Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Gerry was enjoying Toby's soapy finger probing his ass. He wasn't sure it was doing his inflamed skin any good, but it was a pleasant feeling, and much less intrusive than Toby's cock or the finger fucking the kid had served him with moments ago. Just a single digit, warm and lubricated, spreading his sphincter and lightly brushing the sensitive lining of his rectum. He wondered for a moment if he shouldn't ask Toby to replace the finger with his tongue.

And then the bombshell. Homework. Gerry's world came crashing down. Since the very first moment he'd set his sights on fucking Toby, even if he hadn't called it that in his head, Gerry had known that nothing lasted forever. Fucking the 18 year old had short term benefits, but longer term risks. And many of the risks weren't even that long term. Like if Andrea walked in on them right now, Gerry lying buck naked in the shower cubicle with an equally naked student sticking a finger up his teacher's ass. He imagined she was as likely to call the police as a divorce lawyer, and Gerry knew from the experience of colleagues there was no excuse known to man which let a teacher off from the consequences of fucking a student.

"Help you with your homework...." Gerry sat up, his back against the glass screen, his limp cock hanging sadly between his thighs. Toby crouched before him, as cute and sexy as the first day he'd found the kid outside his room, waiting to be counselled. Except that he was naked and wet. With a strange imploring look.

"Sure," Gerry said. "I'm here for you. We're in this together which means....back to school on Monday."

The older man couldn't imagine that a less arousing sentence could be uttered.
Back to school on Monday. Toby heard the heaviness of that sentence in the older man's voice. Oddly, Toby wasn't nearly as bothered by the looming threat of Monday morning. For most of his life, going to school, while a burden, was at least a reprieve from the other burden that had been his home life. Now that he didn't have to worry about that aspect of his life anymore, he should have hated the idea of school disrupting what he had here, with Gerry, but he didn't hate it. Maybe it was just because when he went to school, Gerry would be there with him.

He was happy - he couldn't help it. He smiled, despite the fact that school still existed and Andrea still lived here and the whole world could come crashing down on them at any moment. Because they were in this together, and he had a Daddy who would help him with his homework as well as fucking him. He was the whole package.

Toby slid over to cuddle up against Gerry's side, kissing and licking his cheek playfully.

"Yeah. And you know what that means - our usual 9:15 session. We'll have a whole hour together in your office. And then, when I've been counseled, I'll feel so much better in class the rest of the day. Maybe I'll need extra sessions, hmm?"
Gerry lay back, quiet and still, just listening to Toby prattle. School. Monday. Homework. Counselling....he couldn't help but smile at the lewd emphasis Toby put on the word 'counselling'. For a dumb 18 year old off the streets, the kid sure knew how to push buttons.

It was the whole tired domesticity of what followed from Toby's conversation which troubled Gerry. Life wasn't all just lying round naked on the weekend and fucking yourself senseless. He knew that. But even with a twink fucktoy to satisfy his every whim, it still meant doing the laundry, washing the dishes, putting out the garbage, going to the dentist, school on Monday.....FUCKING SHIT!

And Andrea might be back any moment. What then? He enjoyed Toby licking his cheek. If only....

"School on Monday," Gerry heard himself say. He put out a hand, found Toby's naked flank, and ran it down until it nestled on the kid's cock. Even now, the teen's organ squirmed to life under his touch. Oh to have such stamina, such staying power. Gerry caressed the tip, finding the foreskin and teasing it open, then running his fingers lightly down the shaft.

"School on Monday, but yeah. Let's look forward to a counselling session."

Counselling your fucking sexy little brains out, Gerry thought, Toby's cock thickening under his touch.
Toby's smile widened, feeling the hand on his cock, toying with him, arousing him all over again. His balls were aching from how much work they'd been doing recently, but he had no intention of resisting. If Gerry wanted his cock, Gerry would get his cock, no matter the time or place.

"Still haven't had enough, have you?" he purred, licking Gerry's face again and then playfully biting. "That's okay. I like being your slut. Your very own little whore, Daddy, all for you."

