Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby's wide eyes grew even wider. He stared at the dark-haired, button-nosed boy on the screen. He supposed he could see a bit of resemblance, but the boy in the video was nice to look at, and he'd only ever felt like someone who put people off. Of course, with Gerry, that was starting to change.

"He doesn't look that much like me... does he?" Toby marveled, cocking his head. "He's... cute."

He looked up at Gerry, smiling and blushing. "I prefer older guys. With beards. Okay... let's watch a video of him, and..."

He glanced at the screen and then at Gerry again. "...a 'Daddy'. What do you think about that? 'Daddy'?"
"I prefer older guys. With beards."

Toby's words, so casual and offhand, threw Gerry completely. And then 'Daddy'. Just when Gerry felt they were settling into what he guessed was a typical older younger relationship - the older guy dominant, the younger subordinate - with just six words delivered in his soft, mischievous monotone, Toby turned the whole thing upside down. It was all Gerry could do to remember to watch and cuddle the kid to him, and not choke on his own insecurity.

But they'd chosen a video, hopefully a loving one, and it started to play.

"What do I think? Let's watch and I'll tell you."
Toby circled his thin arms around Gerry's bicep and snuggled up to his shoulder as he watched the screen. He held his breath as the flirtatious younger guy and the older man embraced, coming together like a pair of magnets and devouring each other. He finally breathed, his eyes following first the sloppy kisses, and then their hands, eagerly roaming and exploring one another. He smiled as the man's large hands grabbed hold of the boy's small buttocks. He glanced up to see Gerry's reaction before returning his focus to the video.

He watched closely as the pair enthusiastically sucked each other, and then suddenly the boy was sitting atop the man, impaling himself on the man's cock. Toby squeezed Gerry a little tighter, staring at the intense expressions on the boy's face - at times he looked in agony, and it was hard to tell whether he was in pain or pleasure or both. But the boy's cock was hard, and he was reaching down to tug himself by the time the man had him on his back with his legs in the air, fucking him hard.

The intensity of the coupling had Toby breathless and dripping with precum, especially when the older man leaned down to kiss the boy mid-fuck. He liked how they touched each other, how they connected in every way possible.

"Oh my god," he whispered. "Did he just cum? The little one?"
The video wildly exceeded Gerry's expectations. He didn't know why, but then he didn't really know what to expect. Would gay porn be different to straight porn? Besides the players, of course. And how much would they see, especially given Gerry's interest in learning exactly what to do.

He tried hard to concentrate, but Toby snuggled and hung on tight throughout, looking up frequently to see Gerry's reaction. The older man could feel the student's heavy breathing, and when he looked down, noticed how aroused Toby was, precum glistening on the end of his cock which swung proudly between his spread legs.

The video was over in a blur. Gerry could barely even guess the timing. The younger guy, who looked like an 18 year old student, seemed to be employed as a cleaner. The older guy, who looked maybe forty, complimented the kid on how much he enjoyed the cleaning when it was done half naked, and simply proceeded to fuck the kid on a bed, firmly but not roughly, first kissing, then kneading the kid's delightful buttocks, followed by lying on his back and hoisting the kid onto his cock, and then a missionary fuck standing by the bed with the kid on his back, legs apart, feet in the air. Gerry didn't notice any lube or a condom, and the young guy had a lot to say about the pain, but he didn't scream out. It was much more sensual than that, cooing and moaning, calling out and biting his lip.

And at the end the kid came. Not copiously. Just enough to splash his lower torso. The camera zeroed in on the cock head as it spasmed and discharged its load across the kid's smooth, pale flesh.

"Did he just cum?" Toby said, surprising Gerry who had been concentrating hard.

"Mmmm. He sure did," Gerry said. He guessed he enjoyed the bug guy's cock in his ass. But what did Toby think? Did it hurt? Or was it part of the act? He understood the big guy cumming, but the little guy cumming from being fucked in the ass? Is that what happens?

"So...." Gerry coughed and started again. "Are you going to cum with my cock in your ass?"
Toby offered a strangely bashful little smile.

