Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Gerry was tiring a little. And starting to let his guilt play on his mind. Fucking a student. Sure he was loving it. The whole affair was a fantasy culmination to a lifetime of self denial. But how could he ever go back to work? Ever keep his impulses under control again? And was this just a thing with Toby, or had the kid unleashed something he'd want to try with every student, every 18 year old male who crossed his path?

The kissing relaxed him. The feel of their tongues sliding together, Toby's cum swishing liberally round their mouths, the heady, musky taste of the goo. the scent on his face, in his mouth, filling the room, overwhelming...

And then Toby was pushing him down onto the daybed, taking charge, straddling him. Suddenly the whole complexion of the moment changed. The younger guy was in charge and Gerry was his plaything. Sure his cock was soft, but his mind was aroused like nothing he had ever experienced before. The kid was light on his body, just skin and bone, but Toby's legs held him tight and his pubic bone pressed down into Gerry's torso, pinning him firmly as Toby bent down to kiss him.

"Do whatever you fucking want, Toby."
Whatever I fucking want.

What did Toby fucking want? That was a hell of a question. Instead of unleashing some sort of sexually charged beast, it made him pause. He kissed Gerry a few more times, soft and sensual, and then pushed up, sitting back on his heels and gazing down at the older man. Gerry Metzler. What was it about Gerry? It wasn't like he was some crazy hot guy that might stand out in a crowd, but looking at him through the lens of everything they'd gone through together, Toby could find everything about him appealing. An older man, fifty-something, with snowy hair and a soft beard, his chest hair equally white. A soft belly, all of him comfortable and inviting.

Was it a dad thing? Was he just this starved for an older male authority figure, that he'd find the cozy dad bod to be the sexiest thing possible?

Did it matter? It didn't have to. He could just be in the moment and do exactly what Gerry suggested - whatever he fucking wanted.

Toby shut off his brain and just went with his gut. He lowered himself down again and ran his tongue along the edge of Gerry's lower lip before sucking it into his mouth, toying with it. He stroked and scrunched Gerry's beard, and then slid down a little, rubbing his cheek against its softness. He nuzzled Gerry's face, neck, shoulders, and chest, rubbing against him like a purring cat while his hands roamed all over, touching every inch of bare skin he could get. As he gradually made his way down Gerry's body, his hard cock dragged along, leaving a wet trail of precum.

He stroked the older man's chest hair, kissed his nipples, caressed his belly. He pressed his face against Gerry's stomach, feeling comforted here. He darted his tongue playfully around the older man's navel, and then curled up between his knees, using Gerry's thigh as a pillow as he toyed with the man's softened cock and heavy balls, not with any real intent, but just enjoying the tactility of it, the freedom of exploring another body in the safety and tranquility of a quiet, empty house.

"I like you," he whispered, smiling dreamily and giving the fat, soft head of Gerry's cock a gentle kiss.
"I like you too," Gerry replied, straining his neck to look down to where the kid nestled between his legs, managing to catch Toby kissing the top of his cock. The electricity shot through the older man's body.

"I like everything about you and what you do to me."

Gerry didn't care if Toby was listening or not. He was happy just lying back, enjoying the afterglow of sex, and talking to the ceiling. He could lie like this all night, naked with a naked 18 year old guy curled up on the day bed with him. If only this could go on without end. And to think that a week ago he'd just been the school guidance counsellor, content to go through the motions every day from now until his retirement. 'Take an aspirin and come back tomorrow if you're still unwell,' is how it all felt to him. Day after endless fucking day of the same intractable trivial problems and then home to Andrea to eat, shit and sleep on autopilot. He'd long ago given up even asking himself if this was what life was about. It just was. For everyone. Five years running naked round the house. Fifteen years studying. A couple of years fucking your brains out if you were lucky. Forty years being a wage slave. A few more years finding out how many ways your body was failing you. And then you die. What a fucking tragedy.

And now. Seven days after Toby first walked into his office, this. Could any change in his life, his hopes and dreams, have been any more stark, any more unimaginable? Maybe not, and yet, somehow it all seemed to be what he'd wanted and waited for all along.

But why wait until now when he could have just have followed his heart and his cock for the last thirty years and been a happy man?

"Fucking Jesus," Gerry said out loud. "Fucking Jesus, Toby!"

He stirred, feeling Toby stir too. He was tired and expected the kid would be tired too. Or maybe not. An 18 year old would have stamina. Gerry recalled being hard all day and night at that age, being able to cum repeatedly, when at 53 he was lucky to jerk off twice in a day, and the second one was never really a full-on erection.

"Fucking Jesus, Toby."