His mouth found Gerry's and he pulled him into a long, hot, wet kiss. While he made out with the older man, loving the coarseness of his beard hair, he pushed his hips up now and then, encouraging Gerry's touch. This stolen time was precious - Toby was just as aware as the older man was that Andrea might show up at any moment, but these moments belonged to them alone. Knowing he had taken the attention and affection of a man that had belonged to that horrible woman was a delight to Toby. It was like a rescue, a mutual rescue.

"I stole you, didn't I, Daddy?" he whispered against Gerry's lips. "And you stole me too. We stole each other."
Toby nipped at his face as Gerry played with the teen's cock. They kissed, long and hard, the kid thrusting his hips into Gerry to give him better access to his groin.

"I like being your slut...."

My teen

"We stole each other."

Gerry paused for thought, his hand jerking Toby off automatically. I guess I stole you from your circumstances, he thought. That squalid apartment. The street. The gutter. But who did you steal me from? Not school. We're going there on Monday. My boring, bland, sexless life perhaps? Was that it? From brain death?

If only Gerry could find whatever reserve it took to make a 53 year old cock hard for the umpteenth time in the same day. Swell you fucking loser, he cursed to himself. You want the boy so go get him. But nothing would make his cock respond and he resolved to bring Toby to orgasm in his hand. He anticipated the climax, the spasm, the pulses of cum, the inevitable subsiding, and then putting his hand to his mouth and savoring the boy's seed with his tongue.

No, it is Andrea. You've stolen me from Andrea, he thought. Except she hasn't gone anyway. Not permanently. And she mightn't be going anywhere. What to do?

The kid was close now. Gerry increased the rhythm of his hand on Toby's shaft, deliciously hard and straight against his palm. How the fuck can a man, even an 18 year old, get hard so many times in one morning? You lucky fuck, Gerry, he thought to himself, you are one dumb lucky fuck.
Toby thrust into his fist and reclaimed Gerry's mouth again, plunging his tongue in and then opening for the other man to do the same. Sucking each other's tongues was sexy and lewd enough to turn him on, and soon he was growling and shuddering as he released a small but no less satisfying load of cum into the older man's hand.

Panting, he sagged against Gerry's soft body as Gerry licked up his cum. He felt spent in every way possible and could just about have gone comatose, even though it was still morning - or was it afternoon by now? He had no idea. It was nice, in its own way, being so sex-focused that he completely lost track of the day.

"Oh my fucking god," he sighed. "I don't think I can stand. So much cum."
Toby came in Gerry's hand. The older man waited for the kid to finish, feeling the satisfying pulse of his cock, the gradual slowing of the rhythm, and then the relaxation. When Toby was done Gerry put the hand to his mouth and licked up the goo. Until recently the taste of semen was only a distant memory. But in the past few days he'd rarely had the taste out of his mouth. Indeed, Gerry imagined he reeked of Toby's discharges. And the teen of his. He certainly hoped so.

The boy folded warmly into his side. Gerry enjoyed the frisson of flesh against flesh, adding to the pleasure of rolling Toby's cum round his mouth. He wanted more. He wanted to fold himself into the boy, merge himself, feel himself at one with the boy, in the boy, on the boy, total immersion, whatever that meant.

And yet, as the morning ticked on he realised Andrea's return was inevitable, just as Saturday becoming Sunday and then Monday was inevitable. Why couldn't time stand still? Why did any of this have to end? Why not just quit school, quit Andrea, quit this boring town full of uptight people who'd never known the sheer reckless and unrelenting ecstasy of man-on-man fucking, the deep emotion of seeing your cock slip inside a teen mouth or ass, of probing a man from the inside, feeling your cock twitch and pulse and release its load between two sweet, pink boy lips....

He leaned down and kissed Toby, sweeping the teen's cum round his mouth and dribbling it across his tongue and the boy's teeth.

"Mmmm, so much cum," he echoed. " I don't want this to end, little Toby. I want to stay hard for you like you stay hard for me. I'm going to need some help, some medication. Viagra I guess. Or maybe some physical aids. I don't want you to miss out on what you're giving me..."
Toby sighed sweetly as the old man delivered him a mouthful of cum and spit. He let it mingle with his own saliva and let his tongue slide against the great sensual muscle entering his mouth and loving him orally. The warm glow of the whole experience was overwhelming, and all he could do was melt into Gerry.

