Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby did - he cried while Uncle Gerry fucked his slutty teen ass. He was an absolute mess, his cheeks deeply flushed and glazed with tears, hair mussed, lashes matted.

He loved everything Gerry yelled at him. Folded nearly in half and being aggressively, painfully fucked while having insults barked at him, he was totally subjugated, completely out of control. Being knocked down this many pegs to the point that he felt utterly helpless brought him the most glorious, paradoxical sense of liberation. He belonged to Gerry now, wholly, and the tears were from euphoria as much as from pain.

"Hnnghh... daddy," he rasped out hoarsely.

God, that felt good - and so wrong. Would it be too much for Gerry? Would anything be too much for Gerry?
Gerry came, powerfully, copiously, relentlessly, deep in Toby's ass. He wanted to hold on, wanted to keep fucking the boy, wanted to make the moment last forever. But his ejaculation was spontaneous and uncontrollable. As his cock spasmed and pulsed, he thrust himself deeper, holding tight, imagining his cock head opening and gushing the creamy load into the dark.

And at the moment of release Toby yelled 'daddy'. Gerry felt so dirty, so monstrous, yet so completely and utterly masculine at the same time. Masculine? Did that make sense? Finally fucking another man at 53. Didn't that make him a faggot? So many ideas and thoughts and contradictions flashed through his head as he looked down at the kid's tear-streaked face and sad eyes, and then when he bent his head, at their torsos, and lower, under the teen's bouncing tool, at the point where they were locked together, Gerry's cock in Toby's ass, so deep and tight, completely filling the boy, utterly capturing the older man, it felt like nothing would ever separate them again.

Oh, to be two men in one body, joined at the cock and ass, forever, Gerry thought. The ridiculousness of it, and yet the joyousness, made him smile. He wanted to call out, but the only sound which formed on his lips was 'ugh'.

It was a long orgasm. As long as Gerry could recall. Maybe longer. Suddenly boycunt seemed the only cunt there was. Any vague memory of fucking Andrea seemed false and inadequate.

"Ugh," he said again. And then a long cry, "ahhhh." Relief and release and victory. Over the boy, over his own refusal to recognise who he was and be true to himself. He felt the tears come.

'I love you,' he thought. 'I love you Toby. I love what you have done to me, for me, allowed me to do for myself, allowed me to finally become.

But he didn't say it.

The orgasm was done. In his mind's eye, the cock head was closing, it's work done, it's load discharged, the pressure alleviated. Gerry imagined it drawing back in the dark cavity leaving the pool of semen to slosh about, all those tiny organisms bent on fertilising an egg where there would be none. Cheated, just as Gerry had cheated himself, inseminating Andrea just that once with Charlotte as the result, and all the other times into the condom without result. In his euphoria he imagined Toby as a condom. I can fuck you when and how I like, Gerry thought, deposit my seed with no worry for little accidents. An 18 year old on my cock, the perfect repository for my seed. Perfect....

His cock still locked in place and his hands holding Toby's legs back, Gerry leaned down, smiled, and kissed the kid on the mouth.
Toby was choked by the raw power gushing into him below and arching over him, grunting and groaning. He lay there helpless with his mouth hanging slightly open, quivering all over, until Gerry's mouth covered his. He came alive at the kiss and wound his arms around the older man's neck.

His butt felt weird and sloshy, continuing to throb as if Gerry was still pulsing inside him, discharging endless seed, filling the empty husk that was once Toby with his own essence. The pure joy of it more than made up for the searing pain.

"Stay in me," he whispered against the older man's lips. "Stay in me, daddy. Your little cunt, for all your cum. I'll be anything you want."
"Stay in me," Toby said as Gerry drew back from the kiss. Daddy...."

The older man wanted nothing else but to stay in the teen, deep and connected, appendages of each other, and of the one thing they'd become. To kiss, to lick, to suck, to fuck, to push himself up the boy's tight ass, feel the boy from the inside, make the boy laugh and cry and ask for more. To orgasm with his cock reaching into the 18 year old, stimulating and pressuring and pushing in ways he'd never felt before, not with Dowoon, not with Andrea, not with the other few women who'd let him fuck them between Dowoon and Andrea.

"I'll stay in you, little Toby," Gerry said tearfully. "I'll be your daddy and you'll be my boycunt."