Gerry sat up to look at the boy. Toby still lay between his legs, bending as Gerry moved, adjusting as Gerry's thighs coiled around him. The older man looked down on the boy's sweet face, dark hair flopping cross his eyes, lips making a soft unexpressive line. Yet not moments ago those lips had parted to admit Gerry's cock. That innocent, untroubled face, bobbing on an erect cock, that neck extending to give him access, those rosy cheeks painted with cum. The contrast between a smooth-skinned unspoiled teen and the depraved face-fucking Toby had endured, had granted to Gerry, made the older man weak with gratitude. He just wanted to melt into the other guy, merge his whole being, find some way of going deeper, of submitting completely.

"You don't know how happy you've made me tonight. No, not just happy. Complete. Don't even try to understand," Gerry said, reaching down and running his hands through Toby's hair. "I don't even have words for it. I want to say things I can't. Just tell me it all makes some kind of sense. Being with me. Doing what we've done."

Gerry took a breath. He sounded like a madman. Would he chase Toby away with such crazy talk?

"I want to lie with you, like this, tonight. The two of us. Naked. Covered in our cum. I don't want to wash it off. I want to revel in it. Smell it. Savour it. Submerse myself in it. In you. And for you to do the same."

Gerry kept looking at the boy, wondering when he'd wake up and find he'd been jerking off alone.

"I want to be able to kiss you whenever I like. To suck your cock. Taste your cum. Fuck. Fuck without thinking or analysing or wondering if it's the right thing to do. Just fuck. And I want us to understand what fucking really means. Not just sucking, not just jerking off together. Really fucking. Do you get what I mean? I know I sound crazy and my words aren't adequate, but...I don't know...I want to feel you. On me. In me. And me in you."

Gerry climbed off the bed and stood, his flaccid cock, shortened and diminished now, swinging lamely under his belly. He felt tall and manly, all the same, standing over Toby curled up on the bed, timid, passive, available. Gerry understood what it felt to desire something, someone, so completely that it overwhelmed you, made you think and do crazy things. A desire that was self destructive almost, that had to be contained, beaten back, managed so that you didn't cross lines. A desire so strong that just thinking about it, acknowledging it, was frightening and arousing and empowering and chilling, all at the same time.

Gerry wanted his cock to harden. He wanted to show Toby that he was virile and aroused, by his thoughts and words, by Toby's mere presence as the object of his desires. He tugged at himself, vigorously and ostentatiously, showing the boy his cock, displaying himself, willing Toby to reach up and join in the manipulation and then, when he was hard again, pulling him down onto the daybed. But Gerry was spent from what they'd already done together and his cock would not respond. He turned away in self disgust and humiliation. A 53 year old cock in a 19 year old mind. That's what he was. Jesus. If only....
Toby lounged on the daybed and let Gerry's words wash over him. Maybe not much of it was logical, but that didn't mean there wasn't plenty of sense in it - Toby absorbed what was behind the words, feeding on it hungrily, nodding down and then. He had actually accomplished something he desperately wanted: to make Gerry happy. And not only happy, but complete. It was amazing and wonderful, and maybe it made him feel complete, too. At least, it made him feel a lot more like he had a reason to go on. A purpose.

I want to be able to kiss you whenever I like. To suck your cock. Taste your cum. Fuck.

Fuck yes. All those things. Anywhere, anytime. Did Gerry really mean it? Would he still mean it tomorrow, next week, a month from now? Would Gerry pull him out of class, claiming important guidance counsellor business, when really he just needed to make out awhile and have Toby cum in his mouth? Fucking Jesus indeed.

Toby watched him curiously as he stood, gave his soft cock a good tug, and then turned away, seemingly in frustration. Toby stood, softly touching Gerry's back, sliding the pads of his fingers from the man's shoulders all the way down to his buttocks. Then, he wrapped his arms around his lover's middle and squeezed, pressing his cheek against Gerry's back, between his shoulderblades.

"It's okay," he whispered. "It's okay. I love your cock no matter what. All of you is perfect just the way it is. We don't need to fuck today. We can take our time... right? I mean... I never have before. Not for real. I'm a little scared about it to be honest. But you can kiss me and do whatever the fuck you want with my cock. Anytime. I mean that. Anytime. I want to belong to you. Can I belong to you?"
Gerry couldn't describe how he felt when, instead of running from the building, Toby tugged his cock and then slid his soft hands over Gerry's back. It felt so good to be touched and wanted, to feel desirable to a hot young guy. Gerry realised he hadn't felt desirable for a long time, not even to himself. For all his counselling experience and expertise, he realised how little he knew about how to make things right. And that maybe in the end, it wasn't about knowing what to do, but just doing what felt right, that really worked.

"I love your cock," Toby said and Gerry swooned. "Do the fuck whatever you want with it....anytime. I belong to you."

