Gotham: After Dark (closed for LitShark, Princesssexci, SweetP4U and myself)

Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon, an Unwanted interruption and an Unexpected Present - Wayne Birthday Gala

Okay, it wasn’t smooth, given the person saying it, it was highly unlikely to be, however Dick Grayson desperately wanted to be alone with Barbara, somehow, some way escape the friend zone! “Let’s get a drink and go find someplace where I can open your gift… You wanna cum up to my room and then we can go find one of the bands where the music is actually from this decade!”

He had reached out his hand, hoping she would take it, and they could get out of here. “Obviously, but don’t you have to mingle and stuff?” He took the question at face value, it made sense, except, and then she asked the discerning question. “Did Bruce just invite his associates to your birthday party?” Dick’s eyes cast down, as his heart sank, but then he answered honestly, “Well he asked the one person I asked him to have here….” His eyes returning back up. There was more to the answer than this, things hopefully she would understand.

”I just got back home, and I’ve never hung around here that much, even growing up, so I don’t really ahve what you might call friends here … other than you?” He asked hopefully, hoping they were at least that. God, he knew it sounded pathetic, and maybe it was. However, Dick had never spent enough time in any one place, to develop real friendships. Perhaps there was more, but that was how he rationalized it. He had classmates, teammates, he had been a star in a largely individualistic sport, gymnastics.

“It isn’t Bruce’s fault, he asked, I’d love to meet some of your friends, I’m joining a gym, but… yeah, the only one I asked to be here was you.” He looked at her hopeful, a bit of a puppy dog, looking for approval. He moved closer, still hoping she’d take his hand, when suddenly the man he had been watching earlier, was suddenly in front of him. How exactly hea had gotten there without Dick realizing, he wasn’t sure, but that made him none the happier.

“Dick, happy birthday. I can’t stay long so I wanted to pass along my well wishes,” The man was staring at him, almost through him, the words friendly enough, the look far less so, “Uh, thank you, do we know each other … Bruce said …” But suddenly he stopped as the man handed him a package and in one fell swoop reached up and with the flick of experienced fingers had the tie undone. “Hey, what the …”. Dick was not really one to use curse words, Bruce rarely did, and like everything he ever seemed to do, he was trying to live up to what Bruce Wayne might want.

The familiarity with which the man reached up, was at first disarming, and quickly enraging. “Hey stop it … “ He didn’t. Dick was at once embarrassed and furious, who was this “danger man” as Bruce had reference, treating him like a child, worse yet, in front of Barbara. What would Bruce do? The man was quick, deft, experienced. “Listen you old, freaky creep …. Dick moved his hand to harshly swift the man away, but he had already finished, the tie tight, too tight.

“Thanks so much for having me,” Ra’s clapped his hands onto Dick’s shoulders with enough force that it might have folded a dirt bike in half, “you’re looking great.” One of them was pleased, one humiliated and not about to let Barbara see him not fight back.

”What is the matter with you... you creep… maybe you’re into touching young guys, but I’m not into old dudes, any dudes!” He quickly corrected… Ra’s was already walking away. He had dropped the present in his surprise, considered throwing it after the man as he walked away, but didn’t. He pulled at the tie and undid it…Not as easily as Ra’s had, but he got it undone. “Seriously Mister… that was really fucking creepy! I like girls!”

He was still flustered, but he wasn’t putting his hand out anymore, he reached out, and put his arm around Barbara, claiming her, and reaffirming his own masculinity, in case it was in question. He looked her in the eyes, “Let’s get out of here… “ And then he added, not wanting to be embarrassed again, this was turning into the worst birthday ever, and he had, had some really bad one. He looked deep into Barbara, hoping she wasn’t laughing at him, finally softening, “Please?” He still had the present in his hand, but only Bruce would allow him to understand its significance?
“Well he asked the one person I asked him to have here….”

Barbara’s heart pounded at that statement. Did he mean…her? A light blush creeped up on her cheeks as she tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear.

”I just got back home, and I’ve never hung around here that much, even growing up, so I don’t really ahve what you might call friends here … other than you?”

“Dick…” she murmured his name sweetly. As she stepped closer, he kept talking.

“It isn’t Bruce’s fault, he asked, I’d love to meet some of your friends, I’m joining a gym, but… yeah, the only one I asked to be here was you.”

God, no one had ever invited her to a party as his only guest. It was …sweet. She started to say something, to even accept his invitation to go elsewhere —

“Dick, happy birthday. I can’t stay long so I wanted to pass along my well wishes,”

Barbara visibily stiffened at the sound and sight of Ras Al Ghul. Now that she knew he was dangerous, she felt a bit more tense around him.

“Uh, thank you, do we know each other … Bruce said …”

Barbara watched the interaction between the two men and her eyes widened as Ras seemed to “fix” his tie. Of course that made Dick angry and she didn’t blame him at all. She couldn’t imagine someone coming over to her and trying to fix her hair or makeup which she supposed was the equivalent to a tie.

“Hey, what the …hey stop it!”

She watched helplessly unsure of what to do. Did she try to stop Ras Al Ghul from
fixing his tie?( which she thought looked fine)

“Listen you old, freaky creep ….”

“Thanks so much for having me,” Ra’s clapped his hands onto Dick’s shoulders with enough force that it might have folded a dirt bike in half, “you’re looking great.”

Barbara’s eyes narrowed as Ras Al Ghul turned and smirked at her before disappearing into the crowd. Still rude. That little display didn’t change her mind. She was half tempted to flip him off but that would probably make everything worse.

“Dick, are you okay?” She asked after his outburst about only liking women. Barbara was confused when she felt his arm come around him and he almost had a dominating tone which sent a shiver down her spine.

“Let’s get out of here… “

Before she could respond, he added “Please…”

A smile appeared on her face. “Yeah, um
okay lets go. Lead the way, birthday boy and I’ll follow.”
Det. Lily Stowe – Dixon Docks

Jimmy is standing, hip cocked, looking at the far wall two forensics technicians are snapping pictures of. Fascinated by blood, maybe? I’ve seen it before and since the Joker went Awol, the fruitcakes have come out of the rotten old stones of Gotham. Five-gallon buckets strewn about, some on their side but most are upright. Evidence of stomach bile in one, blood is in many of them. How original, someone painted “ha ha ha” all over the walls with both. Amateur hour really annoys me, but I’ve got a job to do to pay those bills to see an apartment I am rarely ever at. This whole scene is staged, something so unoriginal and foul, as to who did it and why, well… No clue.

“Bill?” He’s at the body, his third tonight and taking his time to try and preserve another John Doe. He looks far more tired than I do, this madness is getting to him…. If one could judge by the dark circles under his eyes.

“They bled him out as they skinned him, evident of course in the buckets but also the lack of blood pooled around him. Each organ looks to be punctured by a fine sharp instrument, won’t know until I can cast the wound tracks, but I am thinking scalpel, but I wouldn’t rule out something also slim, like a screwdriver perhaps. The clown makeup also was applied after death, but the stitching of his mouth was after death, and before the makeup. Security is doing rounds to check on their men, see if anyone is missing. I overheard the young officer over there telling your partner.” He stops, shifting to stand and peeling off his gloves.

“Well, I’d say run his prints, but he hasn’t got any. Try dental, a full tox-screen also. Not sure why no one heard this man’s screams.” There is a lot to bag around here, including old rags, also drenched in fluids. He could have been gagged. “Thanks Bill, let me know when you have something.” As I always say, and as he always replies, “Sure will, Detective.” How many times a week and how many bodies? He’s backed up with all this, I heard he was seeking assistants but not sure if he has gotten any yet. Again, someone with poor taste did this massacre but I have yet to find a single motive to the why of it?

No evidence of guns here, no piles of anything but painter’s crap. Not clean enough here to be a drug lab, could have hauled the man here or found him here? Maybe he interrupted something going on around the docks? I’d believe that if we were nearer to Crime Alley, but way out here? Most of these docks were loading areas with smaller freight. Warehouses for dry goods, trucks in and out of here at all hours of the night. Nothing massive, not even shipping containers were unloaded here, too small for that. Stolen goods? I write this down and underline it twice.

“Bag everything ladies and gentlemen.” I say loud enough to be heard throughout the open warehouse, looking at James a moment before heading to my car. A few strides from Bill, I pause and turn back, “Did anyone find this man’s skin?” Silence as each person looks around to another, no one speaking up. “I see.” If it was tossed into the river, it’s gone. “Check around, inside, outside, you know the drill. See if we can find something to identify this man.” Complaints come from only one or two, but such is life grunts… such is life.

“Stowe!” Name breaks over the box, mic clicking off and back on. Moving to my car, I grab for it, “Detective Stowe.” I wait, fully climb into my cruiser and settle, flipping the note pad shut to wait.

“We got reports of some mad man screaming down in old town. Check it out.” I press the button but nothing comes out. Letting off that open mic, isn’t that crap for patrol? Why is the captain sending me? “Screaming, Sir?” and release, in case I start cursing out loud. Sounds like they need medical assistance, a patrol officer? Someone else. I got enough shit to deal with, baby sitting loons and noisy neighbors isn’t in my job description.

“Affirmative. Rescue won’t go, got most of my guys at several crime scenes, is there a problem Detective?” Uh oh. THAT tone of voice, “No Sir, on my way.” Fucking ridiculous! Who the hell wants to go into old town? …. Ah, I see. No one will or wants to and I am new gopher on the totem pole. Send a female alone, into old town, at night.. Yeah, why do I feel I am still being hazed by these guys? All well, I will stop by Pete’s place, see what that old bastard has going on, maybe cruise around listening for.. what? Gun shots? Mad cackles? No doubt it’s some escaped crazy from Arkham again.
Pamela Isley Re: Ras Al Ghul
More interruptions - Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson

“It is a tempting offer, Dr. Isely. If I were here to socialize, I would be all-too pleased to entertain you until the sun broke on a blue dawn, but alas, I am here for business. As such, I suspect you and I should each mind our own,”

Pam lifted a slow dark brow at Ra’s Al Ghul. It really didn’t matter to her whether he wanted to stick around for the activities. It just meant that she’d have to find someone else to play with for the evening.

And no, she didn’t take offense.
“Sounds doable.” Pamela started to ease away but not before catching sight of Ra’s pulling out a card and handing it to her. She ran her fingertips over the embossed design on the card as she glanced up at him with a grin.

“It isn’t often that I wish to be contacted by anyone, but I’ll give you my card. Feel free to use it,”

Pamela took a slow sip of her champagne as she stared at him with no expression whatsoever.

“If you ever need it, you’ll be glad to have it,” he raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her wrist softly, “I’m off to go cut in. Wish me luck.”

“Hmmm…” she said not giving him a committed answer,”I’ll consider it. Have a good evening Ras Al Ghul…” she said turning as he was already moving away from her to go taunt Dick and whatever else it was that he was planning.

