Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby could hardly hear anything from his hiding place in the bathroom, but he could at least catch Andrea's obnoxiously cutting voice repeating Gerry's name repeatedly, with obvious disgust in her tone.

Finally he heard Gerry's voice and cautiously pulled the door open a few inches. When he didn't see the wife with him, Toby swung the door wide to let the old man in and shut it behind him, leaning on the door for a few moments before lunging forward to wrap himself around Gerry. He felt a firm pressing against his groin and gasped, his hand automatically sliding down Gerry's body to grope the hardness he found there.

"Fuck," he breathed against Gerry's ear, "Daddy's still hard. Couldn't have gone that bad then, huh?"

He nuzzled and kissed Gerry's neck, still petting him through his pants.

"Tell me. Did she see us? Or just me? What's the damage?"
Gerry savoured Toby's hand on his cock, even as he turned to check that the bathroom door was locked. When he was satisfied, he leaned in and kissed the teen.

"Jesus, Toby, fucking Jesus! If only we could stay in here all day."

The older man looked around the room, dark and cool, little used since Charlotte had left home. As he now did whenever he entered a different room, Gerry imagined fucking Toby in the new surroundings. How would they do it? Up against the wall? One of them sitting on the toilet, legs apart while the other knelt down to suck cock? In the shower of course. Or the bath.

But there was something else on Gerry's mind. Andrea's outrage. And her direction. 'Don't let Toby out of your sight, and bring him to me so I can read him the riot act.'

"We need to go outside," he said. "Andrea has something to say to you."

If only time would stand still while his cock was hard, Toby's hand was inside his trousers, and the door was locked.
Toby winced when he was told Gerry's wife wanted to talk to him - he could only imagine what she was going to say. Was he supposed to be sorry for being human? She was happy to spread her legs for any dude who wanted to fuck her, apparently, but god forbid a teenage boy should masturbate. He'd have to prime himself not to sass back at her - obviously everything he knew about her, he wasn't supposed to know, and the last thing he wanted was to make anything worse for Gerry.

He gave the older man's cock another squeeze, even if just for comfort, before withdrawing his hand.

"Fucking Jesus," he sighed, echoing Gerry almost perfectly. "Okay. If I have to let her lecture me for touching myself, I'll go act like an ashamed little boy who will behave himself."

He checked himself briefly in the mirror and paused to stand on his toes to give Gerry a kiss.

"I'd like to see her face if one of us asks how bad masturbating is compared to fucking two men at once in her husband's bed. But I won't let on that I know. I promise."

After making sure Gerry, too, was ready, he unlocked and reluctantly opened the door to go face the beast.
"Hey, hey, hey," Gerry said in his loudest whisper, pulling Toby back inside. "Nothing about Andrea, do you hear? Nothing. If she wants to fuck guys from work, well...." Gerry hesitated. He wanted to say 'good luck to her', but wasn't sure he meant it. Their marriage was over, but not their cohabitation.

The idea of coming clean flashed through his head. An open marriage. Andrea could fuck who she liked and so could he. The house was big enough to accommodate visitors. And he knew there were swingers in the neighborhood. And strange cars parked up at all hours. This was 2021, for fuck's sake. The age of sexual liberation was long past. Fuck and get fucked, who, where, when you liked. Why was this a bridge too far?

Gerry held onto Toby's collar. The door was cracked open but so far Andrea hadn't showed her face in the hall. And just when Gerry was contemplating a slightly longer grope with Toby. What was Andrea going to do? Break down the door? He could just say he was counselling the kid, explaining it was Andrea's house and she had rules, even if they included being spit roasted by young guys from her work. Hmmm.

"OK, I'm ready," Gerry said, releasing Toby's collar. "You promise not to mention Andrea's indiscretions and I promise you can stay until Monday. And acting like a bad little boy will go down a treat. With me especially...."
Toby rolled his eyes slightly. He didn't need to be reminded not to spill the beans about Andrea's secret - or, what she obviously assumed was a secret.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Trust me."

He felt gutted for a few moments when Gerry mentioned he'd be staying "until Monday". Was that it? Was that the plan? Was that always the plan? He supposed they hadn't had one at all - it had been better not to have a plan, considering how many ways all this could have gone horribly wrong. But they'd made it this far, and Toby realized he'd begun to hope, even expect, that this would last indefinitely, even though he thought he'd been preparing himself for it to just last the weekend.

He'd already turned to face the ajar door, so Gerry couldn't see his momentarily devastated expression. He swallowed it all back and by the time he turned to look at the older man again, he had at least a small smile on his face.