"Maybe...? I guess... we'll have to find out. It looks painful, having something that big up there. But I did cum from your tongue up there - I bet it feels amazing."

His eyes drifted back toward the carpet, where he'd been sprawled out a few minutes ago, getting unexpectedly tongue-fucked. The evidence of his enjoyment still remained.

"Oh, shit... I should clean that up. Sorry."

His cheeks flushed a dark crimson. He certainly didn't want to do anything to wear out his welcome here.
It did look painful, Gerry had to agree. And without lubricant? Surely not. Who knew what went on off camera in a porn shoot? They must have been lubricated, the cute kid and the Daddy who fucked him. Porn was all fantasy anyway.

"They're all actors, of course," Gerry said. "And whatever we do I want it to feel amazing. For both of us."

They stared at the stained carpet. Gerry wanted to suggest watching another porn vid, but he always found one was enough. Not that he'd even cum this time. A little stirring perhaps, but his cock was spent for the evening. The curse of fifty somethings.

"I'll clean it up," Gerry said. "I should have been more careful. Me. Not you. It's my house. I invited you here and then...ahem...made you do that."

He stood naked and turned to look down at Toby. How do I look to a hot young guy, he wondered. A fat, saggy old man I guess. He stretched and felt his stomach tense. The thought of it not sagging quite so much made him feel better. And besides, Toby hadn't shown any reluctance in touching him, feeling him, sucking him. Jesus, it felt good.

And then there was the guy in the vid, cleaning the Daddy guy's house half naked. Was that really a thing? A vague idea of a role like that for Toby crossed his mind for a brief moment, and then was gone. But the thought that Andrea might be home tomorrow and he needed to do something about Toby stayed in his head. Just what to do?

"I'll fetch the carpet cleaner. I wonder what it says on the label about removing semen stains."
Toby felt an unexpected flood of sweet emotion as Gerry took full responsibility for the mess the boy had left on the carpet. He was used to constantly being in trouble, to being yelled at, even hit, regardless of whether he'd actually done anything. Things were different now. Everything with Gerry was different.

He grinned at Gerry's comment about the cleaner label and reclined back on the couch as he waited, absorbing the quietness and safety of the house and the knowledge that he was wanted. He slowly stroked his still hard cock as he daydreamed about the video they'd just watched, imagining himself in the position of the little twink being enthusiastically fucked, imagining how it would feel.

He let go of himself and watched his stiff cock stand up proudly, wondering if he really was nice to look at, like the boy in the video. He was more scrawny than toned, and his ribs stuck out a bit - he wouldn't have thought much of anything about him was attractive. Gerry made him feel like he was every bit as desirable as some popular pornstar.

When Gerry returned to deal with the dried cum on the carpet, he slid down to sit near him, just wanting to be in his presence.

"You know... I only just realized... this is the first time I've ever really felt like someone had my back. That means... a whole lot. Actually... more than a lot. Everything. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it for you. I promise."
Gerry was amused at the way Toby crouched next to him as he cleaned the semen stains from the carpet. It was like having a shadow, a pet....the thought stuck in his head. He coughed, as if trying to clear it like a fishbone from his throat. Gerry didn't want the whole thing with Toby to turn into some sordid and exploitative relationship. He'd seen those at work, other counsellors and teachers, older men and women taking advantage of their power and age to ensnare students and use them.

But then, how was this different? How indeed? It's different, he thought because I will make sure it's different. Toby and I are lovers, not me his abuser and he my plaything. It made sense, for sure, thinking about it like that, but Gerry wondered if he'd sound so convincing saying it to the school board.

And then Toby thanked Gerry for having his back. "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it for you." On hearing this, all Gerry's noble thoughts flew out the window. His head filled with images of the two guys fucking in the porno, the hot little cute guy on his back, legs apart, feet in the air, and the older guy holding him down as his ass swung in and out, and his cock pounded the kid's hole.