“I guess that means the festivities should start a tad bit early.” She slipped Ras Al Ghul’s card in her bra before pulling her cellphone out again.

Get ready to spray the mammals. was her text to her accomplices which were a bunch of eco obsessed humans.

Oh and she wasn’t going to let the birthday boy and his red headed friend disappear so quickly.

Using the champagne glass she still held she slowly made her way towards them as Ras Al Ghul disappeared into the crowd. “Im going to regret breaking these gorgeous shoes but…”

Purposely she moved in a way that her stilleto heel on her right foot broke as she got closer to them causing her to “accidentally” trip and spill her drink all over Barbara.

“What the —“ Barbara gasped she stared at the wet spot in the center of her chest.

“Oh my goodness! Im so sorry, I broke my heel and just lost my balance. Oh, I feel so terrible.” Pamela was really laying it on thick. “You should get that cleaned up though, it could stain.”

Barbara glanced over at Dick and then back at Pamela forcing a smile. “Yeah, I guess.” Jealousy was not a good look on her.

“Trust me, a gorgeous dress like that. You never know when you need your little blue petals around to lure in the bees, if you catch my drift.” Pam winked at the young girl. “I’ll make sure no one grabs your…boyfriends attention?” She glanced between the two as if questioning their relationship.

“Fine, I’ll be back.” She handed Dick his gift,”Dont open it til I get back.”

“Wow, she’s very bossy, isn’t she?” Pamela said after Barbara had gone up towards the bathroom. “Is that how you like it? Being bossed around by red heads? I’m Pamela by the way, a work associate of Bruce Wayne.”
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Bruce Wayne, Selina, Ra’s - Wayne Manor, The Birthday Gala, Dancing in the Study

Those greens were spectacular, more feral than human which made it all the sexier. I feel the long sharp claws inside my jacket, threatening to shred the pinpoint Egyptian cotton, I could only be so lucky. “You going to reintroduce me, Bruce?” Body flexes naturally to your touch, encouraging even tantalizing you to do your worst. “That was my hope yes, assuming you’re still interested.” Fuck I am enjoying this game of cat and mouse, although who is who is increasingly unclear.

“I may consider your offer,” and she turns back around, pressing her back to me once more and tugging my one hand around me, to hip and closer, lower towards that hidden vee between flexing, shifting thighs. “Depends on how the night goes, I do have an early morning tomorrow.”

Having made more than one overture here, I am hard pressed to know which offer is under consideration. With one hand now exactly where I want it, the other rolls over ball of shoulder and down think strong arms, down to hand to weave your fingers in mine. “I don’t know about you, but I find early mornings are often best performed by not sleeping at all the night before, a hard workout, a good sweat, a long shower, I am ready for what the morning might bring.

Cock has found it‘s home, hard and trapped between my lower abs and the crack of your ass. The swaying of the music allowing play along that delightful crevice. “I am sure, Dick is eager to meet you…” You set my hand so close, it seems rude not to make improper overturn. Fingers moving down to press into mound through pillowy, layered chiffon. Hand moves in slow clockwide circles, as pussy petted my light massage. “Too many clothes … “ Is whsipered, with promise that if less dressed, effect could be far more satisfying.

”What is under all these layers Selina, I hope you intend to show me?” I am only moments away from considering an early exit, at least temporarily, but perhaps permanent with the seductress in my arms, when I hear the voice and feel the touch on my shoulder, no fucking chance anyone is cutting in!

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Bruce,” Bruce watched as his one time mentor his now current, what exactly was Ra’s, not exactly friend, but not enemy, at least not yet, perhaps dangerous liaison best described it. He saw Ra’s swing around and look him in the eye, but fully aware of where Bruce held his hands.

”Yes, Ra’s, my ... Hands were a bit full at the moment.” He knew Ra’s wanted to talk with him, but he had clearly underestimated the urgency, and Ra’s had a very annoying habit of inappropriately prioritizing business over pleasure.

“Are you sure this can’t wait?” Bruce hadn’t let go, if anything he had taken the moment to press a bit hard, both by hand and cock, if for nothing else to have her still want the night to finish as they had teased.

He knew the answer though, it was no use trying to avoid, Ra’s would not take NO for an answer. “madam, I promise not to keep him long. But I have urgent business to attend tonight and I can’t stay much longer, I was hoping I could borrow you—only briefly to discuss some business…Privately if possible”

Whatever Ra’s wanted to discuss, Bruce was certain he would only want to hear in private, no matter the cost he might be about to pay. They both heard his sigh, as he let his hands slip away and turned Selina to face him. “I am sorry, but I hope this is not our only moment tonight, and I can guarantee you, it won’t be another five years, Selina Kyle. I have both your names now…and this gentleman here, calls me Detective.”

Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips, a small bow, a gentle kiss, and one last look into those greens before mouthing, “I’m sorry.” Words rarely spoken by Bruce Wayne.

Ra’s did not look happy, but he rarely did. “At the far end is a small door that leads to my humidor, the best brandy and cigars are in there, will that work for our discussion?” Bruce was already leading the way.
Ra's al Ghoul, Re: Bruce Wayne. An offer he can't refuse.

“Yes, of course Bruce. I would have sent a message by courier if time were not a going concern,” Ra’s answered in reply to Bruce’s petulant suggestion that it could wait, as though patience had never occurred to a man who had seen centuries pass before his eyes, “excuse us, m’lady.”

Ra’s gave a respectful bow to Selina, following Bruce into the humidor. He didn’t quite understand what was meant by “both her names,” but it was enough to make him take notice and remember her. Perhaps she was more than just a pretty face.

When they arrived inside the intimate, tobacco scented room, Ra’s reached for the open box of Romeo Y Julietta’s. Bruce’s personal collection included this box of pre-embargo cigars that were the envy of collectors the world over. Ra’s squeezed it gently, feeling the plushness of the fibers, having sat for decades in perfect humidity.

The seams along the hand-wrapped paper were beginning to take on a frosted look from small, blooms of very specialized mold—a positive sign of their age and quality. Ra’s extracted a razor sharp kukri blade from inside his coat to cut off the end between his thumb and the blade before dabbing it on his tongue a few times. Sheathing his blade, Ra’s rolled the cigar between his lips, dampening the end.

He selected a very fine, well-aged bottle of brandy. He poured two fingers into a crystal glass before setting the wet end of the cigar into the brandy to absorb.

“I don’t intend to keep you long, only felt the obligation to offer you this opportunity first, out of respect for our shared history. It was not my intention to interrupt the coronation of your heir apparent…” the bitterness was seeping into his tone, “I hope you never live to see your greatest mistake go on to enlist a mistake of their own—but I digress.

“I’m not here to discuss the issue of whether the secrets you’ve stolen from my temple are yours to pass down—nor the relative worthiness of your intended apprentice,” lucky thing that Ra’s didn’t mention those things, “instead I have come to offer you the opportunity of a dozen lifetimes.”

Ra’s let the gravity of that sink in. Though he was a man with faults, Ra’s was not a sensationalist. He very seldom overreacted and did not weigh the value of a “lifetime,” lightly.

“In my studies of the Lazarus Pits in Nanda Parbat, I have discovered a correlated cluster of pools on the opposite side of the world,” Ra’s extracted his cigar and slid the wet end into his mouth, motioning to Bruce for a match.

Once the flame was held to the end, Ra’s took several short, focused puffs, sucking the orange ember into the fibers of moist tobacco leaf.

“I’ll spare you the spinning of a globe, the corollary pits are at the bottom of Gotham Harbor, nearly two miles offshore.”

Ra’s paused to sip his brandy, which had added depth to the palate from the cigar soaking for those few minutes. Also a strong oak character, no doubt from the toasted barrels it had aged in before bottling.

“As I’m sure you can imagine, this presents a unique set of challenges for my organization, but not insurmountable challenges. It also presents a unique opportunity for one savvy investor to get in on the ocean floor of an unrivalled opportunity.

“For bureaucratic reasons, the project will be classified and zoned as an offshore oil platform—which might resemble a black eye on your environmental impact report, but we on the inside will know that no drilling will take place. Instead, we will have a running, functioning well to immortality—not to mention the right to practically print our own money for anyone intelligent enough to get in early.”

Ra’s paused, letting Bruce conceive of the power, the profit.

“I offer this opportunity to you before anyone else. You needn’t thank me. Only say ‘yes’ immediately, so I don’t have to fly to Metropolis and make the same offer at Lexcorp.”
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Selina Kyle - Bruce & Ra's in the Den (no rope this time)

Delicious. It comes to mind at first touch, and I cannot help the smile that lifts because of it. Such a playboy, no doubt about your skill set. You pitch your voice to a level that guarantees my panties will be dampened. Sway us to the beat of the music with infinite care to how you press to me. I can feel your body tense, fingers flex and know you would bend me over if you thought you could get away with doing so, right here and right now. Under these layers.. if only you knew, Bruce Wayne. Something witty would be good right now, some play back innuendo guaranteed to keep your mind on the little head and the larger one distracted… However, words just flow out the brain as eyes are suddenly blocked from the view of one crooning singer to a rather…


My head is lifting, as my eyes take in the man before us. And keep rising, up and up.. and oh my! Now those are some large hands and that is one massive sized male if I’ve ever saw one. Broad shoulder and, he scents of something… dangerous. Old, refined and those eyes almost pierce, the look is far too serious for a birthday party, at least that is my impression. He speaks, refined, controlled perhaps? He is not thrilled, but I don’t need to hear his words to know this, it is written on his bored features. I do wonder, is he proportionate all over and it makes me fight off a lecherous grin.

You turn me about, taking my eyes off the massive man and forcing me to focus on your stormy dark eyes. A shame, I was just getting to exploring the mountain of a man now behind me. Your sigh is adorable, though I doubt you would appreciate the sentiment coming from my lips to say so, especially in front of your associate here. Strong hands engulf nimble fingers and pull me towards you, your expression is full of regret and unbridled heat, dare I assume you’ve been trying to undress me with those eyes? I want to laugh, I love this game we play. Tease and lure, you want to pounce so badly.

“I am sorry, but I hope this is not our only moment tonight, and I can guarantee you, it won’t be another five years, Selina Kyle. I have both your names now…and this gentleman here, calls me Detective.” So reassuring, if I were concerned in this matter at all, yet I am not. You will find me, or you won’t. Depending on my boredom and patience. I smile, that sweet sultry way that gives everyone ideas of just what my mouth could possibly do to them, for them. “Of course, Gentlemen.” A dip of my head, fingers taking gown in and lifting enough to sidestep out of your way, so you may be on your way. Your lips brush my hand, and I nearly turn it over, let you kiss the palm instead. No, it would be improper under watchful mountain man’s eyes. I feel him watching, waiting, although just barely managing to do so.