Where did those words come from, he thought. I used to be so proper, so conservative, so reserved. Like only yesterday even. Today I'm sodomising a barely legal student on my wife's bed, saying things so filthy I only ever thought them before, never said them.

And I don't want it to stop, he thought. Not today, not when Andrea returns, not when school's in tomorrow, not ever.

But even in his moment of debauched ecstasy Gerry had this feeling of impending doom nagging away somewhere deep in his head. Not loudly. Not to disturb him or make him relent for what he'd done. But it was there all the same.

He dropped his face an inch onto Toby's mouth and kissed him again.

"Daddy and boycunt," he said. "Forever."

Was it romantic, or threatening? An expression of emotion, or a collar around his neck? Toby was thrilled with either, he realized. The dizzying high of leaping headlong into a passionate, completely socially unacceptable affair was all-consuming and undeniable. If Gerry asked him in this moment to have Daddy's Little Boycunt tattooed across his ass, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He desperately wanted to be owned.

"Forever," he returned vehemently when the kiss broke. He sniffled and swiped a wrist across his wet face, still a big mess from all the crying.

"I'll get used to it - I promise I'll try. And then maybe it won't hurt so much. But god, it hurts. I'm sorry for crying. It was good, right? You really came a lot, yeah?"
Toby was so cute when he was crying. All red faced and sad eyed, snot running down his chin and now a great gobby slash of it across his cheek where he'd wiped his hand. Gerry nuzzled his nose round the boy's face, taking a lick of snot here and there, tutting and prodding like an inquisitive puppy.

But Toby was the puppy in this relationship and Gerry the leader of the pack. At least until the teen got a chance to get his fuck-gear up Daddy's ass. The idea made him shiver with anticipation and dread. It caused Gerry to slide down the kid's body to check on his cock. Just how big was it and how would it go fitting up Gerry's ass?

Toby's cock was lying flat on his stomach, semi hard, pointing at his navel. Gerry examined the uncut knob, first visually, and then with his fingers, pinching the foreskin and tugging it a little.

"You really came a lot, yeah?"

"Yeah. And you took it all, little Toby, like the trooper you are. Except for all that yelping and whining..."

Gerry looked up as he spoke, smiling to make sure Toby knew he wasn't complaining.

"Did you cum?" Gerry could see no sign of discharge on Toby's cock. But looking down at the boy's red raw asshole, Gerry's cum was starting to ooze from the tight little hole. He put a finger against the opening, feeling the warm slick. And without a second thought, but just another rush of derring-do, the older man pushed his face into the hole, licking his own cum and gathering it into his mouth. Toby squirmed in response, which just provoked Gerry into more effusive licking and sucking, until he was making a noise like slurping coffee.

"Why don't you push it all out for me," he said, looking up at the boy again, cum dribbling down his chin and onto Toby's thigh.
Toby was a touch embarrassed when Gerry asked him if he'd cum. He hadn't, of course - he'd been close, perhaps, at times, but overall the pain was too much for him to have gotten there. Now that he was no longer being savagely pounded up his very tender rectum, he was sure Gerry could get him there in fairly short order if he should be so inclined.

But he was right back to squirming and whimpering as the older man pressed his tongue into him, looking for the treasure he'd left there. Now his noises were almost entirely from pleasure. Gerry's tongue was wonderfully soothing and felt so gloriously lewd, lapping up the gooey mess. Toby giggled when asked to push out - he did so, although it felt sort of wrong.

"You got cum in your beard," he laughed, and then gasped when he felt that warm, muscular tongue slash across his sensitive hole, gathering up all the escaping dribbles.

"Daddy...? Daddy... ohh... that feels... so... good. Will you touch me? I'll cum...."
Gerry heard the boy's laugh as he lowered his face and returned to the task at hand, getting Toby to force Gerry's cum out of his ass for the older man to lick up. It was such a deeply filthy notion that even after what he'd already made happen, Gerry was surprised at himself. He'd watched lots of straight porn where people engaged in filthy and depraved acts, so he guessed that's how he got the ideas to verbalise foul language and thoughts, and then participate in them. There was nothing much in his sexual background which suggested itself as practical experience in depravity. Even his gay exploits with Dowoon over three decades ago were pretty much innocent fondling compared with what he and Toby had done in the last twenty four hours. And his sex life with Andrea was vanilla in the extreme.

