Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Cock still in his hand, Gerry turned. Toby was standing in the bathroom doorway, naked and unembarrassed. Gerry's eyes fell down the boy's body, black hair flopping over his face, that cheeky grin the kid often had, unmuscled chest, prominent hips, pubic hair framing the perfect uncut cock. He was pleased to see Toby was not flaccid, but maybe three quarters erect. Morning wood, Gerry thought. Oh to be young again.

Still, his own cock was showing signs of life. He turned full on to the 18 year old and stroked himself ostentatiously. "You cheeky little perv," he said. "I think you should be punished. What's it to be?"

Even just thinking about punishing Toby generically, without a fully formed idea of what he would do next, gave Gerry the stimulation he needed. His cock sprang to life, the shaft extending nobly into his palm and then beyond his fingers.

"See. I'm not limp like last night," Gerry said. "A good night's sleep and my old guy cock is ready for anything."

Gerry was almost amazed at himself talking so dirty, and to a teen. He talked to the girls on screen when he watched porn. Called out instructions, what he planned to do with them. It helped him get in the mood for jerking off. Andrea didn't like dirty talk. She said it cheapened sex. Save it for the locker room, she always said.

"Maybe you'd like a wash, little Toby," Gerry said. "Yeah. A shower. Let's get all that dried cum off your face."

Gerry looked for a response. Anything. Verbal, visual. What was the boy's pleasure? And then a new thought crossed his mind.

"Or maybe you want to piss first..."
Toby stared at the older man's burgeoning erection appreciatively. He was distracted by it, wondering how soon Gerry would try to put it up inside him, feeling a touch nervous about it, when the man shifted his attention by suggesting a piss.

He looked up with a bemused smirk and palmed his own thickening tool, still a fair bit smaller than Gerry's, but respectable. He nodded, biting his lip. He did want to piss first.

"I'll make a mess if I try to piss through a hard-on," he giggled, blushing. He didn't think he should feel embarrassed talking like this, but he was still unaccustomed to it.

"But it's kinda fun to try, yeah?"
"Kinda fun...yeah."

Gerry stood, silently, hand stroking his cock, his morning wood coming along nicely. Pissing would be kinda fun, he thought. His mind filled with images of pissing in porn. Girls on their knees, eyes shut, mouths open, being pissed on, splashed, flooded, sluiced, by cock after cock. Funny how he hadn't been into that sort of thing at first. He'd been revolted the first time he'd watched piss play. His Lutheran upbringing, Gerry decided. It made him feel guilty about so many things. Made him stop when he wanted to keep going. Made him worry about enjoying himself. Made him miss out...

"Yeah. Kinda fun," Gerry said, seeing Toby stroke his own cock, the uncut knob peeking through the fingers almost shyly. "But I wasn't thinking of you simply pissing into the toilet."
Toby looked bewildered for a few moments. He looked Gerry up and down, and then examined his expression appraisingly. What could Gerry possibly have in mind?

He giggled again, a little nervously.

"Oh?" he prodded, still slowly stroking. "If I were to piss somewhere else... where would it be?"
"Where would it be," Gerry said almost under his breath. "I wonder."

The little voice in Gerry's head was saying no. Loudly. Gerry knew what was going on. He was a nice guy. He'd built a reputation on it. Personal and professional. Everyone can trust Gerry, they all said. With our kids, with our secrets, with our lives. Yet here he was, naked in his bathroom with a naked 18 year old student, their cocks hard in their hands. A student he'd masturbated and sucked and cum on and digitally penetrated, and slept next to in his marital bed.

He willed the voice to shut up. It was way too late already. There was no going back.

And the other voice in Gerry's head was telling him to go for it. You might not get another chance, Gerry, after today. If you want to try something, even if it's only once, if you want to get as down and dirty and depraved as you can, just once, then maybe, good ole' Gerry, you weak, fucking coward, this is it. Open your fucking mouth and tell the kid what you want him to do.

He heard the voice. He knew what it meant. Today is the day, he thought.