He is not one to wait, if his body language is telling the right signals. I study him without lifting my head, but I noted the shoes, the suit and what little I did see of his face, I committed to memory. Who is this giant of a man? Someone I don’t know, and I thought I knew everyone of influence in Gotham… Apparently not. You speak to a room not far and I inwardly let myself sigh and quietly pout a bit. No chance of eavesdropping in on that conversation. Not in that controlled and very sealed off environment. Damn… I wonder what he has on his mind that would take you away from.. ME.. Festivities too.. Mostly me. I am far more fun than he is, maybe? Now I am curious, a dangerous state to be in for me. As is boredom and with both broad shoulders retreating off to some sealed old cigar room, alone.. without a single woman. Why? The reason escapes me, obviously business is more enjoyable to the pair of you than pleasure. Eh.. all well. Now… What to do with new found freedom? I have yet to see the banker arrive. Taking champagne flute in hand, I down it’s contents before setting the glass down and winding my way out side on the veranda. Tank is an excellent singer, but I have a thought.. something I want to do, and my smile grows positively wicked and an idea begins to formulate within my mind.
Harley Quinn

Spinning her bat around as she walked down through Gotham City. Harley had to wonder if maybe she could get away with —-get away with what? Fuck, she had lost her train of thought…again.

“Harley, can you hear me?”

She stopped walking and glanced around, her body visibly stiffening. Amanda Waller.
“Noooooo…I thought I got rid of you.” Harley whined.

She hit the side of her head to make that specific voice stop. Why? Because it was the voice of an actual person, not a figment of her imagination and she was well aware that most of the voices in her head were all figments of imagination. A way to cope with her loneliness.

“We just got news that the Joker is back…”

At that, Harley laughed…

And laughed….

and laughed…..

“Oh thats funny! Mistah J—-The Joker is dead. Got killed in Metop…Metropolitan? Central City? That place where what his face thats always fightin with Batman is from: Superboy or whatever. Nice try, Waller. I ain’t comin back to your stupid suicide squad.”

As she walked, she frowned noticing the dead bodies on the ground, her brow furrowing. She didn’t remember killing these people.

Harley might’ve been a little crazy now and then but she always remembered when she killed someone. It was like a stain on her pretty little soul.

“He’s alive Harley. Sources say he’s a vampire too.”

“Sources? Vampire? Thats dumb, Waller. You tellin me he got bit by Dracula or somethin? Its obviously another one of his copy cats. And where are you always getting your information from? It sounds like fake news to me.”

“I have my ways. I have a new proposition for you. You take down this ‘copycat’ of Joker and I’ll get you back into Arkham.”

Harley eyes narrowed at the mass amounts of dead bodies. “I’m not taking the deal. I’ve done my time in prison, I’m not going back.”

“As a psychiatrist, Harley. I’ll clear your name say that you’re reformed.”

Harley didn’t trust Amanda Waller, she never did. Still, to take down whoever the fuck decided to copy the Joker and make him into a vampire of all things? That was sweet vengeance in itself. Only Harley was allowed to make him look like an idiot. Anyone else doing it was just an insult.

“Vampires have to be killed with stakes.” Harley said.

“Well then, guess you better start carving up that bat of yours. Do I look like a Watcher to you?”

“I dunno, you seem pretty stalkery to me.”




“Damn it!” She stared at her bat with a pout. “I dont wanna carve up my baby.”
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Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon and Pamela Isley - The Wayne Estate, coitus courting interrupted or just a change of plans?

Dick was still seething from the altercation with this Ra’s relic! He shivered with the feeling of the man’s fingers touching him, palms slamming down on his shoulders. Thank goodness Barbara was there, and he was mad enough that if he could get her alone he was going to finally let her see how he felt!

Dick reached out to grab her hand, it was the first time Dick had been in Barbara’s hand, and it felt good there. “Come with me?” Yet they had barely talent a step when …
“What the —“ Barbara gasped she stared at the wet spot in the center of her chest. Dick hadn’t seen it happened, but turned to see the result.

“Oh my goodness! Im so sorry, I broke my heel and just lost my balance. Oh, I feel so terrible.” Pamela seemed sincere, would a woman that beautiful lie, and she was so elegant, surely it was an accident.

Dick looked at the GORGEOUS brunette, and stammered, as he stared at the one woman, while reaching out and fondlingg Barbara’s chest, as if he could whisk away the splllage by motorboating his hand between Barbar’s two, somewhat drenched swells.

“You should get that cleaned up though, it could stain.” See the nice beautiful, really, really gorgeous woman was trying to be nice, she felt bad, trying to fix things. Dick gave he a little smile.

Suddenly realizing what he was doing and where his hand was, in his attention to the woman in green, his hand had inadvertently slipped inside Barbara’s plunging blue dress, and was caressing her young nipple. “Oh Barbara, I’m sorry… “ He pulled his hand out as if hit by electric shock. “Let’s get you some help… Alfred over here please…”.

Alfred seemed to be everywhere, and so Dick slipped his hand to the small of Barbara’s back steering him toward the Wayne Manor man servant. “Ms. Gordon, I’m so sorry, if you come with me, I can get that fixed right up for you, like it never happened?” Alfred was being kind, it was a mess, but he was very good, and had handled far worse for Mr. Wayne. “Be sure to bring her back to me… “ Dick said, giving Barbara a weak smile, while constantly having his eyes pan back and forth between the two women. “I won’t open anything until you get back…uh …uh … Barbara” and he truly meant it when he said that.

Alfred sensed the multiple faux paus being made by Master Dick, and did his best to cover it up. “Don’t mind him ma’am, Master Dick was so excited to see you tonight, I am sure he is just disappointed to have to let you go for even a minute….” He kept Barbara moving so she wouldn’t look back over her shoulder.

In his young, naive, virgin heart, Dick thought he was in love with Barbara, and despite his young age, and complete lack of any sexual experience, one should not doubt the depth or sincerity of his feelings … despite momentarily forgetting her hame! She was the only girl he had ever really known. Yet, despite that, this woman in green was unlike anything he had ever seen, these types of women just weren’t walking around the various campuses he attended or any other place he had ever been, these were the type of women usually draped all over Bruce. She was almost hypnotizing, he did his best to muster any coherent thought at all.

Now just the two of them the woman in green turned her attention to him. “Wow, she’s very bossy, isn’t she?” Pamela said after Barbara had gone up towards the bathroom. “Is that how you like it? Being bossed around by red heads? I’m Pamela by the way, a work associate of Bruce Wayne.”

Dick turned all his focus on the older GORGEOUS woman, he knew Barbara was clearly unhappy, as her tone with the woman in green suggested. However, Dick had an obligation as the host to turn the other cheek and be welcoming. Barbara out of sight, he turned and extended his hand.

His eyes spanned up and down her long, elegant frame, and then did it again … and … once more. Picture a puppy with his first exposure to a real dog sized bone, and you have it about right, he may have even panted. “No, of course not, she doesn’t boss me around .. we… we’re just friends!…”. But the rest of the message took a bit of starch from his shorts, “You’re one of Bruce’s…” He didn’t finish. “I’m Dick… Dick Grayson and I am very happy to meet you Pamela…“Yep, Dick certainly was. He had so little game, so he said what was on his mind, “Do you realize how beautiful you are?” And then smiled, with his boyish good looks and dimples.

Somehow the words were still going through his head, “Is that how you like it? Being bossed around by red heads?” This woman’s hair also had a reddish tint… and the sound of that.. if he were honest… sounded pretty interesting… depending on the order that is…. “It’s my birthday today, I’m so glad you came….” Again his eyes ventured up and down, he had never seen anything like her before, and he wanted, desperately wanted to see more! “…could I show you around?”
Bruce Wayne & Ra’s al Ghoul - Bruce Wayne’s walk in humidor hidden by secret passage in the Wayne Study, The Wayne Birthday Gala

There was really no other place to have a discussion with Ra’s al Ghoul, then where Bruce took him. The Humidor was as fine as any in the world. With a double sealed entrance, the humidity never varied by my than one half of one percent, nor did the barometric pressure or the temperatue, held at exactly 59 degrees.

In fairness, Bruce had learned this level of exacting specificity from his one time mentor, however Bruce had resources Ra’s had never obtained. Ra’s was a man of the old world, ancient customs, but exacting standards. Bruce was equally exacting but his affinity for technology, he had taken Wayne Technologies to one of the five wealthiest companies in the world, and second in the United States, only to LutherCorp.

Bruce was perturbed by Ra’s’ interruption. While accustomed to the seduction of beautiful woman, Selina Kyle was one who had once gotten away, Bruce had hoped to close that loop and thought, he had been on the verge of doing exactly that. Yet he knew the man, and knew Ra’s understood a man’s needs, even members fo the leave. In most instances he would have waited, even allowed himself to enjoy the show that was the dancing of Selina Kyle, so to interrupt it had to be important, and Ra’s did not suffer fools lightly.

Bruce did have one of the finest cigar collections in the world. Ra’s had immediately gone to the third chamber where his oldest, rarest cigars were kept. The Romeo and Julietta’s, 1954, and the Montecristo 2’s, Cuba’s finest both pre Castro. He had eight boxes total, for of each and to date he had smoked six total of the original nearly 200. It was impossible to buy such a collection outright he had bartered and trades, one collector’s prize for another. In his case it had been a case of 1945 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, a French Burgundy, the last year of harvesting the oldest line of grape. In total, only 600 bottles were made, in 2018 a single bottle had sold at Sotheby’s for just under a half a $ million.

The handling and trade of the precious cargoes had made organ transplants look haphazard and sloppy. So to share one was no small gesture, nor was the 21 year old bottle of Brandy that was Ra’s favorite, Bruce poured two fingers, of 24 year old Macallan’s, single malt, with just a splash of water to release the flavor. Bruce enjoyed watching Ra’s savor the moment. He would only share such a prize with a man who held the same appreciation for the unquestioned piece of art he held in his hand and dipped in his glass.

”Will you be going home when we’re done here? I can have a couple packaged and sealed for short term transport, but they only allow you to maintain the necessary conditions for at most an hour?” He knew the gesture would mean something to Ra’s. Despite their difference, his betrayal, there was a part of Bruce who appreciated the ancient man, as he did few, if any others.

He let slide the comment about Dick, it was jealousy, and he knew he had hurt the man … deeply. It had not been the intent, but had been the necessity. Ironically, their objectives were not as misaligned as some might think, but for Ra’s the end always justified the means, and for Bruce, he had no desire to play God. He rolled the cigar in his lips, inhaling and enjoying the flavor. Most cigars lasted maybe 12-18 months, but when preserved as Bruce did, the aged better than the finest wine.