"Thanks," Gerry murmured, putting the top back on the bottle of spot remover and applying the cloth to the damp patch. The stain had diminished, but it hadn't disappeared. He wondered if there was something he could place over it to disguise it.

"Maybe we'll worry about this in the morning," he said. "I'm tired, Toby, and I think after everything that's happened, we should get some sleep."

And I want to sleep naked with you in our bed. Andrea's bed. The one where I watched her fuck two young guys. He wanted to say this, but the words just spooled in his head. He stood and took Toby by the hand, leading him into the hallway to the stairs. The kid would just have to get the message non-verbally, he thought.
Toby felt his heart drop a little at Gerry's lukewarm response. He was saying things to Gerry he never thought he'd say, or was capable of saying, even of feeling. He might as well have just torn his own chest open, pulled out his bleeding heart, and handed it to the older man, only to get a mumbled Thanks, as if he'd just handed the guy a stick of gum. Now Gerry was tired, and just wanted to go to bed.

Was Gerry actually mad about the carpet? Was he regretting everything? Was he disgusted with himself? With Toby? Was he trying to find the right words to say, "You need to leave my house; this was a big mistake, and I can't see you again"?

Toby swallowed forcibly, fighting against the burning sensation that had welled up there. That sense of impending doom was returning to him. The big let-down... was it starting already?

He felt a bit cheered when Gerry took his hand, at least implying that they would sleep together. Still, he couldn't help but be worried about the expression on Gerry's face. He looked... distant. Was he just thinking? Was he upset?

"I'm sorry," Toby spoke up when they were halfway up the stairs, his voice small and fragile. "About the carpet. And... whatever else."

Wait - was this the problem? Was Gerry turned off by him ingratiating himself like this? He looked for a way to quickly fix this, but he didn't know what to do. What was the opposite of everything he'd just said? Acting like he didn't give a fuck? He was tired of that. He couldn't do it, at least not with Gerry. Not now. He gave a lot of fucks. Everything hinged on his relationship with Gerry now.

Just tell me what to do!
The two men were halfway up the stairs when Gerry heard Toby say he was sorry.

"...about the carpet...."

Gerry turned, still holding the kid's hand, and looked back down the stairs. The moonlight slanting in through the landing window caught the teen's face. Gerry saw the anguish, the sadness, the despair. And the cute way Toby's dark hair fell across his eyes, and the faint shadow down the middle of his chest.

"Sorry? There's nothing to be sorry about."

The older man stepped down to the landing where Toby perched hesitantly.

"Do you know how many times I've jerked off while watching porn onto that carpet?" He laughed. "I'm fucking lucky Andrea chose that pattern. Cumsplatter, I call it."

He wanted Toby to laugh or smile, or give any sign that his levity relieved the tension in the younger man's face.

"Hey," he said, placing his arms around the boy and pulling him close. "This is new territory for me, and I'm the older experienced guy, so I'm guessing you are probably scared out of your wits. I'm having a great time. You're a great guy. A dream guy. Do you understand? My dream guy. I just wish I'd met you before. Long before...."

Gerry listened to his voice trailing off like it was someone talking from far away. Clouds drifted across the moon, the light and shadow alternating across Toby's face.

"Anyway, that wasn't to be, so this wonderful thing has happened to me now, and I'm going to make the most of it." He held his hand against Toby's cheek as he spoke. "Like I said, I've had a great time, the best time being with you today. Whatever happens I want this to go on. I want us to be great together. And I don't want to spoil anything by doing things you don't want or going too quickly."

Gerry leaned down and kissed Toby, running his lips across the soft mouth and then parting the kid's lips with his tongue. Gerry let out an audible moan as the two men clung together on the landing, naked in the moonlight.

"And tonight," Gerry said, his face an inch from Toby's, "you're going to sleep in my bed. Just you and me. No pressure. Let's just see what happens. And tomorrow, we can sort out what to do next."
The many knots inside Toby eased away one at a time. Gerry seemed to say all the right things to undo all the wrong things that the boy's own pessimistic mind whispered to him. The hand on his cheek warmed him all the way to his core.