"I want you to piss in my mouth."
Toby's mouth fell open. Was Gerry fucking with him? Having grown up with pathetically limited internet access, Toby was ignorant of a great many kinks. There were plenty of weird and gross and crazy things he'd witnessed in person, thanks to his mother's lifestyle, but he made a point of turning away from it, and this particular kink was a new one for him.

Certainly it was great fun pissing somewhere other than a toilet - he'd pissed in plenty of parks and alleys, and tried his hand at writing his name in the snow during a few winters, but he'd never pissed on (or in) someone - he would have thought such a thing the ultimate insult.

Although, when he considered it further, wasn't the humiliation aspect rather appealing in itself? Did Gerry want to be humiliated - was he a bad, bad man who craved to be punished for his naughtiness?

"You fucking perv," he mumbled, squeezing his cock and finding that it had come to full hardness in a hurry. He found himself suddenly breathless - terrified, still shocked, but undeniably horny as hell and curious beyond belief.

"You really want that? Where - the shower?"
There. He'd said it. Asked for it. Told Toby that he, Gerry, 53 year old school guidance counsellor, straight vanilla guy with the cleanest of clean records, wanted an 18 year old male student to piss in his mouth.

The realisation that he'd asked to be used and humiliated, to be pissed on, made Gerry nearly faint with excitement. All his life he'd turned away from what he wanted, always taken the right path, tried to please everyone before himself. And finally he'd taken a chance, spoken up when the situation demanded it, when the stars aligned. There was no going back.

The two men stood naked in the bathroom. Toby was looking at him in disbelief, still stroking his beautiful teen cock, Gerry noticed. He could still see, but somehow he couldn't hear. Only his words echoing in his head. 'I want you to piss in my mouth, I want you to my mouth....'

And then Toby whispered something like 'you fucking perv'. Fucking perv, Gerry thought. I am a fucking perv. It's not what the court will record when I'm sentenced, but it's what it will mean. A fucking perv.... The words replaced 'piss in my mouth' echoing in his head. It sounded right, somehow. Yes. I am a fucking perv.

And then Toby was talking about the shower. "What? Yeah, the shower," Gerry heard himself reply. "I want you to piss in my fucking mouth in the fucking shower like the filthy fucking perv I am."

The more Gerry said it the better it sounded. And out loud, echoing in the tiled shower in response to an 18 year old boy with a hard cock and a cheeky look on his face, it sounded like his destiny. Suddenly Gerry wanted it to happen. Now. Before anything could take the chance away from him. Anything, like an earthquake or a tornado or a lightning strike or a heart attack or waking from the dream.

The older man stepped into the shower. "Water on, yeah?" He turned on the taps. Hot. Steam filled the room. Not good. He didn't want his view obscured. But then he would have piss in his eyes. Jesus. Just get the water right. What the fuck! Get on your knees you stupid fucking perv cunt. On your knees, mouth open, before the kid pisses himself down the drain.

Gerry did as the voice in his head directed, turned around under the hot water and knelt on the tiles in the shower. Toby was standing over him, cock long and hard in his hand.

"I fucking want you to fucking piss in my fucking mouth.....fucking now."
Toby was trembling inside as he stepped into the shower. His movements felt like slow motion, and the whole world seemed to thrum with electricity. This wasn't really going to happen... was it?

But wasn't there an immature, spiteful part of him that was all over the idea of doing something so perverse and filthy and degrading to a school teacher or administrator after a lifetime of being made to feel like a moron and a screw-up?

Take it, old man. Take right in your old man face. You want to 'guide' me, guidance counsellor? I'll guide my piss down your fucking throat, and you're gonna like it. I'm in charge now.

In fact, he didn't feel in charge at all, and he wasn't sure he wanted to be. What he wanted was to do everything Gerry asked of him. What he wanted was to satisfy every sick fantasy the twisted old man could come up with.

Toby shut the shower door behind him. It was so warm in here. The warm water swirled around his feet. Gerry knelt before him, chest heaving. Gerry Metzler. An old man with an old man's name and an old man's job. Waiting for an eighteen-year-old boy to piss in his mouth. It was all so goddamn perverse. Of course they were both hard as steel.