He let Ra’s talk, he wouldn’t dally long, he never did. Finally, the offer was made, it was every bit the once in a lifetime, perhaps in a millenium offer. Yet, Bruce found it distasteful. Once again, Ra’s was playing God, and in a world where resources were depleting, items as simple and fundamental as fresh water, running more and more scarce, the idea of immortality could be devastating. He knew the price some men would pay for immortality, of course he was not one of them. He had lived a life of great anguish, and when his time came, he was fully prepared to sit in judgment, even if the verdict was guilty. No, he would not be a customer.

However he held his tongue and it was the closing statement that did it. “I offer this opportunity to you before anyone else. You needn’t thank me. Only say ‘yes’ immediately, so I don’t have to fly to Metropolis and make the same offer at Lexcorp.”

Bruce did not care so much that Lexcorp was the one company wealthier than Wayne Enterprises, it was the fact that Lex Luther was a man completely without scruples. Ra’s knew that Bruce would not allow that to happen, he couldn’t. “Do you really feel that this is a power that should be put in the hands of man, these men?” Bruce knew that Ra’s shared the same disdain for the weakest and most corruptible of their kind.

It was a rhetorical question, Ra’s didn’t care, they could all kill each other for all he cared, in fact he desired exactly that, in many if not most instances. “Bruce took a sip of the smooth scotch, let it swirl on his tongue and then took a long puff on the cigar.

He let out a sigh as he exhaled. Ra’s was a man of considerable means, not at Bruce or Lex Luther’s level, but significant wealth. Why did he need a partner? However the fact remains, there was no other answer given the alternative if he said NO, the two men looked into each other’s eyes, before Bruce answered. “How much Ra’s, how much do you need… and .. when?”
Joker, Reunion with Harley and an interruption from Lily

A hunting we will go…” the slow, haunting voice echoed through the network of blind alleys and nearly inaccessible, dumpster-lined courtyards.

A hunting we will go…” the lilting of the repetition indicated that the voice was singing, but there was no mirth in the song, only malice.

High-ho the dairy-oh—” the lanky man dragged a body behind him, homeless from the look of him, but he’d been drunk, so Joker was enjoying him. He trailed his bloody fingertips along the brick alley wall, leaving long smears of blood that wound their way into cursive letters, “h-a-h-a-h-a-hahahaha.”

A hunting we will go.”

Suddenly, Joker froze still, rigid and tense. He smelled her. Harley. His Harley. He sniffed the air, she was close. Even among his trail of fresh kills and in this menagerie of restaurant waste, he could smell her hair on the night breeze. Maybe being a vampire wouldn’t be so bad after all.

He shrieked with laughter, taking off at a dead sprint. The alleys and cutbacks whizzed past him, he was covering dozens of yards with each stride. Now that he’d fed, he was beginning to understand the scope of the power he’d been given.

Maybe he wouldn’t kill that big titty leather bitch the next time he saw her.

The pavement sizzled under the heels of his wingtip shoes, as he slid to a stop behind her. His eyes were feral, reflecting the dim light in silver discs at the center of his irises.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ‘Daddy’s Little Monster,’” his arms were around her before she finished taking her next breath, “have you missed me? I’ve missed you. Hell was fun—lots of fun! But it gave me… perspective. What’s the use of a whole-dimension-of-suffering-souls-to-torment-where-evil-is-the-only-currency, if you don’t have someone to share it with…”

The last few words were labored as he spent his full lung capacity, he took a long, deep breath with his nose laid flat against her corraded artery. Breathing her in.

“I’m saying, I’m glad you’re alive…” his hand across her chest rose slowly upward, his fingers gently encircling her neck, “puddin’.”

Just then, from the direction he’d come, Joker heard another presence. He turned with superhuman speed, holding Harley in front of him like a hostage. The ways she wanted to be held. The way she deserved to be held.

“Well well, what have we here,” Joker’s night vision saw a lovely, blue eyed thing, similarly out on a moonlit stroll through crime alley. Probably a thrill seeker. A sex-freak who hoped to get raped so that a hero might save them.”

But the bat signal was dark.

A cloud crossed the moon.

“Whadda ya think, Puddin’? Shall I hold her down and let you ride her like a marital aid? We always did so much better at the getting back together than we ever did with the breaking up. Then we’ll take down that bitch Ivy for leading you on!”

At least his manic self was as energetic as ever. He could feel her pulse under his fingertips. Living blood. Warm. Sweet.

Blue eyes was full of it too. She probably tasted like adrenaline.

“What’s your name, bleeder? I’m your friendly, neighborhood, vampire clown from hell! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! If that don’t make your panties wet you might be broken. What do you say? Ever been fucked by the undead?”


Ra's al Ghoul, Re: Bruce Wayne. The Enemy of My Enemy

Ra’s used the cigar to disguise his face, so Bruce couldn’t see the smile that spread there. His poker face returned before he lowered his hand to exhale the smoke.

“I don’t think it should be put in Lex’s hands—it’s why I approached you first. Why you’re the ideal investor, who knows of the Lazarus Pits but doesn’t covet the power for yourself. I don’t need to convince you that they do what I say, you’ve witnessed it. Simply think of it as an opportunity to keep power out of evil hands, while also expanding your wealth. Your investment buys you influence over how, when and how often these pits are used.

“Preliminary estimates are two and a half billion—maybe another half to include a state-of-the-art desalinator to provide clean water to Gotham for free. If we are able to use Wayne Tech equipment and personnel, we could probably do the whole thing for two B’s. I have a billion dollars of my own invested. If you match my donation and make your corporate resources available to me we will be equal partners. Nothing comes out without our mutual consent except for enough clean water to make sure this perpetually damp city has enough clean water to drink for as long as this structure stands.”

That was the big difference between Ra’s and the Detective—his big, soft heart. Do a little bit of good and he would practically lay down.

The main obstacle was legitimacy, which the Wayne name could offer. The money was incidental to the legitimizing of the project under the guise of an oil platform.

Ra’s extended his hand.

“We can agree like gentlemen. The paperwork will reflect everything I’ve said,” if he was lucky he could still meet up with Talia to check on his other little Gotham project.
Selina Kyle / Catwoman : 2nd floor Master Bedroom

I mingled only when delayed and made to make nice, searching the partygoers was not as difficult as I first thought it would be. Fewer showed up here than I had predicted. Still, the banker and his wife failed to make their appearance. I wondered only a few moments, the why of this. Who missed an opportunity to rub elbows with Mr. Wayne Enterprises? Little did I know that they were both spread out all over some dank alley across the way.

I really do like my borrowed limo, so roomy.. yet not so roomy as this lavish bedroom. Laying here, spread out on Playboy’s bed, the ceiling is actually painted. A tilt of the head and green eyes ponder the reason for this. Wouldn’t it distract you from petting and fucking? I know the fat cherub faces are killing my mood entirely. Of course, if I were in this bed, I wouldn’t be alone, and my hands and focus would be somewhere else entirely. All six foot delicious something or other feet of him.

No time, Selina! Tick-tock. Tick-tock.


The black latex fits too well, I got distracted by my wandering hands and wondered how good his mouth would be on my body. See, this is what happens when you get distracted on the job. I lost my job, somewhere. No doubt the idiot banker and his plump wife decided to ‘stay in’ and watch some survival show. And of course, now Bruce is on my mind and distracting me.

A crooked smile does lift, standing in his chambers, peering into his private little messy study.

“Such a troubled boy..” The art in here is breathtaking! Slashes of red and smears of black, oh my... The angst of this one! Sensuality and anger, loneliness and rage.. I feel a little dizzy, am I falling in love?


Lust, sure.. Fingertips trail over his latest partial work and I got to bend in there and kiss blank canvas, red smiling lips leave a mark behind, a distinct little trail as I pull off of it as if it were his skin I just kissed. That should entertain him, since I have no DNA on record, anywhere.. I do chuckle at this. Below is the car, I left my dress and mask, well.. The other one, but I did bring my panties with me, the ones he made damp. A fair trade is required, for distracting me, for teasing me… For that ugly ass painting.

A saxophone rests on its stand and music papers are strewn about, did he write these? Ties of various colors, a random cuff link on the floor? When was the last time you had a maid in here, Brucey? A single claw trails over some handwritten notes, a little tear in the paper and.. AH HA! Is this a safe?

“How.. quaint..” Antique floor safe, so heavy one wouldn’t bother stealing it, but who has one of these easily crackable relics? Down to all fours, fingers on the dial, head to the door and I spin it, listening as the cogs turn, waiting for that little pin to drop into place. Of course, I wouldn’t be so casual if the doors weren’t locked from the inside, and had I not taken the time to block off two cameras within the main room. Naughty Brucey, do you record your conquests? The balcony was left open, and unarmed. But who would scale Wayne Manor to get here? Or how many could actually do it? Aside from me? Not many, I imagine.

A little gleeful sound comes, the door Is open! A quick tug and… “What?” Sitting back on my boots, I stare at, well.. This is all crap. An old baseball glove? It’s useless and gets tossed over one shoulder. A few file folders, thick with… paper. Reports, blah blah blah… Some old photos. A wooden train engine?

“Well fuck.” So, I find a safe, full of yardsale? Is it my rotten luck or what? Thumb brushing over the well-worn little train, I realize.. slowly, realize that these are keepsakes of a child’s. Of his. Lifting the tiny train up, I can see it is well used, darkened by time, hand carved without more than a tiny, engraved pair of letters, initials probably of the crafter. Well-loved if I were to judge by the overly smoothed edges of what was once a tapered smoke stack.

Tonight has been a total bust. Well, not entirely. Taking out the pair of lace panties, my smile does grow with the tingles of his touch. I am sure if I stayed tonight, he’d rock my world… Tiny train in palm, the panties are dropped into the safe, and from a pouch, I sprinkle some catnip. Mousey little Selina, or wily Catwoman.. Who will you find first, Bruce Wayne?

The little bell chimes at my wrist, I’ve had my five minutes in here, time to go. Backtracking, unlocking doors, removing books from the two cameras, I blow a kiss to the one, keeping my eyes from its lens before vaulting out the door, to the railing to hang as I swing, twice before a summersault off into thick grass. AND SHE STICKS THE LANDING! No victory jabs to the air though, no time!

The shadows are my favorite place, I stick to them while avoiding guards and guests. Back to my limo, changing back into a gown and mask, hiding my bag and stolen train under my seat. Just in time to hear my driver approaching, having delivered the present to the birthday boy.

“Feeling any better, Miss. Kyle?” He asks at the cracked window, such a sweet young man. So caring of his passenger…

“I’m afraid not, Federick. I must have drank something that does not agree with me.. Will you inform Mr. Alfred of our departure please, give my regards accordingly. I need to go home.” All lies, but entanglements aren’t what I was here for tonight. And because I want to stay, I want to know how his hands feel on my ass, I know it’s better that I don’t find out and I get my ass safely home. Within ten minutes that is just where we’re headed, my crappy apartment building just a few blocks from Gotham’s massive city library.
Detective Stowe: Crime Alley via Old Town Blockades

Three streets and two detours through Old Town is a stomach-sinking telltale situation. At the first blocked intersection, it looks like two abandoned cars wrecked into one another. Not a soul in sight, no sign of injury but when I glanced further ahead, there was another grouping of vehicles. A bus and a Volvo from the look of it, also blocking another intersection. All street lights are at that flashing yellow caution stage of late night, not that anyone’s driving around here.