He pushed his tongue into the teen's red raw asshole, feeling the kid clench and squeeze. Gerry's efforts were met with gurgling, and then the gentle bubbling of his cum from the tight hole onto his tongue. Did it taste sweet? Did he care? His brain whirred with ideas and images and revulsion and joy. The intimacy. The depravity. The sheer over-the-top craziness of the whole thing. He almost wanted to stop and ask for a camera to be found so his whole fucking of Toby, and especially the recovery of his own cum from the kid's asshole, could be recorded for posterity. Gerry felt a surge of regret that he wouldn't have a permanent record of something so crazy it might never happen again. Or if it did....well maybe he would organise for them to be filmed.

He heard the kid ask to be touched, to cum. But the sense of a mouthful of goo, warm and sticky, overwhelmed him. What do to? Gerry lifted his head from Toby's ass and gazed along the boy's cock to where his head was raised from the bed, looking back. Instantly Gerry knew what to do. The older man climbed onto his elbows, slid along the bed until his face was over the boy. Then nodding and hoping the kid would get the message to open his mouth, Gerry opened his, slowly and deliberately, until he felt the pool of cum roll forward, crest his teeth and bottom lip, and a steady stream commence its path down onto Toby's face.
Toby groaned impatiently as Gerry made him wait. All the enthusiastic licking and tongue-fucking had his cock back to full hardness, jumping and twitching and dripping on his belly. But soon he was distracted from his own need to empty his balls - his lover was arching over him with an obscene mouthful.

His eyes grew large as he stared up at Gerry, appearing startled and intimidated for a few moments. Then the drool started. Slowly Toby parted his lips, and the viscous frosting of cum and drool dribbled over his lips, a little of it dropping onto his chin. He opened wider, flicking his tongue out and letting the stream drizzle directly onto his tongue.

Toby was fascinated and just disgusted enough to be even more aroused - that had just come out of his ass, and now it was going in his mouth. He savoured the earthy flavours and he loved that it was Gerry himself coating his tongue. Not only the cum, but the saliva. He wanted all of it. He wanted Gerry's spit. Would Gerry piss on him later? He wanted to know what that was like. He wanted to be covered in Gerry and filled with him at the same time.

Slurping and licking his lips, Toby panted hard.

"Spit more," he huffed, having no idea why he wanted this but needing it badly. "Spit in my mouth."
Toby had only to ask Gerry to spit more for him to oblige. He'd watched the line of spit stretch from his mouth down to the kid, and then the drool flow and pool on the teen's tongue. The older man sealed his lips, swilled his tongue round and gathering up what remained of the cum he'd collected from Toby's ass, spat the sticky goop straight between the kid's parted lips. It was a good strong spit, taking Toby a little by surprise. Gerry watched him flinch, then close his mouth in response.

"Don't swallow, kiddo, don't fucking swallow. Show Uncle Gerry you haven't swallowed. Come on now. Quickly. Open wide for Uncle Gerry."
Toby loved when the old man called him kiddo. Just one of many things about his encounters with Gerry that were just wrong enough to be so, so right. He couldn't believe the things that were making his cock hard, but the most incredible thing was that they shared every one. Gerry was at least as much into every aspect of this, even if his cock wasn't as resilient, which Toby didn't mind, being that his ass was painfully raw and he knew he'd need a good long break before being fucked again.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment when Gerry spat, a reflexive response to avoid getting something in them, but quickly opened them again, reflecting delight, satisfaction, and glee. He felt the spray all across the lower half of his face, although most had managed to land in his mouth. It was so degrading - he craved more. He wanted to be treated like cheap trash. Daddy's filthy fuck thing. Good for nothing but a receptacle for cum, spit, and maybe even piss. Bring it on, Daddy.