Dream guy... Gerry called him a dream guy.

He smiled as the kiss broke, inhaling the warmth of Gerry's breath wafting over his lips.

"Thank you," he whispered, winding his arms around the older man's shoulders. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Show me where you sleep. I want to lie next to you. I want to sleep with you. I want to make the most of this. Maybe tomorrow can last forever. We'll make it last as long as we can."
The kid was always thanking him. Gerry's training as a guidance counsellor told him what was going on here. Toby was needy. In nearly every way imaginable. It made the whole fucking thing even more risky than it could be in the best possible circumstances. Had he fucked a student once in the dark, no talking and bags over both their heads, Gerry knew how risky it would be. Yet here, Toby was his charge, his responsibility, and they were in his home and fucking with what ahead of them? Andrea's return. School. All the obvious potential for repercussions and rejection and discovery and sanction. No one in their right mind would ever do what Gerry had done and expected to do. No one. And yet Gerry, with all his years of solid if uninspiring commitment to the job and to his marriage and to one day getting his pension and retiring to a quiet fishing spot somewhere, was putting it all on the line just to get his cock sucked by a needy 18 year old with anger management issues, a drug-addled mother, no other parent, poor grades and a history of delinquency.

So fucking what, the other voice said in his head. Get your cock inside him. Enjoy yourself. You're a long time dead in this world.

Gerry weighed things up. It was too late to stop now anyway. So he hadn't penetrated the boy yet. But he would tomorrow. He was sure of it. Maybe he should just do it now. Drag the kid upstairs, throw him on the bed, open his legs and stick his cock up Toby's ass.

Holy fuck!

Toby was hanging off his shoulders, muttering about sleeping together. There was nothing he couldn't do to the kid, right now, if he wanted. Nothing, assuming his tired cock cooperated. If he was going to risk everything to anal fuck an 18 year old student Gerry wanted to make sure everything was going to work. So better to sleep now and fuck in the morning. Be patient, Gerry. Think with your head and not your cock.

"I want to sleep with you too, kiddo," Gerry said. "Sleep now and in the morning...well...there'll be time enough for whatever we feel like doing before"...we have to think about what to do next, he finished to himself.

Gerry led Toby to the top of the stairs and into the bedroom. He switched on the light. Toby stood beside him, small and vulnerable, blinking, a little scared looking. There was something about the way the kid looked which thrilled Gerry. It was the same with the straight gangbang vids he watched. They were all the more enjoyable when the girl was small and had that vulnerable look in her eyes. It felt the same with Toby. Fucking someone small made you feel more powerful, more in control, more the vanquisher.

Without thinking, Gerry picked Toby up and cradling him in his arms, walked the kid to the bed. Toby felt light as a feather and Gerry, tired though he was, felt he could hold the kid like this all night. Images of girls being fucked in the arms of men came into his head, being held under the arms and lowered onto cocks and fucked upright, their legs around the guy's waist. Gerry wasn't expecting to get hard again, but his cock stirred as he lifted Toby up and kissed his mouth.

"Onto the bed with you, little Toby."
Toby truly did feel weightless when Gerry lifted and carried him to the bed. The heaviness of the world and of his entire life had drifted away in these sweet moments, and he was finally able to stay grounded in the present and not fret about the past or the future.

He came away from the kiss with a big grin, and giggled, tumbling over like a foal in a gangly pile of skinny limbs as the older man deposited him onto the bed. He rolled onto all fours and pushed against the mattress a few times as if to test the springiness of it. He then flopped onto his back, his still hard cock sticking up proud and straight. Would they do anything about that, or would they just go to sleep? He found he didn't care much either way. Whatever way this night went, he was happy with it.

"I like your bed," he whispered. "I never get to sleep on a bed."

He reached up and grabbed one of the pillows, pulling it against his chest and then to his face, inhaling the now familiar scent of his lover.
Tired as Gerry was, he looked down in awe. After bouncing onto the bed and writhing about, Toby rolled onto his back, grabbed a pillow and pulled it tight over his face. Gerry listened to kid sniffing the pillow, fixated on the teen's perpetually swollen cock which swayed along with the rocking of the bed.