"Hnnggghh daddyyyy," he sighed, idly toying with one of Gerry's nipples, "I like being with you every moment whether you're hard or not."

He dragged his lips along Gerry's shoulder, suckling softly at his wet flesh.

"But if you want pills... go get 'em. Maybe it'll be fun. For when... we have lots of time alone."

He giggled, imagining the alternative, and his wide eyes flicked up to find the older man's, dancing with amusement.

"Or do you want to have a nice big bulge in your pants all day at school? Maybe you'll start a trend. Fillmore, the 'pro boner' school!"

He fell against Gerry, laughing at his own terrible pun.

"Sorry, that was probably only funny because I'm exhausted."
Gerry laughed at Toby's pun. It wasn't funny, but like Toby said, it was funny because he was exhausted. They were both exhausted. And it was still morning.

Or at least Gerry thought so. He had no idea what time it was, how long they'd been fucking and laying around naked, or even when they'd returned to the house.

Still Saturday morning. But not too early. Over the silence of the house Gerry could hear lawnmowers nearby, and the sound of kids playing. And Toby's heavy breathing between his nibbling on Gerry's nipples. Nipples. Who knew they were a guy thing? Female nipples for sure. Gerry nibbled Andrea's nipples. Not recently, but back in the day...

"Nipples are great," he said, realising only after the words echoed round the room that he'd said them out loud.
Toby giggled again, helplessly, at the older man's remark, and grabbed Gerry's other nipple, giving it a playful tweak and twisting it gently between his thumb and forefinger before letting go and doing the same to his own.

"Nipples are great," he agreed. "I always thought they were useless. Turns out they're pretty fun to play with."

Giving both of them a break from the nipple play for the time being, Toby leaned in to kiss Gerry's cheek sweetly and then got up onto his knees, holding out his hands.

"Do you want help up? You look pretty spent. I've worked you hard today, and we haven't even had anything to eat."

He squeezed Gerry's hands and smiled hopefully, hoping the please feed me hint was coming across. Toby didn't think anything of swiping food from a convenience store, but for some reason he felt like it wasn't quite right to help himself to Gerry's fridge.
Gerry got the hint. "Breakfast," he said. "Good idea." He squeezed Toby's hand in return and climbed off the bed. "I suppose we should get dressed too," he said, wondering where exactly Toby's clothes had got to. And where was Andrea? About to walk in on the fuck fest? Jesus!

He dressed slowly while Toby hung about the room. The late morning sun flooded in, bathing the teen in a brilliant, harsh light. Gerry saw afresh the kid's slender, twink body, slight and unmuscled, graceful like a girl, gently curving front and back down to his almost hairless crotch, and then the delicious organ hanging limp now, between his legs.

Toby looked up, noticing Gerry was watching him, and smiled coyly from under the dark hair dangling across his face.

If only we could stay naked like this, Gerry thought, and just go about our business....whatever that is. God, I want to fuck you, little Toby, in every room in this house, he thought. And I will.

"Go find your clothes," he said. "Quickly. Before....while I cook us breakfast. Eggs? Bacon? Toast? Whatever you want. Yeah?"
It warmed Toby inside, seeing Gerry leer at him this way. He hadn't had any positive sexual experiences before, and he used to imagine that even if he did, the person he was with would be done with him the moment it was over. He didn't have much to go by in his life for positive examples.

"Breakfast!" he crowed happily as he dashed off to find where he'd thrown his clothes in a fit of passion. Whatever he wanted? It was immediately overwhelming, but in a good way. What would he want for breakfast if he could choose anything in the world? He could think all day and not make a decision. Options were a new concept.

"Eggs and bacon sounds amazing!" he decided, hopping on one foot as he struggled to get his underwear back on. "I haven't had bacon in years. And do you know what I've never had before? French toast. Do you know how to do that?"