He opened wide, showing Gerry the mess he was holding onto, and a little of it ran down his chin. He hoped he looked incredibly slutty, and sort of wanted a picture so he could see if little Toby really was sexy with cum and spit on him.
Toby did as he was told and opened his mouth wide for Gerry, disclosing the reservoir of goo. Once again Gerry was overcome with the desire to have a camera or phone handy, and record the image, a hot 18 year old guy, naked on his bed, with a mouth full of cum. The older guy perched on his elbows and gazed into Toby's mouth, the lips, the teeth, the tongue, the cum, and beyond that, the dark hole of the kid's throat. 'Looking into the abyss' was the thought which came to Gerry's mind. Why, oh why do I have to have such dark thoughts, he mused, just when, finally, I get to the best day of my life.

He shook his head, trying to banish the dark thoughts, then sat back and balanced on his knees. He leaned down, put his hands on both sides of Toby's mouth, grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart. The kid's mouth gaped even wider.

"You don't know how fucking hot you look," Gerry said, "with all my semen swilling around in there, you filthy little teen cumslut."

With his hands holding Toby tight, Gerry coughed and gurgled again. When his mouth was full of spit, he unloaded a stream into the kid's mouth, adding to the gooey pool.
Did he really look hot with a mouthful of cum? Was he a sexy cumslut? Toby wished he could see himself through Gerry's eyes.

The teen intently watched the stream drizzle down toward his mouth and caught it, swirling his tongue around to mix it all up. He fixed Gerry with what could only be called a seductive gaze. The obscene and visceral interactions with the older man were thrilling him more and more. He growled and bucked his hips, drawing attention to the insistent hard-on that responded eagerly to everything Gerry did and said to him.

He kept his mouth open, a bit of the cum and saliva mixture bubbling over his bottom lip. His own spit was mixing with it, and he loved that idea - mingling their fluids. He waited for Gerry to instruct him - he wouldn't swallow unless he had permission.
Gerry wished time would stand still. He could lie here indefinitely, gazing into Toby's face, the kid's mouth full of his cum. Indeed, having dribbled the cum and then spat in Toby's mouth, and now leaning over the teen, Gerry felt a wave of euphoria. He was lightheaded, wanting to laugh and cry and fuck and just let go of everything. The older man realised he was laughing out loud, even as he worried that Toby would have to swallow soon or choke. And the 18 year old was bucking his hips. Was it a sign that Gerry was expecting too much, pushing too hard, forcing Toby to hold his breath as well as the cum?

"Swallow it," Gerry said, "you crazy hot little fuck." He put a hand down to brush Toby's cheek, then his neck, running his fingers under the kid's chin and across the Adam's apple, gently massaging, encouraging him to swallow. And all the while his eyes were drawn down from the boy's face and neck to his cock and the raging erection Toby continued to maintain. Gerry was fascinated and jealous. If only his 53 year old body would be so ostentatiously responsive to the lust he felt for the boy.

"Swallow it," he said again, "and then I'll see to that delicious cock of yours which is just crying out to be sucked."
What was funny? Toby was mystified at first when Gerry looked straight at him and laughed. It took him a few moments to realize he was simply happy. So happy it just burst out of him. Toby had not felt or even witnessed that level of happiness in his life, until today. He was witnessing it at this very moment, and it bowled him over, knowing that he was the one who inspired it.

"Swallow it, you crazy hot little fuck."

Toby swallowed, and as soon as his mouth was clear, a great big bubble of joy burst in him - he let it out, echoing Gerry with a gleeful round of laughter as the older man caressed him. Tears escaped along with the laughter. It felt incredible and unexpectedly empowering to have all of these emotions inside him and let them out. It was a different sort of vulnerability than being naked in front of someone. The freedom to experience something real and actually show it to someone was new and electrifying, especially with his lover experiencing the same along with him. The whole world was fresh and thrilling, and it belonged to them alone.

"Taste me," he purred. "Put me in your mouth, daddy. Please, please, please - I've been a good boy for you, haven't I?"
"Taste me....put me in your mouth, daddy...I've been a good boy."

For a man who'd led an exemplary life, being dutiful and considerate and diligent, suppressing his own needs and taking care of others, to hear these words was electrifying. Gerry felt 18 again. Eighteen and hot and sexy and desirable. To be lying in bed naked on a Saturday morning, with a naked 18 year old beside him, begging to be used, calling him daddy, happy to give his body to be played with however Gerry desired...well, the older man couldn't believe how his life had changed. It had to be a dream. It had to be some extraordinary messing with his head. It had to be the foretaste of some great and rapid fall, some doomsday scenario in which immense and unbounded pleasure came before the punishment...