His own cock was sadly flaccid. For all the stirring he'd felt as he kissed Toby moments ago, nothing else seemed to be happening. Maybe it was time for the blue tablets, especially if he was ever going to satisfy an 18 year old. If there was one thing Gerry could recall from being that age it was that his cock never seemed to go down. Gerry's freshman college year had been a twelve month erection. If only.... He vowed to search online for viagra in the morning.

And then there was the question of lube. Maybe Andrea had some somewhere. Especially if she was fucking younger guys two at a time. He'd search for that tomorrow too.

Gerry wanted nothing more than to pull Toby's legs up and out, and fuck his ass. He'd seen enough of the porn vid earlier to be confident of just launching into a full fuck. But it wasn't happening tonight. Still, he could suck Toby's cock. Gerry climbed onto the bed, placed his hands ether side of the kid's torso and with Toby's face still buried under the pillow, lowered his mouth onto the deliciously proud organ.
Toby moaned into the pillow and then threw it off, gulping in a great big breath of fresh air and looking down at the pleasing sight of Gerry's snowy head bowed over his hard cock.

"Oh my fucking god," he groaned.

He reached down to pet Gerry's hair with a clumsy hand, unpracticed in all types of affection but trying hard to do it right.

"You're so good," he sighed between heavy breaths. "So good. That feels so good. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

He drew his legs up, instinctively spreading them wide apart without even thinking as Gerry pleasured him with his warm, inviting mouth.
Toby's response was everything Gerry could ask for. Moaning, playing with his hair, opening his legs and drawing them up. Where Gerry was pinned, mouth on cock, from what little he could see he pictured Toby like the boy in the porn vid, young and innocent and vulnerable, legs apart being reamed by the older man. Except Gerry wasn't reaming Toby whose hot little pucker remained unmolested.

If Gerry only thought he could manage it, tonight would be their first ass fuck, his first penetration, Toby's virginity taken. But for all the young guy's flirtatious response and Gerry's enjoying the mouthful of cock, his own cock was sleepily defying him. It stirred, for sure, giving that saucily anticipatory spasm. Gerry pictured it rousing slowly, the shaft thickening, the knob lifting and taking a one-eyed look around. And then falling back into its slumber. Fuck!

Thinking back on the gay porn, however, the older guy had done more than fuck the younger guy in the ass. He'd played with his ass as well. If I can't stuck my cock into you little Toby, Gerry thought, I can do you with my fingers. So with his mouth still firmly engulfing Toby's cock, Gerry reached round with his left hand, running his fingers down the teen's flank, under his raised thigh and across the inside of his leg until he came to rest low down in Toby's ass crack. The hand placement was met by an alluring extra wriggle from Toby as Gerry slid a finger tip up until it nestled neatly over the tight little star. And with barely any more pressure, Gerry pushed his finger into the star which tensed, then relaxed, letting him in.
Toby emitted a squeal of delight when the older man's finger dipped into his cleft, edging closer and closer to the tender hole that had been thoroughly licked earlier that evening, causing him to violate the TV room carpet. He knew he was going to cum again before too long.

At first his ass welcomed the penetration, remembering how delicious that tongue-fucking had felt, but as Gerry's finger reached deeper than his tongue could, he started to instinctively tense up against the surge of burning pain.

"Oh, ow!" he grunted abruptly after a series of enthusiastic sighs. "Oh, holy shit.... fuck!"

His inner muscles clenched around Gerry's finger, and he moved his hands down to grip and twist the sheets beneath him instead of pulling on the older man's hair.

"It's okay, don't stop!" he quickly added, though there was plenty of obvious tension in his voice. He was determined to handle the pain, because he had always handled pain - he'd had no choice.

"It hurts a lot, but... it also feels good a lot too!"
'It hurts...and it feels good....a lot.'