Jesus kiddo. This was heavy stuff. You could be saying this to some evil rapist, some depraved exploiter of young men. 'And yet, isn't that what I am?' Gerry thought. 'Nah......'

"Let's just enjoy the moment," he said. "We've got so much to learn together. So much to do to each other. Not just tonight, but maybe...."

He thought about saying 'forever'.

"...tomorrow." Did Toby look disappointed? "And after that too." Gerry felt better saying it. 'Just don't overdo it,' he thought. This is too good to waste.
Toby continued squeezing him, nuzzling him, basking in the promise of tomorrow, and after that.

"I want all of it," he said softly. "I want to learn with you. And I want to make you happy, every day you let me. Tonight... will you let me sleep next to you? I think that would be the best thing in the world."

He stood in front of Gerry and reached up to wrap his arms around the man's neck, staring earnestly into his eyes.

"She won't be home too soon... will she? Will you let me stay? I want to be there in case you might wake up in the night with a hard-on. Or just want to... touch? Or kiss? Anything. Everything."
Jesus. Andrea. Gerry desperately thought back through what she'd said the last time they spoke. She wouldn't be back tonight, that was right. Wasn't it? But tomorrow? Saturday. No. She'd stay with her mother all weekend. And Sunday. Yes, that's what she'd said. He was sure.

"Andrea won't be back before Sunday. Late Sunday," he said. "Don't worry. I'll think of something before then."

Think of something. What? Gerry's mind raced, but it was Friday night, he was warm and sated and covered in cum and he didn't give a flying fuck. Not tonight.

"So you want to learn, little Toby? And sleep next to me? Well, so do I."

He looked down and smiled at the wide-eyed kid staring back. What a surprise packet this kid was. And he wanted to learn. Which was good, because Gerry wanted to learn too. And teach. Time to take the whole Toby project in hand. The Gerry and Toby project.

"Let's go learn something about gay fucking."

Gerry grabbed Toby's hand and pulled him upright, then held him close, leaning down to kiss him and run his hands down the teen's bare back. If only he'd harden up again like the kid, but that was the curse of being fifty. The spirit was oh so fucking willing, but the body was weak. Still, he had an idea where he could lie on the couch and Toby could pleasure him with his hands and mouth. Hard or not, Gerry was ready for some more fun.

"Let's go into the TV room and watch some porn."
Toby's eyes lit up with glee. Of all the things he'd expected when sent to a guidance counsellor, the last thing he would have expected was to watch porn with him and learn how to fuck.

"Really?" he giggled. "I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe you have a room just for TV. And I can't believe you're real!"

He squeezed Gerry's hand and let himself be led through the house.

"You know, I didn't even realize 'til just now that it's the weekend. Can we stay in bed tomorrow as long as we want? Just you and me, empty house, naked, porn, sex?"
Gerry felt Toby squeeze his hand as they walked through the house. A feeling of utter depravity coursed through him. He was just another guidance counsellor who seduced students. There was no other way to look at it even if he tried to convince himself that the 18 year old was just as much the seducer as he was. The school wouldn't see it that way, nor the professional association or the court. Sure Toby was 18, but the law said he had a duty of care. And Gerry could recall three or four other guidance counsellors in this county alone who'd come unstuck fucking students.

Was that where he was? Coming unstuck? 'Yeah....' he thought. Unstuck and up fuck creek without a paddle.

And yet, he no longer cared. If he never darkened the door of Fillmore High again it wouldn't be a day too fucking soon. Not that his work was the whole problem. He wouldn't be working once his transgression got out, that was guaranteed. It was the custodial sentence which would follow the public humiliation, the separation from his family and friends, the end of his marriage, the end of living in this town, the end....

"Can we stay in bed tomorrow....?"

When Toby said that all Gerry's cares flew away. In bed with Toby, skin to skin, cock to cock, mouth to mouth....and who knew what else?

"Naked, porn, sex...."

Gerry grunted a yes as he pushed Toby in front of him and watched his bare ass waggle into the TV room ahead of him. He wanted to bury his face in that firm, pale, scrawny ass. Push his mouth into the ass crack, find the hole his tongue, push his fingers inside the kid. And the rest....

But first to watch some gay porn. Pornhub? It had a gay category which he'd never once watched. Strange, but for all Gerry's repressed desires, he'd never turned to gay porn. As Toby stopped at the door and looked around, Gerry wondered why.

"On the sofa, boyfriend," Gerry said. Boyfriend. Hmmm. That sounded OK. More than OK. It sounded just fine.
Toby bounded to the sofa and leaped onto it as if jumping into a pool. It was pleasantly comfortable, far more inviting than the one he'd basically lived on for as long as he could remember. He flipped over and instinctively curled up, making himself small, barely taking up one cushion of the sofa.