Toby held his cock by the base and aimed it, his other hand bracing against the tile wall. He was breathing even harder than Gerry. It trembled in his throat. He held his breath every few seconds, now and then softly grunting, trying to concentrate, willing the floodgates to release.

It was too warm. He reached for the faucet and turned it a bit colder.

Cold. Rain. Trickling. Floods. Rushing water. Waterfalls.

Toby whimpered and bounced on the balls of his feet like a little kid who really had to go. He shut his eyes for a few moments, breathed deeply, and pictured himself alone, standing in front of a urinal.

He moaned as a tiny trickle leaped forth from the head of his cock. His eyes opened quickly. Gasping, he kept his eyes on Gerry. His piss was coming haltingly, one more little spurt, then another. It sprayed widely, dribbling over Gerry's cheeks, beard, chest.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck...," he whispered heatedly, furrowing his brow and drilling into Gerry's eyes with his own. His legs were shaking. This felt goddamn amazing. Sick, wrong, perverse, sexy as hell.

After a few moments of intense concentration, the floodgate finally dropped, and with a loud groan that echoed in the enclosed space, the stream leaped forth in full force, gushing against the old man's face, accompanied by an almost orgasmic rush of ecstasy.

"Take it!" Toby growled. "Fucking TAKE IT you FUCK...."
Gerry leaned back on his heels, the hot water swirling round him and across his face. Obedient to the crude demand, Toby stepped into the shower and closed the door behind him. The older man opened his mouth wide and nodded, beckoning with his eyes, empty your bladder into me. There could be no misunderstanding as to what he wanted the teen to do. None.

Gerry watched Toby fiddle with the taps. Yes, the water was too hot. And you're making me wait, you cheeky little cunt. Making me wait for my humiliation. Do you want me to beg?

He could see how hard Toby was, hard like a rod, his cock almost bursting between the boy's fingers. He watched Toby cease stroking, and stand, taking aim. Just do it, you little cunt. Do it now...

The first spurts were timid, weak and intermittent. Nervous, Gerry thought. Nervous and rock hard. The kid's never going to piss successfully through all that rock hard meat. A brief burst of piss hit Gerry on the cheek, the chest, mixing with the water and dribbling down to the floor.

And then, as Gerry felt hours ticking by, wondering how stupid and perverse and monstrous he'd become, Toby's flow commenced with full force. Steady, direct, slashing against his face, his lips, his nose. Gerry opened his mouth as wide as he could, moving around to catch the flow, repulsed and energised at the same time. 'Take it,' he heard Toby say. 'Fucking take it, you fuck!' He's loving it too, Gerry thought. You filthy teenage cunt. The older man wanted to say it, shout it out loud, verbalise the filthiest language he could, to deepen his own depravity and encourage the kid. But his face was slick with piss and hot water, his mouth awash with the warm, acrid taste. He guzzled and coughed and spat, and guzzled some more. And all the while the cheeky look on Toby's face had turned to something decidedly darker and menacing.
"Ohhhh Jeeeeezus," Toby groaned, leaning on the wall above Gerry's head as he continued to empty himself into the old man. He'd never dared to imagine something so perverse, and it was exhilarating beyond belief. It was like literally being high. His heart was hammering madly against his ribs.

Even when Gerry seemed to choke on his piss, he still opened wide, thirsty for more. Toby leaned in, aiming the stream down his throat. He noticed Gerry draw closer, his lips a breath away from Toby's cock - Toby quickly grabbed him by the hair and pushed him back a few inches.

"No!" he barked, not letting the older man put his mouth on him for now.

Toby lowered his cock a little, spraying some of his hot stream all over Gerry's chest and belly, wanting to soak all of him.

"You filthy freak," growled Toby. "You're a real sicko, aren't you, Gerry? Look at you, down on the ground begging for a boy's piss! You wanna fuck me, don't you, old man? You wanna fuck me?"
Toby held Gerry by the hair, the older man's open mouth inches from the kid's streaming cock. Gerry had never felt so aroused, so filthy, so abandoned. Toby's piss streamed into his mouth, splattering and splashing onto his teeth, his tongue, running down his chin, defiling him. The whole experience was a revelation. He'd never been harder, hotter, ready for anything. And to gaze through the water and the hot piss at Toby's cock head, proud and open, gushing, emptying into him, and to be restrained by the kid's hands in his hair from engulfing that pissing cock with his mouth, just sent Gerry to new levels of sexual excess.

