Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

"Does it feel good?"

Gerry was too relaxed, too sated to reply. He just nodded and moaned, sure that Toby was getting the message. Keep going. Do what you're doing. This is fucking good, doubly so when Toby started to massage his cock. If only his 53 year old organ wouldn't let him down. Fuck!

The massage felt good too, even if it was just limp flesh in Toby's smooth little hand. But the cock up the ass. Mmmm. Gerry couldn't believe how long he'd deprived himself of this pleasure. How many hot little twinks had walked into his office and sat there with their dozy mouths open and their legs invitingly apart, their half-formed over-sexed brains clicking away behind their droopy eyes - sex, tits, asses, cum, sex, tits... And not once had he thought to abuse his position, to enjoy himself, take advantage when he had the power to make it happen. And most importantly, keep it quiet.

But could he keep it quiet? Even as he adjusted in response to Toby's gentle rhythm, the usual negative thoughts tapped away in the back of his brain, gradually breaking through. You're gonna get caught, they said. You're gonna jail, they said. The judge is gonna tell you what everyone thinks of disgusting pervs who fuck their students. And what's cute little Toby fucktoy gonna do? Defend you? Declare his undying love and gratitude? Or blink into the camera and say the nasty, filthy man made me do it. Took advantage of me when I was on the street and put his cock in my mouth, in my ass, abused me and then made me keep his dirty secret quiet.

"Does my cock feel so good inside daddy?"

Gerry looked at the boy standing between his legs, the slightly convex cock mound sliding into him, and up the smooth, pale torso into Toby's shadowed face, half hidden under the long dark hair which swung forward as Toby rocked. He could feel the tears welling up in his own eyes. Tears of joy and pain and pleasure and fear. Jesus Toby. What will become of us?

"It feels good, little Toby," he whispered. "Daddy says it feels fucking good."
Toby hummed with contentment and once again paused with his full length buried deep in the older man.

Throb, throb, throb.

His entire consciousness concentrated on that steady pulse that existed right where he was plugged into Gerry. All awareness of time or the outside world ceased. There was only this. A shared pulse; a shared body. One flesh.

Sometimes he moved in and out; other times, he just stayed still, gazing at the older man lying beneath him and fondling him with tender affection.

After an unknown period of time, he felt himself getting close to climax, but he'd cum enough times today that it wasn't urgent. He needed only to pause for a minute to hold it back.

"Should I cum in you? Or do you want me to just... stay?"
"Oh Toby, stay forever....really. Forever."

Gerry smiled up at the serious-faced boy, trying to elicit a smile back. That's how sex is when you're 18, he thought. Deadly serious. All the hell of showing yourself to people, doing things you've been trained to think are bad, sinful, even life threatening. All the performance anxiety and the guilt. Did Toby feel any of that? His face said so.

"Toby, cum inside me. I want to see your cum face. Cum inside your daddy."

Another wave of pain pulsed through him as Toby resumed thrusting his raw ass.

"Fuck Toby. Cum inside your daddy. Fucking cum...."
Toby noticed the smile on the old man's face, but he had no awareness of what his own face was doing. Gerry's smile was enough. Gerry's smile was everything. It showed Toby he was doing something right. He was improving the life of the one person who mattered to him. He just had to avoid fucking it up. Did he have a chance of not fucking it up?

Cum inside your daddy. Fucking cum.

"Daddy..." he groaned, increasing the speed and intensity of his thrusts. "Ohhh gonna cum in my daddy!"

His mouth stretched into a grimace, and then opened wide, his jaw dropping as the intensity of the rising climax assailed him. He reared back and thrust forward one last time, the almost agonized bliss washing over him. His balls were torturing him to produce the vital fluids, and there was as much pain as pleasure when he finally came up Gerry's ass, but he knew it was the same for the old man.

In the wake of it, he whimpered, nearly sobbing, and then finally returned the smile Gerry had given him earlier. He stroked Gerry's thighs and stomach, hoping he could cuddle up to the older man for a while, but for now, he just wanted to stay inside as long as he could, enjoying that warmth and connection.
"...gonna cum in my daddy."

Gerry watched Toby push himself to orgasm and couldn't imagine more filthy and arousing words. Cum. Daddy. In my daddy. Jesus! There was no way back from this. No way. He was an evil old man, totally manipulating and selfish, beyond redemption. And yet, as he watched the 18 year old stretch and grimace and lean back, he knew he was in total thrall to this kid, this teen, who could ask him to do anything and he would.