"Oh... I'm such a naughty boy," he whispered, winking. "When will I ever learn to behave myself? Someone needs to teach me a few lessons."

He patted Gerry's crotch one last time before stepping out into the hallway.
Toby turned his face away as Gerry spoke. The older man didn't catch the kid's expression, but he sensed he'd said the wrong things. It was Monday, wasn't it? Monday was Andrea's limit, not his. But until Monday came round, that was the horizon. Surely Toby got that.

But then, Toby was an 18 year old street kid, with a world weary head on his shoulders for sure, and a filthily flirtatious vocab, but still a kid, a teen. How could Gerry expect an 18 year old to understand all the nuance, the dissembling, the double-edged words of mature adults?

Which made Gerry wonder if he really was a mature adult. This morning had made him feel like an 18 year old too. He just wanted to fuck without a second thought, except that his cock wouldn't stay up. Even now, having rubbed up against Toby in the bathroom, and kissed and groped him, his sad 53 year old organ was vacillating between limp and just-on-the-edge-of-firm, when he wanted it ramrod straight and deep inside Toby's ass or mouth. An 18 year old mind inside a 53 year old man with a 100 year old libido. Fuck!

But Toby had called himself a naughty boy and winked, then patted Gerry's crotch on the way out of the bathroom. It was another of this mornings' 'throw me on the bed and fuck me' moments, and Gerry leaned forward to pat Toby's bottom as the kid turned right into the day room. Gerry wondered if Andrea had come into the house to read Toby the riot act or was still pacing the garden. And wondered if he had the courage to follow Toby along the hall.

But he did. He had to. Andrea would be reading the riot act to them both. And telling Toby that Gerry wasn't going to let the kid out of his sight. On paper it sounded like the perfect instruction. What could possibly go wrong?
Toby felt the pat on his bottom and it excited him that Gerry would do something like that even though his wife might be right around the corner. He imagined all the badness that they might get up to right under Andrea's nose, and he had to force himself not to grin. Instead, he put on the sort of reluctantly hangdog expression he imagined a teen boy being scolded for inappropriate behaviour was supposed to wear.

He peeked into the day room and found it empty, but the French doors leading to the backyard were still open, and he could glimpse the woman pacing back and forth outside, looking like a general about to dress down the troops. Toby glanced back to make sure Gerry was still with him before approaching the yard, and the nervous, uncomfortable expression on his face now was genuine.

"Um... Mr. Metzler said you... wanted to talk to me," he stammered, lingering in the doorway with his arms crossed and his eyes averted.
What could possibly go wrong? The thought echoed in Gerry's head as he followed Toby along the hall, across the day room and into the yard. So Andrea hadn't come into the house. She was pacing up and down, no doubt enraged.

So Toby had winked and referred to himself as a naughty boy, then patted Gerry's crotch. And what had Gerry done to defuse the situation? Nothing. Rather he'd inflamed it. Patted Toby's bottom. Do I have a death wish, he thought, preparing himself for Toby to say the wrong thing.

Andrea turned when Toby spoke, but she was looking at Gerry across the kid's shoulder. He took it as a signal.

"Toby's very sorry for....for...whatever he did..." Gerry heard his cowardly voice tail off.

"Whatever he did! Jesus, Gerry. He jerked off on my day bed. With the curtains open. Where anyone could see him. Not to mention the stains, you dirty little punk."

Jerked off. That wasn't Andrea. She'd said masturbated before. She must be angry, Gerry thought.

"Well, he won't do it again," Gerry said, hoping to God that Toby, standing in front of him, was looking suitably chastened. "Will you Toby, I mean won't you. No, will you? Shit!"

Andrea was looking at Toby now, obviously unimpressed by Gerry's stumbling explanation.

"So, Tommy....," she began.

"Toby," Gerry said.

"Toby....what won't you do again?"

Gerry crossed his fingers, hoping against hope that Toby would reply appropriately.
The stains! Shit - what did we leave behind?!

Toby gulped, feeling genuinely uncomfortable standing between the bickering couple. If only Gerry would just tell her to fuck off or maybe shut her pie hole.

"I, um... I won't... do, um... the thing," he stuttered, wringing his hands. Andrea was like an annoying teacher, but worse. Usually he didn't have a problem standing up to annoying teachers. Of course, none of them had seen him masturbating.

"Jerking off," he forced out. It felt like saying something dirty in front of a grandma.