“Dispatch be advised, 10-60 (suspicious vehicle), multiple. Possible 10-53(road block)..” Listing off the streets as I go through and further in. The caller’s address is inaccessible due to numerous roadblocks, and everywhere I look there are no signs of life in a normally very active area of town. The homeless usually wander at all hours around here, and I haven’t seen a single stray dog for blocks now. Something is wrong. I don’t like being forced from Old Town into this shit hole, no doubt in my mind as I look at all this, it was intentional.

The stench of burning tires and other garbage smokes up around another seemingly staged pile-up, forcing me to make yet another turn down another side street, through an alley, and out onto the first long stretch of Crime Alley, which by the way, isn’t a tiny little alley but an entire neighborhood. One street back and four blocks down would be the caller’s residence. If the given address and caller’s name are real.

I don’t like this and every little hair on my body is on end and prickling with warning signs. I stop my cruiser, kill the headlights and engine, and called in “Dispatch show me 10-23(arrived on scene) at my location.” Ahead of me in the piss yellow lamplight is a lump in the street. A human-shaped lump. Another dead body? Not a single call in about a dead body sprawled on the road. No dogs, no homeless, fuck, I don’t even hear the locals fighting with one another in any open windows above me right now. It’s too quiet.

Lifting the mic back up to my mouth, about to report a D.B and the whole normal routine of backup and examiner, yadda yadda yadda .. This voice, this high little girlish voice is heard off to my right, walking along the sidewalk. She strolls as if on a Sunday walk, alone. Who the hell walks around here at this hour of night, alone? I lean to watch her, taking notice only as she passes by the passenger side of my unmarked car, that she has a baseball bat slung over her shoulders, a loose hold on its handle, dripping what looks to be blood.

Oh boy…

Towards the body she goes, talking to herself? Yeah, she is talking to herself, though I can’t really hear too clearly anything said, she is …

“Dispatch, I got a 10-73, send a bus.” (Mental Subject) And boy is she mental. Did she do this? Was she attacked? I can’t see the body all that well to know what’s gone on, but I can’t just let her keep going, now can I? Quietly as possible I get out of the car, watching as she walks along. Slowly exiting my car, the door barely shut to keep light from drawing her attention towards me, I stand up, unstrap my Glock and slowly come around the vehicle. She keeps going, still talking to herself when this rather odd noise catches my ear.

I am not sure what the fuck I just saw. Haven’t a damned clue. One second, she was talking to herself, looking at the body, and the next, she is caught up by some .. thing.. Tall, really fucking tall and skinny..

Son of a motherless goat!

No. It’s NOT fucking possible!?

“I’m saying, I’m glad you’re alive… puddin’.”

I think the world opened under my feet and swallowed me into the bowels of hell. Which layer, I’m not sure, but it isn’t deep enough that THIS mother fucker is still alive! Did I stumble? Did I make some sound or jostle something to catch his attention? I don’t think so, but he’s turned to face me. Or I am hallucinating? Maybe I am, He just snapped around like a fucking… What moves that fast to not even see that about-face move? And her? Puddin’.. HIS Puddin’? Harley Quin? Wasn’t she locked up, permanently?

“You’re dead..” I should be reaching for my Glock, I NEED to get my god damned gun out and shoot this fucker right between his twisted eyes is what I need to be doing. His laughter, God that sadistic sick sound makes me want to laugh too. This can’t be real. “This can’t be real.” Shaking my head, a sarcastic laugh bubbles out, am I going bat-shit crazy too?

“What’s your name, bleeder? I’m your friendly, neighborhood, vampire clown from hell! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! If that don’t make your panties wet you might be broken. What do you say? Ever been fucked by the undead?”

DO SOMETHING! Fuck, Stowe get it together!

A snarl comes out, “That’s Detective Stowe.” I am talking to a hallucination. Yep. NOPE! What the hell do you mean by undead? Hands then do reach and go for my holstered weapon, eyes near bleeding tears from refusal to even blink, now forced to do so to keep from drying out, the shake of my hands is unsettling, as is this whole scenario unfolding. A glance at the body and I can see that this one is skinned too. Jesus, what kind of sick bastard does this?
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“Amanda, I wasn’t done talkin to you!” She screamed as she kept walking, kept hitting the side of her head like that was going to bring the voice back. It usually did but not when it came to real people. Her ear piece fell out of her ear and she bent down to pick it up.

Oh well, that explained why she could still hear the government agent, she never took the ear piece out. Shit, did this thing track her, too?

Should she put it back in? If she did, did that mean she was going to help bring down this Joker copycat?

Because her Mistah J was dead. Dead people didn’t come back to life. This wasn’t some stupid tv show or comic book. This was real life.

Harley shoved the ear piece back in her ear and could’ve sworn she heard Amanda say “Good girl…”

But that was definitely a figment of her imagination based on her praise kink. If that had been Amanda then shame on her for using her own kinks against Harley! Now she just had to find a way to carve up her baby —her bat. Maybe she could add spikes or something at the end of it to make it look pret—

“A hunting we will go…”

Harley stopped walking.

“A hunting we will go…”

She closed her eyes feeling a cold chill brush down her spine.

“No, get out of my head Joker! I already know I have to avenge your death and make sure Im the only bad ass clown around here causin trouble. Why the fuck would I go along with Amanda otherwise?” She wasn’t talking to anyone at this point. She just gripped her bat tightly.

“High-ho the dairy-oh—”

The carving would have to wait. She could bash the weirdo’s head in, bashing heads killed people too, didn’t it?

The voice stopped and Harley was breathing heavily. “It’s okay Harley, just a figment of your imagination based on past trauma that was caused by the Joker. Ivy used to ta tell you that all the time. But now shes no better then him, left you cause you couldn’t get control of your own mind and impulses. What makes you think you’ll be any good at helpin people when you can’t even…”

She felt arms wrap around her, catching her off guard. She knew those hands. “This isnt real, this isn’t real…” she muttered.

“IVY?!” It was more like a scream for help because it used to be that all she had to do was call Ivys name and the plants or whatever would tell Ivy something was wrong.

But Ivy had let her go to jail so the plants musta hated her too. It was probably because she used to forget to water Ivy’s green house that one month.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ‘Daddy’s Little Monster,’”

This isn’t real, this isn’t real. Harley wss probably having another panic attack. Where was Deadshot to snap her out of it when she needed him? Oh right, that fucker had a family. At some point, from the shock of everything, she dropped her bat. Shit. Nooo— toodles come back, mommy needs you. Yes, she named her bat. Don’t judge!

“have you missed me? I’ve missed you. Hell was fun—lots of fun! But it gave me… perspective. What’s the use of a whole-dimension-of-suffering-souls-to-torment-where-evil-is-the-only-currency, if you don’t have someone to share it with…”

“You’re NOT real!!!!” she yelled, attempting to push her way out of his arms. Well, she was going to have to rely on her brute stren—wait, what did he say? Had he just admitted to needing her by his side? She started giggling, laughing even.

“Now, I know you’re not The Joker. He never woulda said some shit like that to me. Specially since I left his ass for Ivy.”

“I’m saying, I’m glad you’re alive…” his hand across her chest rose slowly upward, his fingers gently encircling her neck, “puddin’.”

Oh. The grip on her neck said otherwise. Only The Joker would know where to grab her to shut her up. The laughter died down.

No, this wasn’t real.

“Well well, what have we here,”

Harley glanced in the direction that The Joker was looking. Ivy? No not Ivy. There were no vines around her. No flowers coming to back her up. Where the fuck was Ivy? Oh wait, they were around water.

Yep, time to focus on her brute strength. She didn’t have time to fall victim to the Joker…again. and again. and again… times a million.

“Whadda ya think, Puddin’? Shall I hold her down and let you ride her like a marital aid? We always did so much better at the getting back together than we ever did with the breaking up. Then we’ll take down that bitch Ivy for leading you on!”

Her brow furrowed. Ivy never lead her on. Wait—who the fuck was this chick? Didn’t she know there were vampire clowns out tonight?

Harley had to get out of the compromising situation she was currently in and how did one usually do that?

Play along til you could get your weapon back.

‘Thats a bad idea, Harls…’ Oh great now Ivy was stuck in her head.

Shut up Ivy! I dont need your help. she thought.

‘You’ll get lost in your co-dependence with him again.’

“OH FUCK YOU!” she screamed at the voice though it looked like she was yelling at the vampire clown of Gotham then the imaginary Ivy in her head. “Heh, juuuust kiddin, puddin…”

“You’re dead..” the girl said,”This cant be real…”

“Oh yay! Im not the only one who thinks this is some stupid crystal meth dream. I don’t do drugs …anymore but I know what those kinda dreams are like.”

What was doing? Oh right, playing along. She cleared her throat,”Now, Joke—Mistah J…”cause he liked to be respected and all that jazz. “as much as I erm love your arms around me like this if ya let me go, I can grab my bat and we can have some real fun with this uh …’detective.’”

“Harley, what are you doing?” Amanda snapped in her ear. If she could she would’ve pulled the ear piece out of her ear. Shut the fuck up, Amanda. Harley thought angrily. If she was any kinda help, Amanda would’ve sent back up but since Harley had to do this on her own she would have to use her womanly ways.
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Pamela Isley/ Poison Ivy & Dick Grayson

You know that feeling you get when someone you once cared about was in trouble. Pamela had it for a brief second. Idly, she glanced out the window of the Wayne manor staring down the drive way. As if the earth was trying to tell her something about Harl—no. They had agreed to go their separate ways. Last she heard, her favorite Harlequin girl had joined the Suicide Squad. She was Amanda Waller’s lackey, now.

Pamela — Poison Ivy didn’t need that sort of drama in her life. Focusing back on the 21 year old heir to Wayne manor she smiled at him.

Alfred had escorted Barbara to the bathroom to get cleaned up and while Dick had been focusing on whether or not Barbara was watching them she pulled her phone out and hit a button, poison gas slowly filling the room from the floor.

It was useless to find out how Ivy had managed to do that. Though maybe she hacked into the system and programmed the air conditioners to emitt her lust potion as she called it. It wasn’t a clever name but did anyone really care about names?

And for safety, she put her lipstick on with the same lust inducing toxins. It would make whoever kissed her slave so to speak, easy to give suggestions that the male or female would eagerly attach to.

“No, of course not, she doesn’t boss me around .. we… we’re just friends!”