Gerry shook his head trying to dispel these thoughts. He was a good person, he was desirable, he was deserving. And if this wasn't going to last, he was going to enjoy it.

"Take me in your mouth...." Toby was hard. His cock lay along his body, firm and red and tumescent, glistening with precum. The older man turned and slid himself down the bed, his mouth hovering over the fleshy rod. At this angle he could push his hips, his cock, sadly not as ready to hit the target as Toby's, towards the boy's head. Sixty nine. The idea pounded in his head. Should he ask or just wait and see? He leaned down and tickled the head of Toby's cock with his tongue. The boy responded with a spasm and a fresh drop of precum. Gerry licked the shaft, then opened his mouth and gave the boy a nip.

"Mmmm," he said, turning to see how the kid was reacting.
Toby was delighted when, instead of moving down off the end of the bed to reach his cock, Gerry turned around so they lined up. He liked Gerry this close to him, and it was a struggle to divide his attention between when Gerry's mouth was doing, and the softened but still tempting cock and balls right next to his face.

"Ungh!" he grunted at the gentle nibble, a pleasant electric shock bolting through his core. He looked down and gave the older man a smouldering gaze. He'd said Bite me! to teachers and other authority figures in the past, but how much differently would those confrontations have gone if they'd responded like this?

"You're so bad," he hissed through clenched teeth. "Bad, bad man. Doing that to your boy's cock? That turns me on, so I guess I'm bad too. People have been trying to punish me my whole life, but I guess you're the only one who's actually done it right, because I'm fuckin' paying attention, Mr. Metzler. Do that again, you fuck."

With an impish smirk he turned his head aside to face Gerry's cock, nuzzling the spongy tip with a warm affection that contrasted with the tone of his lewd words. He wondered if Gerry would want to be sucked, or if it would be too sensitive post-orgasm.
Gerry enjoyed the kid's reaction to the nipping at his cock, so much so that it was hard to concentrate on what Toby was doing with his mouth. Gerry knew he wasn't going to get hard again this morning, but that didn't mean he wouldn't enjoy a good sucking. Having his soft cock in Toby's mouth was just the oral equivalent of cuddling and stroking, and if by chance he did get hard, well that was an unexpected bonus.

But Toby was not just a silent partner. The boy was talking dirty again. Where the fuck did he get such a sophisticatedly filthy vocab? Did he listen to his mother's boyfriends? From porn? Was he an escort? Gerry didn't think this last notion was true, but it made sense.

"You're so bad," Toby said. "Doing that to your boy's cock." Your boy? He was Gerry's boy. It was more than the teacher could have hoped for. Ownership. Submission. Gerry knew this was crazy. Toby was giving as good as he got, but the words said otherwise. Subordination. Submission. Gerry's cock beat slightly as he felt it flaccid against Toby's face.

And he called him 'Mr Metzler'. Maybe that was the biggest turn on of all. They'd be back at school on Monday for their regular morning session. And every time Toby called him Mr Metzler, Gerry knew what he'd be thinking. Suddenly Gerry's name sounded as sexy as fuck.

The older man lifted his mouth from the boy's cock. "Suck Mr Metzler's cock, boy," he said. "That's an order."
Toby would have loved to say more shamelessly filthy things at him to keep the energy building, but his top priority now was being a good boycunt for daddy - he would not disobey an order, no way. He opened up and sucked Gerry into his mouth like a great big marshmallow. This was the cock that had just been up his ass, and he had no hesitation about sucking it. It was just more filthiness to keep him excited.

He moaned long and low as he felt the older man reciprocate, the sound sending vibrations through Gerry's core. Having a cock in his mouth and a mouth around his cock at the same time was almost too much at once. The world could have crumbled all around them and Toby would scarcely have noticed.

Suck Mr. Metzler's cock, boy. That's an order.

Would he say such things in his office? Would they do this at school? Oh god, it was so deliciously wrong! Toby couldn't resist imagining all sorts of insane scenarios. Hiding under Gerry's desk and toying with his cock while he was in a meeting. Teachers walking in on them while Gerry had him bent over his desk fucking the hell out of him. Male teachers, at first horrified, then pausing, then realizing they were getting hard. They would line up for a turn, or maybe Toby would have cocks in him at both ends. And amazingly, his grades would begin to improve. Maybe they'd pay for a turn at him - Gerry renting out his boycunt. Fuck, it was so wrong.