Toby's response was gratifying. Especially when his own response on digitally penetrating the kid had been 'what do I do now?' His finger had slipped inside after the initial resistance. It was now inside the 18 year old as far as it would go. How long was his middle finger? Three inches, he guessed. He was three inches inside a man. Shit!

Gerry could feel Toby clenching on his finger. He slid it in and out gently, while Toby settled. The initial squealing and discomfort subsided until Gerry could feel his lover clenching and pushing back and adjusting in time with the movement. Gerry had digitally penetrated Andrea, just not anally. She wouldn't let him anywhere near her ass. It was his experience with Dowoon, his Korean boyfriend from over thirty years ago, that he tried to recall as he felt inside Toby. Is this what it was like? Is this what I do? Gerry regretted not watching another gay porn vid now, to study exactly how an experienced lover used his fingers to pleasure a man inside their ass.

Still, whatever he was doing Toby seemed to be enjoying it. And as Gerry twisted his finger and probed the kid's insides, the older man had one overwhelming desire. When they were done with Toby's penetration he wanted the roles reversed. He wanted Toby's finger inside his own ass.
Toby panted hard, determined to take what Gerry gave him and more. The penetration brought him many layers of joy, especially in harmony with the continued generous sucking of his cock. Occasionally the pain bubbled up enough to distract from his enjoyment.

It was not only the rawness and tension of his virgin passage that made handling the finger fucking a challenge, but as his body began to relax into it, the chafing became almost too much.

Huffing, gulping, groaning, Toby squirmed slowly beneath the older man and debated within himself as to whether to bite his tongue or just ask him to stop - he didn't want it to stop, but the unlubricated invasion was becoming too much.

"Ohhh slow down!" he finally groaned, sucking in a breath through clenched teeth. "Ow, oh... Could you... is there... can you make it... slipperier?"
'Slipperier'....Jesus! Gerry withdrew his finger from Toby's ass. Finger fucking up the ass was painful if not done the right way. Gerry remembered that much, even if it was thirty years ago.

"Sorry...Jesus...sorry little guy...I wasn't thinking."

I wasn't thinking about you, he thought. Only myself. Of course sticking my unlubricated finger up his ass was going to hurt, no matter how hard the kid tried to enjoy himself. This wasn't porn where anything goes, and where precautions and preparations take place off screen. This was real life.

"You looked so fucking hot lying there, Toby, and I got carried away with what I wanted. Sorry to hurt you. It won't happen again."

Gerry gave his best sympathetic smile. Toby was a good sport, he knew that, and would probably let him do what he wanted. But this was serious. He meant to fuck the teen, have his way, that was certain now. And not just this weekend, but for as long as he could manage for them to be together. But he needed to do it properly, sensibly, enjoyably. For both of them. And besides that, he was the boy's teacher. He'd already crossed every line there was, but he didn't want to end up on a physical assault charge as well as rape. If he hurt the boy and they ended up in the emergency ward, what then? 'Slow down', Toby had asked. They had all night, most of tomorrow, and who knew how long after that. Their whole lives? Maybe. But yes, slow down, Gerry, slow down.

Gerry lay down on the bed beside Toby. He felt so tired now. Worn out, physically and mentally. You gotta think straight, Gerry said to himself. Act gay, think straight. Where did that idea come from? It sounded like a bumper sticker. He laughed to himself. I'm bigger than you, he thought. And whatever happens, I'm the aggressor. That's how everyone's gonna see it. And they will find out. Gerry knew nothing stayed secret forever.

He remembered the letter from Dowoon, with the Korean stamp, arriving weeks after his friend's return home. And the confession. The shame. Thank Christ his own family hadn't found out even if Dowoon's had. And how he might have fled to Korea if only Dowoon had asked, had suggested it. Or better still, fled to somewhere neutral. For how long had Gerry entertained the idea of meeting his friend at a tourist destination somewhere, Thailand maybe, to throw caution to the winds and see where life took them. Laughing and fucking and being together somewhere no one knew them or judged them.