Freak! Sicko! Toby called him names. 'You wanna fuck me?' In the frenzy of the moment Gerry realised one thing for sure, one fact clearer than any fact he'd ever learned in his life. Yes, he wanted to fuck an 18 year old boy. Wanted to turn the tables on the kid who was violating him, pulling his hair, holding him down in the shower and pissing on him like some cheap, worthless piece of meat. Wanted to take control, grab the kid with both hands, turn him round and push him up against the wall, find his asshole and open him wide, stick his cock into the boy and fuck him hard up the ass. Until he screamed in pleasure or in pain. It didn't matter. Being used like this taught Gerry one thing. If Toby could make him feel so powerless and used, then Gerry could do it to the kid too.
Toby could only blame the intensity and irresistible wrongness of the situation for getting carried away like this - he didn't know what the hell he was saying or why it all excited him so much or whether he was going down a path that would only destroy him. He was just riding the wave - soon it would crash down.

The eighteen-year-old was electrified, euphoric. His breath came in frantic gasps. Every inch of his body was alive like it had never been. The whole world was alive, and it belonged to him in these brief moments of being totally in control.

But he was running on empty now, and his last few dribbles of piss were leaping feebly out, splattering across Gerry's tongue and lips. He had also run out of words. There was just the sound of both of them panting now, against the backdrop of the running shower.

Toby pressed his lips into a tight line, and a little uncertainty clouded the fierce intensity that had been gleaming in his eyes. He was still holding Gerry's hair, but his grip had eased. Had he just made a terrible mistake? Had he just waved a red flag at a bull? He was hugely out of his depth here, and was tempted to apologize for everything he'd just done and said, yet he knew Gerry had wanted all of it.

What now? Oh... fuck... Gerry was actually going to fuck him. The look in the man's eyes - the almost savage intent. It was unmistakable. Toby held his breath.

They were both rock hard.
The teen's piss stream finally petered out. Gerry knelt on the floor of the shower, Toby's hand still tightly wound in his hair but easing a little. The older man's bent knees and calves screamed for relief. He licked his tongue round his mouth, finding the piss which hadn't been flushed away by the shower. He tasted dirty. Defiled. But then, what did he expect to taste like?

Toby was still hard, the straight pink shaft bobbing inches from his face. How did the boy feel having pissed so long and hard through his erection? Gerry had only to lean forward an inch to take the beautiful organ in his mouth. He looked up at the 18 year old. The kid's menacing eyes and grin had fallen away into something more sheepish. Apologetic even.

Apologetic? He knew what the kid was feeling. Surprise. Remorse. Fear....

Toby was breathing hard now, gasping for air. Gerry realised fear was probably the boy's overwhelming emotion. He knew what the kid was thinking. 'I've just pissed in my teacher's mouth while holding his head tight. Was that a good idea? Did he really want me too? Should I have done it? What's he going to do to me now?'

Gerry jumped to his feet, Toby's hand slipping out of his hair. The older man sensed his cock hardening and extending between his legs. The boy's fear empowered him, just as the filthy language, the insults had.

"So you think I'm a sicko, little Toby? A freak?" Gerry grabbed the teen and turned him round. "Well maybe you've nailed it, kid."

The older man pushed the teen hard against the wall, taking the boys hands and moulding them onto the taps before reaching for the soap.

"Hold on tight and spread your legs, little Toby. This freaking sicko is going to fuck you."
Still panting, Toby gripped the knobs for the hot and cold water until his knuckles ached. Why had he said all those things? Why had he provoked Gerry?

Because he wanted to. Because he plain old wanted to and it felt fantastic. He tore the man to shreds and now he was going to get his own medicine and then some. He wanted this - he wanted to be fucked hard by a perverted old teacher.

And he was terrified, and he wanted to run away. He wanted to plead for gentleness.

You made me do it! Why would you make me do it and then punish me?!