Quickly he pulled himself back, not wanting to be greedy: "But I mean, I'll eat anything, honestly. Sometimes I just have beer for breakfast. It's pretty nasty."
Gerry cooked breakfast, laughing and chatting with Toby as if the kid was a family member staying over.

"Beer for breakfast! Jesus, Toby, it's a wonder you're still alive. French toast is my speciality, so watch and learn."

Gerry loved how Toby hovered beside him, touching him, brushing against him, leaning on his shoulder as he cooked. The situation, the atmosphere, the whole relationship felt natural, normal, uplifting, except for the fact that they'd fucked and would fuck again. And whatever Gerry thought about being with Toby, the school board and the courts would see it totally opposite. Toby would be the innocent party, injured by his vile, predatory teacher. It wasn't really like that, was it? Was it?

And then there was Andrea. Gerry relished every moment she wasn't in the house. He found himself willing that she'd left him, or that some cruel fate would befall her, even as he tried to banish ideas from his head each time thoughts of a car accident or mall shooting came into his mind. Why can't I just tell her, he thought. It's over. You're fucking your work colleagues and I'm....I''re fucking the guys at work. That would be enough, surely. He could never reveal his relationship with Toby. Never. Not unless they moved where? Thailand? The Philippines? Were they countries where old men could fuck 18 year old guys? Did it have to be so far? Kentucky would do, surely. Somewhere quiet and remote where he could say Toby was his nephew living with Uncle Gerry for the time being.

"Voila!" he said. "French toast." Gerry slapped it onto a plate and laid it before Toby, as if he cooked breakfast for his students every day.
Watch and learn.

Had any kind of learning ever been so sweet? Toby soaked it all up like a sponge, not wanting to miss a thing. He drank in Gerry, watching him, touching him at every opportunity. He explored the kitchen with him, learning where everything was and marveling over the bounty of ingredients in the fridge and cupboards. It was all so pedestrian, so domestic, yet to him, it was worlds opening up that he'd never had access to before.

Could every weekend be like this? Every day - dare he hope? How long could Gerry and Andrea's marriage keep on plodding along in its current state? Clearly neither party was the slightest bit invested. Toby wanted to usurp her place. He imagined marking his territory, pissing all over their bedroom like a lawn sprinkler. He imagined her being gone, permanently gone, and he and Gerry would be as naked as they pleased, only putting on clothes to go out in public and maybe at least an apron for cooking. Fucking, pissing, cooking, eating, sleeping, kissing, fucking, repeat.

The plate appeared before him and it seemed like magic, even though he'd closely monitored every step of the surprisingly simple process. It was magic - a delicious meal being handed to him, just like that. This was what other people's lives were like while he'd had to lie, cheat, steal, and commit even worse crimes to get his hands on something to fill his belly. Why couldn't he have had a normal mom who had a normal job, and made him French toast?

And why the fuck did he have to think about his mom at a time like this? Out of nowhere, French toast had burst a bubble of trapped emotions inside of him, and tears flooded down his reddened cheeks as he squeaked out, "Thank you," after which he threw himself at Gerry for a tight hug and buried his face in the man's shoulder, unable to explain his sudden breakdown.
Gerry let Toby hug him while whatever emotional moment the kid was having, passed by. The older man felt strangely wooden. Was it the emotion of the moment, and the tension between the naked lust he felt for Toby at the same time as this growing affection? He was a professional counsellor. Emotions were complicated. His own as much as anyone's. But he was a mature man. Able to control himself, he hoped. Until now....

"Hey, kiddo," he said, gently prising Toby from him. "Eat your breakfast while it's hot." He listened to himself, sounding like an uncle, a big brother, a father.... But it had been a long time since he'd felt fatherly towards Charlotte, and nowadays, she'd probably laugh and push him away. And feeling fatherly towards Toby, who he'd been fucking all morning, was almost too weird to process. How could this whole sordid affair have happened? Was he sick? Depraved? Beyond redemption? The questions and answers burned through his head.