“Oh? Just friends…shame for her then, isn’t it? A prime boy like yourself needs tending to. Like a plant that needs to be watered and given the right amount of attention before a weed grabs it by the root and strangles it.” She laughed, “Im sorry, I tend to have alot of plant puns. I blame the field I work in.”

As she talked her hand lightly caressed his chest, going lower and lower still until they stopped at the edge of his belt buckle.

“You’re one of Bruce’s…” He didn’t finish. “I’m Dick… Dick Grayson and I am very happy to meet you Pamela…“Yep, Dick certainly was. He had so little game, so he said what was on his mind, “Do you realize how beautiful you are?”

“Me, beautiful? Oh you’re too kind!” Pamela managed to fake looking bashful and shy. At one point in her life she had been bashful and shy. Not any longer and gone was the sheer confidence she held with Ras Al Ghul. No. Dick needed to feel like a hero, like her prince charming and she was all to ready to play the damsel in distress.

“It’s my birthday today, I’m so glad you came….”

“Oh I haven’t cum yet, but maybe you can change that by the end of the night, Dick?”

The toxins in the air grew stronger and while it wouldn’t affect her because she was the creator of them, it would surely affect everyone else — only to what they were attracted to, young or old. If the person was bi sexual they would be intoxicated by male or females around them, same for the straight people in the room.

“…could I show you around?”

“I would love that…” Pamela said huskily. “Leave Barbara’s gift here though. So you dont feel tempted to open it. She seemed pretty adamant about waiting to do that.” Her hand moved back up his body, up his strong arm.
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Joker, Re: Harley Quinn & Det. Stowe. Rick Roll


After months of anguish, indescribable torments and horrors beyond imagining, being wrenched—painfully from the ever after, being made into a blood-sucking monstrosity and held in a shipping container starving for a week—all with only one thought on his mind, one objective driving him onward, to see his Harley again. After all that, her first words to him were… fuck him?

If it was a joke, he didn’t get it.

But then she said she was joking! He still didn’t get it, but it was no longer an option to appear like he didn’t get it. He laughed loudly, but his heart wasn’t in it. It was a charade of a laugh. A hollow little ‘ha-ha-ha,’ that meant nothing. He felt disgusted with himself for the first time.

He was definitely going to kill that Talia bitch.

If vampirism meant that he was also cursed with introspection he’d rather go back to hell. One of Joker’s favorite things about himself was his lack of self-awareness. The blood was fun but taking an inventory of his feelings… maybe he shouldn’t make any long-term plans.

It wasn’t until Harley mentioned the Detective that he remembered her presence. His eyes snapped back up to her.

“Detective? They make detectives in sexy? Since when?” Joker seemed genuinely flummoxed, he no longer recognized himself or this world… it was quite an existential crisis for a clown.

“Well, I can’t kill her. Not if she’s sexy…” that was when Harley mentioned her weapon, though he liked the sound of sharing the detective with her, but not of the other part, “let you go? Let you… GO?!?!”

Suddenly and aggressively, Joker turned Harley to face him, unaccustomed to his newfound vampire strength and leaving marks on her upper arms that would be bruises within an hour. He was shouting and despite his face, he wasn’t smiling. He was frantic.

“Haven’t you been LISTENING?!! I came back from HELL, for YOU! I’m never going to let you go, you hear me? NEVER! I’m—I’m—”

A chuckle passed through him, looking deep into Harley’s blue eyes. He recognized the madness there. The madness he had put there. That madness was home.

“I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around, and desert you!” just like that, they were waltzing, him singing, gliding as if on air—they danced often… they both knew the routine, “we’ve known each other for so long. Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it. It’s like we both know what’s been goin’ on. We know the game and we’re gonna play it!

“And if you ask me how I’m feeling, don’t tell me you’re too blind to see! Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!”

Yes. Joker was back.
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Harley -Joker- Det. Stowe

“Detective? They make detectives in sexy? Since when?”

Harley fought the urge to roll her eyes at his comment and even ignored the teensy tiny bit or jealousy she had.

“She’s not that sexy…” Harley muttered under her breath, though when she looked at the detective she admitted to herself that the detective actually was pretty sexy.

And the idiot gave her name so now Mistah J —the Joker was going to hold onto that name.

“Well, I can’t kill her. Not if she’s sexy…”

The detective Snow or whatever was never going to get rid of him and if she was lucky MAYBE she’d come out of this perfectly sane. After all, Harleen Quinzel no longer existed. It was just Harley Quinn and that doctor had been pretty good at what she did!

“She’s not even…she went for her gun! You’d rather she kill you…” No she had to include herself in this even though she was perfectly innocent except for that one body somewhere in Gotham City. “kill us because—-“

“let you go? Let you… GO?!?!”

It was at that moment she was turned to finally face the man who claimed to be her mistah J and she gasped. Her eyes widened as she stared at him.


He was back. She’d heard rumors about the Lazarus Pits but they were just rumors. She was gonna go find that Talia person to see if it was real because her life after Ivy left her and the Joker had been boring as fuck.

“Harley don’t fall for it….” Amanda.”I hope this is part of your plan.”
Plan? She had a plan?


Oh right, playing along. Because that was how she’d stay alive and plus the grips of his hands on her arms were reaaaaally painful.

God she missed pain. Real LOVING pain.

Harls, you wont be your own person anymore. Ivy’s voice still in her head.

“Mistah J, it really is you…”

He looked more pale than usual but.. still as handsome as ever.

“Haven’t you been LISTENING?!! I came back from HELL, for YOU! I’m never going to let you go, you hear me? NEVER! I’m—I’m—”

They started their dance. She knew the routine but damn, it had been awhile and Ivy never liked dancin so at first she stumbled, trying to get her footing.

Fuck, how did this routine go?

One two three, step back, one two three spin…
Out of her bosom flew the invitation to Dick Grayson’s party when he dipped her.
Detective Stowe and The ‘Love Birds’ of Prey….

Now is a good time to pull out the gun. He is distracted, she is also confused. Judging by his grip on her, he’s hurting her. Obviously, she has nothing to do with… Vampire Lestat here. No, it’s Jack. His name is.. Was Jack. Is? Fuck! How the hell is this even possible? This son of a bitch was DEAD! Don’t ask me how I know, I just know. Knew..

Never gonna give you up…

Anytime now, Lilianna..

Never gonna let you down…

Aaaaaaaaand they’re dancing.. ish. Sort of? Why the hell am I humming along with this fucking song!??! I oughta shoot him just for putting this shit in my fucking head.


Right! Right. Yes, of course. Pulling it from holster, I am just, well.. I mean it IS a cute song but WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK?


“Yes of course, no. I mean she’s right, I’m not that…” Wait, wait! Hold the hell up here, do I want killed!? “I am far, far too cute to murder..” Nods, glad to be entirely ignored as they spin and stumble around like two loons out on … the street corner.

Where the fuck is my back up?! Did I call for it? I did report the dead guy.. Yeah, he’s still there, dead under the light. Looking further back, I see another, and beyond him another black lump up the street.

“Jesus..” He killed ALL these people? Looking from the direction he came, it looks like there may be more that direction, hard to tell as the buildings he emerged from between are black as hell. Speaking of, how in the world does one come back from death and KNOW they were dead?

Obviously it’s madness. Has to be. It is the only logical explanation. He wasn’t dead, the body was a double or something, and he’s been hiding out somewhere, biding time for…. What exactly? Its not like the Joker ever cared to hide a damned thing he did, but he sure as hell was the first to deny something he did not do.

“Jack.. Joker..” What did Harley call him? Mister Jay? I am not going to call him that. Asshole seems more appropriate than Mister anything.

“ I am placing you under arrest..” Glancing around, the gun is lift a bit, but not really pointing anywhere, safety still engaged. “For murder.. Of, well..” I lift a hand to indicate nothing and everything. How many dead are on his roster? Far too many to list all of them, not that I could name them all if I wanted to. “I see two dead right here, so we’ll start there.” I glance up at their two-step dancing and his mad as hell expression. Vampire teeth...
Barbara & Alfred??? Oh my!

“Ms. Gordon, I’m so sorry, if you come with me, I can get that fixed right up for you, like it never happened?”

Barbara glanced at Alfred then Dick then narrowed her eyes at the red tinted haired woman in green. That was totally not on accident but Dick didn’t seem to notice. That woman had been walking with pure elegance earlier.

“Sure, thanks Alfred.” She smiled at the older butler then tried to turn to see if the woman in green wasn’t pulling her Dick away. He seemed to be focusing on her for a brief second and then …

Alfred stepped in her point of view blocking anything else Barbara could’ve seen.

“Don’t mind him ma’am, Master Dick was so excited to see you tonight, I am sure he is just disappointed to have to let you go for even a minute….”

“Oh…okay.” She frowned but kept moving as Alfred continued to lead her. Barbara bit her lip as she moved upstairs. It was just really weird that Dick had wanted to take her up to his room and then that woman appeared and he’d forgotten all about that.

“This place is highly secured, isn’t it Alfred? I mean Gotham isn’t exactly the safest place in the world. Like if bad people showed up, we’d know to leave. Right?” Barbara stopped in front of the door. “I know you said Dick was just disappointed to let me leave but he didn’t seem to fight it very much either the minute that other woman showed up.”

She shook her head,”Sorry, I get easily paranoid. I think it comes from being the commissioners daughter. Where do I get changed at or at least clean this spill up?”

The sudden fragrance of Roses and something else seemed to brush through causing Barbara to sneeze.

“What’s that smell? Is it some new mopping solution you used?”
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Bruce Wayne & Ra’s al Gouhl in the study - Wane Birthday Gala, and the invasion of an intruder

Ra’s knew Bruce’s hot buttons, the one man he couldn’t allow to have such power, and then he added the sweetness!
“I don’t think it should be put in Lex’s hands—it’s why I approached you first. Why you’re the ideal investor, who knows of the Lazarus Pits but doesn’t covet the power for yourself. I don’t need to convince you that they do what I say, you’ve witnessed it. Simply think of it as an opportunity to keep power out of evil hands, while also expanding your wealth. Your investment buys you influence over how, when and how often these pits are used.”

Bruce hated being played, but everything Ra’s said was true. He didn’t want the power, and he could not allow it to get into Lex Luther’s unseemly, completely unethical hands.

“Preliminary estimates are two and a half billion—maybe another half to include a state-of-the-art desalinator to provide clean water to Gotham for free. If we are able to use Wayne Tech equipment and personnel, we could probably do the whole thing for two B’s. I have a billion dollars of my own invested. If you match my donation and make your corporate resources available to me we will be equal partners. Nothing comes out without our mutual consent except for enough clean water to make sure this perpetually damp city has enough clean water to drink for as long as this structure stands.”