"I... I've done bad things, and I'm sorry. Especially for doing a bad thing in your house. I've seen a lot of bad things, so I guess I don't know how to behave in a real home. G... Mr. Metzler is helping me learn. I won't do it again, I promise."
It was a great act. Gerry didn't believe for a moment that Toby's nervous and contrite speech was anything but a subterfuge designed to fool Andrea. 'I've done bad things and won't do them again. I promise'! Sheesh! You scheming little cunt.

Gerry watched Andrea's face soften. She's feeling sorry for the kid, he thought. No! You stupid bitch. This little brat is fucking your husband. Staining your day bed. Pissing in your bathroom. Sticking his sweet fat cock into....well, Gerry had to look away in case his face betrayed him.

"Ok," she said. "So you won't do it again while you're in my house. Gerry will look after you until Monday. Ok? I understand it's tough for you, but Gerry knows how to deal with these things. Anything you need, just ask Gerry. And on Monday he'll take you back to school so he can sort everything out with your family so you can go home."

Andrea sighed and ran a hand over her face.

"Ok, I'm going upstairs now Gerry. I have work to do before the Phoenix trip on Monday and I don't want to be interrupted."

Gerry watched his wife enter the house. When he looked back, Toby had turned to face him.
Toby nodded several times as Andrea spoke, showing her he was listening. Her tone suggested that she was in charge of everything that went down in this house and everything to do with her husband, so he was happy to let her believe it. Not all of his nervous stammering had been an act, but after that little speech he wanted to laugh in her face, and he had to be very deliberate about his humble posture and repentant face.

The mention of going home gave him pause, but he fought past that momentary burst of dismay as he turned to face Gerry. He made firm eye contact once Andrea had walked through the room and into the hallway, keeping his mouth set until he heard her ascend the stairs, and then he grinned. There was something charmingly, playfully sinister in that grin, almost like the Grinch in the old cartoon, coming up with his yuletide shenanigans.

"Anything I need, just ask Gerry," he whispered, echoing Andrea's words as he took a step closer to the older man. "I think Gerry knows what this bad little boy needs. And since I promised I wouldn't do it myself, someone else is gonna have to do it for me."

He hitched up his jeans to draw attention to his crotch.
Gerry watched Andrea leave amazed, more than anything, that she'd been so low key about the whole thing. He'd expected her to throw Toby out into the street. Yet here she was being almost conciliatory, almost motherly. At least until Monday. And then Phoenix. He couldn't keep track of her travels. Phoenix. How long would she be away? He realised he was staring at Toby but thinking about the days ahead.

"What this bad little boy needs...." Toby's words seeped into his head. He focused. The kid was standing there leering, hitching up his jeans and accentuating the package held inside the tight fabric between his legs. Gerry looked around in case someone was watching from the street or over the fence.

"Pull your jeans down," he said. "No, not down, I mean stop pulling them up like that. Not out here anyway. You were lucky to get away with that, kiddo. We were lucky. And now we have until Monday do whatever...bad little boys do to each other."

He looked across the yard to the garden shed. It was more than a shed really. It contained tools, but also a sofa which Gerry liked to nap on if he got tired working in the yard and wasn't ready to go inside and change. The shed, he thought. Toby's package....he checked the fences again, then the upstairs windows. But Andrea would be on the other side of the house in her study.

"No, little Toby, hitch your jeans up again." The older man licked his lips, staring wide-eyed at Toby and then glancing at the shed meaningfully. "Hitch up your fucking jeans, you little boy fuckslut." He grabbed at Toby's jeans from behind, yanking them up until he could feel the teen's weight in his hands. "Yeah, like that....."
Toby could hardly keep up with Gerry. Pull them down, hitch them up, behave, misbehave. The teen was emboldened by their victory with Andrea, and by the raucous fuck they'd engaged in down by the old canal. He wanted to let loose even more, but as invincible as he felt at times, he didn't want to let his own cockiness compromise everything they had, so he was relying on Gerry's cues. At the moment, it was like being a kid playing a schoolyard game of Go, Go, Stop. He would have to play very close attention and be sure to freeze once he heard that call of Stop!

But right now, it was Go! He was "little boy fuckslut" for Uncle Gerry, another proud title he could have recklessly tattooed on himself. First it was Daddy's Little Boycunt, then Depraved Teen Daddy Fucker, now Little Boy Fuckslut. Gerry sure loved to dirty talk to him, and he loved it just as much.

The old man was practically lifting him up by his jeans now, squeezing his junk and giving him a wedgie. He partially suppressed a giggle, just in case Andrea might hear, and then he squealed in pain as his balls were compressed.

