have changed... i've never been one to stand on propriety.... (would rather kneel)... lol
mg, Robuck and I would like to offer you our condolences.


and lilfrk ... glad you are feeling a little better now.

Monster, Sierra ... thanks for being you! And for bringing a smile to my face! (errrrr ... now, 'go get a room' as my daughter is apt to say if Robuck and I get a little lovey dovey when she is around!;) )
Oh, thtop it. You know we don't pway that way.

WillowPuss said:
mg, Robuck and I would like to offer you our condolences.


and lilfrk ... glad you are feeling a little better now.

Monster, Sierra ... thanks for being you! And for bringing a smile to my face! (errrrr ... now, 'go get a room' as my daughter is apt to say if Robuck and I get a little lovey dovey when she is around!;) )
WillowPuss said:

Monster, Sierra ... thanks for being you! And for bringing a smile to my face! (errrrr ... now, 'go get a room' as my daughter is apt to say if Robuck and I get a little lovey dovey when she is around!;) )
Our pleasure, Willow... i assure you!! :p