He cringed and whimpered even though Gerry hadn't even done anything to him. He heard the pathetic noise echo in the enclosed shower stall and was disgusted with himself. Why couldn't he man up and just take it?

His thin chest heaving, he pressed his forehead against the cool tile and clenched his teeth. He growled, psyching himself up as he held on tight, spreading wide as he'd been told. He fought to summon all of his courage. This was going to hurt, and he did not want to end up begging for mercy.

"Do it then!" he huffed, ignoring the tremor in the words as they tumbled from his quivering mouth. "If you... if you think you're man enough."

Fuck! Why did he keep poking the bear? Was he some kind of masochist?
Once he'd positioned Toby neatly over the taps, Gerry soaped up his hands and then his cock. The kid was whimpering. Ready to be punished, Gerry thought. Why, oh why does that turn me on quite so much as it does?

"Do it then," Toby said, "if you're man enough."

Man enough! Jesus fucking Christ.

"You see this?" Gerry said, holding the soap where Toby's face was bent against the tiled wall. "Good and slippy. Slipperier, just how you like it. Yeah?"

Toby's lack of a verbal response riled Gerry. "Fucking slipperier," he yelled. The words echoed in the shower stall, angry and incoherent. It sounded meaningless the second time, but the tone was what Gerry heard. And wanted Toby to hear.

The older man ran his hands down Toby's back to his ass, then down the cleft to the top of the boy's thighs.

"Spread your legs I said. Wider. So I can feel your hole."

Squatting, he prised Toby's legs apart until the kid was hanging off the taps, balancing precariously so as not to slip on the wet floor. Gerry felt his hands gliding over the teen's smooth skin, enjoying the lack of friction, the boy's shivers in response, the whimpering, shortness of breath. He found Toby's asshole and inserted his index finger. All the way. The boy winced. He turned his hand over, palm upwards and inserted a second finger.

"This is what happens," Gerry said, standing, both fingers still buried deep inside, and pressing himself against Toby's back so he could place his mouth up to the boy's ear, "when a dirty teenage faggot pisses on his teacher."

He kissed the boy's neck, pushing his lips and face into the soft skin, then nibbling the boy's ear, nipping aggressively.

"So I'm a freak. A sicko. Yeah? What do you call some little wise guy who pisses into his teacher's mouth? Do you want me to tell you?" Gerry twisted his fingers, feeling Toby's sphincter resisting and clenching, then pushed as deep as he could go, feeling the boy tremble and catch his breath.

"Fresh fuck meat. Yeah? How about I call the wise guy fresh fuck meat? Does that turn you on, little Toby? Do you like me inside you, all slippery and deep? Do you fucking like that?"

Gerry was leaning with his full weight now, his cock hard against the curve of Toby's ass.

"You feel my cock in your back, little Toby? I'm all soaped up and slippery." He twisted his fingers again. "Relax," Gerry whispered, "or it's gonna hurt when I stick my cock in your boycunt, even more than when I finger fuck you."
Toby shivered. The two fingers inside him were as exciting as they were painful, but what really had the boy riled up was the way Gerry was talking to him.

He had been yelled at by all sorts of people all his life and it should have rolled off him by now. He never had an issue yelling back at someone who yelled at him, but when Gerry yelled, he was speechless. He felt tiny, ashamed, afraid, and somehow, through it all, exhilarated.

Gerry, yelling orders, pushing him around, penetrating him, kissing him, biting him, and then whispering in his ear. He was certainly keeping Toby on his toes. Toby didn't know what was coming next.

Dirty teenage faggot. Fuck meat. Boycunt.


He groaned when Gerry rotated his fingers, stretching his virginal passage painfully wide, and Toby knew what was coming next would be a lot bigger than a couple of fingers. Fuck, this was going to hurt like hell - but didn't he sort of want it to? He liked provoking people and making them snap. He was a wise guy, like Gerry said. A little shit. Worthless, good for nothing now but fuck meat.

"I feel it," he whispered back, trying to push his ass back a little. Gerry's throbbing cock pressed harder against his backside. Teasing... threatening.