But plans and carrying them out are two different things. And Dowoon hadn't replied to his letters. Had simply disappeared off the radar. It hurt Gerry, but he always told himself it was for the best. That part of his life was over before it began.

A great sigh swept through his body. He snuggled against Toby, turning onto his side where he could place his hand across the boy's naked chest, feel his heartbeat and the breathless rise and fall of air in his lungs. Like a tiny bird in his palm. Toby felt small beside him, small and vulnerable. The thought of protecting him, violating and protecting him at the same time, played in Gerry's head. This part of my life is just beginning, he thought. Don't let it go this time.
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Toby winced as the finger withdrew, sighing in simultaneous relief and disappointment. With a little lotion or something, it would have been so much better, but it looked like his objection had spoiled the mood.

He squeezed his eyes shut as Gerry cuddled close, feeling ashamed for failing to handle even a single finger. Shit. Gerry wanted to fuck him. He wanted to be fucked. What if he was too much of a wimp? Why couldn't he just shut up and take it? Couldn't he be good for anything in this fucked-up world?

By now, even his own erection had begun to wane. A deep sense of personal failure was a bit of a boner killer, it turned out.

He placed his hand over Gerry's, which rested on his sternum, and squeezed it. He had to trust Gerry was still happy to be here next to him

"I'll do better next time - I promise," he whispered. "Please don't be sorry."
All this saying sorry by Toby tired Gerry. The kid had nothing to say sorry for. But he clearly had a chip on his shoulder, which was no surprise given everything Gerry now knew about Toby's background and upbringing. None of it was Toby's fault. Except for the lashing out perhaps, but it was understandable.

Gerry thought long and hard as they cuddled on the bed in the dark. He wondered if he should feel for the boy's cock, and hoped the boy would feel for his. It would be nice to go to sleep being fondled. How often had he wanted Andrea to do that when instead she rolled onto her side after sex and ignored him?

Still it was nice to feel the kid's hand on his chest and the warm body by his side. He hadn't made it easy for Toby. It wasn't just all the pressure of being used by a man old enough to be his grandfather, Gerry thought, even if Toby said how much he enjoyed it. Digitally penetrating him without lube was just clumsy. What little Gerry knew about anal sex was sufficient to tell him he needed lube. Andrea had some somewhere, K-Y Jelly or similar. Not that she'd used it with him.When he'd found it she said it was good for her skin. Internally. Something like that. Good for fucking her toy boys, more like it.

Andrea's toy boys. Hmmm, Gerry thought. What a nice black ass he'd watched from the door as the young guys ploughed Andrea on this very bed. Might like some of that for myself....

Gerry's cock stirred just a little at the thought of tight young black ass, but he was soon asleep.
Toby felt physically exhausted and knew he was in desperate need of a good night's sleep - something he rarely had the luxury of. The house was clean and quiet, he was lying on a bed, and he was in the arms of someone who cared about him - luxuries he'd never had. He felt incredibly comfortable and secure, yet somehow he didn't feel like he could sleep. Being away from everything he'd ever known was jarring, even if it was a much better situation.

He lay awake for some time, listening to Gerry breathe. Maybe as long as he stayed awake, this bubble wouldn't pop, and real life wouldn't have to come back to afflict him. The longer he stayed away, the longer he would have this soft bed, this quiet house, and this wonderful man by his side.

Tomorrow, if there was a tomorrow, they would go all the way. Toby could hardly see past that eventuality. It didn't seem like anything else would exist after that. As sleep finally, sluggishly, approached, he hazily imagined lying back while a massive cock entered him, after which he would simply disincorporate, bursting into billions of tiny stars.
Gerry dreamed, but when he woke to sun streaming across the room, he couldn't remember about what. He shut his eyes tight against the light, disoriented for a moment by the warmth of someone in the bed with him. Andrea was at her mother's, he thought....

He opened his eyes again and squinted down the line of his naked chest. His wrinkled, pink, 53 year old cock snoozed lazily, the cock head pointing back at him, its one eye slightly agape. He imagined it was a blind snake, sleeping now but ready to pounce, to race up his body and opening wide, devour him face first....