The principal walking in. The fucking principal. Threatening to fire Gerry. Yelling at them. But Gerry would just keep fucking, defiantly. Fucking his boy. Because Toby belonged to him. Toby's ass was his property, and he would use it whenever and wherever he damn well pleased. The principal, shocked, rethinks his own values and slowly gets pulled over to the dark side. Toby hated that fucking loser, hated every loser principal, and always would, but he'd do anything Gerry asked. He'd look right into Gerry's eyes, adoring him, while the loser used him to get his rocks off. And he supposed it would feel damn good to make other men rethink their lives, rethink their sexualities. They'd think it wasn't gay - just a cunt to fuck, at the end of the day. A tight hole is a tight hole.

But he'd get in their heads. They'd think about his hole again and again, crave it. But not just his hole. They'd crave his smooth boy body. They'd find themselves wanting to suck his teenage cock, to know the taste of his young, forbidden cum.

That's right, you piece of shit. Suck me. Want me. You can taste me, but I'm not yours. Maybe I'll piss all over you, and you'll like it. Fuck my little whore ass. Get hooked. And then I'll walk away, and I'll be sleeping in Mr. Metzler's bed tonight.

He moaned loudly and thrust his hips as Gerry continued to suck him - he was getting close to a climax far too quickly.
Gerry felt Toby take the cock into his mouth, softly, almost tentatively maybe. The older man knew he was limp and no amount of the boy's sucking was going to change that. And it was the cock which had just been up Toby's ass. Did that explain the tentativeness? Would Gerry suck a cock which had been up his own ass?

Hmmm. He wondered. They were clean. They'd showered. But they hadn't done anything special about cleaning their asses, except that Gerry had digitally penetrated the kid in the shower and soaped him. So he was clean and Toby was clean as far as that went. It's not like he knew what it is like inside an ass and Gerry wondered why he was thinking about it so much. He'd watched plenty of straight anal porn and the girls were always clean. Their asses gaped open, red and clean. Sure they must have been prepared and that was never in the film. But porn was like that. Spontaneous. Hot people who just wanted to fuck, anal or whatever. The girls didn't quibble, they didn't resist, just bent over or opened their legs and let some horny guy stick a cock up their ass like it was normal. Is that what Toby had let Gerry do?

Is that what Gerry would let Toby do? Sure. Why not? As the two men sucked each other's cocks, Gerry decided that's what he needed. Toby to fuck his ass. A hot little twink top, all fresh faced and smooth skinned, skinny and vulnerable, ass fucking some bigger, older guy. A reversal of sorts. Gerry felt his cock twitch in Toby's mouth at the thought.

Toby was bucking his hips. For all Gerry's thoughts about Toby fucking his ass, it was Toby's cock in his mouth which suddenly took all of his attention. Gerry was on top, in the sixty nine position, but it was the teen underneath making all the running, thrusting himself between the older man's lips, hitting the back of his mouth, the top of his throat. It was testing but Gerry was loving it, adjusting to it, letting the cock ram home, offering no resistance except to nip and suck, and slide his tongue around the knob. Anything to provoke Toby to fuck more strongly, more powerfully. If only Gerry could reciprocate, harden up, test Toby's mouth at the same time.

Cum in my mouth, little Toby, Gerry willed. Take all day and cum when you're ready...
Toby wrapped his arms and legs around Gerry's comfortable middle, drowning in this feeling of total physical connection. He suckled away at the soft cock in his mouth, enjoying the tactility and the subtle flavours, as he ground against Gerry's face. God, he wanted to make this last for half an eternity at least, but he was so, so ready.

It started with a whimper, and then moan, and then a groan, and soon he was growling and tensing up all over. He gave his hips one hard thrust and then seized up, shooting a fresh load of young semen down Gerry's throat. He continued to suck hard, and then his lips finally parted. His limbs went limp, and he pulled in a huge breath as soon as the older man's cock had left his mouth. It came out in a shiver as wonderful spasms danced all up and down his enlivened body.