Toby came. Gerry watched the pleasure of release and pain spread over the boy's face even as he felt the spasm inside him, the kick and then discharge, pulsing as the warm seed spread within.

The boy whimpered, then smiled. Gerry melted. Toby's hands were on his thighs, his stomach, pawing and stroking.

"Stay inside me, little Toby," Gerry said. "Deep inside daddy. Stay..."
Toby was living for the look Gerry gave him in this perfect moment. They were giving each other exactly what they both needed, and Toby couldn't believe his luck that they had found each other this way. It almost seemed like every horrible thing in his life had happened for a reason. A sequence of events that culminated in him standing in this unlikely suburban garden shed, with his dick up the ass of the Fillmore High guidance counsellor while the man's wife was in the house, so ignorant of what her husband was up to it was almost funny.

He nodded and stayed as long as he could, despite how weak his legs now felt. He stayed as long as his cock would allow him, plugged in, connected, drawing out the moment, until his exhausted organ finally gave up the ghost and retreated, fully softened for perhaps the first time in 24 hours. He could no more be inside Gerry now than he could push a marshmallow through a keyhole.

"Sorry," he moaned, truly stricken with regret. "I stayed as long as I could."

He pressed two fingers against the older man's fresh fucked ass instead, and let himself finally relax. He crawled up and spread himself over Gerry's sweaty body, needing to be closer. His ear hit the man's furry chest and he listened to the strong heartbeat there.

"I..." he began, but couldn't finish the thought. He wanted to say it, wanted to say something. Something big and momentous and fitting the perfection this encounter had been, but something choked his throat.

"Hmm," was all he could sigh after a period of silence.
Gerry relaxed as Toby withdrew, closing his eyes, letting his head fall back. He felt the boy's fingers press against his sore asshole, and then enjoyed the kid settling down onto him, his head against Gerry's chest. He listened as Toby made to speak, made a few noises and went silent.

"Shhhh," Gerry said, caressing the boy's hair. "Daddy is oh so very happy. Very happy..."

The two men lay together in the dimly lit garden shed for a long while. Gerry listened to the noises of the day, cars in the street, lawnmowers, birds singing, dogs barking. They all seemed far away.

He woke with a start. Toby was dozing, his smooth slender body still mostly on top of him. How had the kid nodded off in that position? Gerry wondered if he'd slept as well. And what time was it? He raised his left arm, but his watch was missing. Jesus! And Andrea inside working. At some point she'd come looking for him, or at least step into the garden for fresh air.

Gerry's back ached. He tried to adjust, but Toby was heavier than he looked. He knew he needed to stand eventually, if only to relieve himself again. Fucking 53 year old bladder, he thought. Relieve himself. Here, he wondered. Here in the shed. He'd done it before. No one could smell a little urine over the pungent odor of the mower fuel. Maybe just let it run down my legs....maybe.

Gerry smelled the warm urine as he relaxed and let the pressure on his bladder subside. He imagined the yellow stream on his legs, on the sofa, running down onto the floor. And between Toby's legs where the kid was astride him. Would Toby notice? Would he care? Fuck! If only I'd woken Toby, he thought, and we could have pissed together. Pissed on each other....

"Mr Metzler!"

The voice was loud and close. Instinctively, Gerry closed his legs, interrupting the stream of piss. Toby was awake too, his wide eyes close. Scared. The boy opened his mouth, but Gerry shushed him with a finger across the lips.

"Mr Metzler!"

Gerry threw Toby aside onto the damp sofa. They were both wet with Gerry's piss now. The older man stood dizzily, looking round for his shirt and trousers. He put a finger to his own lips, then mouthed 'quiet', pulled on his clothes, and as stealthily as he could, slowly opened the shed door.
Toby had been dreaming, perhaps. He thought he'd told Gerry he loved him. But he hadn't, actually - he'd fallen asleep. What did it even mean, to love someone? How would it change things? Was he in any way prepared for the potential consequences? Was it a feeling, or just a shackle he might use to try to keep the old man chained to him, so he couldn't get away?

"Mr. Metzler!"

Oh shit! Who the hell...?

Toby grunted as he found himself unceremoniously dumped bare-assed onto the sofa cushions. He was wet - was it cum? Sweat? Yes, there was both, definitely, but also piss. Which one of them had pissed? Fuck, if only they were still alone. Pissing on each other in the garden shed after a fuck - how deliciously vulgar! He wanted to scream at the door, Go away!, because now he could hardly think of anything but sharing a piss.