So it was real money he needed. “You know I don’t have that liquid, nobody has that kind of money liquid.” Bruce was doing the math. Bruce was worth almost $4 billion but of that, $1.7 was tied up in Wayne Enterprises stock. Nearly a billion was tied up in real estate, so to give Ra’s what he need, he would need to liquidate nearly everything else, save a couple of hundred million for other needs.

The water had been the final straw, the city was in desperate need of a new and sustainable source of the life sustaining liquid. “As for Wayne Enterprises, you and I can meet with Lucas on Monday morning, we can discuss what you think you need.” Bruce saw the look in Ra’s eyes, he knew he had him.

“We can agree like gentlemen. The paperwork will reflect everything I’ve said,” That made Bruce laugh.

”Like gentlemen .. is that what we are now Ra’s, and you believe you can trust my word?” He looked at him, hard. “Ra’s I will be your partner in this, I don’t want others with different ambitions to own this, you’re right….” Bruce contemplated his next words. ‘I know I disappointed you once, but I never did it in treachery, and you know that. I need to be able to trust you here, nobody is granted immortality unless we agree? Don’t fuck me Ra’s, and you can trust my word.”

Bruce knew Ra’s did trust him, despite their past, Bruce had never lied, and other than Alfred, Ra’s was the only one who knew his secret, and he had not betrayed him… yet! Bruce walked over to the humidor and took out a platinum cartridge, that had a cooling attachment and small humidifier. He selected two of each of his priceless cigars and filled the case, sealing it, and typing in a code. “The code is 1685, I wanted to make it easy to remember.” Bruce smiled and handed over the precious parting gift. 1685 was the year Ra’s al Guhl was born. “A symbol of our new partnership, enjoy them at your leisure.”

A handshake and they were done. The liquor had been consumed, the cigars finished. They had been in there less than 20 minutes, and the party was still going on but Ra’s had apparently accomplished what he had come to do. No signals reached him inside the humidor, but as he got out and watched Ra’s head to the front to exit, the alter rang on his phone.

The Cat Burglar

Someone was in Bruce’s bedroom. He smiled at the warning, apparently Selina had remembered his directions from earlier. How appealing of her to have not wanted to waste any more time. Bruce looked around, his Dick was seemingly being entertained by Pamela Ivy, he watched them for a minute, Ms. Isley was a most intriguing woman, the body of a runway model but a brilliant mind. In fact, prior to seeing Selina, Pamela had been a highly probable target for Bruce himself. Poor Dick was nearly drooling, he laughed. Perhaps his ward would become a man tonight after all.

”Now Selina, what are you up to?” He said it in a whisper, as he looked at his phone expecting to see a video stream with the woman he planned to finish the dance with as soon as possible. Yet, the screen came up black, that was odd, what the fu….". Bruce began to move quickly, something wasn't right.. he was staring at the screen as he walked, and suddenly something came in to view. A woman, in a dark form fitting suit.. and what a form! What a suit! What a woman! She was wearing a mask, he had started this, now everyone wore a mask.

He actually envied Superman, they didn't sse eye to eye on all things, but at least the man didn't have to wear a mask. Her head turned toward the camera, but not her eyes, she was gorgeous and the cat ears… fucking hot! What was she doing? Blowing a kiss! He laughed, who was this? He was both intrigued and turned on, the woman oozed sex appeal. A bat and a cat.. it even rhymed. What might Dr. Suess, the one time regarded genius and recently accused racist, do with that?

Bruce Wayne was far from evolved or liberal, he found many of the current PC debates quite entertaining. Thing one, thing two, green eggs and ham, Sam I am.. silly and ridiculous yes .. racist.. who the fuck knows, but seemed far fetched. Why was his mind going there, oh yes the AD,D, back to the sexy woman in black. SeLina temporarily back burnered, this Cat Woman was a most pleasant surprise.

Suddenly, as quick and agile as said feline, she was moving, leaping and leaving. “No! Wait!” He bellowed as he pushed open the door, but all he saw was an open window.. had she jumped? By the time he got up and was able to look out, there was no sign of her. it was only then he went and saw the safe, doors open, his most prized possessions strewn everywhere. it was empty, his eyes darted, where was? it was gone, the train, the one his father had hand carved for him, a gift for his seventh birthday. The safe was his father’s as well.

He looked back inside, and saw them. Panties…he scooped the still damp fabric into his hands, brough them to hos lips, his nose, inhaled, ”Mmmmmm”. The musk was fresh, belonging to the cat? Why wet, what aroused you Catwoman? of course he was aroused too… the only thing missing was the train. Was this a trade or a calling card.. he didn’t know if Bruce Wayne would find her, but Batman sure as hell would!

”Alfred!” He called out to no avail… he needed to find his most trusted servant… where could he be?
Ra's al Ghoul, Re: Bruce & Poison Ivy. Force Authorization: Yellow

“Of course, Bruce. My initial investment has funded the essential startup costs, we need only your technical support in the short term. Ample time will be made for you to put your resources together,” Ra’s nodded as they shook hands, “I intend you no ill will, Detective. My respect for you is immense, in spite of our… ethical disagreements, I respect what you’re doing in this city.”

It took Ra’s a moment to stifle what more he wanted to say. The liquor was loosening his tongue. If he could, he would still be teaching him—grooming him as the successor to the al Ghoul name. But Bruce still clung to a black and white world that precluded the kind of consequential violence that was needed to achieve and sustain peace.

Ra’s smiled and nodded, graciously accepting the cigars. The business concluded, they continued to socialize. It had been a while since they spoke without crossed swords between them. More liquor loosened Ra’s tongue even further and he deigned to tell Bruce more truth than he might be ready to hear.

“I just know that the world is much wider than Gotham City, and while your rigid moral code has worked for you thus far, but to attempt passing it along to another—it overlooks how unique your talents are. The further you spread my teachings, the less effective they will be. Like playing a game of telephone. I’ve learned that you are equal to the mantle you’ve crafted. But to expect this from another… it’s childish.”

Ra’s stubbed out the last bit of the exquisite cigar.

“Forgive me. It’s not my place.” Ra’s bowed respectfully as they parted company.

There was no liquor of any quality in the monastery. Ra’s was well and truly drunk after a few glasses with Bruce Wayne. His altered state is what he’d tell himself in hindsight, an excuse for not noticing sooner.

The smell…


Ra’s quickly unfurled his pocket square and held it over his mouth and nose. He barged his way through an increasingly sentimental(?) crowd. He had no idea if the gas would kill him, knock him unconscious or paralyze him—but he didn’t intend to find out.

“Hey! Watch it!” someone barked at him as he rushed toward the main foyer to the vehicle rotunda.

“Bring the extraction team—force authorization: yellow.” Ra’s croaked through his pocket square into his phone.

Within seconds, the sound of wailing engines could be heard in the distance. Performance tuned motorcycles, revving their engines into the red. Ra’s nearly kicked the front door in half as he dove onto the front porch.

The engines grew louder and louder as they approached. In no time, a team of four bikers with assault rifles slung over their backs arrived in formation around a black, tinted towncar. The whole caravan stopped outside of Wayne Manor and the innermost bikers rushed over to help Ra’s into the back of the towncar while the other two bikers extended stun batons and menaced any and everyone within sight.

“Package secure!” someone shouted, it was impossible to tell who because all were wearing identical tinted visors. All four rushed back onto their bikes to speed away in formation around the towncar.

The motors quieted as they drew further away.

As he fled, Ra's sent a text to Bruce: YOU ARE UNDER ATTACK!


Joker, Re: Harley and Det. Stowe. Hob-Nobbing With Snooty-Boots

Joker’s eyes followed the crisp sheet of paper as it drifted to the pavement. An invitation? His enhanced senses allowed him to read it even in the darkness. Wayne Manor? A party??

“A party? And you didn’t even think to invite me? Harley! How could you?” Joker rose back up from the dip a different person altogether, enraged and on edge—the sudden backlash of his previous mania, “this is a betrayal! Is that who you are now? Hob-nobbing with snooty-boots? You traitor!”

Out of the dip he spun her, hard! He nearly spun her shoulder right out of the socket, spinning her over toward the Sexy Dick—no homo.

“I am the party! Damn you!” Joker turned his attention back to the dame with the gun, “and you! You want to arrest me? Who do you think you are? I’m not afraid to die! Go on, do it! Shoot me! Come on!”

Joker was marching straight at Detective Stowe.

“It’s too cold here, like Harley’s fucking heart! I want to go back to hell! SHOOT ME!” Joker grabbed Lily’s hand, raising it up to his forehead, leaning into the barrel. His next words came out as a ragged snarl, lingering blood dripping from the corners of his scarred face, “I want you to. Shoot me dead. Go on! Kill me!
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Dick Grayson & Pamela Isley - Calm before the sexual storm, The Wayne Brithday Gala

“Oh? Just friends…shame for her then, isn’t it? A prime boy like yourself needs tending to. Like a plant that needs to be watered and given the right amount of attention before a weed grabs it by the root and strangles it.” She laughed, “Im sorry, I tend to have alot of plant puns. I blame the field I work in.”

Dick didn’t mind and oh how part of him longed to finally be strangled! He felt a little guilty, it should have made him feel ashamed to disavow his deepest crush, but Dick was consumed, engorged with the beauty who stood in front of him, and Dick twitched and felt himself flex as her hand touched his chest and tantalizingly, moved lower. ”Mmmm…. “ He heard himself moan, and move closer.

“Me, beautiful? Oh you’re too kind!” She was so sweet, so humble. “Oh no Ms. Isley, I have never seen a woman so beautiful.” It was almost like he was floating, but with her hand on his belt, his cock rose as if his tip had a mind of its own. He squirmed a bit, as his pants got tight, and his young bulge became prominent. He was a bit tongue tied, but thanked her for attending his birthday party.

“Oh I haven’t cum yet, but maybe you can change that by the end of the night, Dick?” Dick felt his heart stop, “Do you mean…”. He blushed, but moved closer, daring to slid his hand onto her hip and curl around her back. “Oh Ms, Isley .. you’re a little naughty aren’t you?” Again his heart stopped, what if she wasn’t, what if his horny little self had totally read the wrong thing into it. And why did he only feel his heart beating in his crotch?

These were all questions he did not know, just like he had no idea how a woman’s orgasm worked, as the only orgasms he had ever enjoyed were courtesyh of his right hand, which was becoming his many times a day partner. Would she possibly…

He asked if she would like a tour, perhaps they might start upstairs, perhaps they might start in his room.. perhaps not go anywhere else? Had he ever felt this way before? NO! He hoped to dear God she would….

“I would love that…” Pamela said huskily. “Leave Barbara’s gift here though. So you dont feel tempted to open it. She seemed pretty adamant about waiting to do that.” Her hand moved back up his body, up his strong arm.

He looked around quickly and left the gift sitting on the table in the foyer, he could find that later, he needed his hands free!