"I know it'll hurt. It'll hurt bad. It's okay, Uncle Gerry. I'm just fuckmeat. Just a boycunt."
The boy was snivelling now. Shaking and whimpering, cringing under his touch. Gerry felt bad at the obvious fear he was causing, but at the same time, the bravado, the insults, the filthy talk and the impact it was having, was giving him a hard-on like he'd never experienced before. He wanted to destroy this kid. Tear him in two. Fuck him into oblivion. It scared him and it emboldened him. Sex had never been like this. Not with Dowoon. Not with Andrea. Not with the other couple of women who'd let him fuck them before he'd married. How he felt now was a revelation and he wanted to experience everything, quickly, immediately, totally, yet at the same time for it to never end.

Toby was standing with his legs spread as wide as possible in the confined shower, but it still wasn't quite right. Gerry could push his fingers into the teen's asshole while kissing his neck and nipping his ears, but the angle was wrong. The older man pulled and twisted the boy, regardless of what pain he caused. Toby was his now, his plaything, his fucktoy, to use however Gerry wanted. It mightn't be the way Gerry saw the world and sex and consent and mutually satisfying relationships, but that was yesterday. Today he was in charge, powerful, enraged and engorged. And everything Toby did in response just screamed at Gerry to go for it. Fuck the kid.

He withdrew his fingers from Toby's asshole and reached for the soap again. His cock was steel between his hands as he lathered himself up. Beneath his chest the 18 year old gasped and quaked.

"I'm ready now, you little whore," Gerry said. "Relax your asshole, take a deep breath and let Uncle Gerry inside you."

Gerry bent his knees, crouching below the boy. With one hand on his cock he guided himself upwards, feeling his way round the boy's ass with the cock head until it slid neatly into place under the anus. Gerry could feel the boy relaxing and tensing, the rim contracting against his smooth knob. The angle was still not perfect, but when he pushed inside Gerry expected the smaller boy would adjust onto the cock as it filled his rectal chamber. He teased the tight hole for a moment, pushing and prodding to test the sphincter's resistance. And then, pushing a little harder, Gerry felt his cock head overcome the pressure and he popped inside.
Toby could feel the power and threat welling up behind him, like a tornado about to swallow him. He willed himself not to surrender - he would take everything he had coming to him. He was determined to. And he was still hard and oozing precum, even as he quaked with fear.

His determination to take it like a man crumbled the moment he felt Gerry begin to push against his tight ring in earnest. He whimpered and groaned, struggling to keep the stance Gerry wanted him in and still somehow relax his ass - now and then his feet would skid on the slippery shower floor, and all of him tensed up.

With a determined thrust, Gerry forced his way through, and Toby immediately hollered. The sound that tore from his hoarse throat seemed impossibly loud and pathetic in the small shower stall.

"Sonovabitch!" he screamed, trying again, desperately, to relax himself. His knuckles and wrists were screaming from the effort of holding himself up on the taps, and at one point he lost his grip and accidentally turn the hot water way up for a few moments, causing him to cry out again.

He tried to adjust his ass, feeling like the wretched discomfort might be at least partially because of a less than ideal angle of approach, but every movement just made it worse.

Whore. You little whore. Boycunt. Fuckmeat.

God, he was still horny as hell. It was terrible, and he wanted more. He wanted that cock all the way through him.

"Sonovabitch," he sobbed, feeling an odd thrill even as he cried. "Go ahead and fuck me already!"
Gerry knew he should go slower. He knew he was hurting Toby. But the kid was squirming and crying out, their feet were slipping and the water was hot. And at this angle, gravity and Gerry's pulling hard was just bringing the kid down hard onto his cock.

As Toby cried out 'sonovabitch' Gerry felt his thrusting press home. Jesus! Is this what anal fucking was all about? Is this what I've been waiting for all my sad fucking life. He held on tight, one arm round the hips to Toby's front where he could pull the boy on to him, and the other over the shoulder where he could play with Toby's face and mouth.

Soaping up made all the difference, Gerry thought. Soaping up and coming from behind standing up. Gerry heard himself groaning and grunting over the noise of the water and Toby's moaning. Groaning and grunting like an animal. It sounded otherwordly, like someone else was in the shower with them, another man who liked fucking 18 year olds, who was good at it, experienced, who could teach Gerry a thing or two.