"Owww - careful, I need those!" he hissed. "And you do too, don't you, dirty old man?"

He squirmed until he was a little more comfortable, and then noticed the backyard shed Gerry kept staring at.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing.
Gerry knew he was running hot and cold. Everything was going so fast he had trouble remembering where he was. All he knew was that he was deep in lust with a teenager, and was risking prison by behaving like this, as well as his marital and professional status.

'And I don't give a fuck,' he thought. 'Which is the whole problem' FUCKKKK!

"What's what?"

Toby pointed to the garden shed.

"Yes, my garden shed. Quick. We need to talk. Get inside."

Talk. Right. That's one word for it. He put the boy down, relieving the wedgie, and bustled him inside. The shed was faintly lit through a dirty window. The old sofa bisected the space, dirty worn carpet at their feet, the lawnmower and the garden tools at the back. The room smelled of mower fuel and fertilizer, pungent and invasive.

"That went better than I expected," Gerry said, still holding onto Toby by the waist of his jeans.
Toby looked around the garden shed in fascination. It seemed incredible that these people had another building in their backyard - it was bigger than any bedroom he'd been in, and despite the filth and grimy equipment, it actually seemed nicer than the apartment he'd come from. The couch was certainly in better shape.

His gaze finally settled on Gerry, who was unwilling to let go of thim, not that Toby was complaining. He grinned.

"Yeah. Like a lot better. I thought she'd give me a much harder time. Guess I'm all yours. 'Til Monday at least."

His good cheer noticeably dimmed for a moment when he spoke Monday aloud, but he quickly pushed past it and stole a kiss, massaging Gerry's chest as he did so. His fingers found the nipples and teased them through his shirt.

"Sooo... what did we need to 'talk' about?"
Gerry enjoyed Toby teasing his nipples through the shirt. Yes, you're all mine, he thought. Until Monday. Until whenever.

"You know, little Toby," he began, turning with his free hand to lock the shed from the inside. "We've done a lot since we met. We've done a lot since this morning. Maybe not so much talking, but we'll have plenty of time for that. What I really want....really....I'm just gonna say it. Ask for it. And I don't know how up for this you will be after so much...errr...exertion already today. But..."

The older man disengaged, turned and walked over to the grimy window, unbuttoning his shirt as he went.

"When we fucked on the hood...when you fucked me on the hood I couldn't help wondering how you felt at the time. How it felt to shove your cock up my daddy ass like that? What showed on your face when you unloaded inside me. And ever since...." He turned to face Toby, opening his shirt to expose his chest, then unbuckling his belt. "ever since I've thought next time you fuck my ass I want to be on my back so I can look you in the eyes when you cum."

Gerry smiled, almost coyly. "There. I've said it, little Toby. This old guy wants you to fuck me up the ass again. Now. In this shed. On my back on the sofa where I can see your chest and your nipples and your smooth skinny torso and your cum face when you....yeah? What do you think? Has Uncle Gerry asked nicely enough or do I need to say please? With my mouth?"
Toby's eyes followed the old man as he locked the door and started to unbutton. He was shocked when Gerry asked to be fucked again. Considering how rough the previous encounter had been, Toby didn't think he'd even be able to touch Gerry's ass for a week. He still felt a little ashamed about it. Did Gerry really want to know how he felt? He'd felt so many things, not all of which were good. Of course, some of them were very good.

"I felt... like an animal, when I fucked you. Like a monster. I felt like... was hurting you, and like I wanted to hurt you. It was awful. But it was wonderful. And you felt so warm and tight and... so good. You really want me to do that again? Now, when you're still raw?"

He was fascinated and almost hypnotized by the older man's coy little smile. He really did know what he wanted. He wanted little Toby. Little eighteen-year-old Toby's hard cock and smooth body and his nipples and even his face - his cum face. Gerry wanted all of him, wanted to look him in the eye when they fucked and see what he was feeling. It was enough to keep the blood pumping straight to his groin despite how overworked his balls felt. But Toby was feeling more than lust. Was it love? He definitely felt something warm and exhilarating glowing in his chest.

"I want Uncle Gerry to have everything he wants," he decided, unbuttoning his jeans and hauling out his cock and balls. He was only half hard - apparently, even the teen had limits, but he was sure he could be coaxed.