Instead he bit down on his lower lip and curled up into a little naked ball, as if he might somehow disappear down into the sofa cushions.

As Gerry cautiously spoke with the man at the door, Toby held his breath, hoping to remain undetected, but his insatiable curiosity had him moving slowly to get the tiniest peek at the crack in the doorway. Who was that? His heart skipped a beat when he caught a glimpse of a familiar uniform, one he'd been trying to evade most of his life.

Oh shit, indeed.
Gerry peeked out the door. There was a uniformed cop standing in the middle of the yard, with his back to the shed. Gerry tried to be quiet, but the door squeaked and the cop turned. He was around Gerry's age, maybe a little younger. Tall and fit. Filled out his clothes. Gerry could see he was clean shaven and under the cap, a buzz cut. The cop smiled, a cold, practised smile he no doubt used for all his site visits.

"Mr Metzler? Officer Forrester. Your wife said you were in the garden."

The cop raised his hand, the cold smile frozen on his face. Gerry felt the urine damp on his legs and wanted to look down to see if his trousers were wet, but willed himself not to.

"Gerry Metzler," Gerry said, holding his hand out, then pulling it back. Cops didn't shake hands. Not on duty. "Can I help you, officer?"

"I hope so," Forrester said. Gerry watched the smile turn into something a little more sinister. "Your car was down by the canal this morning. Can you tell me what you were doing?"

Fuck! Gerry tried to remember a cop car. Or anyone. Any sounds. Anything which might indicate he and Toby had been seen fucking on the hood. But that was the problem. He was focused on fucking. And doing it in public. The hazard had been part of the thrill. But seen by a cop? Jesus Christ!

"Ummm...yes," Gerry said. "I went for a walk. Down by the canal. I often go there. It's quiet and private...."

Private! Shut up Gerry. You're saying too much. He wanted to turn and check out if he'd shut the shed door. And will Toby to stay quiet and not come outside.

"Private." Forrester was smiling again. A broad, evil smile. Gerry could almost hear the cop's mind clicking into gear. "You like going for a private walk down by the canal?"

Gerry concentrated on standing still. Staying expressionless.

"Walking on your own or with company, Mr Metzler?"
Toby's heart leaped up into his throat, practically choking him. The presence of a cop was reason enough to panic, but now Gerry was being questioned about what he'd been doing at the canal - fuck, fuck, fuck! Someone had seen them, and Gerry was getting busted. They hadn't even made it until Monday!

The teen was left with his basest instincts in a panicked situation - fighting wouldn't work this time, so flight was all that remained. He didn't know if there was some back way, maybe a window, that he might escape from this shed, but he had to at least look. Of course, he couldn't do that naked. He scrambled to find his clothes, grabbing his underpants, then his shirt - where were his jeans?! It was too dark in here. He fumbled around, reaching across the floor, but instead of a pile of denim, his blindly groping hand found a shelf piled with random hardware. He stopped breathing as a box of nails or screws overturned, dumping its contents noisily across something that must have been made of tin or aluminum. Instead of staying silent, Toby had managed to make the loudest noise possible, and he hadn't even gotten any of his clothes on yet.

Jesus Christ!

Horrified, Toby reared back onto his knees and turned to look at the door. Whatever was about to happen, he instantly decided, he would just take full responsibility. Andrea already expected him to be a delinquent anyway. Whatever someone had witnessed at the canal, it would surely be easy for them to believe Toby had been the aggressor, taking advantage of an old man. He'd take the consequences and just hope Gerry could keep his job and his home.
'...on your own or with company...'

Gerry looked at the cop, at the man. Cool and expressionless. Gerry hoped he looked the same, but his heart thumped in his chest, so hard it must be visible, he thought.

"Company," Gerry spluttered. Fuck! The cop had seen them. Or someone had reported it. This really was the fucking end.

"And that other person would be?"

Gerry watched the cop adjust his stance, legs apart, hands on hips. A swagger. Victorious. He knows, this cop, Gerry thought, he knows.

"My nephew," Gerry said, not spluttering this time, but a whisper, so soft he barely heard his own voice.

The cop took a step towards him. Gerry imagined being thrown to the ground, maybe punched in the face, the knee in the back, the cuffs, being read his rights, the disgust, the shame...