Boyfriend. The word hit him like a flash of bright, warm light. He held his breath for a few moments. Boyfriend? Boyfriend! Glee and excitement filled his chest, and he was embarrassed to find tears pricking his eyes also. His heart raced.

He knew everything good was temporary - life had taught him that repeatedly. He thought this might last a day or two. A weekend, if he was lucky. Always, he would be bracing for the moment it turned around on him. Gerry would push him away, or disappear. They both knew they were doing something wrong that no one would be okay with - it was only a matter of time before something went sour, whether that meant getting caught, or Gerry freaking out... or getting tired of the risk, tired of him. Coming to his senses.

But calling him boyfriend? That seemed to change everything. That brought it from a momentary insanity into an actual relationship. It implied Gerry actually wanted to have him around for a while. To keep him, maybe. God, Toby desperately wanted to be kept. Only now was he realizing how much this meant to him.

"Boyfriend," he whispered in awe, holding out his arms to Gerry.
Gerry heard Toby whisper 'boyfriend' almost to himself, while holding his arms out. The older man was overcome with the urge to wrestle, naked and unrestrained. He grabbed Toby tight and pushed him down onto the sofa, feeling for his cock and his firm butt cheeks, enjoying the kid resist and taunt and grope him back.

Boyfriend sounded right. He felt 19 again. Dowoon had been his boyfriend then. Just for the weekend. They hadn't used the word. They hadn't said much at all. The young Korean had only a little English so it had been a weekend of unspoken tactile discovery. But Gerry had called Dowoon his boyfriend out loud on all those dark lonely nights afterwards when he jerked off before trying to sleep.

Yes, he felt 19. Now Toby was his boyfriend. And Gerry? Not Uncle Gerry, surely? Not now he'd uttered the word 'boyfriend' and Toby had responded so approvingly.

But that's not what everyone else would call it. Victim, probably. And he would be called monster or rapist or pedophile or....?

'You're overthinking it again, Gerry.' He'd wrestled the 18 year old onto his back. The kid just lay there, spreadeagled now, on the carpet, panting, his legs apart and his asshole shadowed in the valley between his butt cheeks. Gerry leaned down and pinned Toby harder, pulling his knees wide, exposing the neat pink hole, puckering coquettishly through light downy barely-there hair. Gerry froze, listening to the boy's rapid breathing and his own in the silent house, wanting to gaze upon the teen's beauty forever. And wanting to ravish him unboundedly at the same time.

He unhooked a hand from Toby's leg. The kid didn't struggle. Slowly and deliberately, Gerry placed his palm in the small of Toby's back and then ran the points of his fingers over the soft curve to the top of the ass crack. His fingers seemed to fit perfectly as if Toby's ass was made for stroking.

"Hey, boyfriend," he said, letting his fingers gently massage the top of the cleft while leaning down to whisper. "I'm going to play with your ass. Nothing rough. I'm not going to enter you. Just play around. You let me know what you like and what you don't. Yeah?"
Toby was thrilled by the affectionate grappling, the mutual erotic manhandling, playing boyishly with the counsellor, being pushed down and rolled over and spread apart. He loved the size of Gerry, the feeling of power in the older man. He adored the feeling of being pushed into place, explored, toyed with. He was deeply infatuated with this feeling of pleasure and safety with Gerry, but just as much with the dark edge of risk and danger, knowing they were doing something so very wrong, and even knowing that he was in the most vulnerable position possible - a teenager, a student, spirited away to the home of an authority figure whom he'd known for such a short time, and who could take all the advantage he wanted.

His breath shivered when Gerry's thick fingers teased at his cleft. Even a touch within a couple of inches of his asshole was the height of exhilarating.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice soft and trembling. "You really want to touch me there? I mean, if you want to... yeah, I'd like that a lot! Oh... fuck. My heart is going so fast."
Gerry listened to Toby consenting, soft and hesitant. He wondered again how experienced the 18 year old was given his upbringing and history of transgression. For all his training as a school guidance counsellor, Gerry realised how little he knew practically about the real world. The world of hard knocks. If he'd learned that Toby had a history of promiscuity, of selling his body even, he wouldn't have been surprised. And then there were his mother's male friends. If Toby had managed to steer clear of their advances then he'd been clever or very lucky.

Or maybe Toby was only just discovering he was attracted to men. On thinking that, Gerry's heart leapt. Discovering men. Together. Perhaps I am going to be his first. And he mine.

Toby's ass was soft and firm, smooth under Gerry's fingers. He didn't feel hurried about finding his way around the kid's body. After all, they had all night, all weekend, and who knew how long after that.