"I might need your mouth, though. Let's see how hard you can get me. And how wet. I want it to be nicer for you this time. Not so painful."
Gerry watched Toby undress. Again. How many times today? Did he care? Well...yes, his ass was sore. And the more he thought about what he'd asked Toby to do to him, the more sore he felt. But it was a good soreness, if that sounded right. Toby ass fucking him would hurt for sure, but it would cement their bond too. So Toby felt like an animal when he fucked me, Gerry thought. Like a monster. He wanted to hurt me. Hmmm. I think that's just how I like it.

Gerry watched Toby take down his jeans and unleash his cock. Uncharacteristically, the teen was only half hard.

"Am I wearing you out, little Toby?" Gerry said proudly. Wearing out an 18 year old. I've still got it, he thought. Even if I just have to lie here on my back with my legs in the air and let this beautiful boy ream my ass. With that oh so beautiful, delicious cock. Gerry felt a swoon sweep through him.

"Yes, you need my mouth. Cum over here."

Gerry held out his hand, unnecessarily, placing it behind the boy's naked buttocks as he came close. With his other hand he fondled the boy's cock. Not limp, but not quote hard. He fingered the soft foreskin, already stretching and opening up, the pink slit winking at him. He leaned down, opened his mouth and let Toby run his cock head across his lips.
Toby moaned sweetly as Gerry delicately touched him. He was transfixed by the expression on the older man's face. Gerry stared at his cock as if it were something precious, something he'd longed for. It was still a beautiful novelty to Toby to be wanted or appreciated in any way. It was moments like this that he really felt connected to Gerry, and like he couldn't imagine his life without him.

He pointed the spongy tip of his cock at Gerry's waiting lips and teased both of them for a few moments before pushing inside, not aggressively, but with purpose. The world seemed to disappear around them as Gerry wrapped his lips around the teen's cock. They were no longer hiding in a garden shed in the Metzlers' backyard - the tools and equipment around them disappeared, and the smells of fuel, grease, and old grass faded from awareness. There was only the two of them in a world all their own. Just the old gray-haired counsellor and the eighteen-year-old student and maybe this old threadbare couch, where all they could do was fuck over and over and over, and maybe even make love.

Although Gerry and Andrea had been married for longer than Toby had been alive, and had even made a child together, Toby knew he was giving the older man an experience of sex he'd never had and that he craved, and that was deeply gratifying. Life was flooding back into him. Sexual exhaustion was forgotten.

"Let me have you," he exhaled. "Lie back and let me have you. Your boy needs his Daddy."
Gerry let Toby tease his mouth gently, just the cock tip rubbing his lips, and that sweet smell of young skin, a faint mix of piss and sweat. Did the older man open his mouth to admit the younger man's cock, or did the younger man push it open? Who could tell? It was gentle and loving and sensual and fucking hot. A cock, lips, soft flesh against flesh. Gerry could hear himself moaning, his breathing getting deeper and slower. It was odd to be so aroused, so carried away, here in this rickety garden shed which smelled of mower fuel.

Toby quickened his rhythm as his cock breached Gerry's lips. The teacher let the cock head slide against his tongue before actively sucking, drawing the teen's organ into the back of his mouth. You're hard now, little Toby, Gerry thought. Hard....and ready.

"Let me have you," Toby said. "Lie back...."

Gerry slid backwards, off Toby's cock. He smiled in the dim shed, finding Toby's expressionless face as he lay back naked on the worn sofa.

'What are you thinking, kiddo?' he thought, raising his ass on the arm of the sofa and opening his legs. He spat into his hands, then reached forward and slathered the goo into his asshole.

"Have me, little Toby," he said. "Have Uncle Gerry's ass."

Slow and deep, he thought, slow and deep. Gerry adjusted his back as Toby positioned himself between his teacher's legs. He closed his eyes for a moment, picturing the boy's cock lining up with his hairy ass, slick with his own spittle.
Slow and deep. Toby might as well have been reading the old man's mind. When he'd had Gerry bent over the hood of his car, everything had felt different. Gerry had been a target for all his hate, resentment, anger, and fear. Perhaps he'd actually been successful in fucking out all that ugliness, because now he felt only desire. Not only his own desire for pleasure, but desire to give this man everything he wanted.

He leaned down to spit on Gerry's ass, adding his own fluid to what was already there, and gave the deep pink pucker a delicate touch with the pad of his middle finger before aiming his cock at the source of their mutual pleasure.

Toby shut his eyes as if in deep concentration as he leaned forward, pushing, pushing steadily, insistently, but with care, and not too quickly. He exhaled shakily as he felt the tightness wrap around his throbbing cock. Only when he had bottomed out did he open his eyes and lock them onto Gerry's.