Behind him in the shed, something crashed to the ground, a metal bucket or a box of hardware. The clang echoed momentarily. Gerry looked at the cop who didn't speak, but let a grin play at the corner of his mouth. A thousand ideas blazed in Gerry's head. A rat? A dog? An earth tremor?

"I was working on something..." he began, as he heard another noise. The door of the shed creaking open, slowly, tentatively, deliberately...

Stay inside, Toby. Stay inside, he thought. Gerry turned to see the door cracking open. Be dressed, Toby, he willed. Oh please be fucking dressed....
Toby scrambled as he eavesdropped on the conversation outside. He scrambled as fast as he could. Hallelujah - he located his jeans and yanked them on, not even worrying about his underwear. He didn't have the luxury of staying unnoticed since making that god-awful racket, so his mind told him that presenting himself with some sort of dignity and logical purpose for being in this shed was the only option he had.

He opened the door, struggling to hide his rapid panting. The teen had done the best he could in a panicked moment, but he didn't realize right away that he would be fooling no one - his t-shirt was on backwards and inside out, and his hair was a rat's nest, his cheeks deeply flushed.

"Hi - hello!" he piped in a high-pitched voice in the cop's direction, not even able to make eye contact. "My... my uncle was just... showing me how to fix the lawnmower. Right? Right Uncle Gerry?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, staring anxiously at the older man and trying not to show his dismay at his increasing surety that he had just fucked up this whole thing.
The lawnmower. Brilliant! Gerry thought, looking at the cop to see if he bought the story. Unfortunately Toby had that 'just dressed after fucking' look, which made him appear just as hot as undressed, but hey, focus, Gerry, focus.

Officer Forrester gave Gerry a withering glance and walked up to Toby. He placed a hand under the boy's chin.

"Look at me, kid," he said, pulling the teen's face up to meet his gaze.

Gerry waited for Toby to speak, but he just blinked like a rabbit in the headlights. "We were just fixing the lawnmower. Toby and me. My nephew," Gerry said. "The lawnmower." He looked round at the cut grass. Nothing about the neatly mown lawn said it needed any tending in a hurry.

"That's nice," the cop said, eyes still fixed on Toby. "An uncle and his nephew. Working up a sweat together. In the shed."

He looked round at Gerry and smiled.

"So...Toby," he said, looking back at the boy and holding his chin even higher. "What were you doing down by the canal this morning? Working up a sweat with your Uncle Gerry there too?"
Toby's expression shifted from 'boy with his hand in the cookie jar' to 'hardened hoodlum' in a hurry once the cop had made physical contact. His experience with cops had instilled a certain attitude over the course of several years, and old instincts weren't easily shaken. He didn't pull himself physically away from the man's grip, but he was tempted to fight. Certainly Toby had broken the law frequently, but that didn't mean cops were the good guys. They weren't only a hassle to him - they were usually dirty, in his experience. Policemen weren't the symbol of safety most sheltered suburbanites might presume them to be.

"I'm not a kid," he snarled, returning the sneering gaze boldly.

He wasn't thrilled that Gerry had played the uncle-nephew card in front of the cop when it was already pretty clear that someone had seen him rabbit fucking the old man over his car at the canal - it just seemed like it would make the whole thing worse. Plus, the cop need only have a brief chat with Andrea to confirm they were so obviously not related. Well, there was nothing for it now but to continue following each other's cues, for better or for worse.

Still, Toby was caught between playing the innocent nephew and raging at the pig in the uniform. When he spoke, his tone was dripping with disdain, whether he intended it or not.

"My uncle and I were going for a walk. Maybe we had a little car trouble. So what? Fixing stuff is sweaty work. A lot of things are sweaty work. Ain't no law against sweating, is there, officer?"
"Going for a walk. Car trouble." The cop sneered. "You gotta problem with cops, kid?"

He let go of Toby's chin and turned to Gerry.

"This kid's gotta problem, Mr Metzler. Or should I call you Uncle Gerry?"

For a moment Gerry thought Officer Forrester might grab him under the chin like he'd done with Toby. Where the fuck was all this aggro going?

"He's a good boy, officer. Really he is. Just a little aggravated by cops. OK?"

Aggravated. Wrong word, Gerry thought. And anyway, Forrester was here for something. A fight maybe. Time to take a new tack. Be helpful, Gerry thought.

"What is this all about officer? What can we do to help?"

Forrester stood still as Gerry spoke, a newly sinister smile playing round his mouth.

"Helpful? I know what you guys were doing up by the canal this morning. OK? But hey, let's not talk about it out here where your wife might hear, Mr Metzler."