Gerry suddenly felt tired. He desperately wanted to lie down, but not on his own. With Toby by his side. This was no father and son thing. But it wasn't anything sensible and mature either. No friendship between equals. Nothing the school or his training or society could sanction. And yet, it felt right somehow. Right because it made him feel good, fulfilled, complete, a flowering of something deep inside him and long dormant.

"Come on, little Toby, eat your breakfast. Uncle Gerry's going to sit down and rest for a bit. In the day room. Come in when you're done."

He disengaged and without meeting the boy's eyes, walked into the next room. The sun slanted warmly across the floor to the day bed where Toby had spent the night. The imprint of the teen's body still creased the upholstery. Gerry felt tears in his eyes. Tears of joy, of fear, of lost control? He didn't know. He wanted to cry but he didn't know why.
Toby's expression crumpled when Gerry separated their bodies. Was he spoiling a good thing by being too clingy, too emotional? Toby didn't know exactly what this relationship was supposed to be or how to behave, but he supposed it made sense that two men who fucked weren't necessarily supposed to be cuddly and cry on each other, even if that was sort of how all this had started.

He tried to pull himself back and not be so needy. He wanted to be exactly what Gerry wanted, but now the man wasn't even looking at him.

Here he was alone at the kitchen table with a delicious plate of French toast in front of him, trying not to lose his mind over nothing. His default expectation was still that anything good he had would be taken from him - it was what life had taught him, over and over. He just didn't think it would be this soon.

Even though he was now filled with dread, he started to devour his breakfast at a rapid pace. His body needed food, and his instinct was to get as much as he could while it was available. He drowned his toast in syrup and licked up the remains before washing up and tiptoeing to the day room cautiously, not knowing what to expect. Were they going to have some kind of serious talk?

Toby sat down gingerly beside him on the daybed. He wanted nothing more than to wrap himself around 'Uncle Gerry', but he couldn't assume now that that would be welcome. Gerry had a strange look on his face, like how he'd looked in his office the other day, that moment that had changed everything.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. "Are we... okay?"
"I'm crying because I'm happy," Gerry said, drawing Toby close. It was as good an answer as he could muster. He was crying because he felt like crying. It was an emotional response to a nameless something.

"Happy..." He pushed his face down to Toby's and kissed him. The smell of French toast and syrup was almost overwhelming. The teen had obviously tucked in and spread it all over his face. What an enigma. Eats like a child, fucks like a man whore, pisses like a hydrant, sucks cock like he was born to it.

And me, Gerry thought. Who and what am I? But the taste of Toby on his tongue distracted him, from his thoughts, from his emotions, from the sounds in the house. He put his hand down and found the way inside Toby's pants, gently massaging Toby's cock as their tongues tussled.
The fact that Toby didn't need to push Gerry for the reason for his tears this time was almost overwhelming for the teen. It was deeply satisfying in ways he couldn't begin to understand, but he at least understood he was feeling empathy, because he was thrilled that Gerry would cry out of happiness instead of sadness. If he had actually done something to mitigate the older man's pain over what his wife had done, Toby felt he might actually have a purpose on this godforsaken planet. A good purpose. If he could not only undo sadness but bring happiness, he was more powerful than he ever imagined he could be. He didn't want any of this to stop.

Slinging one leg over Gerry's lap to get closer, Toby grabbed him and opened wide to the kiss, moaning with enjoyment as Gerry's tongue went hunting for any traces of sweet syrup left behind.

"I'm happy too," he panted between aggressive, sloppy kisses. "So happy, with you. I've never been happy and you let me. You let me be happy because I can make you happy. Daddy..."

His voice broke as he felt that rough hand dig into his underwear, groping him thirstily. Goddamn, did Gerry still have a libido after the marathon morning of sex play they'd had? Toby wasn't even sure he had anything left, but sure enough, youthful vigour endured and his cock started to respond. Even if it didn't go anywhere, he was just content to have Gerry's hands and mouth on him anytime.

"Yeah," he growled in encouragement, thrusting his hips at Gerry. "Touch me forever, Daddy. I'm your little sex toy. I want to always be your toy. I'm for you. Made for you."
Gerry felt Toby's cock respond to his groping. The older man knew he was pushing it. His next erection was probably days away, he was so spent by the morning's fucking. But Toby, well, the little guy was 18. Gerry imagined he could stay hard indefinitely. Why not enjoy it manually?