Gerry woke with a start. The cock snake dream. Again. Fuck it was horrible. And what did it mean? Why didn't he dream of long, uninhibited, sweet fucking where his sad, worn out cock didn't let him down, but stayed hard and proud and burrowed its way up every warm orifice it found.

The cock stirred, just a little. He watched it trying, he imagined, to roll over onto its back from where it could rise like a periscope, look around, identify a fuckable target and then like some firm, fleshy, cylindrical svengali, make him get out of bed and fuck whatever it had found.

Another fucking dream....I'm going to have to will myself awake, Gerry thought, instead of dozing on and off like this. So wake he did, reaching for a pillow, forcing it behind his shoulders and sliding his head back and up.

Toby was lying beside him. Not touching. But close. On his stomach. Naked. The bedclothes had mostly slipped to Gerry's side and onto the floor. The older man surveyed what he'd found. The soft black hair, thick and long at the back. The narrow neck, scrawny shoulders, the long shallow curve of the spine, concave at first then rising to a smooth, round bubble at the centre of which the cleft of Toby's ass began. Below that the boy's legs were covered by a bedsheet.

The sun played on Toby's skin. It seemed glowing, almost transparent. For an 18 year old the boy was surprisingly spot free, Gerry thought. At his age, Gerry was a mess of pimples and redness as the hormones pumped. Toby, you lucky fuck, Gerry thought, having such good skin.

And as memories of the previous evening spooled in his head, he had the idea of starting the new day with a closer inspection of Toby to make sure his skin was as flawless as it looked in the light. An all over inspection...

The kid snored quietly, his face buried in the mattress. He showed no evidence of being about to wake, seeming to Gerry to be in the deepest of sleep.

Gerry, on the other hand, was overwhelmed suddenly by the need to piss. He rolled away from Toby and off the bed, where he stood and momentarily surveyed the bedroom. Toby was just as beautiful from up high, Gerry realised. Beautiful and serene and virginal...except Gerry had fucked his mouth already and stuck his finger up the kid's ass. Not a complete virgin then. A cock-up-the-ass virgin. Was that what virgin meant? And did Gerry care? He just had to piss. Now.

He stepped into the ensuite bathroom, pointed his cock at the bowl and released the yellow stream. The relief nearly made him moan with pleasure, but it was soon the feel of meat in his hand which took his attention. Today is the day I'm going to fuck that kid up the ass, Gerry thought. Today. His cock hardened a little as he shook the last drops out. Today is the fucking day I open that kid's fucking legs and split him in fucking two.
Toby's dreams played out like an exploitation film - an incoherent chaos of sex and violence that largely faded as he came awake, but left his heart thumping and his cock throbbing. He felt a glorious ache in his centre, realizing as consciousness rose that his morning wood was trapped beneath his belly.

He wasn't yet awake enough to remember where he was, and at first he noticed, little by little, that just about everything was off. He was comfortable, to begin with. He wasn't desperately hungry. He didn't smell any cigarette smoke or weed. And it was completely silent.

Except for that trickling noise. The sound of someone pissing nearby.

At first this twisted his stomach with anxiety, as his initial instinct was to presume that some asshole his mom was fooling around with was nearby, but soon he recalled that he wasn't in his mom's apartment at all.

Gerry. It was Gerry's pissing that had awoken him.

Feeling both nervous and excited, Toby opened his eyes and rolled to one side, facing the source of the sound. The door to an adjoining bathroom was slightly open, and he could just see the man's backside. He smiled and quietly slid to the floor, tiptoeing toward the bathroom, his cock leading the way.

He held his breath for a few moments, just staring. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction and adoration as he stared at the older man. With his comfy older-dad-bod, his white hair, even just standing at the toilet, he was beautiful.

He breathed out suddenly, catching Gerry's attention, and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry - didn't mean to perv on you while you're peeing. Or... maybe I did!"