"Yeah, little guy, I want to touch you here," he said softly, teasing the kid's skin with his finger tips, letting them drift into the cleft, through the soft downy hair towards the puckered hole. Gerry went as slowly as it was possible to go, stroking and gliding, feeling the boy's reaction, tensing hard and twisting a little, then relaxing again until the older man moved his fingers once more.

"Here...and then touch you everywhere," he said, planting a kiss lightly on Toby's lower back, letting his lips linger before following the fingers down the cleft, touching and blowing, tickling, teasing, inching ever closer to Toby's clenched asshole.

"Just relax. Go with it. I won't hurt, I promise."
Toby nodded and relaxed into the soft, clean carpet. His breath continued to shiver the whole time Gerry's gentle fingertips explored him. The closer Gerry got to his hole, the stronger the strange mixture of nervousness, depravity, and elation hit him. Altogether it made him feel like a live wire, and like he might blow his load untouched at any time.

"Ohhh," Toby groaned involuntarily as the kiss landed on his back, a breath away from the tender spot to which Gerry's curious fingers inched ever closer.

"Mmmm.... d...," he sighed, stopping himself before saying the word that came to mind. The tip of his tongue lingered at the bony ridge at the roof of his mouth, still in the shape of the letter "d". "D" for "daddy". He had never thought about it directly and didn't know why it had popped into his mind.

Surely it would be weird as hell for Gerry if he said it. Gerry Metzler, an actual dad. It would be weird, wouldn't it? Or would he like it? It hadn't escaped Toby's notice that the older man had called him things like kiddo and little guy. Toby loved it, all of it. And the more he thought about it, the more Toby wanted to say it.

Touch me, daddy. Kiss me, daddy. Fuck me, daddy.

But oh, he couldn't risk it spoiling the moment if it went over poorly. Toby bit his tongue to keep it still as he continued to breathe raggedly, his cock leaking onto the carpet.
As much as Gerry was aroused by inspecting Toby's ass, what pushed him to the edge was the kid's reaction. As the older man caressed and prodded, the 18 year old tensed and shivered, quivering beneath Gerry's fingertips, sometimes freezing, sometimes jolting with pleasure. Gerry was enjoying how he could adjust the pressure or the angle, or combine touching with blowing his breath into Toby's ass crack, to make the kid react any way he wanted him to.

Which was not to say that inspecting Toby's body wasn't the greatest of pleasures. Gerry was transfixed by the kid's smooth skin, covered in the lightest, softest down, the neat curve of his ass, the gently undulating orbs of the cheeks, the alluring shadow of the cleft. And when he separated Toby's ass cheeks, Gerry could gaze on the tight pink asshole, trace the radiating star-like wrinkles with his fingers, and tease the opening with the slightest of contacts.

It was so wondrous that Gerry wanted to vocalise, give Toby a commentary. But just as the kid was trying to speak, Gerry surmised, so the older man was at a loss for words so great was his joy at being able to toy with this young and inviting body, seemingly without censure or objection or limit. He felt he'd negotiated Toby's consent fully, and promised to be gentle. He also felt that if he did anything which displeased or hurt Toby, the kid would tell him.

Gerry had no intention of violating the teen, roughly or otherwise. Not yet anyway. This was possibly the greatest night of his life and there was nothing he wouldn't do to prolong it, and to make sure Toby was a willing partner, now and into the future. So having inched his way across the kid's back and down the cleft, Gerry found himself poised over Toby's asshole with nothing but his timidity and promise to stop him penetrating the teen in any manner he wished. No, penetration would wait. Gerry wanted to watch some porn with Toby first and see how other guys fucked, and he wanted to shower, for them to wash each other, both for the pleasure and the hygiene.

Instead Gerry just touched Toby's asshole, simply planting his finger on the puckered star as if he was tapping a bruise or a pimple. When he dropped his fingertip onto the opening he could feel Toby's whole body react as if being coursed by electricity. Toby would tense and the hole would tighten beneath his finger. And then as Gerry let the kid anticipate the raising of the finger, the older man would sense Toby's hole dilating until finally he would raise his digit, and confirm that the opening had relaxed and was not so tightly clenched as before.

Gerry did this over and over, holding his breath in awe at the beauty and sensitivity before him, until he needed to inhale, sharply and deeply. And once he'd ingested some oxygen and could speak, Gerry resolved to tell Toby how beautiful he was and propose that they shower. But before he did so, Gerry leaned down, parted Toby's ass cheeks as wide as he could, and planted his mouth on the hole. This time Toby clenched more tightly than before, inviting Gerry to open his lips and slide his tongue over the pucker, using a circular motion to find each ridge and furrow, tasting the sweat and grime on the kid's skin, inhaling his scent. And when Gerry sensed Toby's relaxation, and the dilation as before under the touch of his fingers, the older man ceased circling the hole and instead, pushed just the tip of his tongue into the hole, revelling as it closed around him. He held it there, breathless again, the two men joined tongue to asshole, Gerry sensing that neither wanted this moment of sensual and debauched union to end.
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Every touch of Gerry's fingertip sent powerful jolts through Toby's small body. He was as fascinated with his own visceral response as Gerry was. He felt his tight ring of muscle clench, relax, quiver, twitch with excitement and need. Certainly he'd played with himself back there now and again, but Gerry had a truly magical touch - Toby had no idea his body could do what the older man was making it do.