"I'm your little sex toy....made for you."

Gerry disengaged as Toby spoke, then re-engaged, tongue searching the kid's face, across his lips, round his mouth, for whatever Toby had to offer, to give, little sex toy....hmmmm.

And then came the knocking on the door. The front door. Fuck! Gerry tried to ignore it, but it was incessant. Knocking....and then the fear set in. Why would someone be knocking like that on a Saturday morning? Why?

"Hey kiddo," he said, leaning back, hand still in Toby's pants. "I don't know why, but I think I'd better get that. Don't go anywhere...."

He kissed Toby again, withdrew his hand, stood, checked his trousers for any telltale signs and stains, and walked along the hall to the front door. But when Gerry opened it, to his annoyance there was no one there.
Toby tensed a little when he first heard the knocking. Andrea? No - of course not, she lived here. People didn't knock on their own doors when they had keys. Did neighbours go around knocking on each other's doors in a place like this? Toby even worried for a moment that someone else who worked at the school had seen them somehow and was coming to spoil their fun.

However, he relaxed back into Gerry when he noticed the man wasn't worried about the knocking. At least, not right away. He kept up the sloppy kisses and grinding against Gerry's hand as the knocking continued, actually starting to get turned on by the fact that they were ignoring a visitor just to fool around with each other.

But the knocking continued, and then Gerry actually seemed concerned.

"Okay," he sighed, relaxing back on the daybed and giving the older man a coy smile, looking forward to resuming this as soon as possible. "I'll miss you, Daddy."

He listened to the footsteps retreat toward the front door. Still feeling horny, he pulled his cock out and slowly stroked it, keeping himself hard for Daddy. He didn't hear any voices, but if he did, he could tuck himself away at a moment's notice.
Andrea had felt out of sorts all morning. It was bad enough that Gerry had brought one of his cases home, but now she'd left the house without her keys. Saturday could never come soon enough. The college work stressed her, her mother's health stressed her, Charlotte's lack of contact stressed her, the crazy whirlwind romance with the guys at work stressed her.

Romance! That was a nice word for it. Maybe she should just count her lucky stars. It was a long time since Gerry had touched her, let alone made her feel sexy. And to have two colleagues, two sexy and fit younger men wanting her, wanting to fuck her, and now wanting to fuck her together, was a dream come true. "You go girl," her best friend Melanie had said. "If only they wanted to fuck me..."

Andrea couldn't help smiling to herself as she rounded the corner and saw the house up ahead. Gerry's car was back in the drive. He must have dropped off the kid somewhere and returned. And then, as she stepped up to the front door, she put her hand in her pocket and found she hadn't taken her keys.

She knocked on the front door, without response. She knocked again. Still nothing. So she banged harder. What the fuck was Gerry doing? Maybe he'd gone for a walk too. There was no point waiting. The back door might be open. Andrea walked along the side of the house and round the back towards the day room windows. Maybe Gerry was napping on the day bed, in the sun like an old dog. She stepped up to the window and there, in full view, was that stupid punk jerking himself off. Toby. Was that his name? Toby, the stray kid Gerry had brought home, eyes tight shut, pants round his ankles, fat cock enfolded in his hand, uncut head pointing at the ceiling. On my day bed! "GERRY................"
Toby was really losing himself in the experience, somehow fascinated by his own arousal - just how many times in a 24-hour period could he get it up? He definitely got the distinct impression that Gerry was thrilled by this, and he wanted to thrill the older man as much as he could. His cock was feeling extra sensitive, so he knew before too long he would genuinely need to give it a break. For now, he thought he had another round in him.

He thought about everything they'd done. He thought about everything they might do. Here in this room, maybe in the kitchen, in the backyard if they could get away with it, in Gerry's car, in his office at school. Fuck, anywhere at school if they could sneak around after hours... ohhh yeah.

And then breaking through his haze of lust, was that witchy shriek.