Forrester turned, opened the shed door and stepped inside.
Toby lowered his head and sighed. He was just digging his own grave. He needed to at least try not to dig Gerry's while he was at it.

I'm not a good boy.

He slunk into the shed as the cop signalled them to join him inside. On his way, he briefly looked up to give Gerry a look that could only be described as jaded. He was so tired of everything going wrong for him. So, so tired.

Crossing his arms and now looking ill at ease instead of smugly defiant this time, Toby waited for the cop to close the door behind him before facing the uniformed man again.

"Okay. So you, or someone, saw us. And if you, or someone, saw us, then you would know I'm responsible. Just me. Uncle Gerry's just trying to protect me. I'm bad, okay?"
Gerry followed the cop and then Toby into the shed. Toby gave him a look which was hard to describe. Exhausted maybe? Emotional. Cute for sure. But not a good sign. Once they were inside Toby turned and faced the cop, folding his arms. 'I'm not a good boy,' he said. 'Uncle Gerry's just trying to protect me. I'm bad.'

Gerry was dumbstruck by Toby's generosity. The older man was the one at fault here. A teacher fucking a student. There was only one way everyone would see that. His employers. His wife. The courts. The media. He, Gerry Metzler, was a monster and Toby his innocent and manipulated victim. Now was the time to speak. To intervene. To send Toby away and deal with the cop on his own. But his mouth was sealed shut. Gerry didn't know by what. Fear? Maybe. He knew he should speak. Wanted to cuddle Toby and protect him and speak and make it all right again.

"Very noble," the cop said, nudging Toby's underpants with his foot where they were lying on the floor. "So Uncle Gerry was trying to protect you by getting you to undress in his garden shed." Forrester bent and picked up the underpants, holding them to his face and sniffing them, for longer and deeper than Gerry thought was merely forensic.

"So, Metzler," he said, pushing the underpants at Gerry's face. "Is this your piss on the underpants? Or the kid's?
Toby narrowed his eyes at the way the cop sniffed at his underwear. It made him feel nervous, embarrassed, and unsettled all at once. He was definitely getting the sense that this cop was all kinds of crooked, but he had no idea how far it might go. He glanced at Gerry, and the slightly stunned, almost lost look on the man's face immediately helped reinforce his goal. He wouldn't look to an adult for protection - he'd never had that in his life. But his life was a train wreck from the start, and Gerry had a decent one. He wasn't about to let the older man lose that if there was anything he could do about it.

As soon as Officer Forrester shifted his attention to Gerry, Toby stepped between them.

"It's mine," he insisted. "You look like you're enjoying that a little too much. You're a little dirty, aren't you? Or maybe a lot dirty."

Toby swallowed hard, not really sure what he was getting himself into but charging forward nonetheless.

"I could tell you I was only undressed because I had an 'accident', but I'm sure you wouldn't buy it. Let's cut to the chase, okay? What's it going to take for you to leave us alone?"
Gerry marvelled at Toby's bravado. The sheer brazen cheek of the kid getting transactional with a cop. He knew he had to speak, even if it was just to maintain what little dignity he had left as the senior male. But his mind was blank and his tongue felt swollen in his mouth.

"What's it gonna take? Shit, kid," Forrester said. "What's the rush? I'm a cop. And I mean to get to the bottom of what's going on here. Something's just not right."

Gerry saw the cop smile even as he tried to sound serious. Something wasn't right. Sniffing Toby's underpants. And Toby seeing straight through the guy. He felt like he was in Toby's hands now. It was frightening and stimulating at the same time. He felt like he was standing back and watching a show.
Toby crossed his arms tightly, searching the cop's expression and wondering what the guy was really capable of. They could be unpredictable, but there was only so much anyone, especially a teen, could do if a police officer decided to take advantage of their position.

He shrugged, trying to look nonchalant.

"All I see is three guys standing in a shed, and one of them's getting really friendly with a teenager's underwear. What do you think's not right? I can give you my opinion, but I'm sure you wouldn't be interested."

He cocked his head, looking even harder at the cop, his gaze becoming more intense and defiant.

"Or is that what you want? You want me to mouth off, so you have an excuse for a little 'police brutality'? Is that what gets you off, besides boy piss?"

Now Toby could hardly believe his own lip. The words were just pouring out of him.
Gerry tried hard not to smile at Toby. The kid was brilliant. Amazing. And cruising for a punch in the mouth, if not something worse. And the cop was smiling too. Gerry could see side-on, even if Forrester was paying him no heed. Yes, he was smiling, but not in an amused way.