But they had only scratched the surface. Toby didn't expect the oral contact. He was practically whimpering when he felt the warmth of the man's breath tickle against his tenderest place. Once he felt the warm, slick wetness of the tongue against his little pucker, he just about lost his mind. A long, low moan escaped his throat, and he could have cum all over the carpet right then if he hadn't already emptied his balls so recently.

Jeeeesus! That - yes, that - forever and ever, please please please!

He had no words he could possibly utter with his useless mouth, but he needed this more than he'd ever needed anything. He needed Gerry's mouth on him more than he needed oxygen. Gerry's tongue was his entire life.

And then it pushed, pushed against his tight muscle, squeezing inside, and Toby squealed. He made very much the same noises he made when he was cumming - those totally out-of-control, near-weeping sounds. His fingers dug into the carpet and his ass pushed up against the older man's face, begging for more, begging for it not to stop.

In, in, in, all the way in, all the way through me....
Gerry could feel Toby shaking under him. More than a shiver. Maybe he was crying, Gerry thought. And why not? Gerry remembered crying when he and Dowoon played together. Crying was great. Crying was lovely. Crying was sexy.

Gerry wanted to tell Toby crying was sexy. And he would. Just not right now when he had his tongue in the kid's ass. Jesus. Toby's first rimjob. And Gerry's for a fucking three decades. The older man wanted to cry too, but it was all he could do to concentrate on keeping his tongue in place, straining to keep the tip inside the teen's ass ring, what with Toby shaking the way he was.

And then the 18 year old squealed. Gerry heard it, and felt the boy tense again, immediately, as if he was about to cum. Gerry willed Toby to cum. Here, spreadeagled on the carpet, his teacher's tongue in his ass. Cum for me, little guy, fucking cum for me while I tongue fuck you.

He pushed the tip even deeper if that was possible, pressing against the muscle encircling it, feeling the pushback, the resistance. Breathless now. Breathless and sore, Gerry's 53 year old haunches and lower arms protesting against the stance he took over Toby's back. He flopped to the floor, flat out now, his chest on the carpet in the vee of Toby's outstretched legs, his face in the boy's ass, the scent of sweat and skin and soap and clothing in his nostrils, the taste of the teen, raw and unwashed in his mouth. Jesus, Toby, oh fucking Jesus, what are you doing to me.....
Toby was in a near panic of ecstasy as Gerry's tongue mercilessly pleasured him. The man bore down on him, pushing deeper and deeper. Toby was making noises he'd never made before. He was melting into a quivering puddle, a helpless vessel for the hot, wet, slick, muscular invasion of the big man's tongue. He imagined it slithering through him, stretching longer, replacing everything inside him with pure Gerry. He wanted to be completely emptied and refilled with something new. He wanted to be filled with Gerry and nothing else.

He didn't think he would be cumming again so soon, especially not without direct stimulation of his cock, but it was sneaking up on him, unexpected, seeming to rise from somewhere else, somewhere much deeper inside him than he would have expected. Climaxing from anal stimulation was certainly a different experience, a high that beat any drug he'd ever tried. At first he didn't make any sound - he held his breath and stiffened up all over as the orgasmic tidal wave rose terrifyingly high and then crashed down upon him, igniting like fireworks inside him. He flooded the carpet with his fluids and finally the tension in his body and throat began to release.

Toby sobbed and shook uncontrollably, fighting to even get a lungful of breath. He pounded one hand against the floor like a pinned wrestler begging for mercy.
Gerry felt Toby struggling under his touch, not that the kid's discomposure troubled him. It merely spurred him on, prodding and caressing the boy's butt cheeks, darting his tongue in and out of the boy's asshole. If anything, it made Gerry feel all the more empowered, that he could do something like this to another man, have such complete control, manipulate him, make him respond automatically.

It was so long since Gerry could remember evoking such a response in someone else he wondered if it had ever happened. Certainly not with Andrea. Their lovemaking had become stale and robotic for decades. He wondered if maybe it had always been that way. Not that he blamed Andrea. He, Gerry, was the unimaginative one. It had to be so, especially since he'd spied on Andrea and her two younger lovers fucking on their marital bed only a day ago. No, Andrea lacked nothing in the athletic fucking department. So it must be Gerry who was deficient.