Oh shit! Toby nearly fell over in his haste to jump up and pull up his pants. Where had that voice even come from? Not the front door. He didn't dare look. He just stumbled out into the hallway, where he caught a glimpse of Gerry looking back at him, looking somewhat flabbergasted, the front door still half open.

"Oh shit," Toby moaned before diving into the nearest bathroom and pushing the door shut behind him. He would just wait here for his dick to calm down, wait for the world to end.
Gerry heard the scream and turned. Toby was running towards him, holding up his pants awkwardly. Behind the teen, light flooded in through the open door to the day room. Gerry opened his mouth to speak just as Toby ducked into the downstairs bathroom and slammed the door. As he came alongside, Gerry knocked and called out, but Toby did not reply.


Andrea's scream was unmistakable. What was she doing screaming from the backyard? Gerry walked briskly now, into the day room. Andrea was standing at the window, hands on hips. She glared at him and opened her mouth. Gerry braced for a third scream, but his wife just stood, silent and outraged. He stepped over to the French doors, unlocked them and stepped outside into the yard. Something told him the greater distance between Andrea and Toby the better.
Toby sat down on the toilet lid and panted, willing his body to calm - not just his arousal, but his fear. Fear of Gerry's wife. Maybe not the woman herself, necessarily, but what she meant for his relationship with Gerry. The potential harm she could do to both of them, if she knew what was going on. Gerry, of course, carried a possibly equivalent trump card on her, so maybe in an ideal world, they could cancel each other out. But he was sure Andrea had no interest in allowing her husband to live in an ideal world when she had the option of getting her husband fired in retribution.

But it didn't have to come to that at all, Toby assured himself. They hadn't even been in the same room just now. Worst case scenario, probably, she'd just seen an unwelcome eighteen-year-old boy masturbating in her house, and he'd have to be appropriately embarrassed about that. That was close, though - maybe too close. If Andrea had seen him on the daybed jerking off, then anyone could have seen him and Gerry together, doing things to each other.

The thought of this wasn't helping his cock go down. Fuck, he was fully turned on by the idea of being observed fucking around with the old guidance counsellor. Just not by his wife.

He pulled the door open slightly to try to listen to whatever conversation or argument might be going on between husband and wife. The distraction, at least, allowed his arousal to depart completely, and he waited for either Andrea to confront him or Gerry to come assure him that everything was okay. Please god, let it all be okay.
Andrea opened and shut her mouth several times as she and Gerry eyed each other. Gerry felt torn. Here was his life partner, outraged, distant, face contorted with horror. In the bathroom was Toby. He so wanted to be locked in the bathroom.

"Gerry. The kid was masturbating. On my day bed."

His immediate impulse was to mention her threesome on their marital bed. But even the idea of the words 'marital bed' befuddled him. So she'd fucked the guys from work. He'd fucked Toby. On the marital bed. In the marital shower. On the hood of the marital car. Gerry couldn't trust himself to speak.


Masturbating Gerry. The idea was too delicious. Just come out with it, he thought. Say it. Now. Tell her. It'll all be over in a moment. A moment of shouting and recrimination and maybe physical contact, for sure. But Andrea was over their marriage and he...well...he wanted to fuck Toby. On the marital bed....hmmm.

"Are you even listening to me? Gerry!"

Gerry realised he was gazing dumbly into space. He heard that Andrea was speaking, but not what she was saying. And now just stood, feeling foolish and not daring to look down in case he was aroused.

"Jesus, Gerry. I told you to take the kid home and now I find..."

"He can't go home until Monday," Gerry mumbled.


"He can't go home...until Monday," Gerry said with a little more certainty. Monday might buy him enough time to work out what to do.

Andrea sighed and shrugged. "Monday. Jesus. Well, if that's the best you can do I guess I have to put up with it. But I want to read him the riot act, Gerry. And I don't want you to let him out of your sight. Got that? You have to keep that kid close company, Gerry, every second of the weekend. I don't want a repeat of bed incident. So go find him and bring him to me."

Sheepishly, Gerry walked into the house and up to the bathroom door.

"Toby," he whispered, knocking gently. "Toby, let me in."
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