But no, it was just Gerry. A 53 year old school teacher fucking a young, vulnerable student up the ass. And it felt good.

Toby yelled out 'fuck me'. Gerry held him tighter, pulling the kid's hips down, pushing his fingers into the kid's mouth. His cock was deep inside now, hard and straight. He pictured it penetrating the warm flesh, probing and pressing, stretching. A foreign object, bigger than anything the boy had accommodated before, taking him to the limits of pain and endurance, and then some.

"I'm gonna fuck you, little Toby," Gerry said. "Good and hard."
By now Toby felt like most of him was being held up by Gerry's cock instead of his own hands and feet. That thick, throbbing beast driving its way deeper into him might as well have been a tree trunk - it felt impossibly huge. It was stretching him beyond what felt possible, forcing him open, tearing him asunder. For a few moments he was sure he would die on the end of this cock, and he was ready to accept that.

"Oh... jeeeezus!" he wailed as Gerry went even deeper - was there still more of him?

Toby had no strength in his legs anymore. He just gave in pushed back against Gerry, screaming as he was impaled even more deeply. Gerry was holding him tight now, pulling him closer. God, it just kept going deeper - was Gerry getting bigger?

In desperate pain, he almost cried out for mercy. Then he felt the older man's fingers press into his mouth, like a fed up parent stifling a crying tot with a pacifier. Toby latched on immediately, his whimpers and moans now muffled. A savage part of him nearly bit down hard, but instead he just sucked hungrily on the invading digits, giving himself something to focus on other than just the searing agony his ass was experiencing.
Gerry felt Toby's teeth on his fingers and prepared to be bitten. Like so many other aspects of what he was doing, fingers in the mouth suddenly seemed like a crazy idea. Mere days ago, 'crazy' would have been enough of a thought for Gerry to stop, turn and run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Now, in this moment, crazy was the new normal.

The kid was obviously distressed at being violated. There was no denying it, even in the midst of Gerry's ecstasy. Harder or not? Stop or not? Care or not? But the momentary contemplation of his options just left Gerry cold and undecided. He was too far gone in his quest to show Toby who was boss to be objective. He wanted pleasure, he wanted release, he wanted annihilation. He wanted it all. It was within his grasp.

But the angle was wrong. The older man could barely keep his feet fixed on the wet floor. The 18 year old, smaller and held fast only by his hands on the taps and Gerry's cock deep in his ass, seemed to bounce and float under his grip. He tightened his hands on Toby so that the two men bucked and writhed together. Gerry wanted to cum and he wanted to last forever, housed inside the boy, just the two of them and the engorged, throbbing cock which made them one.

In the fog of complete arousal, Gerry made a decision. He wanted to cum inside the boy, but he wanted to see Toby's face when it happened.

"I am moving you to the bed, little Toby," he said. And as quickly as he'd entered the boy, Gerry withdrew. Freed from the kid's rectum, Gerry sensed his cock, hard and proud, like a third person in the room, a mad, sexual being which could command them both, Gerry to fuck and Toby to be fucked.

Gerry sensed what he was thinking was now even crazier than before. Instinctively he knew to keep going, complete the task, not give in to analysis, avoid tangents. His hands still gripping the boy, Gerry hoisted him upright, feeling the exhausted, dead weight pulling down on his arms, his shoulders. In one move they turned, negotiating the wet floor, the open doorway, carpet under their feet. Gerry threw the scared, wet boy on the bed where they'd slept, rolling him onto his back.

"Pull your legs up and spread them, little Toby" Gerry said. "I want to look into your eyes while I fuck you."
Toby yelped when he felt Gerry pull out, and swallowed back a sob. The pain still lingered and now he didn't have that feeling of fullness that made it all worthwhile. Still whimpering, he stumbled along with the older man and collapsed on the bed, moving easily like a ragdoll as he was flipped over.

Wet all over from the shower, he wasn't sure if the droplets streaking down his cheeks were water or tears or both, but he heard himself sob as he pulled his legs up as instructed.