"Oh fuck," he groaned. "You're mine. Tell me I'm yours. Tell me... tell me I'm your little boy. Your good boy."
This time was so different to being fucked by Toby over the hood. The kid was gentle and slow. Gerry's ass was killing him, but the older man could ignore the pain just for the sight of the 18 year old concentrating on lining up his cock with Gerry's ass and then, eyes shut, drive the organ home. Even as Toby's tool contacted his most raw internal places, and the pain pulsed through him, Gerry lay still, intent on closing his eyes for nothing.

He fought against the rawness, clenching his ass against the intrusion, adjusting himself slightly, easing and guiding and resisting and relaxing. This was perfect, he thought, a dream cum true. His own cock gave its usual shrug, way too tired and spent to harden up fully, but alive enough to roll over and point at his face. A drop of precum appeared, which he gently rubbed round his cock head with a finger. Toby could lick that up later, he thought.

Toby bottomed, as gently as the whole insertion, then held himself there, deep inside Gerry, opening his eyes as if waking from a dream. Gerry smiled warmly, then pinched his lips into the shape of a kiss, an echo of the puckered hole Toby had found, fingered and opened up.

"Good boy," Gerry whispered. "Good little boy, Toby."

Finally he broke eye contact, throwing his head back in a swoon, groaning at the pain and the joy he felt.

"Stay here Toby. Fucking stay inside me, as long as you can. Stay hard and deep and fucking strong. For daddy..."

His only regret was not choosing a room with better lighting. Fuck!
After all the sex they'd had over the past twenty-four hours, Toby was amazed he still had such a resilient hard-on, but even more amazing was the fact that he was feeling things he'd never felt before. He didn't know what was different now, but there was something flooding his insides that made him feel all warm and quivery as he felt Gerry squeeze him.

"Yes daddy," he exhaled, his heart fluttering. "You make me so hard. Sooo hard. You. I want you to relax and look at me and think about my cock in you. And think about how it feels to know your boy gets hard over and over again because of his daddy."

He felt himself pulsing steadily as he stayed in place, buried up to his balls in Gerry. He knew he was pumping plenty of precum up the old man's ass. Given enough time and concentration, he thought he could reach orgasm like this - just standing still, feeling the warmth and tightness of the older man's ass hugging his cock.

But he didn't want to stay still. He wanted to feel that delicious friction, lubricated not just with their mingled saliva now, but with his precum. He kept it, slow, however, withdrawing inch by inch until he had just his tip inside Gerry, and then pushed in again, little by little, with a long, shaky sigh.
Relax...look at me...think about my cock inside you....

How did Toby get so hard so often and stay hard so long? It was silly to ask him to stay still, Gerry thought. He was just enjoying feeling full, complete, being subsumed by Toby, just an appendage to an 18 year old's appendage, like one of those toys you screw onto the top of a pencil. Jesus!

Gerry smiled, nodded, encouraged Toby with his eyes. Fuck me. Yeah. Just like that. Perfect. if it's never going to an if...awww.

And the way he bottomed then withdrew until just his cock head was stretching Gerry's sphincter. Jesus...and then slide back in, little by little, Gerry breathing in hard, holding, breathing out, sucking Toby back inside.

This was no hate fuck. No street kid taking out his frustrations on an authority figure. This was the deepest, emotional, lust-filled fuck. Toby was enjoying it as much as Gerry, the older man thought. Maybe more so, given Gerry's painful ass. But it was the best sort of pain, like pressing a bruise only a thousand times better.

"Fuck your daddy, little Toby. Fuck your daddy....mmmmm."
Fuck your daddy. Fuck your daddy.

Goddamn, this was all so filthy; yet, it didn't feel quite so filthy this time. It felt sublime. It felt perfect. While the last time had been a ferocious hatefuck that drained Toby completely, this one felt cleansing, enlivening, and bonding.

As he slid in again, carefully, lovingly, Toby watched Gerry's subtly shifting expressions. In a moment like this, he felt like they were almost connected at the mind - he knew what pleased the older man, and he did exactly that. Giving pleasure, and receiving it in return. A continuous positive feedback loop. The only thing that would make this more perfect was if Gerry could fuck him right afterward - his ass missed that feeling of fullness. But he understood the older man's limits. For the first time in his life, he didn't have to look out for number one at every moment. He was looking after daddy right now.

"Does it feel good?" he breathed, though he already knew the answer. He started to massage the older man's cock, although it was only a little chubbed up.

"Does my cock feel so good inside daddy?"