Yet here he was atop an 18 year old student, his hands on the boy's butt, his tongue in his ass, and the hot little fuck writhing beneath him, seemingly putty in his hands, his plaything, his toy....

Toby was pounding the floor now, sobbing and shaking. The kid had obviously cum again. How lucky to be young, Gerry thought, and able to cum how many times in one session? Gerry could feel his cock, limp and tired between his legs like some unwanted acquaintance at an orgy.

And much as he wanted to pretend Mr Limp Cock might slink away, or better still, come to life, Gerry knew it wasn't going to happen. Plus, the guidance counsellor in him needed to make sure Toby wasn't too distressed. After all, it wasn't every day your teacher pinned you face down on his living room carpet and tongue fucked your ass.

'Always the thoughtful one,' Gerry thought, pulling his head up, licking his lips and savouring the taste of the boy. He turned Toby over. The kid was so light. It took no strength at all to put his hands underneath and lift the teen.

"There," Gerry said, kneeling over Toby and looking gown at his tightly clenched eyes and then at his cock, hard and slick, waving at the ceiling. "Seems like we both enjoyed that."

He grabbed Toby's cock, not too tightly, ran his hand up to the head where he could gather cum on his fingers. Gerry transferred it to his mouth and ran it round with his tongue, the taste of the 18 year old's cum and ass mingling. He leaned down on his elbows and kissed Toby, eyes still shut, but responsive, their tongues sliding across each other. Gerry pushed himself down onto the boy's mouth, lingering while he let Toby taste his own discharges.
Toby could hardly tell which way was up. He had drowned in pleasure, but soon Gerry's mouth found his, giving him the kiss of life. On Gerry's tongue was the mingled essence of his cum and ass, which, if he had been in his right mind, he surely would have hesitated to accept so openly - in his current state, he took everything Gerry was giving him and loved it. He loved it.

The young man's mouth opened wide, accepting the deep, aggressive penetration of the older man's tongue and pressing his own back in response, sucking and slurping and moaning lewdly.

The kiss went on and on, both of them ravenous for each other, but finally they stopped for breath and Toby opened his eyes very widely. His dark lashes were matted with tears that still stained his flushed cheeks. He stared up at Gerry, seemingly amazed.

He realized he was happier than he'd ever been in his life by far, and experiencing a high like this abruptly made him think of how unbearable, how unthinkable it would be when this ended. He couldn't see any life now that didn't involve Gerry.

Andrea would come back on Sunday - two days from now. He had two days. Only two days. Sunday loomed over him like an execution date.

A sob burst from his throat, and he wrapped both arms and legs around Gerry.

"I don't want to go," he forced out between ragged breaths. "Where will I go?"
The boy's enthusiasm for the sloppy kiss left Gerry breathless again. He felt Toby suck on his soiled tongue, drawing him deep inside, slurping and moaning greedily. And when they were done and Gerry pulled his face back, there was Toby, dark eyes wide and tearful. It tore at Gerry to see the 18 year old so emotional.

Toby sobbed, throwing his arms and legs round Gerry, holding him tight. "I don't want to go...."

Gerry lost his balance under the onslaught, managing to fall across the kid and then onto his side on the carpet. "Where will I go?"

"Go? I'm not sending you away..."

But Toby's intense sobbing was clue enough. Gerry knew. It was all about momentary pleasure and then utter and complete deprivation. Highs and lows. Toby was a kid in whose life nothing good ever lasted. Why should this be any different?

What to say? The last thing Gerry wanted to do was offer false hope. For all he knew he'd wake in the morning to find Toby already gone, voting with his feet based on all his short 18 years of bitter experience. Get out before it all gets fucked up.

And Gerry didn't want it to end either. Could he just say that? Sure. But as the adult (the word clanged in his head) in this relationship it was up to him to assess the situation and make the right decisions. Whatever the fuck they were. Decisions? Jesus! He just wanted to get hard again and stick his cock in the boy's mouth. Who gave a fuck about tomorrow? Or the day after....when Andrea....Jesus, now Gerry was feeling it too.

'Let's just go away somewhere', he wanted to say. 'First thing in the morning'. The sheer irresponsibility of the thought was thrill enough. Get in the car and drive off, a 53 year old recently-ex-gay virgin with an 18 year old recently-ex virgin. Drive. Stop. Fuck. And worry about the consequences when he was too tired to fuck or suck or finger or grope or penetrate or lick or kiss or....his cock stirred. Thank Christ, Gerry thought. Maybe it's time for Toby's mouth again.

"Let's stay here tonight and just enjoy ourselves," he said. "And then tomorrow we can work out what to do."