"Look then!" suddenly screamed, his voice tense and accusatory. "Look at me! And don't you fucking dare look away!"

If asked, he couldn't have offered an explanation for why it pleased him to taunt Gerry like this, nor for why he hoped Gerry would scream right back at him and punish him. He couldn't imagine why he was so turned on even as he cried and yelled and trembled. He was at a loss to explain why he craved to have that big cock back up inside him as soon as humanly possible even though it hurt like hell, or why he wanted the older man to call him more things like fuckmeat and boycunt and little whore. He just knew he was filled with need and pain and rage and humiliation and adoration and lust all at once, and that they both needed this desperately.
Whenever Gerry thought he was in complete control, Toby surprised him. As he fucked the kid in the shower, as he propelled him from the bathroom to the bedroom, as he threw him on the bed, Gerry felt how small and vulnerable, how scared Toby was. All the signs screamed that he could do what he wanted with the teen, whatever he wanted without limit, without sanction, without comeback. Yet here was cute little Toby, stranded on his back with his red raw asshole in the air, shouting back at him, defying him, challenging him. 'Look at me while you fuck me and don't you dare look away.'

It was so unexpected and so arousing. And enraging. Gerry locked his hands over Toby's calves and pushed his legs hard back over the kid's head, pulling his ass up even higher. The older guy leaned down until his face was right up against Toby's.

"You just watch me, you fucking whore," he yelled, spit from his mouth spraying across the teen's face. "You just lie back, open your legs, relax your tight little asshole, and watch while Uncle Gerry splits you in two."

Gerry wanted Toby to cringe, to wince, to pull back, to show fear. To beg for mercy even. But nothing. The kid didn't flinch, but just adjusted into the new pose Gerry was forcing on him, on his back, legs bent right back and wide, ass up where Gerry's erect cock was grinding invitingly against the target. The teacher felt no need for pleasantries or preparation, no need for foreplay. He'd been deep inside the boy in the bathroom moments ago, and he meant to go deep inside him now, just this time face to face. He released one arm, took hold of his still slick cock and positioning it over Toby's puckered orifice, thrust himself inside, deep and hard.
Toby was oddly calmed by Gerry yelling viciously in his face.

Yes please, Uncle Gerry. Split me in two. I'm ready. Ready to be destroyed.

He kept quiet and calm until the moment Gerry forced his way in - his eyes and mouth opened wide and a raw holler of pain ripped forth from his throat. This time Gerry could see straight into his eyes when he caused this pain, and Toby felt somehow thrilled by this. His ass was so tender from the first penetration, and now Gerry was even less careful about it, plus the soap was starting to sting.

"FUCK!" he cried out, large tears rolling down his cheeks. "Fuck, fuck, fuck - it hurts. Are you fucking happy now? Is this what you want?"

His tone wasn't defiant or accusing this time - it was pathetic and punctuated by childish sobs. He couldn't stop crying now, and it was so satisfyingly cathartic that he was sure he'd never been happier than he was right now, notwithstanding the intense pain and persistent weeping. He could only hope Gerry wouldn't stop.
Gerry knew he was overdoing the shouting, the insults. He just didn't know where it was coming from. The sexual euphoria maybe? The whole dom/sub thing, a cute vulnerable teen on his back and Gerry's cock slamming into his ass? Andrea hated conversation during sex, let alone dirty talk. It had to be releasing years of pent up sexual frustration, he decided. And besides, it didn't seem to worry Toby. He just gave back as good as got while looking pretty calm.

Except when Gerry hurt him, of course. Was soap even a sexual lubricant? There was KY jelly somewhere in the house. Andrea kept it for some reason. It soothed her apparently. Soothed her when some 25 year old muscled personal assistant had his black cock up her ass, Gerry mused. I should find it and use it, he thought. But Gerry was so ready to cum it seemed a bit late in the piece.

Toby was yelling now. Yelling how much Gerry was hurting him. Was that good? All part of the gay experience? He didn't know. It just made him hotter and hornier. Which had to be good. Yeah?

But the sobbing? What was that all about? "Cry you babyfaced cunt," Gerry yelled. "Cry while Uncle Gerry fucks you like a teen boy slut."
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