Suddenly there was a scent in the air, but he had moved closer, perhaps it was just her perfume, but it was driving him crazy, he had never gotten this hard for himself. “Perhaps we can start upst….” But he didn’t even get the word out, before he was pressing his lips to hers.. not sure who had initiated the kiss, but holding on for dear life. His lips were burning, was this what a real kiss was like.. and what was that.. holy cow.. it was tongue.. her tongue.. .and his!

Oh that felt good, so good, those slippery muscles engaging, remember to ….. BREATHE! He broke the kiss gasping, only to take a gulp of precious oxygen and dive right back into the pool. Now both hands gripped her waist.. what was shed doing? His body was on fire, cumming was not going to be an issue, not for him.. not cumming that was the challenge… “Pamela… let’s go upstairs.. please ma’am?”

He wanted to feel her see here.. this was finally it! Taking her hand, he was intending to lead her in a near sprint up the massive staircase!
Detective Lily Stowe - Breath Minty Fresh? - Harley & The Joker


It’s like watching a cartoon, a rabid, warped sick rendition of a cartoon! Living, live action, this shit is so off right now. If she isn’t blurting out random things, he’s seething mad! What the hell did I get myself into here? I saw the paper, couldn’t make out a damned thing on it. Inconsequential, I would think.


Hello Trigger, my old friend.. it’s fun to dance with you again…

The way he says ‘party’ is spine chilling, almost child like and gleeful, then heart broken.. almost. Then, instant fucking mental melt down. Def-con two-thousand. He is off his meds…

Yep, rage. And lots of it and his strength!? I watch her go spinning, wanting to move to aid her, but I can’t afford to. Halted by his sudden turn towards me, those eyes look like they want to chew my ass up and spit me out in itty bitty Stowe chunks.

OKAY! Here we go then. FUCK!

Did I say that out loud? Thought it only? I am not fucking sure, but my back is ramrod stiff, my gun is up and pointed at the madman stomping my way.

Don’t piss yourself, Stowe.

Hand is trembling ever so slight. Gun higher, but he’s got it to his head and antagonizing me into pulling the trigger.

I want to. Thumb lifting safety, fingers hook that trigger and mad eyes bore into my own.

For Dad, for the precinct of men and women you murdered!

Hand loosens a bit, refitting gun to seat properly into my palm. Like a well-worn, known toy. An extension of me, this Glock has been with me since I was a kid. It’s my dad’s, was my dad’s gun. It is mine now and every single bullet in this magazine has your fucking name on it, Jack.

The Joker…

The murderer! The Sadist.. MONSTER!

Oh, I want to, I can fairly taste his rancid blood splatter already. Leering, taunting fanged smile.. And another breath from him, and another.. and they. Just. Keep. Coming!

“My god, you need a tic-tac or something!” Finger leaves the trigger, I am not stupid. Fanning face, and stepping back, I may have just insulted the lunatic? I may be crazy from time to time, if you ask me, myself would say just that. BUT! A really big but, just not his butt.. Not that I noticed. HE HAS FUCKING FANGS! Vampires, if lore is true and why wouldn’t it be true? Here stands one!

So, Bullets. Don’t work. Everyone knows this. Pissing him off while unarmed with something that could truly hurt him? Make him dead? Yeah, I don’t have on me. I look to Harley, her bat might do the trick, if it were sharp enough to penetrate into his brain or heart? Was it heart? Who knows, I don’t keep up on vampires, okay? The last vampires I saw was some sparkly movie of epic lame.

“I am sure Harley was bringing the invitation to uh.. Talk to you about, maybe…” I let it go there, waiting until he releases my wrist and gun, or whatever new move he has in mind.
Harley -Joker- Det. Stowe

“A party? And you didn’t even think to invite me? Harley! How could you?”

“What?” Harley blinked a few times totally forgetting about the invitation that had been squished in her boobs.

She was flung or…spun outwards and could feel her arm almost leaving her socket. “Fuuuuuuck!” she cried out in pain. Ah, yes the real reason why her and the Joker could never work.

If he was always so brutal and rough there wouldn’t be a body for him to…”Fuck, that HURT!”

“I am the party! Damn you! ….”

Her eyes slowly narrowed. Noooo she didn’t want to be second place AGAIN. She’d been the life of this town since he’d been dead. Sooo many conflicting emotions, she wanted to be the villain everyone feared, she also wanted her job back because how funny would it be to fuck up everything from inside the system? Amanda Waller did it all the time, why couldn’t she?

“and you! You want to arrest me? Who do you think you are? I’m not afraid to die! Go on, do it! Shoot me! Come on!”

“Wait…what?” Harley said finally paying attention to Jokers ramblings.

“It’s too cold here, like Harley’s fucking heart! I want to go back to hell! SHOOT ME!”

“WHAT??? Im fucking warm, warm as a kiddy bakery oven!” Harley stomped her foot childishly.

“I want you to. Shoot me dead. Go on! Kill me!”

His tone was deadly and sent a shiver down her spine.

“Let her do it, Harley…then your job is done.” Came Amanda’s annoying self righteous voice.

“I am sure Harley was bringing the invitation to uh.. Talk to you about, maybe…”

“But I didn’t even know he was alive?”

Oh shit, wait—the detective was…helping her?


“But its not even my invitation and when I knew you were you like REALLY you and not some bummed up loser copycat, I said to myself..Harley you know what Mistah J would miss, going to bust up some rich guys party you guys haven’t done that in aaaaages.” Harley laughed nervously rubbing her arm.
“If you don’t believe me the invitation to uh….” She picked up the invite and used the phone to look at the name,”Mr and Mrs.Bellows. Oh woops, I think shes the wife of some city or somethin. My bad. Anyways, her body is in one of these alleyways.”

“Harley, what the fuck are you doing?”

Ignoring Amanda, starting now!

Pamela Isley -Dick Grayson taking the party upstairs

“Yes, Dick I can be very naughty if you want me to.” Pamela purred, stepping closer to him. She had him in her grip and the toxins hadn’t even hit him yet.

“Perhaps we can start upst….”

He seemed lost in her eyes so she took that moment to slowly kiss him. Her tongue delved into his mouth exploring every crevice. She pulled back and lightly tugged on his bottom lip.

Her body was lit with desire when he pulled away from the kiss, gasping for air.

“Pamela… let’s go upstairs.. please ma’am?”

Barbara who? She thought triumphantly while holding that sweet, innocent look.

“Oh please, lets go then! I was waiting for you to take me there, Dick.” She playfully nipped at his ear, “Hurry before I tear your clothes off right here in the middle of everyone.”

Though it seemed like most of the party guests were preoccupied, making out and groping. Some people were already starting to remove clothes, though no one was naked…yet.
The Virgin Daughter of a Dear Friend, the Butler and the Billionaire Playboy, let the debauchery begin! - Wayne Birthday Gala

Alfred Pennyworth had been a trusted employee, confidant and dedicated servant to the Wayne household for over 50 years, just as his father was before him. At the age of 35, he had taken over the caring and fathering of Bruce Wayne, when his mother and father past.

To Alfred, there was no greater calling than the service of this family and now his role in supporting the caped crusader. He had long ago foresaken all others, his dedication to a life of devotion and celibacy would rival any priest, virtually all priests, as we had come to learn.

Yet he understood the desires of the flesh, the hormonal rush and the state of confusion the young Ward, Dick was going through, he also understood the sweetness and tenderness that this young girl, the daughter of Commissioner Gordon deserved, and so he did his best to shield her, form Dick Grayson’s momentary impestuousness!

Not that Alfred couldn’t understand, miss Pamela was quite beautiful, but for him, the simple sweetness and innocence inherent in young miss Barbara Gordon, that was the thing that should inspire a young man’s fancy.

”Right this way Miss Gordon, let me take you back to the working quarters, and fix you right up?”

Barbara was not completely convinced, “This place is highly secured, isn’t it Alfred? I mean Gotham isn’t exactly the safest place in the world. Like if bad people showed up, we’d know to leave. Right?” Barbara stopped in front of the door. “I know you said Dick was just disappointed to let me leave but he didn’t seem to fight it very much either the minute that other woman showed up.”

Alfred pushed past, into his own personal study, a smaller version of Bruce’s but also appointed with a large leather couch and two overstuffed chairs. There was a work table in the far end, replete with sewing machine and all sorts of cleaning supplies. “Oh the other woman, Miss Isley, oh Master Dick was just being polite, how could he possibly prefer spending time with her to you Miss Gordon, don’t be silly.”

He guided Barbara Gordon toward the couch, his hand at the small of her back, gently turning her to stand in front of him, “Please let me take a closer look and we’ll get this fixed up, and get you back to Dick!” He even chuckled at the remark, “Mr. Grayson”.

As she turned, he leaned in, the liquor had doused her fair, freckled skin, and spread across the velvety corset, which held the swells of her lovely, young breasts. “Ah, uh, may I?… “ Alfred tentatively lifted his hand to test the saturation of the drink into the velvet…it was at that moment that a scent seemed to infiltrate the room.

Barbara noticed it first, while Alfred tentatively probed at where her top met her cleavage, “What’s that smell? Is it some new mopping solution you used?” Alfred was leaning in, his vision poor, his eyes mere inches from her young bosom. “What? Cleaning fluid?” He shook his head and inhaled deeply… “Oh My…” He was not sure what that was, but … he felt slightly, momentarily, light headed, and when he reached out to steady himself he pulled Barbaras top down revealing her breasts, held only by a strapless bra.

”Oh my.. “ He exclaimed, but didn’t move. Alfred was a man as proper as proper ever was, but he was entranced, and instead found himself reaching up, first cradling her breast in the bra, and then cupping his hand, inside the fabric to free her breast and nipple.

”Ms Gordon… these are spectacular….” Alfred found himself licking his lips, his mouth watering and… for the first time, only time in decades.. he felt an erection, a large and shockingly impressive erection building in his trousers.

Bruce had been heading down, consumed with both the visual of this “Catwoman” but with the musk and pheromones of the panties he held in his hand. His beloved train was missing, apparently taken by this temptress, and so consumed, he didn’t even notice the gas until it was too late, he had inhaled deeply and was now fully under its suggestive grasp.

It was at that moment, he pushed through the doors into Alfred’s study.. “Alfred? … He was calling out, only to find his manservant engaged. “Oh.. uh…”. Bruce’s eyes went to the young flesh and soft pink nipple in Alfred’s hand. He stared for a minute, before looking up into his good friend’s daughter’s eyes, “Barbara, so good to see you…is Alfred helping you… perhaps I could be of assistance as well?”

Before he even knew it, Bruce had released her other breast with one hand, while the other, of the experienced playboy, slid down the zipper holding the back of the young girl’s dress….of course Bruce was far less tentative, rolling her nipple in his experienced fingers, and even giving a little pinch.