The older man smiled across at his young lover, looking for a sign, any sign, that his words had a calming affect. He reached down and found Toby's hand, then slid it across his flank until he could place it on his slightly swollen cock.

"Let's watch some porn and maybe you can think of a way to help me get this fucking cock to work."
Toby sniffled and sprawled out on his side facing Gerry. He swiped the back of his wrist across his face, embarrassed by his emotional display. He nodded and tried hard to smile - it wasn't that he didn't feel genuinely happy about the suggestion of porn and lots more sex. It was just hard to shake off the sense of impending doom.

He gave himself an inner kick. What was the sense in ruining the best thing that ever happened to him? It would ruin itself sooner or later. The least he could do was make the most of it.

His smile warmed, becoming more natural as he squeezed Gerry's thickening shaft in his fist.

"Yeah," he whispered. "Yeah. I'd like that. I'll suck you if you want. But it might be hard to do that and see the screen at the same time. Have you seen much gay porn before? I never get to watch - I only have computer access at school and libraries, basically. Do you think we can find one with an older guy and a younger guy?"
Toby was right. He wasn't going to suck cock and watch porn at the same time. Well, not immediately. And why waste a precious erection by not getting the most pleasure?

"OK, then let's watch porn and see what happens," Gerry said. "Older and younger...."

Gerry mused again about how he'd never watched gay porn. Never was his recollection. He loved watching the guys' cocks in porn, but gay porn? Fuck, he thought. I am the definition of self-repression.

He stood, reached down for Toby and pulled the kid up beside him. Toby seemed somehow smaller, lighter, more vulnerable in his arms. He cuddled the boy, experiencing the strongest urge to protect him. And yet fuck him. At the same time. Was that normal?

He shook his head as he lead Toby to the sofa. Overthinking it, Gerry. It's your curse. And talking to yourself....fuck!

They sat, naked, Toby pulled up close against his side. Gerry found the remote with his free hand and pressed 'on'. The flatscreen defaulted to pornhub. Was the kid familiar with porn? 'I never get to watch', he'd said. Never? Hmmm. He dropped down the categories. Gay was one of the first options. See, it was there for me all the time. Gerry selected it. The thumbnails popped up and he scanned them for older and younger. Older and younger? That's what Toby had asked for. Was he really unfamiliar with porn? Did it matter?

Nothing immediately appeared which highlighted that sub-category. "Lots to choose from," he said. "Anything take your fancy?" Gerry was keen to watch something anatomical, to learn about what he had to do. But then porn was anatomical. That was the point. "Or maybe I just type 'older and younger into the search bar..."
Toby's mouth opened slightly when the porn appeared right there on the TV. Did most people with nice TVs watch porn on them? Toby had never even had his own phone, and if there had been a laptop in the house for brief periods, it had a passcode on it that Toby wasn't given access to.

There were many reasons Toby had always felt like an outsider, and his limited internet access was a not insignificant one, nor was porn the only thing he felt deprived of. Kids around him seemed to speak a different language - it was all memes and their favourite shows and movies and YouTube and TikTok. He didn't know how to communicate with anyone his age except to fight with them. That was often their first instinct with him anyway. Kids could smell an outsider a mile away.

Who would have thought that an old, white-haired teacher would end up being the one to give him everything?

Remaining squished against Gerry's side, Toby breathed heavily. His lips remained parted as he ogled everything on the screen. He nodded vaguely at Gerry's suggestion and watched the results scroll past. There was a lot of daddy and twink. In some ways it was like being a starving kid at a buffet - he felt anxious to consume all of it at once. In other ways, he felt terrified, like this was the wrong place for him to be and he should just turn away and run.

He realized as he read through the often confusing titles that it was just some of the terminology that made him nervous, not the whole of it. So many of the videos described boys being dominated and raw fucked and pounded and used. He saw the word destroyed show up a few times, and it made him flinch and squeeze closer to Gerry, like a scary part of a movie.

"Can you find one," he whispered softly, "where they're nice to each other?"
A gay porn vid where they are nice to each other. Fuck, Gerry thought. Toby is such a cute little guy. Nice porn, huh? Gerry's idea of nice porn was where some preppy little girl in a short skirt and long socks found herself alone in a bar and was gangbanged by every guy present. The nice part was how hard he came. But nice gay porn? Where to start?

"OK, let's see..."

Staying with the 'older younger' search results Gerry typed in 'nice', then deleted it and typed in 'loving'. Another page of thumbnails opened.

See anything you like, Toby?"

The two men scrolled down through the pictures.

"Loving doesn't seem to be what's going on here," Gerry said, opening a vid called 'Boyfriend Surprise' starring Kyler Moss. "Jesus that kid looks like you. Look. Dark hair flopping across his eyes. You sure you haven't been holding out on me, little Toby?"