"Holy fuck, that was good!" he panted.
Gerry was in the face down position when Toby came. He got all the warning signs, but the sudden rush of cum, the spasm, the last great hip thrust like a punch in the jaw, the pumping spray, it all still caught him out, breathless and unready. He gasped, sucked, tried not to swallow with only limited success, doing everything he could to retain the cum, although a lot of it drizzled back down the hard shaft invading his mouth.

Toby was sucking hard too, although on what Gerry could only surmise. He felt limp as an old lettuce and worried about disappointing the boy. It was going to be a problem with such an age difference, one permanently aroused and virile and one on a twenty four hour clock, fuck and recover, fuck and recover. Slow...

But why did he think like this, even in this moment of ecstasy? I'm fucking an 18 year old, he thought. If Toby had been a female Gerry could have bragged about it. He'd be famous. Talked about far and wide. You lucky fuck! Who he could he tell about Toby? And did it matter? Of course not, he thought, except to me, and the boy I'm bound to disappoint. There I go again....

He felt Toby take one last deep breath and let go of the limp cock. "Holy fuck," Toby was panting, Gerry still latched on, struggling to breath and hold the cum and not spit.
Toby's body trembled as Gerry kept his lips wrapped around his own hypersensitive cock. He felt totally spent in the best way, and lounged lazily beneath his lover, now and then giving little kisses and licks to the cock and balls that were still hanging in his face, loving on him with as much affection and gratitude as he could muster in his current state.

"Will you come and kiss me?" he whispered after another minute. "And share my cum with me?"
"...come and kiss me..." Toby called. "...share my cum..."

Gerry needed to kiss or swallow or spit. Quickly. Letting a guy cum in his mouth and then holding the goo until whatever was going to happen happened, was completely new to him. Toby seemed good at it, but then the 18 year old was a surprise packet. The older man expected at any moment Toby's sordid past would be revealed - rent boy, escort, pornstar. The kid seemed so good, so experienced, so streetwise. The words he used, they way he said them, the way Toby flirted and engaged and aroused. Yet he was just fucking eighteen. Gerry had seen the kid's records at school. How the fuck did he learn all this stuff?

Gerry rolled onto his side and slid up the bed. I should have asked Toby to come down my end and kiss, he thought. Age before beauty and all that. And as he gazed down into Toby's young face, Gerry realised that the boy was astoundingly beautiful. Innocent, fresh faced, smooth and unmarked. An angel, but from some place where angels were everything except angelic. Maybe this is what heaven will be like, Gerry thought. Old guys like me die, go to heaven, and are greeted by angelic teens ready and willing to make paradise come true.

Gerry leaned in for the kiss, Toby's cum leaking from his mouth.
At first Toby was almost disappointed that Gerry didn't spit it at him, but he was astonished by the look the older man gave him just before he went in for the kiss. Something about that look twisted his insides and made his heart flutter and told him this was not a spitting moment. Slightly awed, he welcomed Gerry into his thin arms and parted his lips, quickly licking at some of the dribbles of white goo that were dripping down the man's chin and threatening to get caught in his beard.

The kiss was slow, deep, messy, and satisfying. He thought about what he'd always figured sex to be, based on what he witnessed - filthy, rough, depraved, messy, noisy, and crass. It had been all those things, certainly, but there was so much more. So much that he had a hard time understanding how other people could be so flippant about it, how they could just go from fuck to fuck as if none of their partners had had the least impact on them - and maybe they hadn't. Maybe most people were jaded and hopeless, and things would end up the same for Toby once Gerry was over him. Or maybe this really was something special.

Hadn't there been a time when he had been childish enough to think there could be something special about him, or that something amazing and wonderful could happen to him to turn his shitty life around, like a kid finding a golden ticket in a bar of chocolate? He had it in his arms right now, his incredible fortune. It was french kissing him, trading a mouthful of cum and saliva back and forth between them.

He had to make sure Gerry knew what this meant to him, that it was so much more than just a fuck. He petted Gerry's cheek, still unaccustomed to giving and receiving affection but going for it full blast.

"You can do anything you want to me," he whispered against Gerry's lips, almost under his breath. "Anything. I promise. Just let me be yours. We can pretend you made me, and you own me, and you'll always have me to do with as you please. Daddy's toy. I don't give a fuck about anyone or anything else."