"Mouth off? Maybe," Forrester said. "You are one fucking mouthy little punk."

He pushed at Toby, hands on the kid's chest, making him fall back onto the sofa.

"Hey," Gerry said. Forrester was looking at him now.

"I'm not talking to you, pervert," the cop said, quickly turning back. "Now kid, why don't you really tell me why you took your underpants off. Here. On a Saturday morning. In Mr Metzler's garden shed."
Toby made a little indignant growling noise at being pushed, but he didn't resist much. He only looked truly pissed off when the cop was rude to Gerry. He pushed himself up onto his knees and glared hard at Forrester again.

"He's not the pervert!" Toby snapped. "I'm the pervert. That's why I took off my underpants. I'm a dirty boy who does dirty things. The only thing Gerry's done is try to make me a better person."

He glanced at Gerry for a few moments, feeling a squeeze in his chest, and realized he'd really meant those words. He made lingering eye contact with the older man, hoping Gerry had at least some idea how he felt.

"I think you're a pervert too," he added, turning his attention back to the policeman. "How about you tell ME why you haven't given me back my underpants? Do you collect boys' dirty underwear? Maybe sell 'em online to other pervs?"
Forrester stood still, clutching Toby's piss-soaked underpants.

"A dirty boy who does dirty things, eh?" he mused, almost to himself, then turned to Gerry. "And you're a saint?"

Gerry had a sinking feeling about where all this was going. And Toby talking back wasn't helping. Even if the kid was great and saying all the right things to him at least, if not to the cop.

"Should I give the kid his underpants back, Metzler?" Forrester held Toby's underpants close up against Gerry's face. "Or maybe you'd like to hold them while I give the kid what he deserves."

"You do what you like," Gerry said, but taking the underpants from Forrester as if he was meekly doing the cop's bidding. He looked down where Toby knelt on the shed floor, defiance in his eyes.

"Maybe I will," Forrester said, his hands, free now, dropping to his zip. "Maybe I will."
Toby's eyes cut between the two men. He had no idea how Gerry would handle a situation like this, but he supposed he had just learned. Gerry's strategy was to clam up, and then roll over. Very well then. The cop would do what he liked, and Toby had already known where this was going.

He tried to be as brave and defiant as he'd been so far, but his jaw wasn't quite as steady now, and there was a little extra moisture apparent around his eyes. He nodded to nothing in particular, more or less resigned to his fate. If they were lucky, a hasty blowjob would be enough to get this asshole off their backs. He was nervous, though, about the guy potentially fucking him. At least if he didn't fight much, it wouldn't be too painful.

"I knew you were sleazy from the moment I saw you," he muttered in the cop's direction, his eyes following Forrester's hands as he unbuckled and unzipped.

"I guess you could say the same about me. So, officer, what do I deserve?"
"Is the kid always this fucking mouthy, Metzler?" Forrester undid the zip at the front of his trousers. "What do you like, kid? What does he like, Metzler?"

Gerry saw the way Toby looked at him, like he was some kind of halfwit. Gerry felt dead inside. What was he supposed to do? Complain? Intervene to stop a cop doing whatever he wanted? They would both be for the high jump, he and Toby, if Forrester got upset. They might both be for it anyway, but hey, path of last resistance. It's how Gerry had got this far in life. It wasn't dignified. It wasn't empowering. But it was survivable. He was sure Toby had done worse, seen worse. And probably had worse ahead of him. So he was about to be abused by a cop. What the fuck can I do about it, Gerry thought.

And somewhere deep in the back of his mind, the idea of watching Toby being fucked by someone else suddenly appealed to him. He felt his cock twitch, rebuking himself the whole time, but aroused all the same. If only he was strong enough to tell Toby to be calm, go with it, do what Forrester wanted and maybe all would be well.

"Calm down, Toby," Gerry said, surprised at the sound of his own voice. Toby's and the cop's eyes were on him, piercing in the dim shed. "Just do what he wants."

"Yeah," Forrester said. "Calm the fuck down, like Uncle Gerry says."

The cop fetched his cock out of his trousers. Forrester was big and hard, the pink-veined organ catching a beam of light angling through the sole grimy window, like a spotlight falling on the star of the show. It pointed majestically at Toby's face, not even needing to be held to maintain the horizontal.

"Calm the fuck down, kid, and suck my cock."